©lie CluHH'nne Daily Ccahcr. XII. VOL. CHEYENNE, WYOMING, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1879. NO. 198. HASH Republican Gains in Indiana. WORDS EDUCATIONAL. PROFESSIONAL. WASHINGTON Logansport, May 7.—The democrats BY WIRE. Fire Insurance Agency Proceedings of the Upper Horse Creek elected three councilmen and the treas- WORTH BPATEB, & up by the ass. press Meeting. PEASE SERVED urer. The republicans elected the CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION School E. P. SNOW, TAYLOR, mayor and marshal. COUNSELLOR-A T-LA \V. Cheyenne, 377 16th Street, Wyoming. and Retail Dealers They Did in Congress To-day (Special Correspondence of The Leader. ] Wholesale in What May States Indianapolis, 7.—The official Brief Session of the House—The Sen- Upper ) Willpractice lu the United Supreme Horse Creek, court and courts Special Representing the largest and choicest list —Hot Scenes Between Gen. returns from 12 wards indicate repub- the of Wyoming. of Companies to be found In any Western a ate Still Wrestling With Kel- May 5, 1879. { attention given matters before the Congress of the States de- Agency. Chalmers ar.J Burrows, lican majority of 1,500 to 1,800. United and the Executive desiring Re- logg—The To the Editor of the Leader: partments at Washington myldawtf To all Insurance I can offer a line publican gains 500 Colifornia of companies large enough to carry any Etc., Etc. to 800. In accordance with the laws of the amount that mav 6e desired, at satisfactory Election. retes, and undoubted In of GROCERIES territory G. W. Indemnity case Another Mining Accident. the electors of school district JJR. CORKY. loss. Stanley’s Actor. No. 2 to-day in the school house at Losses equitably adjusted and promptly Case—Combative Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 7.—Last met PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. paid at this office. Provisions, - Oats, York, May impression an HOUSE AFTERNOON SESSION. Upper creek, Xew 7.—The night explosion of gas in the Stan- the head of Horse the (Examining Surgeon for Pensions.| Washington, May 7.—The house among the friends of Gen. Stanley, ton shaft of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre con- object therefor being to elect a director E. P. SNOW, closely Coal Co., tinued the discussion of the bill relating for years, provide Office and residence over Addoms & who have watched the case, is severely burned Martin Ker- to serve three and to Glover’s store, Local and General Agent and Adjuster. to coinage, and coin and bullion certi- drug where be can be Corn, Flour, Meal that the verdict taken to Washington rigan. funds to defray the expenses of the found day and night, I do ficates. also a gerfeml Broxerage and Real yesterday was one of acquittal. Stan- At midnight while the men were school for the ensuing year. There not/ CHEYENNE, W.T. Estate business. flB-3m Claflin declared that ley received from Gen. Sherman, yes- brushing out the accumulations of even Kelley, of was a large attendance. D. S. Shaw gas Pennsylvania, had terday, orders to return to duty at in the lower vein, they came in assented to the act one of the diijectors, called the meeting E. B GRAHAM, and Ground Feed contact for the demonetization of silver. £JR. Buffalo, and there await further in- with a “blower,” causing a terrific ex- to order. There were present among Kelley denied this,and Claflin UNION PACIFIC structions from Gen. Hancock, presi- plosion. A large force of men had the others, H. B. Kelley and O. P. Good- Homcepathic Physician and Surgeon. were Record read to prove it. dent of the court martial. This fact, driving a tunnel at the time and win, directors. eight Kelley said again it was OFFICE—No. 400 and residence 402,* COLORADO FLOUR FOR FAMILY USE. added to the course to which ?he court of them were badly burned, the majori- not true, and H. B. Kelley, clerk of the board, read SIXTEENTH STREET, moreover that he had learned good RAILROAD. martial has been ordered to pursue, ty, it is thought, fatally. The mine a the minutes of the last meeting, which, [n2dlfj CHEYENNE, WYO.; r deal since the act passed. He denounced o strengthens the opinion among army was set on Are and six hundred feet on motion, were approved. Next in of the pending officers that the authorities in Washing- solid bill. order, were the reports of the treasurer D. MCT.AUOni.IIV. W. K. STSKI.F. coal was burning furiously. To C Vance favored it. lMreot ton have determined upon the trial of extinguish the flames, the mine had to and clerk of the school board, which M LaUQHLIN A STEELE, Connections Made VERY BEST TEAS OF ALL SORTS. are Keifer asked Vance if be and other THE Hazen, and taking preliminary steps be flooded. I herewith transmit, as follows: r A TTORNE YS-A T-LAH . in the matter. democrats in the house had not voted treasurer’s report. Mexico's Exposition. New York Factory Cheese, Dupte’s Hams and Davis' Celebrated Haws, George 8. Knight, a comedian, was to deprive the trade dollar of legal To the Board of Directors and Voters of Office in Carey Block, A T CHEYENNE City of Mexico, April 3.—A tender Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, Jellies, Meat arrested last night at the suit of his commit- quality. Svhool District No. 2, Laramie Coun- CHEYENNE, WYOMING Chocolate, Cocoa, tee of congress reported Vance w Gilmer, Sal lsbury A Patrick’s Cheyenns Sauces, Sago, manager, John Rickaby, for having favorably on confessed he did not fully un- ty, Wyoming: JyHdawtf ar.d Hills the bill Black Stage Line tor Dead wood, violently assaulted at the theatre Sat- appropriating $500,000 for ex- derstand the matter at that time. He Ihave the honor to make the follow- Custer City and all points In the Black Hills Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Buckwheat, penses of the urday, and having, as sworn in the exposition. Its passage declared that the national banks charged ing report: W. KINGMAN. is regarded certain. J AT GREEN Garden Seeds. Butter Ladles and Prints, Churns, Pails, Buckets, &c. Good* affidavit, broken Rickaby*s an exorbitant interest. Eighteen per Cash on hand, May 1,1879 $ 11 33 R1 VER collar bone Late Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Delivered Free of Charge within the city limits. Everything warranted and indicted other injuries, for which Parole Badly Left. cent, was not an unusual rule, and in Moneys received during the year ATTORNEY-AT-LA With stages for the great Sweetwater mining damages are laid at SIO,OOO. London, May 7.—Thg race for the some parts of North Carolina five per from taxes 773 84 W. district. West side of Ferguson Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming. cent, per charged. Chester Trades cup, to-day, was won month was This OFFICES AT AT OMAHA Congressional Proceedings. legislation $785 by Reefer, Fouchet second, Ridetto sort of tended to destroy the Total 17 Cheyenne and Laramie City. SENATE. nations of Europe; country was Ihave paid out during the year from third. Betting was 7t04 on Parole, 4 the in With the Chicago A Northwestern, Chicago On motion of Ingalls a resolution was i more danger from this class legisla- teachers’ fund: Ibxrk Island A Pacific and St. Joseph A Coun- to 1 against Fouchet. of WILLIAMS, I). D. 8. cil HlufTfe Railroads and Missouri river line adopted calling president JjEES to of on the to tion than from being starved to deatb, Miss Emma Headland SSOO 00 Pockets aud rrom all the principal Eastern New and Fashionable Clothing. Breach of and Southern cities. communicate to the senate what mea- Promise Cases. but its destruction was not to be. His E. A. Iladley 500 00 OPERATIVE sures have been taken to prevent the London, Eng., May 7.—ln the bouse j motto was, “Our country first, our Building fund 800 00 AND mechanical dentist. of AT OGDEN occupation of the Indian territory by commons, a declaratory resolution, ‘ country last, our country all the time.” Incidentals 562 81 introduced by Farrar Office over First National Bank. We have received and are now opening out an immense and well white settlers. Herschell (liber- | Applause.] W Ith Utah Southern R. R. for Sait Lake City al), in favor Office hours from 8 to 12 a. m.and 12 4 p. m selected stock of The house bill to prevent military of abolishing actions for! Adjourned. Total $2,362 81 to breach iuay2stf interference in elections, was read of promise of marriage, except I will state that the district borrowed AT CORINNE by in The Striking Rioters. twice, and a vote of 24 against 31, cases where actual pecuniary loss of Addoms & Glover, of Cheyenne, R. HURD. had been JjJ the senate disagreed to the motion of incurred by reason of the i St. Paul, Minn., May 7.—A special We will be compelled Issue With stages for Helena, Vlrglua City and all $1,600. to points CLOTHING, promise, the Pioneer-Press BUILDER it CONTRACTOR. In Montana. FINE Edmunds to refer it to the committee was carried by a vote of 106 to says 1,500 men are district warrants untii the taxes are on judiciary, and then it was laid on yeas to 65 nays. now engaged in the Canada Pacific Office and Shops on Ferguson Stre t bet. Made up in the best manner and collected. Total amount of wnrrants, Eighteenth and Nineteenth. AT PROMONTORY the table to be called up hereafter. strike, and violence is threatened. The $2,362.81. Bad News from JOBBING AND ALL KINDS Consideration Africa. strikers are marching under a red flag, OF JOIN- was then resumed of O.
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