March 2002 March2002 Inside This Edition Ne-w-s ........................................... Pg. 4 Foundations of Black Cultur e African-American Studies club LASO in the Commnuity African-American Vetran Histories Business ...................................... Pg. 7 Students & Taxes o Need for $ .. .Just Good Credit S.U.M. - Start Up fone y Tax Tips for on-Mass Residents Health ...................................... Pg. 10 Maximizing Your D octor's Appointments The Plague of the Ail- ighter Black Blood,,, Wh y is it so important? Love and Hate: Emotions or Chemica ls? Did You Know. .. Edutainment ............................ Pg. 12 Black Actors in 2002, Off to a Strong Start Hub Caps to Dub Caps: Coming at You in 3D Sarah Jones, Surface Transit Hang or Bang Soul Speech - selected writings Speak Out ................................... Pg. 18 Attenti on, Dr. C.A. Light! H. Rap Brown, On Trial for Murder Anytime you see someone mor e successful than you are, they are doin g omethin g you aren't... ~Malcolm X 2 The Onyx Informer The 19th Annual Dean Ronald E. Latham Is there an Oratory Competition Educational Di vide? by ndr e Jean-Franc is by J eremiah heph erd Th e inete nth nnual D ean Roland E. Latham Oratory omp eti­ arla D a Veiga is a 1 -year-old th ti n too k plac e on Febru ary 12 , at th e urr y Stud ent en ter Ballroo m. junior at the Jeremiah . Burk e high Followin g in traditi o n, all o f th e particip ant s comp eted m any hot t pie schoo l in D orch ester. urr ently she that face not only frican- mericans but also people of ail rigins. is a atio nal Honor ciet:y cholar, In thi s year' s Comp etiti on, th ere we re five fr shm en and seve n core d in th e top perc ent ile o f last uppercl ass student particip ant s. Accordin g to the rules, freshm en comp ete fall's IC , and is expected to p er­ again t freshm en and upp erclass stud ent s comp ete among each other. Some fo rm we ll in her up comin g AT' s. of issues that these student s battled were as followe d: Carla is the type of stude nt that mo t colleges fight ove r (remi nisce n t of 1. What are the responsibilities of Black faculty and staff on pr edomi­ those playground wars where kid ar­ nately Whit e college campu ses as it relates to stud ent s of frican gu e ove r fir st pick in th e kickball origin and the Black communit y? game). everth eless, the only schools 2. Can a case be made for reparati ons for people of A frican origin th at she ever hears of are expensive 3. What recent trend s suggest that man y meric ans are now pr epared out of state colleges and communi ty/ to sacrifice their civil libertie s in exchange for a sens e of ph ysical state schoo ls. Ask th e average high safety and securit y? sch oo l stud en t fr o m D orch este r , 4. Wh at are the implicati ons for the Black communit y of the ethnic So uth Bos to n or R ox bur y ab ou t th profilin g of rab- Americ ans, pos t-Septemb er 11 , 2001? high er educ ation . And , one wo uld find th em to have limit ed or no in ­ The Orat ory competiti on is dedicated to D ean Roland E arle Lath am, form ation th at is n eeded wh en de­ 1 orthe astern' s first Dean / Direct or of th e Offic e of lin orit:y Stud ent f­ velopin g percepti ons of higher edu ­ fair (1967 to 1983). D urin g D ean Latham 's twenty years of service, he played cation in schools such as I orth east­ a key role in incr easing I orthea stern 's Black stud ent enr ollment from 25 to ern U nive r sity, which sit s right in 1200 and stren gt henin g its eff orts in multicultural affair s. their backyard s. Wh at we have is the He was a man committed to instilling the que st for academic excellenc e in creation of an Educational Divide the student s he served. D ean Latham had a uniqu e ability to motivate th e that separat es stud ent s like Carla from most reluctant student s to achi eve ; thi s event repr esent s on e of hi s mos t an educ ation th at shouldn 't h ave to out standin g legacies. Th e Latham O ratory Competiti on en coura ges intel­ com e nearly so hard. lectual inquir y, critical thinkin g, oral pre sent ation, research and scholarship . 'T o me, North eastern is j ust a The competiti on is a fittin g honor and tribut e to a pi oneer dedic ated to stop on the green line," says 17-year-old providin g service to stud ent s of African origin at orth eastern ninr sity. Ju stin Ort ega, a senior at a local area high school. "I think about college. But it's like when I ask my counselor; he on/y Congratulations to the Winners tells [me about] Bunk er H ill Commu­ nity College or me about RCC (Rox bury of the Oratory Competition Communiry College). The on/y kids that are told of the "better" schools are the athletes . .. " Ju stin is not the only stu­ U pperclass Participants Freshmen Participants dent that feels this way. Hi s friends Janelle Wood Jude sther Marc all n odd ed in agree m ent whil e we Ellis Reid Tahirah Sylvester-Daniel spoke, waitin g for tran sport ation at Ru ggles Stati o n . The probl em is Ha yden Frederick-Clarke Rodle y Cinke Dori scat th at to o many high sch oo l student s lack the nec essa ry inform ation th ey need to appl y to orth eastern. lo st Divide , see page 4 3 March2002 I believe in the brotherhood of all men, but I don't believe in wsting brotherhood on anyone who doesn't want to practice it withme. Brotherhood is a two way street. ~ Mako/"'X, 1964 Foundations of Black Culture: What Does That Entail? by J ovia L. Leveille does just this, as she brin gs to knowl­ (fres hman and political science edge the ofte n ignored and covered major), is fascinated by the evolution Hip Hop culture is not all that up intellectual backgro und of Hip of disc o beat s as a sort of spin off most of us perceive it to be. There is Hop. from Hip H op. He also stated that an educationa l and intellectual side D anny Jerez, a soph omore and the cla ss is very informative in that many of us overlook . member of the class said, he "never explainin g "how and why thin gs are Foundations of Black Culture: Hip took time to learn abo ut the history the way they are," such as the call and Hop is a course offered at ortheast­ [of Hip H op]. At first, I thought it response rn Hip Hop toda y, ern Un iversity that is geared to was going to be a pushover class, but deriving from the slavery of Africans "breaki ng it down" for us. Just in it's really fun and challenging." As in America. case you have not noticed, there have J erez's fieldwork, which is a The class, originated in 1998, been flyers p osted around campus, requirement of the course, he DJ s Hip and was taught by, Profe ssor Robin sending an invitation for students to Hop music show on Monday night s M. Chandler. The current instruc­ enr oll in the class. from 8 to 10 o'clock on NU's WRBB tor, Professor uri Chandler-Smith, Foundations of Black Culture: 104.9. ne vert hele ss continues to enhance Hip Hop (or "T he Hip Hop Clas ," Sophomore and Eng lish major, the tremendous precedent set by her as many refer to it) is a class that en­ Chimere 1cBra yer said: "t he class mother Profe ssor Chandler. courages individuals to break makes you learn things you ne ver As I sat in the classroom, I could throu gh the stereotypes and the would know [about Hip H op]." Such not help but take note s for my own "soc ial facts" of Black culture. things include Hip H op 's perso nal knowledge and benefit. It (Social facts, as I learned while sitting involvement in scienc e fiction, the covers a lot of intriguin g and enlight­ in on one of the class sessions, are apocalypse, and other wo rldly mat - erring material. the ideas and generalizations believed ters . She excitedly stated: " [there is] For further information, contact to b e true ab out a certain so much information, I can't even re- the African-American Studies depart ­ culture, race, or gro up of people. ) member." ment in ightin gale Hall [617-373- In structor, uri Chandler-Smith Anot h er stude nt, J os h P arker 3148]. Di vide , from page 3 works hops, college nights, and class eastern .
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