EPSA Newsletter Vol. II, Issue 1 August 2013 Editor: Friedrich Stadler | Assistant Editor: Daniel Kuby The Finnish Tradition of important intellectual trends like first textbooks on logic and psychol- Philosophy of Science scholastic and Ramistic logic, Carte- ogy in Finnish in the 1880s. His logic sianism, Bacon´s experimental includes classical ideas about the Ilkka Niiniluoto methods, Locke’s empiricism, scientific method. Rein’s work as Wolff’s rationalism, and Kant’s tran- professor of Theoretical Philosophy scendental idealism. was continued in 1905 by his nephew Arvi Grotenfelt, a specialist in Ger- Logic has a long academic tradition In 1809 Finland was separated from man neo-Kantian philosophy of his- in Finland as a subfield of Theoreti- Sweden to become a Grand Duchy of tory, influenced by the method of cal Philosophy. Logicians have al- the Russian empire, and in 1828 the Verstehen. Edward Westermarck, ways had an interest in the scientific Academy was moved to the new who was at the same time professor method, but the study of the phi- capital Helsinki. The Imperial Alex- of Practical Philosophy in Helsinki losophy of science in the modern ander University in Helsinki adopted and professor of Sociology at the sense was started in Finland in the the Humboldtian model of university London School of Economics, stud- 1920s by Eino Kaila. In the 1950s his education. This period was domi- ied the origins and evolution of successful students made Helsinki nated by Hegel’s doctrines, with Jo- moral ideas along the lines of British an important centre of analytic phi- han Vilhelm Snellman as the main empiricism and naturalism. losophy, philosophical logic, phi- representative. His 1842 theory of losophy of language, and philosophy the state, based upon Hegelian prin- In 1917 Finland gained its independ- of science. This work has now been ciples, provided a theoretical foun- ence, and the Philosophical Society vigorously continued by several gen- dation to the national awakening of of Finland (chaired by Grotenfelt) erations. Finland. In 1852 all chairs in phi- started to publish its yearbook with losophy in the Russian empire were the title Ajatus (“Thought”) in 1926 Historical Background closed as politically dangerous, and and a monograph series Acta Philo- in 1856 Snellman was invited to the sophica Fennica in 1935. When the first university in Finland renamed chair of “ethics and the sys- was established in 1640 as the Royal tem of the sciences”. Eino Kaila’s Logical Empiricism Academy of Turku, its Faculty of Arts had two chairs in Philosophy: As the only professor in philosophy Eino Kaila, who wrote his doctoral Theoretical (teaching logic and in Finland, Snellman was succeeded dissertation in experimental psy- metaphysics) and Practical (teaching in 1869 by his student Thiodolf Rein. chology in 1916, had broad interests ethics and politics). Thereby the He founded in 1873 the Philosophi- in philosophy. His early essays are learned community, in spite of its cal Society of Finland, and wrote the critical reviews of Haeckel, Bergson, lack of originality, was able to follow 3. PAGE (OF 14) ◆ Niiniluoto, Ilkka: “The Finnish Tradition of Philosophy of Science”, epsa-Newsletter Vol. 2, No. 1, © 2013, pp. 3–7.! www.epsa.ac.at/newsletter/ THE FINNISH TRADITION IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Ilkka Niiniluoto and James. In 1920 he argued, ticipant in the international confer- formulating a realist and compre- against vitalism, that mental life is a ences of the unity of science. As pro- hensive world outlook on the basis of biological phenomenon. As an anti- fessor of Theoretical Philosophy in best scientific theories, especially reductionist monist, Kaila was at- Helsinki in 1930-48, Kaila intro- holistic “field theories” like quantum tracted by Mach’s ideas, but con- duced to his academic audience physics and Gestalt psychology. But cluded that the phenomenalist posi- symbolic logic, modern epis- his work was isolated tion has to be replaced by critical temology and philosophy of from the new Anglo- realism which accepts the reality of science, and Gestalt psy- Saxon school of phi- both ordinary physical objects and chology. However, he never losophy of science: atoms. A radical defence of Mach accepted the narrowly posi- Kaila did not publish came from Rolf Lagerborg, a student tivist views of some mem- in English, and the and friend of Westermarck’s. bers of the Vienna Circle, but first translations of his wished to solve the riddle of studies appeared in In the mid-1920s Kaila sough con- reality. In his German 1974 in a volume Ex- tacts by correspondence with Rei- monographs in 1936 and Eino Kaila perience and Reality in chenbach, Schlick, and Carnap. As 1942, and in his widely read the Vienna Circle Col- the first professor of philosophy at Finnish textbook Inhimillinen tieto lection. But it was through Kaila’s the new Finnish University of Turku, (Human Knowledge, 1939), he tried successful students that the analytic he started a series of monographs in to analyze the concept of reality by tradition became the dominant German on causality, probability means of the concept of invariance. school in Finland. logic, deduction, and philosophy of nature. Already in 1926 Kaila charac- Georg Henrik von Wright wrote his terized his position as “logical em- doctoral dissertation in 1941 on the piricism”, as a contrast to psycho- logical problem of induction, and logical empiricism. In 1929-34 he continued with important contribu- made three longer visits to the Vi- tions to probability and eliminative enna Circle. This association with induction. The young von Wright’s the new movement with exact meth- period as Wittgenstein’s successor at ods was a major change of Finnish the University of Cambridge in 1948- philosophy. Kaila was an active par- 51 was the real international break- through of Finnish philosophers. After returning to Finland von Wright was elected in 1961 as a member of the Academy of Finland. He wrote studies in philosophical Kaila, who succeeded Grotenfelt as logic, modal logic, and action theory, the president of the Philosophical and became the founder of modern Society of Finland in 1936-52, was deontic logic. In 1971 he published elected as one of the twelve members his Explanation and Understanding, of the Academy of Finland in 1948. which departs from the logical em- In the same year psychology was piricist thesis of the unity of science separated from Theoretical Philoso- by its claim that the explanation of phy at the University of Helsinki. action cannot be given by the Kaila continued to his death in 1958 deductive-nomological model but the “synthetic” task of philosophy in human actions have to be intention- 4. PAGE (OF 14)! THE FINNISH TRADITION IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Ilkka Niiniluoto ally understood by practical reason- scientific inquiry, based on informa- ing. He also defended a manipula- Erik Stenius, Swedish-language pro- tion- seeking questions. tion notion of causality. This work fessor of philosophy in Helsinki, on analytic hermeneutics forged made his main contributions in logic connections between analytic phi- and the philosophy of language, but losophy and Continental trends. his careful “critical essays” included As an Academician, von Wright did topics related to the philosophy of not have teaching duties, but he mathematics and physics. chaired in Helsinki an important research seminar for foreign visitors Jaakko Hintikka and his Students and younger scholars. G. H. von Wright’s student Jaakko Hintikka wrote his dissertation in 1953 on distributive normal forms in first-order logic. In 1957 he discov- ered (independently of the Swedish logician Stig Kanger) the possible worlds semantics, and in 1962 he published his pioneering study of epistemic logic, Knowledge and Be- Hintikka has been extremely active lief. After a fellowship at Harvard in stimulating and supervising re- University in 1956-59, Hintikka was search work in logic and philosophy, and many of his students have be- Georg H. von Wright appointed professor of Practical Phi- losophy in Helsinki 1959, and in the come university professors in Fin- Oiva Ketonen studied proof theory in 1960s he shared his time between land. Risto Hilpinen (professor in 1938-39 in Göttingen with Gerhard Helsinki and Stanford University. In Turku, later in Miami), Juhani Pie- Gentzen. His doctoral dissertation in 1965 he published an improvement tarinen (professor in Turku), and 1944 contained an invertible system of Carnap’s system of inductive logic Ilkka Niiniluoto (Ketonen’s succes- of sequence calculus, which was a by showing how universal generali- sor in Helsinki) wrote their doctoral remarkable improvement of zations may receive non-zero prob- dissertations on inductive logic, thus Gentzen’s results. Ketonen became abilities in infinite universes. Later continuing “the Finnish school of Kaila’s successor in Theoretical Phi- Hintikka worked in Helsinki as a induction” started already by Kaila losophy in 1951-77. During his visit Research Professor at the Academy and von Wright. Raimo Tuomela in 1949-50 to the United States he of Finland, but after 1980 he has (professor of the methodology of the had met Hempel at Yale and Nagel at been mostly active in the United social sciences in Helsinki) applied Columbia University (New York). States (Tallahassee, Boston). Hin- distributive normal forms to study With these influences he gave annu- tikka has been one of the most suc- the methodological gains due to ally a course on philosophy of sci- cessful editors of philosophical jour- theoretical concepts. Later he con- ence which included the standard nals (Synthese) and monograph se- centrated in philosophical issues of view of analytic philosophy of sci- ries (Synthese Library). Besides his social action. Veikko Rantala (pro- ence. Ketonen did not have original studies in the philosophy of mathe- fessor in Tampere) wrote important results in philosophy of science, but matics, philosophy of language, and studies on theories and theory- his role as a teacher of many genera- game-theoretical semantics, he has change with David Pearce.
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