X t , . » V . , -T,- ■“ ' T T> - • «r ■ "JJ J ‘---. V PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1962 Ayerage DaUy Net Preee Run ■^x ^tt^ning li^ralb For the Week Ended The Weather October 6, 196t ' . ForwMt Of U. 8. WMthw ! The VTW Auxiliary will qxtn- Sigma Kappa Delta sorority. Miss 194 Highland St., plans to major In mr a rummage sale tomorrow be- Social Posts Held Joan M. Mikolite, 389 ..Slater St.. the executive secretarial course. Raing Interrupt ■ X A b ou t T ow n ia,638 TtXt, not M ‘ Mol tonight. Lmv liinning at 9 a.m. at the dowrnstaire Wapping, ia recording secretary The others, all of whom plan to Neinber room of Orange Hall. -Donations At tJ «t H by Five take the medical aecretarlal ■ of tl4 AuditAi 47-52. Friday variable elondiMM, aricl Miss Sheila M. Graham, 44 Btimham St. Work BurcM of kttos may be brought to the hall tonight Bunce Dr., is oorreapotlding sec­ course, are Miss Cheryl Begin, 714 warm. High In nrid 79’a. ■ Grao»> Group of Cfnter Congr*- from 6 to 9. Five Manchester area students retary of Phi Sigma Chi sorority. .N. Main St.; Mias Patricia Apple­ Heavy rains have , interrupted Manche8ter-“—‘A City o f Viliage Chafth |r«Uon«l Church will meet Monday ------- -■ -y------------- . by, 28 Gerard St,, -Miss Nancy tt 8 p.m. In Uie RnJjhins Room of Imntaculate Conception Mothers at the University of Hartford ace Jackson, 174 ' Vernon St-; Miss qomewhal the progress on recon­ the church. Miss Dorothy _ Zeizer. Circle will meet tonight at 8 at the offlcei's in thf- university's social Carolyn Pachgsa, 79 Baldwin Rd.; struction of Burnham SL, but the VOL. LXXXII, NO. 10 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—tN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER Sfeveii Town Girls (aaM OfM Advwtlalng m PRICE FIVE C E I^ Interior decorntor. will spenk. Mi.ss home of Mrs. Michael Edenbum,, fraternities and wororities. and Miss Jacqueline Belanger, 36 job- will probably be dbne by Fri­ High St. Helen CHrrier and Miss Gertrude 166 LudloW’ Rd^__^ _ Theodore H. Arnold Jr., 393 Bid- day, predicts Chester Langtry,' K-xC BINGO ^Carrier will seiwe refre.shments. Enter Mount Ida^ deputy director of public works. Every Friday Night At 8 P,M, The Salvation Army Young Peo­ well St., is \ice chancellor of PACINO THE STUTTERER The binder is being laid today Weapon for Freedom Army Si>e<’. 4 Rodney Hanna- ples Fellowship elected the follow­ Lambda Phi Alpha fraternity. Mi.ss DAYTON, Ohio (AP) —' A along the entli'e length of the J>roj- State News ing officers last week: John Krin- Jane C. Steiner, 366 Hilliard St., is Seven Manchester High School speech - pacer to help .stutterer.s ect, and the finish surface wfii be KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles graduates have entered Mount. Ida F. Hannaford. 16.1 Irvirfg: St., re­ jak, president; Miss Kathy Ven- treasurer of Delta Phi Alpha sor­ has been devised by Dr. George laid tomorrow afternoon and Fri­ 138 MAIN STRECT — MANCHESTER cently participated as a chart op­ nart, vice president; Mias Bar­ ority. Junior College in Newton Centre, Barnard, a psychiatrist. It day by the Balf Co. erator in ten-day NATO exercises bara Geer, secretary; and Michael Miss Carol-ann Walach, .13 Wel­ Ma.ss.. as fresTimen. ■ transmits a faint, rh^hmical beep Side grading and beam construe^ Roundup lington Rd., ia vice president of Miss Sharon Eileen Anderson, through an earphone. tioh wiH be done next Week. In Germany. Orfitelli, chaplalrf.' <> —• — The Central Connecticut Chap­ ter of the- American .Institute of Police Arrest 9 , -tndiiatrial Rnpineers 'will meet Monday at 6:10 p.m. at Candlle’s F o r D ope Sales Restaurant. Wil.son. / NEVV HAVEN (AP)—At Rmnnuel Church Women will sponsor a .nimina^ sale TYiday W A SH IN G T O N (A P ) -.^-^VugoslaviB. But otherwise. Con- least nine persons have beea bepinninf; at 9 a.m. at Luther president Kennedy signed the gress gave Kennedy s^lmost arrested in New Haven, Hall. The hpll will be open tomor­ IT trade expansion bill today and aptly what he requested, plus ad ford and ^Bridgeport foUdwing row from 10 a m. to 8 p.m. to re­ dltionai authority to counter unjus­ the return of secret-^harcotics ceive articles for the sale. put into the economic arsenal tifiable import barriers erected by what he called “ a vital new other countries against American indictments in UrS.> District Court here yesterday. drmnn Gerard E. Poulin, son of M AIN ST., MANCHESTER— PHONE Ml 3-4123 weapon” for the cause of free­ products. Historical . .'ni, Irene Dubois, 6 8 'S. Adams OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 TO 9:00 The special authority to work All of the’ xdspectsIspects were charged, dom. " out economic arrangements with with sales oKlwoin, some of the St., has . begun training in the -Members of the Cabinet, mem­ eSAF base at l>ackland, Tex. •sales having allegedly been made bers of Congress and Interested (Continued on Page Ten) ' to an undercover agent of the Fed THE SOFT LIFE... ' outsiders clustered around as eral Bureau of Narcotics. Mi.ss Joanne Little, daughter of Kennedy signed the bill in a Mr. and Mrs. Howard Little. 206 Those arrested were; Julian R. ..thar^rm fit feeling! White House ceremony. Price, 42, Gary B. Cooper, 24, Wells St., Is president of the stu­ .The bill gives Uje President dent council of Middlesex Memorial Soviet Renews Molly Holloway, 25, James Brewer, LUXURIOUS LAMBCORA unprecedented powerxto cut or 24, Alfred Cross, 33 and Yvonne O f Clergy Ho.spital School of Nursing. Mid- **c eliminate tariffs on matiy items dletowm. where she is s member of S k ip p iM a r t really a way of life ... free and easy, VV-^ I Johnson, 24, all of Hartford; Dor and to cooperate with t)te\boom- othy Coleman of Bridgeport;, and the .senior cla.ss. She Is a I960 yet beautifully controlling. They slim ond trim to Ing Common Market in Eur( UN Drive for graduate of Manche.ster High John C. Maybln and Betty Young VA-nCAN 'GITT (AP)— Kennedy predicted that the'leg­ of New Haven. .School. new fashion lines with gentle, figure-molding elastic. ^ islation can bring "a dynamifr. Pope John XXIII today open­ Skippies Girdle No. 946 has a firm, ribbon front ponCif T roik a Board iready in custody were James ed the second Vatican eicu- CLASSIC SWEATERS new era of g^rowth.” Payton of Middletown, at the' State for extra flattening, a satin elastic back panel for Together, the United States and menical council — Roman UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Jail in Haddam; James Stlmson of the Common Market -represent Hartford, at Wethersfield State Catholicism’s greatest assem­ rear-view control. The 2 V i inch waistband, is a bom “ the greatest aggregaUon of eco­ —The Sqylet Union today renewed bly of prelates in history— Personal INotices nomic power In the world.” Ken­ Its demahds that the U.N. secre- Prison; and Warren MCIllian of whittler ... nips off- inches! Join the freedom ^ Hartford, at a jail in New York with an appeal for Christian nedy said, adding that now they tary-general be replaced by a City. movement... ask for Skippies by Formfit. White. long sleeve pullover 7*99 will have an opportunity to work three-man board. The United unity. ('ard Of Thanks ' 'ITie (3oleman women had 20 bags S.M.L Also available as Pantie No. 846. - together in maintaining this pre­ States promptly assailed the so- The 80-year-old Pontiff in an ad­ -W»» Trr*t»W thHfik all nur m an r eminence. called troika p la n i^ a threat to of heroin with her when she Was dress before some 2,700 council ri>l»!ivDR and nf»i|rhbon« for the arrested and Cooper had five many kindn^sjarji shown ub during our ca rdigan ^ ^ 9 9 Administration leaders hailed the integrity of The U.N. secre­ delegates in St. Peter’s Basilica reroht horoavomont. the bill as the crowning legisla- tariat. packets of heroin, authorities said. said progress A jwd already been The family of William T. McBride. live achievement of Kennedy's The esfPhange took place In the made toward ’uimy. He spoke spe­ 70% fine lambs wool, 20 % angora, \ first two years' in the White General Assembly's .Budgetary 204 to 239 cifically of a unity 'of prayers and House. Committee aiuteg general review aspirations and a unity of esteem 10% nylon HARTFORD (AP) — The SUte Shewn wHh Confidential Bra No. 281— $3.50 The new trade program received of the organization's financial and and respect. strong support from both parties administrative problems.' Motor Vehicle Department's daily record of automobile fatalities as "Unfortunately,” the Pope said, \ A / C CAN '•a • and from leaders of business and Soviet Delegate Px M. Tcherny- “ the entire Christian family has not r : camel black organized labor. chev asserted the World's three of la midnight and the totals on TT C MAKE the same date last yearj., yet fully attained unity in truth. red Opposition from protectionist main political blocs—Communist, “ The Catholic Church, therefore, YOUR SHOES LONGER f poups was not as harsh as had Neutralist and Western --^should x7961 1962 considers it her duty to work ac-. OR WIDER light blue jray heather been predicted, since the mea-sure have equal representation the Killed .........................204 239 lively so that there may ^ ful­ Skippies white •. jwn provides help for Industries and secretariat from top to botto) filled trie great mystery of that Open Monday—Closed Wed.
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