Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts – http://www.SelfGrowth.com 2 Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives – by David Riklan Published by Self Improvement Online, Inc. http://www.SelfGrowth.com 20 Arie Drive, Marlboro, NJ 07746 ©Copyright by David Riklan ISBN 0-9745672-0-5 Manufactured in the United States No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or ortherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher. Limit of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty: While the authors have used th eir be st efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warran ti es wi th respe ct to th e a ccura cy o r completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. The author shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commer cial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. 3 Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts Tha t Help Us Improve Our Lives – b y David R ik lan TABL E OF CON TE N TS * Each of the chapters bel ow can be accessed im m ed ia tely b y placing your mouse over the title and clicking on it. Chapter Page Introduction The Purpose of This Boo k 7 How to Use Thois Bok 10 How is This Book Oized?rgan 12 Who is an Expert and How are They Ranked? 13 What About All of the Other Experts? 17 Where is Oprah? 18 Expert (Best Known For) # 1 Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil TV Show) 20 # 2 Anthony Robbins (Unleash the Power Within) 24 # 3 Sylvia Browne (The Other Side and Bac k) 28 # 4 Dalai Lama (The Art of Happiness) 32 # 5 Laura Schlessinge r (Dr. Laura Radio Show) 36 # 6 Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends an d In flue nce 40 People) # 7 Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist) 43 # 8 Deepak Chopra (The Seven Spiritual Law s of S u cces s) 47 # 9 Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effect iv e Pe op le) 51 # 10 Zig Ziglar (Over the Top) 55 # 11 Wayne Dyer (Your Erroneous Zones) 59 # 12 Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet) 63 # 13 Rick Warren (The Purpose-Dri ven Li fe ) 67 # 14 John Maxwell (The 21 Irrefutabl e L aw s o f Lea dersh i p) 71 # 15 Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) 75 # 16 Carlos Castaneda (The Teachings of Don Jua n) 79 4 # 17 Robert Allen (The One Minute Millionaire) 83 # 18 John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are 86 ………………………… from Venus) # 19 Iyanla Vanzant (In the Meantime) 89 # 20 Les Brown (Live Your Dreams) 93 # 21 Louise Hay (You Can Heal Y our self) 96 # 22 Brian Tracy (The Psychology of Selling) 99 # 23 Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie) 103 # 24 Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love) 106 # 25 Eckhart Tolle (Practicing the Power of Now) 110 # 26 Og Mandino (The Greatest Salesman in the World) 114 # 27 Ken Blanchard (The One Minute Manager) 118 # 28 L. Ron Hubbard (Dianetics) 122 # 29 Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking) 126 # 30 Dave Pelzer (A Child Called “It”) 130 # 31 Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) 133 # 32 Caroline Myss (Anatomy of the Spirit) 138 # 33 Thich Nhat Hanh (Living Buddha, Living Christ ) 142 # 34 Tom Hopkins (How to Master the Art of Selling) 146 # 35 Alber t Ellis (A Guide to Rational Living) 149 # 36 Leo Buscaglia (Love) 153 # 37 Jim Rohn (The Art of Excep tio nal L iving ) 157 # 38 Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) 161 # 39 Kevin Trudeau (Mega Memory) 164 # 40 Robert Fulghum (All I Really Need to Know I Learne d 167 ………………………………… in Kindergarten) # 41 Gary Zukav (The Seat of the Soul) 171 # 42 Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way: A Spiritua l Pa th to 175 ………………………………… Higher Creativity) # 43 John Eldredge (Wild at Heart) 179 # 44 Jim Collins (Good to Great) 182 # 45 Oriah Mountain D re ame r (The Invitation) 185 # 46 Bob Proctor (You Were Born Rich) 188 # 47 Ram Dass (Be Here Now) 192 # 48 Barbara Sher (I Could Do Anyth ing if I Only Knew 195 ………………………………… What It Was) # 49 Anthony de Mello (Awareness) 199 # 50 Laurel Mellin (The Solution) 202 # 51 Bruce Wilkinson (The Prayer of Jabez) 206 # 52 Tony Buzan (The Mind Map Book) 209 # 53 James Redf ie ld (Celestine Prophecy) 212 5 # 54 M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Traveled) 216 # 55 Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God: Book 1) 219 # 56 Rollo May (The Courage to Create) 224 # 57 David R. Hawkins (Power vs. Force) 228 # 58 Robert M. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle 231 …………………… … … Maintenance) # 59 John Bradshaw (Homecoming: Reclaiming an d 234 Championing Your Inner Child) # 60 Loretta LaRoche (Life is Not a Stress Rehearsal) 238 # 61 Cheryl Richardson (Life Makeovers) 242 # 62 Stuart Wilde (Science of Mind) 246 # 63 Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul) 249 # 64 Po Bronson (What Should I Do with My Life?) 253 # 65 Richard Bandler (Neuro-Linguistic Programming—NLP) 256 # 66 Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful W ar rior) 259 # 67 Evelyn Wood (Evelyn Wood Speed Reading) 263 # 68 Spencer Johnson (Who Moved My Cheese?) 266 # 69 Krishna Das (Spiritual Leader) 271 # 70 Ernest Holmes (International Religious Science 274 Movement) # 71 Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements) 277 # 72 Byron Katie (The Work) 281 # 73 James Allen (As a Man Thinketh) 285 # 74 Harville Hendrix (Getting the Love You Want) 288 # 75 John Gottman (The Seven Principles for Making 291 ………………………………… Marriage Work) # 76 Joy Browne (The Dr. Joy Browne Show) 294 # 77 Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) 298 # 78 Barbara De Angelis (Making Love Work) 302 # 79 David Burns (Feeling Good) 306 # 80 Sark (Succulent Wild Woman) 310 # 81 Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) 314 # 82 Martin E.P. Seligman (Learned Optimism) 318 # 83 Lynn Grabhorn (Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting) 321 # 84 Werner Erhard (est) 324 # 85 Jiddu Krishnamurti (Self-Awareness) 327 # 86 Martha Beck (Expecting Adam) 332 # 87 Debbie Ford (The Dark Side of the Light Chasers) 335 # 88 Shakti Gawain (Creative Visualization) 339 # 89 Nathaniel Branden (The Psychology of Self Esteem) 343 # 90 Gangaji (Spiritual Teacher) 348 6 # 91 Earl Nightingale (The Strangest Secret) 352 # 92 Julie Morgenstern (Time Management from the Inside Out) 356 # 93 Richard Carlson (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff) 359 # 94 Jon Kabat-Zinn (Wherever You Go, There You Are) 362 # 95 Robin Sharma (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari) 366 # 96 Lynn Andrews (Medicine Woman) 369 # 97 Alan Cohen (Dare to Be Yourself) 373 # 98 Gary Craig (Emotional Freedom Techniques—EFT) 376 # 99 Eric Butterworth (Discover the Power Within You) 379 # 100 Denis Waitley (The Psychology of Winning) 383 # 101 Maxwell Maltz (Psycho-Cybernetics) 387 Appendix A About the Author 391 Appendix B Expert Summaries in Order by Rank 393 Appendix C Experts Listed in Alphabetical Order 416 Appendix D Other Valuable Self Improvement Experts 419 Appendix E Other Valuable Self Improvement Companies 436 Appendix F Other Valuable Self Improvement Books 444 7 INTRODUCTION THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK The purpose of this book is to assist us with that wonderful journey we call life. Our go a l was to create a single resource that would open up the doors to the Top 101 Se l f Improvement Experts in the world who can help us improve our lives. Through the use of Internet technology, this book provides detailed biographical information, product information, key thoughts and beliefs, book excerpts, audio clips, a n d articles for the Top 101 Experts (i.e. Gurus) in the Self Improvement Indust ry . This fact-filled book is a guide to help us determine which experts are best fo r us and what products will help us improve our lives. Our fir s t challenge was to define the Self Improvement Industry. What is Self Impro ve ment and how does it differ from Self Help or Personal Growth? Our researc h indicated that the term “Self Help” was coined by Samuel Smiles in a book t h at he wrote in 1859 titled Self-Help. The terms Self Improvement and Person a l Growth appeared to have evolved over time. Due to the nuances of each of these terms, we decided to limit the definition of Self Improvement to the catego ri es that we cover. These categories enabled us to define Self Improvement. The 6 different general categories that define Self Improvement include: • Empowerment (Philip McGraw, Anthony Robbins, et al.) • Spirituality (Marianne Williamson, Dan Millman, et al.) • Business (Spencer Johnson, Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, et al.) • Relationships (John Gray, Harville Hendrix, Barbara De Angelis, et al.) • Personal Finance (Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, et al.) • Professional & Academic Skills (Dale Carnegie, Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, et al.) WHO SHOULD READ THIS BOOK? This book is a must read for absolutely anybody connected to, or interested in, Self Improvement. It is a clear, concise, and handy Self Improvement reference guide, with rankings for the industry’s top experts. Finally, all of the worlds top experts in one place, ready to inspire you now! 8 WHAT ARE THE TOP TEN QUESTIONS TO DETERMINE IF THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU? We have included a series of questions you should ask yourself.
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