PROPOSED ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2018-19 GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT http://www.khyberpakhtunkhwa.gov.pk http://www. pndkp.gov.pk Annual Development Programme 2018-19 Table of Contents S.No. Sector/Sub Sector Page No. 1 Abstract-I i 2 Abstract-II ii 3 Abstract-III iii 4 Abstract-IV iv 5 Abstract-V vii 6 Abstract-VI viii 7 Agriculture 1 8 Auqaf, Hajj 19 9 Board of Revenue 24 10 Building 25 11 Districts ADP 33 12 DWSS 34 13 E&SE 42 14 Energy & Power 54 15 Environment 61 16 Excise, Taxation & NC 63 17 Finance 65 18 Food 68 19 Forestry 71 20 Health 79 21 Higher Education 96 22 Home 108 23 Housing 117 24 Industries 119 25 Information 127 26 Labour 129 27 Law & Justice 131 28 Local Government 137 29 Mines & Minerals 143 30 Multi Sectoral Dev. 145 31 Population Welfare 151 32 Relief and Rehab. 153 33 Roads 158 34 Social Welfare 209 35 Special Initiatives 213 36 Sports, Tourism 214 37 ST&IT 227 38 Transport 229 39 Urban Development 231 40 Water 237 41 Annex-I FA 1-4 42 Annex-II SP 1-27 43 Annex-III PP 1-21 44 Annex-IV DD 1-24 Abstract-I Annual Development Programme 2018-19 Sector-wise Throwforward (Million Rs.) S.# Sector Local Cost Exp. Allocation TF 1 Agriculture 11,219.500 2,361.836 2,573.000 6,284.664 2 Auqaf, Hajj, Religous & Minority Affairs 1,637.014 306.562 400.000 930.452 3 Board of Revenue 7,846.321 1,468.313 458.000 5,920.008 4 Building 7,936.601 3,627.181 938.000 3,371.420 5 Districts ADP 29,345.000 - 29,345.000 - 6 Drinking Water & Sanitation 25,068.964 6,762.621 3,327.000 14,979.344 7 Elementary & Secondary Education 81,238.754 25,550.533 9,027.000 46,661.221 8 Energy & Power 7,506.723 340.008 292.000 6,874.715 9 Environment 230.460 32.775 37.000 160.685 10 Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control 712.000 215.978 201.000 295.022 11 Finance 16,641.088 153.095 6,193.000 10,294.993 12 Food 2,370.469 60.224 472.000 1,838.245 13 Forestry 11,955.934 3,525.457 2,866.000 5,564.477 14 Health 87,380.950 31,328.007 7,817.000 48,235.944 15 Higher Education 61,599.487 16,811.575 4,125.000 40,662.912 16 Home 16,132.232 5,581.151 1,560.000 8,991.081 17 Housing 3,556.472 874.372 348.000 2,334.100 18 Industries 22,403.016 3,260.675 1,058.000 18,084.341 19 Information 3,819.021 1,457.624 145.000 2,216.397 20 Labour 286.991 19.524 55.000 212.467 21 Law & Justice 16,559.250 4,543.967 880.000 11,135.283 22 Local Government 39,909.434 17,509.795 2,932.000 19,467.639 23 Mines & Minerals 1,918.668 388.637 401.000 1,129.031 24 Multi Sectoral Development 17,050.576 4,778.188 2,285.000 9,987.388 25 Population Welfare 655.699 - 149.000 506.699 26 Relief and Rehabilitation 8,758.135 4,348.158 1,428.000 2,981.977 27 Roads 136,966.386 56,985.217 9,204.000 70,777.169 28 Social Welfare 1,227.968 248.904 297.000 682.064 29 Special Initiatives 480.000 - 422.000 58.000 30 Sports, Tourism, Archaeology, Culture & Youth 22,808.398 Affairs 5,784.786 2,498.000 14,525.612 31 ST&IT 1,807.032 720.286 393.000 693.746 32 Transport 14,969.742 6,544.870 7,115.000 1,309.872 33 Urban Development 73,128.219 22,445.162 4,014.000 46,669.057 34 Water 100,402.526 29,544.117 5,645.000 65,213.410 Grand Total 835,529.030 257,579.598 108,900.000 469,049.435 * Energy & Power Sector does not include HDF. i Abstract-II Annual Development Programme 2018-19 Sector-wise summary (Million Rs.) S.# Sector Number of projects Cost Allocation % Local F.Aid Total Local F.Aid Total Local F.Aid Total Share 1 Agriculture 36 4 40 10032 9970 20002 2573 910 3483 1.9 2 Auqaf, Hajj 20 20 1637 1637 400 400 0.2 3 Board of Revenue 6 6 7846 7846 458 458 0.3 4 Building 46 46 7937 7937 938 938 0.5 5 Districts ADP 3 3 29345 29345 29345 29345 16.3 6 DWSS 48 2 50 25069 12851 37920 3327 100.010 3427 1.9 7 E&SE 59 11 70 78514 31143 109657 9027 7056 16083 8.9 8 Energy & Power 37 8 45 32830 165185 198015 292 3800 4092 2.3 9 Environment 4 1 5 230 1364 1594 37 409 446 0.2 10 Excise, Taxation & NC 4 4 712 712 201 201 0.1 11 Finance 8 1 9 16641 11500 28141 6193 5 6198 3.4 12 Food 18 18 2370 2370 472 472 0.3 13 Forestry 29 29 11956 11956 2866 2866 1.6 14 Health 98 4 102 75884 11788 87672 7817 4046 11863 6.6 15 Higher Education 64 1 65 61599 1567 63167 4125 748 4873 2.7 16 Home 44 7 51 15932 7518 23450 1560 1714 3274 1.8 17 Housing 8 8 3556 3556 348 348 0.2 18 Industries 15 2 17 21864 3443 25307 1058 581 1639 0.9 19 Information 7 7 3819 3819 145 145 0.1 20 Labour 3 1 4 137 98 235 55 82 137 0.1 21 Law & Justice 35 35 16559 16559 880 880 0.5 22 Local Government 35 2 37 35424 13060 48484 2932 1891 4823 2.7 23 Mines & Minerals 7 7 1919 1919 401 401 0.2 24 Multi Sectoral Dev. 23 15 38 16602 88034 104636 2285 8856 11141 6.2 25 Population Welfare 6 1 7 656 1753 2408 149 428 577 0.3 26 Relief and Rehab. 28 28 8758 8758 1428 1428 0.8 27 Roads 304 4 308 132984 37575 170559 9204 5419 14623 8.1 28 Social Welfare 22 22 1228 1228 297 297 0.2 29 Special Initiatives 2 2 480 480 422 422 0.2 30 Sports, Tourism 66 1 67 22808 5800 28608 2498 5 2503 1.4 31 ST&IT 14 14 1807 1807 393 393 0.2 32 Transport 5 3 8 1392 61769 63161 7115 32132 39247 21.8 33 Urban Development 29 4 33 72573 10017 82590 4014 40 4054 2.3 34 Water 173 2 175 99284 16039 115323 5645 2876 8521 4.7 TOTAL 1306 74 1380 820387 490473 1310861 108900 71100 180000 100 ii Abstract-III ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2018-19 Sector-Wise Local & Foreign Aid (Million Rs.) S.# Sector Foreign Local Total Aid CP Ongo New Total F.Aid + Local 1 Agriculture 909.829 110.002 2107.998 355.000 2573.000 3482.829 2 Auqaf 258.000 142.000 400.000 400.000 3 Board of Revenue 458.000 458.000 458.000 4 Building 910.693 27.307 938.000 938.000 5 Districts ADP 29345.000 29345.000 29345.000 6 DWSS 100.010 0.002 3141.997 185.001 3327.000 3427.010 7 E & SE 7056.174 0.011 8766.989 260.000 9027.000 16083.174 8 Energy & Power 3800.300 2.007 89.984 200.009 292.000 4092.300 9 Environment 409.323 0.001 31.999 5.000 37.000 446.323 10 Excise, Taxation 177.609 23.391 201.000 201.000 11 Finance 5.000 0.001 193.192 5999.807 6193.000 6198.000 12 Food 322.000 150.000 472.000 472.000 13 Forestry 2806.000 60.000 2866.000 2866.000 14 Health 4046.471 1570.733 5491.602 754.665 7817.000 11863.471 15 Higher Education 748.440 0.001 3734.996 390.003 4125.000 4873.440 16 Home 1714.016 0.007 1423.994 135.999 1560.000 3274.016 17 Housing 313.000 35.000 348.000 348.000 18 Industries 580.918 3.261 949.239 105.500 1058.000 1638.918 19 Information 112.505 32.495 145.000 145.000 20 Labour 82.178 0.001 54.999 55.000 137.178 21 Law & Justice 830.000 50.000 880.000 880.000 22 Local Government 1891.000 828.959 1782.766 320.275 2932.000 4823.000 23 Mines & Minerals 354.367 46.633 401.000 401.000 24 Multi Sectoral Dev. 8855.833 87.020 1834.474 363.506 2285.000 11140.833 25 Population Welfare 428.180 0.001 75.845 73.154 149.000 577.180 26 Relief and Rehab. 1285.771 142.229 1428.000 1428.000 27 Roads 5418.997 85.000 9067.999 51.001 9204.000 14622.997 28 Social Welfare 277.513 19.487 297.000 297.000 29 Special Initiatives 422.000 422.000 422.000 30 Sports, Tourism 5.000 0.001 2112.204 385.795 2498.000 2503.000 31 ST&IT 383.271 9.729 393.000 393.000 32 Transport 32132.430 7005.532 109.467 0.001 7115.000 39247.430 33 Urban Development 40.101 45.003 3611.533 357.464 4014.000 4054.101 34 Water 2875.800 100.333 5543.664 1.003 5645.000 8520.800 Total 71100.000 9837.876 58613.670 40448.454 108900.000 180000.000 iii Abstract-IV Annual Development Programme 2018-19 Sector-sub sector wise ongoing/new programme (Million Rs.) Ongoing New Total % S.# Sector Sub sector No.
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