5 The Confessional Presbyterian 2009 A Journal for Discussion of Presbyterian Doctrine & Practice Table of Contents 2. Editorial Articles 3. The Westminster Assembly & the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis. Part One: Chronology By Chris Coldwell 56. The Westminster Assembly & the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis. Part Two: Analysis By Matthew Winzer 89. John Calvin on the Doctrine of Divine Revelation By W. Gary Crampton. Th.D. 115. Samuel Rutherford’s Contribution to Covenant Theology in Scotland By D. Patrick Ramsey 127. Presbyterian Quintessence: The Five ‘Heads’ of Church Government By Frank J. Smith, Ph.D., D.D. 161. Johannes Megapolensis: Pioneer Reformed Missionary to the Mohawks By Wes Bredenhof 170. An Answer to the Challenge of Preaching the Old Testament: An Historical & Theological Examination of the Redemptive-Historical Approach By Rev. Anthony T. Selvaggio, J.D., M. Div. 185. The Deacon: A Divine Right Office with Divine Uses By C. N. Willborn 199. Francis Turretin and Barthianism: The Covenant of Works in Historical Perspective By James J. Cassidy 214. Pictures of Jesus and the Sovereignty of Divine Revelation: Recent Literature and a Defense of the Confessional Reformed View By David VanDrunen 229. The Sabbath Day and Recreations on the Sabbath: An Examination of the Sabbath and the Biblical Basis for the “No Recreation” Clause in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.8 and Westminster Larger Catechism 117 By Lane Keister 239. “So Great a Love”—James Durham on Christ and His Church in the Song of Solomon By Donald John MacLean The Confessional Presbyteri an, P. O. Box 141084, Dallas, Texas 75214. All Material Copyright © 2009 by Confessional Presbyterian Press. Editor: Mr. Chris Coldwell. Email: edi [email protected]. This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database®, a product of the Reviews Editor: Mr. Lane Keister. Email: [email protected]. American Theological Library Association, 300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, Subscriptions: USA $18; Library/Foreign $25. Retail: $25. Chicago, IL 60606, USA. email: [email protected], www:http://www.atla.com. The Confessional Presbyterian, Volume 5 (2009). Front Cover: John Calvin (1509–1564). Copyright © 2009 by Mike Mahon. ISSN 1549–9979 ISBN 978-0-941075-44-2 Back Cover: Westminster Abbey, Exterior, North Entrance, Rose Window. The Confessional Presbyterian Purchase Current and Back Issues of The Confessional Presbyterian Journal cpjournal.com The Confessional Presbyterian The Sabbath Day and Recreations on the Sabbath An Examination of the Sabbath and the Biblical Basis for the “No Recreation” Clause in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.8 and Westminster Larger Catechism 117 By Lane Keister Practical Introduction “pleasure” refers to business rather than to recreation. This article will attempt to provide a relatively cursory Wherein the wickednesse of this exceedeth, in that glance at the biblical evidence for the Puritan position men commonly no day in the weeke followe so muche on the Sabbath in general, and also that the Puritan their own wayes, and delightes of their owne hart, as understanding of “no recreation on the Sabbath” is in on that day, which is appointed to learne them how to fact the biblical understanding of the Sabbath Day.3 cease from their owne wayes, workes, and delightes. To do this, we must first examine the redemptive-his- For a great number (& those not the worst of all,) take torical unfolding of the Sabbath Day to show that the that day to be ordeined only for ease of their bodie & moral, unchanging, creational principle is that of one to be a day of recreation after their trauels & labours day in seven (not the Saturday Sabbath) to rest from that haue been the sixe dayes before, and vse it accord- all normal weekly activities (except works of necessity ingly: whereas, the Lorde hath appointed it to the ex- and mercy) so that we can worship God, which was in ercise of word and prayer, that beeing vnburdened of the Old Testament appointed by God to be the seventh their worldly affaires, they mighte with free harts and day, and in the New Testament the eighth or first day. mindes attend vpon the word, prayer, and meditation…. Thus the right vse and end of the Sabbaothe is cleane The Author: Lane Keister is a PCA pastor laboring out of bounds altered, and not that only, but chaunged into a practice serving RCA and CRC churches in rural North Dakota. Rev. Keister’s moste contrarie to the institution thereof. For beeing sermons, book reviews, and critiques of the Federal Vision appear on appointed to bee the market day of the soule, to make his blog, Green Baggins, http://greenbaggins.wordpress.com. 1 1. John Knewstub, Lectures upon the twentieth chapter of Exodus provision for the dayes following. (1577) 72–73. Quoted in James T. Dennison, Jr., The Market Day of the Soul: The Puritan Doctrine of the Sabbath in England, 1532–1700 Being on the Candidates and Credentials Committee (1983; Morgan, Pa.: Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 2001) 29. of my Presbytery means that I look often at differences 2. Hereafter WCF and WLC. WCF 21.8 says, “This Sabbath is then that candidates have with the standards of the church. kept holy unto the Lord, when men, after a due preparing of their hearts, and ordering of their common affairs beforehand, do not We have even seen a few candidates who deny that the only observe an holy rest, all the day, from their own works, words, Lord’s Day is the Christian Sabbath at all. These, for- and thoughts about their worldly employments, and recreations, but tunately, are few. More commonly, however, the most also are taken up the whole time in the public and private exercises often taken exception is to the “no recreation” clause in of His worship, and in the duties of necessity and mercy” (emphasis Westminster Confession of Faith 21.8 and Westminster added). WLC 117 asks “How is the sabbath or the Lord’s day to be 2 sanctified?” The answer is that “The Sabbath or Lord’s day is to be Larger Catechism 117. As an added bonus, I am usu- sanctified by an holy resting all the day, not only from such works as ally treated to a description of “throwing a football” are at all times sinful, but even from such worldly employmentsand around on the Sabbath. Sometimes I wonder if it isn’t recreations as are on other days lawful...” (emphasis added). really that they want to watch football on the Sabbath! 3. The Puritan view may be summarized by the following points: 1. At any rate, I usually press them on their understanding the Sabbath is a creation ordinance; 2. Saturday-Sabbath is not com- manded in the Decalogue; 3. The Lord’s Day is the New Testament of Isaiah 58:13–14 which is the biblical basis for the Pu- Sabbath; 4. the Lord’s Day is by God’s positive command on Sunday; ritan understanding of “no recreation” on the Sabbath 5. The Lord’s Day should be passed in suspension of recreations and day. If any answer is given, it is usually that the word rest from normal labor. See the excellent chart in Dennison, 177. Volume 5 (2009) 229 The Confessional Presbyterian Articles This must be done in order to show that Isaiah 58:13–14 does this mean? Well, Jesus clarifies that in the very applies not only to the Old Testament version of Sat- next verse. “Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, urday Sabbath, but also to the New Testament version he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things of Sunday Sabbath. Then, finally, we will examine the concerning Himself” (emphasis added). If we are left exegesis of Isaiah 58:13–14 (the key text in the debate in any doubt as to how Jesus interpreted the OT, here concerning recreations) in order to show that the Pu- let us doubt no longer: Jesus thought that the entire OT ritan understanding of the Sabbath is the best exegesis was about His death and resurrection. Now, in verse 27, of the passage. there is some question as to whether Jesus refers tosome things in the Scriptures concerning himself, or that the I. Old Testament and New Testament entire Scriptures refer to Him. It must be the latter, be- cause of verse 32, where the disciples (their eyes now One of the main issues involved in the discussion of Sab- open) ask this poignant question, “Did not our hearts bath worship versus Sunday worship is the relationship burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while of the Old Testament to the New Testament (hereafter he opened to us the Scriptures?” and verse 45, where abbreviated as OT and NT, respectively). How does the Jesus opened their minds to understandthe Scriptures. NT interpret the OT? Are there discontinuities between This emphasized phrase means the entirety of the OT.4 the testaments? If so, where do the lines fall? How do we In fact, there is no place where this phrase is used in know what continues and what does not? This is a huge the entire Bible, where it does not refer to the entire question that rockets around the reformed world in the OT (with the possible exception of Daniel 9:2, since form of the issue of theonomy, a term that comes from the OT was not a closed canon at that time). This pas- theos (God) and nomos (law), which is an interpreta- sage in Luke 24 clearly indicates that Jesus interpreted tion that sees only continuity between the testaments, the entire OT to be about Himself.
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