Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-10-1947 Bee Gee News December 10, 1947 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December 10, 1947" (1947). BG News (Student Newspaper). 838. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/838 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. » HEAR THE GAME Bee Gee Neati IN THE COMMONS ' < Official Student Publication of Bowling Green State University Volume X XXII \ Bowling Green, Ohio, Wednesday, December 10, 1947 dumber 12 Kennedy Directs "Messiah; Robinson's Play Pre-Registration Saturday's Game Cast Announced For Spring Term Broadcasted Will Be Presented Sunday Miss Sara Allgood, Hollywood character actress, will be guest Begins Monday In Commons star in the charming new comedy, Notice of the prc-rcgislration The Bowling Green-City College "The Lucky Finger," written by program for the spring semester of New York basketball game Sat- Irish Playwright Lennox Robin- had been made by John W. Hunn, urday evening in Madison Square son, under the direction of Fred- registrar. Garden, New York, will be broad- erick G. Walsh. The play will be Freshmen are to report to their cast by special wire over a public presented in the Howling Green advisors during the week of Dee. address system in the University State University Theatre from IB to 19; sophomores, Jan. 5 to 9; Commons, Jan. 19 through 24. juniors, Jan. 12 to 16j and seniors The play by play account of the Miss Allgood is cast as Julia are to see their academic deans game will be done by Skip Ward Clancy and members of the sup- from Dec. 15 to Jan. 10. and Cled Jones of the Speech De- porting cast are as follows: Student advising will be done partment. Miss Patricia Mann, Statia Clan- during the ofliee hours of the Both wings of the Commons will cy; Mr. Phil Miles, Richard Clan- faculty. The location of advisors be open to accommodate the ex- cy; Virginia Marion, Kmmy Clan- and the hours available will be pected large turnout of students cy; Eileen Fruchey, Puck Clancy; posted on bulletin hoards. and towns people to hear this im- Dick Hauman, Charles Clancy; Tuesday night of each week portant contest. There will be do- Robert Jones, Maurice Clancy; from 7 to '.> o'clock has Iteen set nation of 15 cents at the door. Helen Tsarones, Marjorie Clancy; aside to meet students who have Activity Cards will also have to schedules conflicting with the reg- Dick Lenhait, Paddy Clancy; Phyl- be presented for admission. ular office hours. lis Sangston, Honor Clancy; Mr. The exact time of the broadcast This registration will involve is not certain H yet, as Coach Har- Kulil, Sir Adrian Burke; Hill Pren- listing of courses which will be old Anderson did not know today tice, Stephen. Foley; Harry Me- turned in to the registrar. Regu- whether his team would play in nugh, John Twohig; Walter Rock, lar registration cards will not be C.rlton Eldridg. Mitt Nancy Carr the first or second game. The pol- Eddie Twohig; Susanne Whistler, filled out until the final week of icy nt the Garden is to have the the semester and the regular reg- The annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" will be Floyd Worthington Sister Mary Francis; Dorothy Skri- game which is of most interest to letz, Sister Sebastian; Richard istration period at the beginning be played last. When the exact given Sunday evening, Dec. 14, at 8:16 in the Men's Gym. of the second semester. There will be no admission for students or the general public. Mix, Jim; Judson Ellerton, Squint time is known a poster will be Christmas Pageant Robinson; William Triplett, Stuart pliiced in the Well. A free will offering will be taken. Hingham; Richard House, civic The Junior and Senior A Cappella Choirs, Treble Clef No Letter Saturday In some respects this will be the To Be Given Sunday guard! Pat Johnson, Maggie De- most important game for the Fal- Club, Men's Glee Club, and Mixed Chorus will combine under lany; Mrs. Kuhl, Annie Twohig; No mail delivery will be made cons this season. It will be their 1 The first annual Christmas pag- the direction of Dr. James Paul* Ernst Capron, Patch O'Callaghan; Saturday, Dec. 13, Paul Shep- only appearance in New York this eant, "And It Came to Pass ..." Kennedy to form a chorus of 300 Jean Harber, Kiddy Burke. pard, manafer ofthe University season and against CCNY they will voices. 27|Initiated will be presented Sunday .evening Movie-goers will be seeing Miss post-office said today. be meeting the top team of the at 6 in the Main Auditorium. Allgood in the current film produc- New York City area and > squad Four guest vocalists will sing the All dorms, sorority and fra- There is no admission charge for tions of "Forever Amber," and ternity houses and faculty mem- that is rated in the first ten of solo parts of the oratorio. They Into Theta Chi the event. "Mourning Becomes Electra." bers may pick up their mail at the nation. are Miss Nancy Carr, Springfield, Twenty seven members of Chi Other films in which Miss Allgood the post-office from 9:30-11:30 O., soprano; Mrs. Florence Hensen, Theta Fraternity were initiated Written and directed by Jim played supporting roles include a.m. Portsmouth, N. H., contralto; Carl- into Theta Chi National Fraternity Limbachor and Libby Earnest, the "The Puring of the Third Floor Two of the mail clerks are tak- Senate Approves Saturday afternoon. Hack," "Storm in a Teacup," ton EJdridge. Auburn, Ind., tenor; pageant marks the debut of the ing the civil service exam A degree team from the Uni- Harlequin Players, SCF drama "That Hamilton Woman," and Saturday. Constitution Monday and Floyd Worthington, St. Jos- "This Above All." versity of Michigan put the locals group. Its 36 members will act, eph, Mo., baritone. through the formal initiation. Student Senate nt its regular produce, and costume the produc- Miss Carr is a lyric soprano Representatives from Michigan meeting held Monday evening ap- tion. proved a constitution submitted by who was born in Springfield, Ohio State, Ohio University, Ohio State, Case and Miami University were Also participating in the pag- Speakers Will Conduct the recently organized Earth Sci- and moved to Chicago early in her also present. eant the SCF choir under the di- ence Club here. The club, with career. She was graduated from A buffet luncheon was served rection of Maralee Moore. The Prof. I.eroy O. Meyers as advisor, the American Conservatory of in the afternoon to the visiting choir will furnish the background Enternational'Institute plans to petition a national Earth Science honorary. Music in Chicago, and made her guests and a banquet was held in music and recite the chants near the close of the story. The Somite also voted to place debut there in 1946. She has the nest in the evening. Guests of honor were: Dr. Frank J Prout, a Christmas tree in the Well and filled many important recital en- Members of the cast are Gordon Dr. Ralph Harshman, John Bunn, Ward, narrator; Denny Fislicl, discussed plans involving a drive to gagements in the middlewestern. James Stevens, national marshal Cain; Alan Libbc, Abel; Lester aid the needy families in Wood southern, and southeastern parts of Theta Chi, advisors Dr. Edward Gnibe, Noah; Jo Long. Inkerpcr's County. of the United States. In addition Kmmc and Virgil Baker. wife; Ralph Hose, Sheperd; Arlene to her concert and oratorio work Although the local men were ini- Wollin, Angel of the Lord; Don she also appears on the radio and tiated into the national fraternity Prittic, Voice of the Lord, Carol Dec. 20 Deadline they have not received a charter. Hinklcman, Mary; and Eunice is the regular soloist in a church A formal installation will take Griswold, Neighbor. For Vets Book Sales in a Chicago suburb. \ni"ii - hei place in the near future. Backstage crew heads are: Dick All veterans are advised to an- engagements this year U soprano Lcnhart and Ralph Hose, lighting. soloist in Handel's "Messiah" is an ticipate their needs at the book- The story tells of the creation appearance with the Swedish store for the next few weeks. No Robinson Lectures of the earth and need for a leader Choral Club in Chicago, and a more veterans purchases will be upon the earth. As the stories third appearance with the Calvin made after Dec. 20 until the be- On Irish Poetry of Cain and Abel and Noah un- College Oratorio Society in Grand ginning of the second semester. fold, the need becomes more ap- Rapids, Mich. Irish poetry will be the subject The bookstore has received most of a lecture by Lennox Robinson parent. After the flood, in which Mrs. Hensen was born in Ports- of its Christmas stock already. at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14, at all living things, except those on They have displays of Christmas mouth, N. H., but moved TO a Studio B. the ark, are destroyed, the story suburb of Boston. At the age of cards, wrapping paper, and Scotch The lecture is free, and open of the birth of Christ begins and tape.
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