Job Cuts 4Jitters'. Throughout Shore SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Milder Sunny and milder today. THEDMII FINAL Clear and mild tonight. Sun- ny mild tomorrow. • T Red Bank, Freehold ~jT Long Branch J EDITION (Bee DetaJls, Pan 2) Monmouth County's Borne Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 176 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1970 26 PAGES 10 CENTS :i.n] [Min.i.iiiiiii iiiEiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu See No Other Job Cuts By DORIS KULMAN Monmouth school is slated to Congressional delegations, seem an odd figure), Secre- The telegram Mr. Howard Barring further Congres- move to Georgia;' New Jer- traditionally given a 48-hour tary Laird's spokesman re- sent to Mr. Laird yesterday sional budget cutting, the sey's two U.S. Senators, Rep. advance notice, were in- plied "functions and units requesting a.n urgent meeting 58,699 civilian jobs the fed- Howard, Assemblyman Jo- formed Wednesday, but offi- were eliminated. The number1 to discuss the announced cut- eral government will elimi- seph Azzolina, R-Monmouth, cials at both Ft. Monmouth, of people is incidental to the backs is the congressman's nate as a result of the mili- and a representative of Gov. where the Electronics Com- procedure." second wire to the secretary tary job cuts announced William T. Cahill are meet- mand has orders to lay off Normal attrition and some this week. Wednesday are it, a spokes- ing with top Array officials 561 employes, and NAD early retirements might ease On Monday, Mr. Howard man for Secretary of Defense in Washington this afternoon Earle, where 129 are slated the blow at Ft. Monmouth, wired Mr. Laird, asking for Melvin R. Laird said yester- in an attempt to block any for the ax, are still officially but there's nothing to soften a meeting to discuss any day. planned Signal School move. in the dark about the cut- it at Earle. possible cutbacks in the Rep. James J. Howard, D- The announced cutback of backs. The elimination of 129 jobs Third Congressional District. N.J., is seeking a meeting 93,900 military and civilian Details of the base cuts in that depot's Waterfront He never received a reply. with Secretary Laird in hopes jobs at 371 installations here are to be announced today at and Explosives Terminal and Mr. Howard said he will of easing the order abolish- and abroad will satisfy the 4 p.m. in Washington by Sec- Gun and Ammunition Reno- argue at today's 2 p.m. meet- ing 690 civilian jobs at Ft. congressionally - mandated retary Laird. vation Program means 129 ing in the office of Sen. Monmouth and the Earle Na- budget cuts, Secretary "We're doing business as workers are going to be Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., that Laird's spokesman said. usual," an Earle spokesman fired. the announced cutbacks "al- val Ammunition Depot. ready have done enough" to The cutbacks didn't affect "Based on present budget said yesterday, "All we know "Attrition is expected to be is what we read in the news- of no practical consequence," hurt- the Third Congressional the Army Signal Schools at plans, this will do it. But if District, and that the Army Ft. Monmouth or Ft. Gordon, our present budget plan isn't papers." the Navy said, "therefore all employes will have to be "not even consider moving Ga., .but they did increase approved, there will have to Asked how the cutbacks (See Laird's, Pg. 3, Col. 3) concern about rumors the Ft. be more cutbacks," he said. were decided (129 jobs does separated.' Says School Won't Move Now LONG BRANCH - "We're needed accurate information me." But she was both sym- not one of the installations living in a great country," promptly. pathetic and helpful, Mr. due for consolidation or clos- Councilman Samuel Teieher He decided to call Presi- Tetcher said, transferring his ing which will be announced said last night, "If you have dent Nixon because Mr. Nix- call to an Army sergeant in Friday at approximately 4 a legitimate reason, and on also is Commander-In- the Department of Defense p.m. by Secretary Laird," PREVIEW OF TOMORROW -—Jhis is how a solar eclipse looked in 1963, taken you're not a crank, you can , Chief of the Armed Forces. who said he'd see what he Mr. Teieher said. 'from an airplane 35,000 feel over Maine. Photos show moon (dark) slowly eclips- practically talk to the Presi- So, Mr. Teieher relates, he could find out. Mr. Teieher said that for both himself and the city he ing the sun, from top left jo bottom right, revealing sun's corona or gaseous dent . ." picked up his telephone and The sergeant didn't find out Mr. Teieher speaks from told the operator, "I want to anything, but did provide oth- feels a welcome reassurance. outer atmosphere. Another solar eclipse is due tomorrow. See related story page what he describes as "a re- speak to the President of the telephone numbers. Nine-and- "It was a tremendous, re- 9. (AP Wirephoto) freshing experience." He says United States." a-half hours and, he esti- freshing experience," he said, it brought him near, although "She giggled," he reports. mates, (100 in telephone bills "I think if Mr. Nixoti not to, the Presidential ear, But he convinced her he later, Mr. Teieher was speak- had been available at 9:15, and gave him reassurance was serious "arid before I ing with a woman who identi- I'd have been able to speak . that the Army isn't going to knew it I was connected with fied herself as a secretary to to him. Of course, I appre- County Charter Change move the Ft. Monmouth Sig- the White House" where he William Point. Mr. Point is ciate that he was busy . ." nal School to Ft. Gordon, Ga.. talked to a woman who iden- an aide to Secretary of De- Mr. Teieher said he also His telephonic odyssey be- tified herself as a Presiden- fense Melvin Laird, Mr. had been in contact with Rep. gan at 9:15 yesterday morn- tial appointments secretary, Teieher said. James J. Howard, DrN.J:, ing, prompted by the belief He explained the purpose .The word from Mr. Point, over the rumored move "and Bill Gets Good Reaction that the Long Branch City of his call "and she said that conveyed via the secretary the people in the District owe TRENTON (AP) - Pro- Committee on County and nicipal Managers Association, Council, concerned over the unfortunately, Mr. Nixon was was "There are no plans to him a vote of thanks for his posed legislation, to reform Municipal Government which the State Bar Association, the rumored Signal School shift, tied up and unable to talk to move the Signal School. It is efforts on our behalf." the stracture of county gov- is considering a measure New Jersey Taxpayers Asso- ernment was endorsed yester- known as the optional county ciation and the New Jersey day by representatives of a s charter bill. Institute of Borough At- number of governmental and Spokesmen for the State As- torneys urged passage of the professional organizations. sociation of Freeholders, the legislation. , They testified at a public New Jersey League of Munici- The legislation would per- Mental Health Facilities Hit hearing before the Senate palities, the New Jersey Mu- mit but not require a county RED BANK - Mental tients to our state hospital, agency such as the present director of the state and .central facilities serving sev- to change its form of govern- health facilities in New Jer- where the care they receive Department of Institutions county Mental Health Associ- eral counties. They can serve ment to adopt one of the fol- sey are "abysmal" and it is is often professionally want- and Agencies, with its com- ations, will recommend cre- a smaller surrounding area lowing options: "with considerable mis- ing, the discharges frequent- missioner, who presently is ation of an independent state and be supplemented by The Inside Story —Strong elected county ex- givings" that many doctors ly premature (perhaps to not only not a psychiatrist, or Department of Mental Health smaller community-based ecutive with appointing au- send patients to state hospi- gain a better discharge statis- even with medical training, headed by a psychiatrist who hospitals. AAUW looks for new members Page 10 thority, budget responsibility tals such as Marlboro, an As- tic), the readmission rate is but a former warden, is not will be responsible to the gov- —Greystone Park, where a Engagements - Page < 1 and veto power over the board bury Park psychiatrist who dismaying and increasing, likely to produce a mental ernor, urge a higher salary recent scandal involving sex- Bishops upset Group III power Page 12 of freeholders. heads the N. J. Neuropsychi- the follow-up program but a health program that fits the scale to attract and keep tal- ual abuse of young patients CBA winds up regular season 23-2 Page 12 ented staff, and, stress the sparked the present APA —Elected county executive atric Association and the nominal one for the record needs of the times," Dr. Ja- Monmouth carries 'law' of progression" .—.—Page 13 Monmouth County Medi- that fails to fulfill its intend- cobson's testimony says. need for state-wide planning study, should be abandoned who would have veto power and coordination. and replaced with small com-' Astro-Guide -17 ENJOYMENT, YOUR but little control otherwise cal Society will testify today. ed purpose . ." Lloyd McCorkle, a former Emphasis Placed New Jersey prison warden Speaking for the Mental munity hospitals, of from 500 Bridge -17 WEEKEND MAGAZINE over the daily operation of "In testimony prepared for to 1,000 beds, coordinated Classified Ads 18-25 Television'Listing presentation at today's public Like many others who have and long-time I&A head, is a Health Association, Mrs.
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