Invertebrate Zoology, 2015, 12(2): 117–130 © INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, 2015 Aulactinia vladimiri, a new species of sea anemone (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) from Kamchatka waters, North-West Pacific N.P. Sanamyan1, K.E. Sanamyan1,3, E.S. Bocharova2 1 Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Geographical Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Partizanskaya 6, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000, Russia. e-mail: [email protected] 2 Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), V. Krasnoselskaya 17, Moscow, 107140, Russia e-mail: [email protected] 3 Corresponding author ABSTRACT: Aulactinia vladimiri sp.n. is a small sea anemone described from shallow waters in vicinity of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Pacific coasts of Russia). The species has 48 (in fully developed specimens) tentacles which are usually bright pink. In contrast with internally brooding A. stella (Verrill, 1864), A. incubans Dunn, Chia et Levine, 1980 and A. vancouverensis Sanamyan, Sanamyan et McDaniel, 2013 (three species of the genus reported for North Pacific), the eggs of A. vladimiri sp.n. are incubated in an external brood chamber. The phylogenetic analysis for A. vladimiri sp.n. showed that A. stella is the closest related species with obtained sequences of mitochondrial genes 12S rRNA,16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase III. How to cite this article: Sanamyan N.P., Sanamyan K.E., Bocharova E.S. 2015. Aulactinia vladimiri, a new species of sea anemone (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) from Kamchatka waters, North-West Pacific // Invert. Zool. Vol.12. No.2. P.117–130. doi: 10.15298/invert- zool.12.2.01 KEY WORDS: Sea anemone, Actiniaria, North Pacific, Kamchatka, Aulactinia, brood chamber, mitochondrial gene, phylogenetic analysis. Aulactinia vladimiri — новый вид актиний (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) из прикамчатских вод северо-западной Пацифики Н.П. Санамян1, К.Э. Санамян1, Е.С. Бочарова2 1 Камчатский филиал Тихоокеанского института географии ДВО РАН, ул. Партизанская, 6, Петропавловск-Камчатский 683000, Россия. e-mail: [email protected] 2 Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт рыбного хозяйства и океанографии (ВНИРО), ул. В. Красносельская, 17, Москва,107140, Россия e-mail: [email protected] РЕЗЮМЕ: Aulactinia vladimiri sp.n. найдена на мелководье у Петропавловска- Камчатского (тихоокеанское побережье России). Вид характеризуется наличием у 118 N.P. Sanamyan, K.E. Sanamyan, E.S. Bocharova полностью развитых экземпляров 48 щупалец, которые обычно окрашены в ярко- розовый цвет. В отличие от A. stella (Verrill, 1864), A. incubans Dunn, Chia et Levine, 1980 и A. vancouverensis Sanamyan, Sanamyan et McDaniel, 2013 (три вида рода, указанные для северной части Пацифики), у которых яйца и эмбрионы инкубируются в полости тела, у A. vladimiri sp.n. они инкубируются во внешней выводковой камере. Филогенетический анализ показал, что для A. vladimiri sp.n. ближайшим родственным видом, для которого известны последовательности митохондриальных генов 12S рРНК, 16S рРНК и цитохром-оксидазы III, является A. stella. Как цитировать эту статью: Sanamyan N.P., Sanamyan K.E., Bocharova E.S. 2015. Aulactinia vladimiri, a new species of sea anemone (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) from Kamchatka waters, North-West Pacific // Invert. Zool. Vol.12. No.2. P.117–130. doi: 10.15298/ invertzool.12.2.01 КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: морские анемоны, актинии, Actiniaria, северная Пацифика, Камчатка, Aulactinia, выводковая камера, митохондриальный ген, филогенетический анализ. Introduction details of the morphology, estimate a range of variations, and to describe a new species, Aul- The fauna of shallow water sea anemones actinia vladimiri sp.n. inhabiting Avacha Bay and neighboring waters The features of Aulactinia vladimiri sp.n. fit is relatively well known and comprises 16 spe- the definition of the genus Bunodactis as given cies (Sanamyan, Sanamyan, 2009, 2010). In the by Carlgren (1949). The genus Bunodactis was present paper we provide detailed description synonymized with Aulactinia by Dunn et al. of the species briefly described as Aulactinia sp. (1980) and since that time several species as- by Sanamyan, Sanamyan (2010). The first spec- signable to Bunodactis were described under imen of this small sea anemone was observed by the generic name Aulactinia. The taxonomic N. and K. Sanamyan in the intertidal pool on the and nomenclatural problems around these two shore of Avacha Bay in the vicinity of Petropav- genera were discussed recently by Sanamyan et lovsk-Kamchatsky about 15 years ago, but it al. (2013), Spano et al. (2013) and Garese et. al. was lost in the sand when they attempted to (2014). Spano et al. (2013) correctly pointed collect it. A few years latter, in 2004, several that Bunodactis was synonymized with Aulac- specimens were photographed underwater by tinia only basing on the fact, that Carlgren N. Sanamyan near Starichkov Island, and one (1949) placed the type species of Aulactinia to specimen was collected. It was successfully Bunodactis, and that the examination of type kept in aquarium for several months (Fig. 1C). species of Aulactinia is required to clarify if two Externally this beautiful specimen, with its pink genera are synonyms. However, the matter ap- tentacles, was not similar to other species of sea pears to be more complicated. In particular, it is anemones known from the coasts of Kamchat- not quite clear if highly verrucose B. verrucosa ka. Its morphology agreed with the features of (Pennant, 1777) (the type species of the genus) Aulactinia, a genus difficult from taxonomic is congeneric with the species which have less point of view and comprising many species prominent verrucae and lack marginal «pseudo- (including most species formerly belonging to spherules» (including A. vancouverensis, A. stel- Bunodactis), but its specific assignment could la, A. incubans, A. vladimiri sp.n., etc). England not be determined at that time. In 2014 we were (1987, 1992) proposed to remove from Aulac- able to find many specimens of this species tinia all species having marginal spherules, in- which were photographed underwater and col- cluding B. verrucosa, and place them to Gyrac- lected. This material has allowed us to study tis. Obviously, the whole group of species, cur- A new species of sea anemone from Kamchatka waters, North-West Pacific 119 Table 1. List of sea anemone species examined with GenBank accession numbers of their mtDNA sequences. Таблица 1. Список исследованных видов актиний с номерами доступа в ГенБанке их митохондриальных последовательностей. Species and haplotype 12S rRNA 16S rRNA COIII Aulactinia vladimiri sp.n. KT310187 KT310197 KT310209 Aulactinia stella Pacific-1 KT310188 KT310198 KT310210 A. stella Pacific-2 KT310189 KT310199 KT310211 A. stella Pacific-3 KT310190 KT310200 KT310212 A. stella Pacific-4 KT310191 KT310201 KT310213 A. stella Pacific-5 KT310192 KT310202 KT310214 A. stella White-Barents KT310208 JQ927444 KT310207 Cnidopus japonicus Pacific-1 KT310193 KT310203 KT310215 C. japonicus Pacific-2 KT310194 KT310204 KT310215 C. japonicus Pacific-3 KT310195 KT310205 KT310215 C. japonicus Pacific-4 KT310196 KT310206 KT310215 rently assigned to Bunodactis, Aulactinia, Gy- tog (1995), for details see Sanamyan et al. ractis and Anthopleura need to be revised until (2012). Type material is stored at the Zoologi- certain conclusions may be made. Pending such cal Institute (ZIN) in St. Petersbourg, Russia revision we prefer to keep more or less estab- and in Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Geograph- lished in the literature the usage of the name ical Institute (KBPGI). Aulactinia as a valid genus. Molecular techniques Material and methods Data collection. Adult pedal disc tissues Specimens of Aulactinia vladimiri sp.n. were and juvenile polyp specimens were preserved in observed and photographed underwater in their 96% ethanol prior to DNA extraction. The total natural habitat to record colour, external ap- DNA was extracted using Wizard SV Genomic pearance and position on substrate. The collect- DNA Purification System (Promega) following the manufacturer’s protocol. ed anemones (21 specimens) were fixed in sea- Mitochondrial gene fragments 12S rRNA, water formalin, then some of them transferred to 16S rRNA and COIII were amplified using 70% ethanol for long-term storage. Small piec- published primers and protocols (Geller, Wal- es of tissues cut from the pedal disk and limbus ton, 2001; Bocharova, 2015). of six live specimens were placed directly to Sequence reaction was run using the BigDye 96% ethanol for molecular study. The histolog- v1.1 reagent kit (Applied Biosystems©). Puri- ical sections were prepared using isopropanol- fied and denatured reaction products were ana- mineral oil method (see Sanamyan, Sanamyan, lyzed in the capillary molecular analyzer ABI 2012). Size ranges of cnidae were measured on PRISM 3130 (Applied Biosystems©) using POP7 small pieces of macerated tissue according the gel polymer. In order to treat the chromato- method of Hand (1954) and the details of distri- grams, a Sequencing Analysis 3.7 (Applied Bio- bution of cnidae in different tissues were stud- systems©) and Geneious 6.1.6 (http://www. ied on histological sections stained by basic were applied. After the treat- dyes (the method is described by Sanamyan et ment, the length of the 12S rRNA fragments was al., 2013). Cnidae terminology follows Weill 663 nucleotides, 16S rRNA — 481 nucleotides, (1934) and Carlgren (1949), but classification COIII — 485 nucleotides. of p-mastigophores follows Schmidt (1969,
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