Report Nazis Slay Nationalist Leaders Made Captain Killed in Action v^— A member of TIN.A. Branch 433 Prof. Alexander Granovaky of the University of Minnesota reported ear­ West Islip, N. У. John Glowasky was Pfc. Charles Schur, 23, son of Mr. ly this week that he has received from a reliable source in Paris a cablegram recently promoted to captaincy and and Mrs. Dymitro Schur, 1007 Savey dated March 12 informing him that* • awarded the cluster leaf and air the Nazis have executed Col. Andrew Street, Duquesne, Pa. was killed in • Melnyk. head of tbe^ Organisation of U{J.. NN.. AA. AUDITORAUDITORSS Ukrainian Nationalists, together with .IN_ _. SESSIOпрпгцлхNт three other prominent Ukrainian Na- . f ДОч SKSSiON tionalists, Eugene Onatsky,. Alexan- A regular semi-annua.. : l audit df the der Boykiv, and Dmytro Andrievsky. bookA sregula and raccount semi-annuas of thl eaudi Ukrainiat of thne Melnyk, Boykiv and Andrievsky had bookNationas anl dAssociatio accountsn obf yth the eUkrainia Supremne been earjier reported as arrested by AuditinNationagl AssjociatioCommitteen habys thbeee nSuprem in proe­ the Germans in Belgium and im- gresAuditins ing thCommittee coursee ohaf sthi bees nweek in pro. - msoned at Potsdam near Berlin. gresMembers in ths eo fcours the ecommittee of this week, electe. d Prof. Granovsky further reports at Memberthe Harrisburs of thge committeeconvention, electeof thde that "for the last two months I have aU.N.At the. Harrisburin 1941, arg e conventioDraytro nKapitul of thae received reliable information from U.N.Aof McAdoo. in 1941, Pa., ,ar Dre Dmytr. Walteo rKapitul Gailana abroad of barbarous anti-Ukrainian off PhiladelphiaMcAdoo, Pa., ,Dr Dr. .Ambros Waltere KibzeGallany German policy and of the ruthless of PhiladelphiaDetroit, Roma, Drn . SmooAmbrosk ane dKibze Stey­ extermination of all Ukrainian Na- ophef Detroitn Kuropa, Romas of nChicago Smook. and Ste- -^ionalists." • phen Kuropas of Chicago. ENROLL THE TOTS IN THE U. N. A. "V ll/fbST all of our young parents who are concerned with their Ukrainian t extraction and who are attached to their Ukrainian cultural heritage, desire their children to be likewise in this respect when they grow up. That is Why so many of them strive to acquaint their children with some CAPT. JOHN GLOWASKY of the colorful features of Ukrainian* :— PFC. CHARLES SCHUR culture and reveal to them their thee 8 million dollar mark, andd furfur- medal, reports K. Shynksr, Branch charm and meaning. Also, if they nishing itss members not only modernt 1423 s*cretnrv. Twenf" five vc • R nM the son of action January 4 during the Ameri­ themselves have a sufficient knowl- life insurance protection butt alsalsco Mr. and K**s Pet.r - O'owaskv of 24 can drive in Belgium. edge of the Ukrainian tongue, they various other benefits of a culturaculture l Lewis S ree*. Ami'.vville. N. Y. Cap­ A member of the A:my Airborne try to impart knowledge to their 'andand^ social character; among thenthem: tain Glownskv has completed 100 Glider troops and a member of U. N. children; if possible, they send the being, for example, thee publicatiorn missions. He has been in the army A. Branch 17,, Pfc. Schur entered the children to a Ukrainian school. And, of books in English dealing with theiir for three years and has been over­ service two and a half ye*:rs ago. In of course, they take their children to Ukrainian background, thee names oif seas since Jur.e 1, 1944. He was for­ Panama six months, he was later the Ukrainian church they attend, so; which aree tooo well known , ttoo beabeari merly an instructor at Marianna, shipped to Italy where he saw ac­ that the child may be raised in their repetition here,. Florida. > tion prior to taking part in the Brother Becames Lieutenant French and German invasions. faith and at the same time learn of; Aside from alll this, howeyerhowever, ththee the mystical beauty of its ritual. Ukrainian National'AssociatioNational' Association hahats His brother, 2nd Lieutenant* Wal- Recently Charles me. his Brother, John, with the Air Force, in Italy All this they do as Americans of»iin ththe fiftyfifty ononee yearyearss ooff ititss existencexistence jter L. Glownskv, 21, received his Ukrainian descent, conscious of their the leading role in Ukrainian | commission Febru »ry 1, 1945. While and spent several days with him. pl8yeplayed the leading role in Ukrainiar Charles was with the troops invading duty to cultivate their Ukrainian cul-; American life, and contributed very home on a fifteen day furbugh,-a American life, and contributed ver> southern France, it was reported. A tural heritage and introduce some of development. StiU an- ! graduation party was tendered him muchh tto ititss development. Still an­ 'by relatives and close friends. graduate of Duquesne High School its more adaptable features into otherr outstandinoutstanding servicservice oof tbthe UU. ! He is now stationed at Tendon Field, in 1039, he worked at the local Car­ American cultural life, thereby help- NN . AA wawa8s itite s greagreat t prepre-wa.war r ajaid dt ot c j Florida, flying a B-.?4. negie, Illinois Steel Corp. mg to broaden and enrich it. ou^j.r feingmenkinsmen in Ukraine andd elselsee- All this, however, is not sufficient, where abroad, which aid will be rere­- Our young parents should endeavor sumed азas. soon as possible after ththee Five Brothers Serving Oversea to do more for their, children, if they warwar.. At present, of course, thee U. sincerely desire to have them grow.NN. A. is doing itss full share in ouошr Mr. and Mrs. John Fedorak of 189 ing was received at Camp Croft, S. Green St., Allentown, Pa. are the par­ C, and Fort Meade, Md. up conscious of their Ukrainian her- country's war effort while many of ititis ents of five sons who are serving in Staff Sergeant Michael Fedorak, itage and interested in Ukrainian members aree distinguishing themthem - the armed forces overseas. Three of who has been overseas since June, American life and activities. They selves on thee battle frontss as well atas them are serving in the European 1943, is in Belgium. A graduate of should bind their children to a well-jon the home front, ! m on the home front. theatre, one in .China, and one some­ Allentown.High school with the class founded Ukrainian organization, the) Obviouslyobviously, as thee chief bulwark oiof where in the Pacific area. Tiieir fa­ of 1940, he was formerly employed purposes of which are in harmony. Ukrainian AmericaAmerican liflife ththe U.NU.N. AA. ther is secretary of U.N.A. Branch by the Keystone Engineering Co. in with both American and Ukrainian, constantly needneedss ^to ^b e strengthenedstrengthened, 147. Meadville. His training was received at Miami Beach, Fla.; Warner, Okla^ ideals, ч which has a fine record of by new members. Such new mem­ As reported in the Allentown Eve­ and Atlantic City, N* J. achievement, and from which the bers must come not only from the ning Chronicle (clipning sent to Chief Warrant Officer Alex Fedo­ children will receive certain definite younger generation, the children of Weekly by H. Bilenky), the Stiver Star avrard wss won recently by Pri­ rak recently completed four years in benefits throughout the length of immigrant parents, but also from their lives, ш other words, the chil­ vate First Class Walter Fedorak, who the Army. A former employee ft&| these children's children, those tots the Call-Chronicle papers, he is now dren should be made members of the Is somewhere in Germany, for gallan­ of whom we see so many around now. try in action. A graduate of Allen- in China. He was sent overseas last Ukrainian National Association, which It is up to their parents to enroll town High school with the class of August. A graduate of Allentown beat answers all these requirements, j them in the u.N.A. Thereby they 1941, he has been overseas since last High school with the class of 1937, he is married to the former Ann By now our readers are too wellj^u not oniy provide them with life October. A former employe of the acquainted with the Ukrainian Na-; protection but also draw Bethlehem Steel Co., Walter -received Morykin of Pen Argyl.. m3urance The: only Fedorak brother not in tional Association to make it neces­ them closer to'Ukrainian American his Army" training at Camp Howze, Texas; Denver, Colo., .and Camps the Army, Marine Private Fist Class sary here to describe it in any de­ life and the high cultural ' values Claiborne, La. John Fedorak Jr. is somewhere, in tail. -Suffice it to remind them that upon which it is based. Private Joseph Fedorak, who re­ the Pacific area. He has been over­ -the Ukrainian National Association cently met his brother Walt* f some­ seas since January. The husband of Tie a fraternal benefit order, founded where on the western-front, is also in the former Sally Dee of Philadelphia,. iipi 1894L with a membership of dose WANTED: More pews reports and Germany. A former employee of the he received his training at Paris< Is­ to 45$Р9л in this country and some picture* for the Weekly. Enclose Consolidated Cigar Co., he ha^ Lftcu land, N» C. and Camp Le Jeune, $L *ШІЗааві&, with assets soon to pass with picture $3 for cut. overseas since last June. His train­t'C. No. tfc (Continued) ~ (4) THE PAN-SLAVIC MOVEMENT it to their own purposes. They made efforts to link their independence to it and make Polanu ANOTHER movement of that period which its core. One such efforf wasvthe establishment' found ite reflection in the works o/ Shev- by the many Parisian refugees of the ill-fated chenko was the Pan-Slavic movement.
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