December, 2011 Vol. XXIX, No. 4 ppoocchhee ppaarroollee The Italian Cultural Society of Washington D.C. Preserving and Promoting Italian Culture for All www.italianculturalsociety.org ICS EVENTS Social meetings start at 3:00 PM on the third Sunday of the month (except this December and January), September thru May, at the Friendship Heights Village Center, 4433 South Park Ave., Chevy Chase, MD (See map on back cover) Sunday, December 11: FESTA DI NATALE Please note that the date listed in the November issue was in error. Babbo Natale hopes to see you on December 11. See page 2 for December 11 program. Sunday, January 22: (Note the date) Davide Prete, sculptor/architect/jewelry designer, will speak and exhibit his jewelry creations. See his website: www.davideprete.com/eng/62/jewlery.html There will be no Italian Lessons and no Movie of the Month on December 11 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE elaborate presepio, hands-on entertainment for the Those of you who attended the November meeting children, and seasonal music with soprano were treated to Francesco Scaduto-Mendola’s Adrianna Sgarlata.(See p.11) Please be sure to reading of his Sicilian ancestor, Barone Antonio join us for this happy event. And speaking of Mendola’s account of the baron’s nephew’s young events, in this issue on page 11 are listed the many daughter actually locked up in a tower to keep her Italy-flavored events occurring in the near future in from marrying her worthless cousin, and who the DC area (special thanks to Anthony Galizia for escaped through a small window and proceeded to listing them on his Piazza Italia website calendar.) run off and disastrously marry him anyway…and Meanwhile, we wish you all pleasant holidays. we were shown a photograph of the actual sinister- looking tower to boot. Talk about being transported Ron Cappelletti, president to a different era! TABLE OF CONTENTS Our next meeting on DECEMBER 11, NOT 2. Festa di Natale program DECEMBER 18, will be the occasion of our annual 3. Welcome new ICS members 4 Vercelli ed il Riso Festa di Natale. This year Babbo Natale will wear 6. Congratulazioni Leo !! his own mustache and La Befana will be channeled 6. Some ICS members demonstrate at the Capitol by a new host. Babbo’s cheerful elves will help 7. Mona Lisa is Kidnapped, Part 2 of 2. distribute the presents, and the party will be our 11. Local Events of Interest usual joyful seasonal celebration, hopefully with an 11. Adrianna Sgarlata PLEASE DO NOT BRING DESSERTS ! 2 CONSULAR SECTION ITALIAN GOURMET ITALIAN EMBASSY 3000 Whitehaven Avenue, N.W. MARKET Washington, DC 20008 12169 Darnestown Road (Rt.28) Information: 202-612-4400 Gaithersburg, MD Serves residents of Washington, DC, Darnestown Rd & Quince Orchard Rd Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties,MD; Tel: 301-926-9236 Arlington & Fairfax Counties, VA BUON NATALE !! WELCOME TO NEW ICS MEMBERS Gourmet deli and catering It is with great pleasure that I introduce those Members who have joined us recently. As I welcome them I hope that they Featuring an extensive line of Italian will take advantage of all that the Society has to offer and foodfavorites, wines and beers! that they will contribute with their knowledge and expertise to Italian deli products, panini, subs and the success of the Society’s mission: sandwiches, fresh mozzarella, & home Mark Mohr, Anna Andreasen,Lourdes Tinajero, Richard J. Di Buono made delicious Italian meals to go! Benvenuti ! Cesarina Horing, Membership Chair Seasonal Specialties Available Panettone ● Pandoro ● Panforte ITALIAN LANGUAGE Torrone ● Perugina Chocolates PROGRAM **************************** 4827 Rugby Avenue, Suite 301 Bring this Poche Parole ad for Bethesda, MD 20814 a 10% discount from Mark! Winter Session Begins January 9 (except for beer wine, and other Day, Evening and Weekend Classes beverages) for Adults and Children Serving Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC Antenna Italia www.italianculturalsociety.org is now on the AMICO website. Get 301-215-7885 news from Italy and information on ICS Poche Parole Publication Italian and Italian-American events as Arrigo Mongini, Editor well as music & commentary in Nick Monaco, Assistant Editor Romeo Segnan, Paolo Vidoli, Italian Editors streaming audio. Log on any time Poche Parole is published each month from January through May at Pino Cicala’s web site and September through December. The deadline for the www.italianamericancommunications.org th submission of all articles and ads for a newsletter issue is the 25 of the month preceding publication of the issue. Please send submissions via the Internet to e-mail address: ICS Board of Directors and their Responsibilities [email protected] or on a computer diskette/CD to: Ron Cappelletti, President & Webmaster Editor, Poche Parole Olga Mancuso, Vice President 4827 Rugby Avenue, Suite 301 Cesarina Horing, Membership, Treasurer & Bethesda, MD 20814 Italian Language Program Publication notice: The ICS Board reserves sole discretion for Cecilia Fiermonte, Secretary accepting any material, including advertisements, for inclusion in Arrigo Mongini, Editor of Poche Parole Poche Parole, pursuant to its established Publication Policy. A copy Joe Onofrietti, Film & Hospitality of this policy is available upon request by contacting the Editor. Nick Monaco, Outside Events Advertisers appearing in Poche Parole have paid a fee or provided Luigi De Luca, At large (Past President) services in kind to ICS for publishing their respective Paolo Vidoli, At large advertisements. Publication of any advertisement in Poche Parole Anthony Sinopoli, At large does not reflect ICS endorsement or guarantee of the Romeo Segnan, At large, advertisers’ services, products or statements. Material contained in Monica Lapenta, At large articles published is the sole responsibility of the author and does Maria Wilmeth, Historian not indicate ICS endorsement Elio Grandi, Emeritus 3 Ai nostri lettori: Questo saggio e’ il lavoro di uno studente in To our readers: This essay is the work of a student in an una classe avanzata di italiano di Camilla Presti Russell dell’ Advanced Italian course of Camilla Presti Russell of the ICS Italian Language Program della ICS. Italian Language Program. VERCELLI ED IL RISO VERCELLI AND RICE di Cathy Delahay by Cathy Delahay Vercelli è una delle province del Piemonte. La città è situata Vercelli is one of the provinces of Piemonte. The city is nella pianura padana sulla sponda del fiume Sesia. Fondata situated in the plain of the Po valley on the bank of the Sesia da una tribú di Liguri nel 600 aC, Vercelli è uno dei piú river. Founded by a tribe of Liguri in 600 BCE, Vercelli is one antichi siti urbani in Italia. Dopo i Liguri, vi furono i Celti ed i of the oldest urban sites in Italy. After the Liguri there were Galli; e poi (nel 49 a. C) la città è diventata un “municipium “ the Celts and the Gauls, and then (in 49 AD) the city became romano ed i Vercellesi hanno ottenuto la piena cittadinanza a Roman “municipium” and the Vercellesi obtained full Roman citizenship. romana. Durante il periodo romano Vercelli era la prima città del During the Roman era Vercelli was the primary city of Piemonte per ricchezza di istituzioni pubbliche e per Piemonte for the richness of its public institutions and its commerci. C’erano bagni pubblici, templi, monumenti, un commerce. There were public baths, temples, monuments, a teatro ed un acquedotto. Situata lungo un’ importante via per theater, and an aqueduct. Situated along an important trade route, the development of the city has continued at a scambi commerciali, lo sviluppo della città ha continuato a th ritmo incalzante. Poi (nel IV secolo) proprio come le fortune pressing rhythm. Then (in the 4 century) just as the di Vercelli sono salite con quelle di Roma, così sono cadute fortunes of Vercelli rose with those of Rome they fell when the western Roman empire collapsed. alla caduta dell’impero romano d’occidente. Si sa poco di Vercelli durante il periodo tardo antico ed alto Little is known about Vercelli during late antiquity and high medioevale. Dal VI al VIII secolo la città è rimasta sotto il middle ages. From the sixth to the eighth centuries the city dominio della tribu’ longobarda. Come membro della nuova remained under the Lombard tribe. As a member of the new Lega Lombarda, Vercelli è diventata un comune Lombard League, Vercelli became an independent town in indipendente nel 1120. Il governo ha promulgato alcuni 1120. Its government promulgated several laws that were statuti molto avanzati per questo tempo, come l’abolizione very advanced for that time, such as the abolition of serfdom. della servitú della gleba. Nel 1219 hanno iniziato i lavori per In 1219 work was started for the Abbey of St. Andrew and in la realizzazione dell’Abbazia di Sant’Andrea e nel 1228 1228 Vercelli founded the first university in the world Vercelli ha fondato la prima università nel mondo finanziata financed with public funds. The thirteenth century was a con denaro pubblico. Il XIII secolo era un periodo di period of prosperity and Vercelli obtained control of the prosperità, e Vercelli ha ottenuto il controllo sul territorio territory between the Alps, the Po, the Sesia, and the Dora compreso tra le Alpi, il Po, la Sesia e la Dora Baltea, grazie Baltea thanks to the power of the church, which had made possible the acquisition of these lands. al potere della chiesa che aveva reso possibile l’acquisizione di questi terreni. Unfortunately, just as it happened in its relation to ancient Rome, the fortunes of Vercelli rose and fell with those of the Sfortunatamente, proprio come è accaduto nel suo rapporto th con Roma antica, le fortune di Vercelli sono salite e sono church during the 14 century.
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