Fourth Series, Vol.II, No.4 Thursday, November 20, 1969 Kartika 29, 1891 (Saka) N inth SessionF I * !% F*F*&+&,F $-F!F 1 CONTENTS No.4. Thur1day, November, 20, /969/Kartika 29, /89/ (Sakal Obituary Reference (Dearh 0/ Shrimari Violet Alval Column~ Shrimati Indira Gandhi 1-2 Dr. Ram Subhag Singh 3 Shri Ranga 3-4 Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 4-6 Shri H. N. Mukerjee 6 Shri Sezhiyan 6-7 Shri A. K. Gopalan Shri Surendranath Dwivedy 7-8 Shri Rabi Ray 8-9 Shri N. C. Chatterjee 9-10 Shri Prakash Vir Shastri 10 Shri Yashwant Singh Kushwah 10 Shri Ehrahim Sulaiman Sait 10-11 Mr. Sp-.akcr IJ-J2 LOI{ SABHA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA more than once as a member of the lodian Deleaations to the Commonwealth Parlia- Thu·sla.v, Novelffber 20, 1969/K"",k" 29, mentary Conferences. 1891 (Mb) But, Sir. she was on~ of those outstaod- ina fi,ures of our public life for whom politics was by no means th,; sole pre- occupation. She hpd the distinction of being The Lok Snhh" met at EleI'e" of tire Clock one or the pioneering lady advocates and [Mr. SpeakPr I" til' U,al,) jurists of this country. She has been president of the International Federation of OBITUAR Y REFERENCE Women Lawyers, and earlier its reaional Vice·President and member for a number of (Oeallt 0/ Slt,imatl Violet All'a) years. This association took her abroad to a number of international conferences. She THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER has also represented this international forum OF FINANCE. MINISTER OF ATOMIC of women lawyers in the UNESCO and the ENERGY AND MINISTER OF PLANN- International Labour Organisation, ING (SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHIl: Mr. Speaker, Sir. the news of Shrimati Violet She was a champivn of human riahts and Alva's sudden death this morning came to in 1959 has served as India's sole representa- me, as I am sure it did to all of u' here as tive to the UN seminar on human rights a great shock. It has caused us deep held in Ceylon, and a. a delepte at the UN IOrrow leminar in New Zealand in 1961. She haa also been a leading journalist alonl with her It was only the day before yesterday distinauished husbund. wben, in the other House, the leaders of the Apart from politics and the profession different parties had occasion to felicit~te her of law_ many causes of wider cultural lind for the exemplary mannor in which she had social importance claimed her interests. presided over the deliberations of the Rajya She dealt with the entire pmut of social Sabha for eight years. By the dianity which welfare as a Deputy Minister in the Home she brought 10 bear upon Ihal high-·and, if Mini3try. She took particularly keen inter- I may say so-difficult office, and by Ihe est in the problem of juvenile delinquency fairness, firmness and conspicuous success and related aspects of social welfare. wilb which she conducted ils proceedings, She was not merely a prominent repre- she shed new lustre on the Ch~ir, enhanced sentative of the great Christian community the dianily of Ihe House and made a nOlable of this nation, and one of the best reprcaen- conlribulion 10 Ihe growth of our parliamen' tatives of Indian woman hood, but an tary democracy. example of a public worker interested in the Sir, Shrimati Alva has not been a wider affairs of society as a whole. Itt'anaer to this House either, for she had In the Rajya Sabha she was always calm, the privilClile 10 serve as a member of firm, imparti .. 1 and just to .. II sections of the Government for some years. She was one House. To me, apart from beinl a political of our leadina parliamentarians, with long collcaauc, she was a personal friend. We ad diSlinllUished experience. Before be- shall .rcatly mi.. her in our work and in comina the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya many of the plans which we had in tbe Sabha, she served in its panel of Chairmen future. Sir, may we requcst you to convey for many years. She "'as in the Public our lincere condolences to Shrimati Alva', Account Committee for two years She has distinguished husband, who happens to be represented this ..-eat Parliament abroad our colleallUe in the other Hou ... 3 Obituary R'f~re"ce NOVEMBER 20, 1969 Obituary Refere_ DR. RAM SUBHAG SINGH (Buxar): been the Deputy Minister and she was going Sir, It was a very shocking and tragic news to he the MiDlster of State. We fclt that a to hear about the sudd~ passinl away of mere State Mini.tership would not live her Shrimati Violet Alva who was one of our such opportunities as the Deputy Chairman- most distinguished colleagues. As I have ship of the other other House. She did seen her .vork as a member of the Rajya pmve to one and all that she was able to Sabha, as a Deputy Minister and recentty as contribute very much m"re to the develop- Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, I ment of our p"liamentary traditions, con- found her as an outstanding member of the vlllltions and dec'eneies than what she could Rajya Sabha, who was dauntless in her hav! done a~ a mere Minister of State. work. No pressure could work on her. In other counlries. wherever she had As the Deputy Minister also she was a gone, she brought lustr. to our country and very successful Deputy Minister. As th~ to our womenfolk in the country. Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha she conducted the House with great ability and The last testame"t of hers is a comment everybody felt satisfied. Under her care, the on the way in which the country is moving, Raj,a Sabha c(·nducted its business so effi- not so fOrlUnale. and yet it is a testimony to ciently and so effectivcly tbat it brought her sense of self-respect. It was thn nish laurels to her. She was a journalist of ~ense of self-respect th"t she had displyed in great repute and had writren articles in everything thai she did and every institution weekly and monthly magazines. As a lawyer that she had s.rved. She had set a very of the High CO,urt and Ihe Supreme Court high example of nohl. service, of self-respect she was very much respected. Over and and of dccency and decorum and. what is above all these things, she was one of the more. love for <verybody. One could not Ireatest social workers of our country. I haJ meet her without going away WIth the the privilege of working with her. impression, "Here is a person who has only Jove for everyone and no ('ther feelint: for On behalf of my party and on my own anybody." And such. good soul has joined behalf, I request you to convey our sincere God. I wish her peace. I requesl you, Sir, aense of sorrow to Mr. Alva and to the to conv<y our condolen"... to her devoted ber~aved family. husband who is also one of Ihe good sons of our country aDd to her bereaved family. SHRI RANGA (Srikakulam): Mr. Speaker, Sir, we associate ourselves wilh the Bentime.lIs expressed by the Prime Minister ~ ~ f.~l~ "l;w~l (if"!'1 "T') and the Leader of the Congre!! Party to my 1lI''' Iff 1'fit~Il, IlI'Pf l'i.f 1f~,T ~T;r;;r;T right. ~ll<r it ~~ g~ ~ I ;;rTif~ f~if~r Iff~'ti When I went to pay my respects this morning, I found Mrs. Violet Alva asleep ~, ~~T, f<fif~r ~''', ~ IlI'h 1'fr~lf f;r;:liI'r and in peace with herself. I could not lRzi ~ Ill! ~~<Il IlI'r;;r fq; r iiqr~ ~r"it reconcile myself with the thought that life IlI'IJ~T ,,~~~ ~If;r;,"r ~ S'r~ "I~ ~T might not be there. In the same way, she Ifllr passed thruogh lire rcace and with love and ~ t ~"! 'I"~ -..1"if1 IlI'r;;lfr iiql~ ;ft" it tft, happiness towards everybody. She was one qt'll 11;;1< "l1'r it ~qr't mf'flfl it :a"~~ of the noble dauahters of our country. As has been said by the Prime Mini·ter and my ~f{-W~ sr~"T .m .n !ll't, IIfrOT WIf ~ friend to my riaht, she had achieved great flf'l'W qt.. f.-r 'a~ ~1 ''if" it .mft distinction not only for herself, not only for rn her family, but also Cor the Parliament and it; f"flt ~'tif'lfif ~~ ~ I f;r;m it ;r~1 ~ the country. 'fr f~ If@! !l"lil'q'r~ ~T ;;rrqlfT I ;;r. I!flf, I had the privileae of workinl with her S'Q~r f~~~ ;r~1 ~1lI'f ;;r~ in the other H,,"SC for a number of year. f""fT ifT m and als() in joinina those friendl who were :a"~ '" 11', 1Tit,;;-i hIT EfT Q;frr OTlfar pleased wilh Ihe proposal made to her that 'l'T-IlI'"'fT ifFl .ToA "fiT 'IT I irf'l1'f ~)IfT 'liT shc should accept the Deputy Chairmanship uf the e\her Houae whea abe hid already 'tiff rnr ~ ~'tim, ~ ~ ~ r.... 1Ji I Obitu/lry Referellce KARTIKA 29,1891 (S"KA) Obitu/lry ReferellCt! ~'f!f,r ~ru 31T.'1' Tl~ it> fiifli', 11'1'1'- {if ~iG) if; ff iii it 1!I"l'f1 ql~ vq't <rtfl it; f"fit 'fllf'l'<t .fl,,'f trt I 1942 it.
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