volume 42, issue 19 Highline Community College Hoops Running into spring Tuition coach likely P>resigns - Highline mens basket- to rise ball Head Coach Jeff Albrecht has resigned from BY BENJOHNSTON his position. ‘ AND JASON LEGGETT Athletic Director John Dunn says the search for a Stuf Rtporter new head coach is to start soon While it is not likely there See story page A10 will be agreement on a state budget before June this year, you can be certain that tuition will rise. The unanswered questions are who will pay, how much and Highline when. “There is no doubt in my mind that tuition rates will rise,” students ~ State Sen. Don Carlson, R- Vancouver said. “But we would faithful-‘ like to see less than ... Gov. Locke proposed in his budget.” Locke’s budget calls for a to religion, straight-across-the-board,9 per- cent tuition hike for each year of -the upcoming biennium, but the hike wouldn’t take effect for ”STAFF another month. Carlson thinks that this is too high and inequi- Sixty-seven percent of table. He said that funding for Highline students say they par- higher education can only come ticipate in some kind of orga- from taxes - taxes from all state nized religion, according to a. taxpayers and from students, in recent unscientific a survey. the form of tuition hikes which Four main categories sur- he sees as “taxes on learning.” faced: Christianity, Islam, Bud- “I doubt higher education dhism, ‘ and,none. Highline runners Brian Pyfer and Jason Nieblas run in the 800cmeter race at Mt. will escape the budget axe,” said The majority, 58 percent, or Hood Community College on Saturday, Mach 8. See story page AI 1. To see more State Rep. Dave Upthegrove, D- 60 people out of the 104 sur- on Highline’s track team and other spring sports take a look at the Inside SCOOPstart. 33rd District. “But we should not balance the state budget on veyed, say they are Christian. ing on page B 1 Students definitely have their . the backs of students.” own ideas as to what Christian- “(Tuition hike!) shouldn’t be ity is exactly. the only thing,” said Carlson. “Christianity is not a religion and power,” said another stu- tended his Christian service is to gion. “Legislators need to decide to - there is nothing religious with dent. make his morn happy, while an- “Because my parents are propose tax bills. We should do this - it is a relationship,” Furthermore, there are sev- ,other student agreed she goes Catholic, I just decided to be it ourselves.” . Veronica Lepeska said. eral varied reasons why they at- because her daddy says so. , Catholic,” said one student. “I There is some fear in the ) Another student gave her-ex- tend their different churches. In contrast, other students at- believe in going to church to be Legislature of what the reper- ’ planation of Christianity as Apparently, parents’ views tend because they want to and blessed.” cussions of doing it themselves more of a lifestyle than a reli- concerning religion have’a large believe that it’s the truth. One student feels extremely would be, however. gion. influence on their children’s “I’ve discovered Christianity convicted to Catholicism. “I go “If we’re going to,tax voters, b “I.fee1 very strongly about lives and what religion they to be true, and my life has to mass to better understand the voters are going to have to do I what I believe in and church is choose to believe. changed only for the better be- word of the’ Lord and remind it,” Majority Leader Jiin West, like a home outside of my “I was taught it to be the only cause of it,” said a student. myself what is important I in R-Spokane, said. home,” one student said. real religion since I was born,” A total of nine Catholic stu- life.” West fears that any tax legis- “I have a real relationship one student said. dents responded to the survey, with the living God. I have ex- Another student admitted and all said that they were born perienced his presence, love, that the only reason that he,at- and raised in the Catholic reli- See Religion, page Aig See Tuition, page A19 &..page A6, A7, AS, A9 campus Life-pageA 2, ~3 T-birds hope to reload Highline jazz club puts Opinion........p age A4, AS with fresh recruits on performance News....p age AI, A124A19 --See story page A10 --See story page A6 - U Health issues get slammed “Clubfeet as a congenital dis- “convenience foods” due to ries, 22 grams of fat. A large fry “stupid people’s” health. has 540 calories and 26 grams BY VICTORIA ANTHONY order is not something that is well known or much talked “Ameri - of fat, and for those of you who AND JAMES SCHEIDER cans are lit- go for the gusto and grab the Staff Reporters about, especially by someone who was born with the birth de- erally killing super sized version, be prepared themselves to cut through the grease gauo fect,” Johnson said. ‘ Jonathon Johnson’s remem- and making As a person born with Club- let of 610 calories,” Platt sai brance of growing up won first themselves adding that the average personB feet, Johnson took the opportu- prize at Wednesday’s Speech stupid, yes only needs 2,000 calories a day. nity to explain to the audience Slam competition in Building 7. stupid, with “It’s super sized meets super what it’s like to grow up with a The topic for the Speech Platt the fast food thighs, oh my,” Platt said shortly deforiity. Slam was epidemic,” before turning the microphone “I was born with congenital “Heal thcsue: Platt said. over to Wheeler. bilateral clubfeet of a residual Choices in ‘Platt said that the public is Wheeler spoke of a disease nature. That means that no mat- the Maze.” duped into buying larger por- that causes more than three mil- ter what the doctors did with Johnson, tions than they are aware of lion hospital stays and 15 mil- speaking conventional treatments nothing when ordering fast fo-od, and lion doctor visits a’year. His about “Club- worked for me. My feet would that according to recent studies, speech was entitled, “Diabetes: feet and Bul- always revert to the club,” he there is a link between an in- It’s a Minority Thing.” said. lies ,” came Johnson crease in weight and a decrease “Diabetes is a hereditary dis- in first place Although casting and ma- in mental capacity. ease that can affect anyone, but with a total nipulation, with a-cast change Using McDonald’s as an ex- seems to target minorities,” of 67 points, winning $50 in the every two weeks is one way to ample, Platt explained how they Wheeler said. process. Following shortly be- treat clubfeet, theemore severe train their workers to ask if you A1 though hind him in second place and cases, like Johnson’s, must be want a large or supersize value he captured winning $35, was Rachel Platt treated by surgery. meal. What many people don’t the,audience’s with 66 points. The third place In addition to the: pain, know is that there is also a me- attention with $25 prize went to Andrie Johnson remembers feelings of dium size. his . bold Wheeler with 65 points. isolation, abandonment and “It’s maddening for sure how claim, Johnson began his speech by loneliness during the times of we are constantly being hood- Wheeler first saying, “There is something that his treatment. winked by Ronald’s hamburger- explaioed “I’ll never forget what I went happens to ,1 in 1000 boys and havykjng henchmqn,’,’ Platpaid, what,djapepp@- thrbugli, ,%&cause’you ‘never girls at ’birth called Congenital ieceiving .a roar of laubhier. .. from is, and then went onlto ‘justify ‘ Talipes Equinovayus, .also know when your testimony will audience mkmbers. his statement of diabetes mainly known as clubfeet.” be a benefit to someone else,” Platt then threw value out the affecting minorities. ’ Clubfeet isc’acondition that Johnson said. window and put health in the “Diabetes Mellitus is a meta- involves the in-turning of the Platt, who came in second audience members’ faces. e bolic disease caused4 by -the foot and if left untreated, would place entertained the crowd with “What good is value if it body’s inability to create or ef- leave the child walking on the a humorous speech about the means tighter shirts and jeans? fectively use insulin,” Wheeler sides and tops of his or her feet. tendency of Americans to over- Not to mention tighter arteries?’ said. Running and participating in indulge at fast food restaurants. she asked, following with a list After explaining the common sports would be impossible. Her speech was entit,led, “Fat of McDonald’s nutritional sta- symptoms and complications of Clubfeet affects more boys Tuesday; Blue Wednesday.” tistics, each earning a gasp of diabetes, Wheeler went on to than girls, and in 50 percent of Platt challenged the audience horror from the audience. say diabetes targets minorities . cases, effects both feet. with shockmg statistics of what “A medium fry has 450 calo- more than white Americans. April 18,2003 and are available disability, as help will also be Free CPR offered by calling 206-870-3774 or e- needed Spring Quarter. at Highline mailing mmckay @ highline.edu. Volunteers can earn Coopera- tive Education credit, gain di- versity work experience and The American Red Cross Class available for- build communication and criti- will be hosting a “CPR Satur- Spring Quarter cal thinking skills.
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