Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: Date: 1 May 2020 (5pm onwards) to 4 May 2020 (before 9am) Area: Fraser Coast Region - Local Government Area Summary: • 158 observations • 123 species • 17 observers • 40+ identifiers Observations where species were identified to Research Grade level: No. of Scientific Name Common Name Location Date Species 1 Achaea serva Point Vernon 03-05-20 2 Agarista agricola Joseph's Coat Moth Point Vernon 02-05-20 3 Aphananthe philippinensis Axe handle Wood Woocoo 03-05-20 4 Archimantis latistyla Stick Mantis Toogoom 01-05-20 5 Aristida benthamii Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 6 Boronia falcifolia wallum boronia Burrum Heads 03-05-20 7 Boronia rivularis Tuan Forest 02-05-20 8 Bridelia leichhardtii Leichardt's Ironbark Yengarie 02-05-20 9 Catopsilia pomona Lemon Migrant Toogoom 02-05-20 10 Cephrenes augiades Orange Palm Dart Hervey Bay 02-05-20 11 Cepora perimale Caper Gull Gootchie 03-05-20 12 Clerodendrum floribundum Lolly Bush Yengarie 03-05-20 13 Cyclophyllum coprosmoides Yengarie 02-05-20 14 Cymbidium madidum Arrowroot Orchid Hervey Bay 02-05-20 15 Danaus petilia Lesser Wanderer Yengarie 03-05-20 16 Danaus plexippus Monarch Point Vernon 02-05-20 17 Delias argenthona Scarlet Jezebel Yengarie 03-05-20 Dicrurus bracteatus Spangled Drongo Burrum Heads and 03-05-20 18 Yengarie 19 Diplacodes trivialis Chalky Percher Yengarie 03-05-20 20 Ficus opposita Tiaro 03-05-20 21 Gahnia aspera Red-berried Saw-sedge Yengarie 03-05-20 22 Geopelia humeralis Bar-shouldered Dove Yengarie 03-05-20 23 Gnathothlibus eras Maryborough 02-05-20 24 Haematopus longirostris Pied Oystercatcher Toogoom 02-05-20 25 Herpetogramma licarsisalis Grass Webworm Moth Tiaro 03-05-20 26 Hippotion celerio Vine Hawkmoth Toogoom 01-05-20 27 Hypena masurialis Grey Snout Maryborough 02-05-20 1 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: No. of Scientific Name Common Name Location Date Species Hypolimnas bolina Great Eggfly Point Vernon, 03-05-20 Gootchie and 28 Yengaire 29 Junonia villida Meadow Argus Hervey Bay 02-05-20 30 Lampromicra senator Green Jewel Bug Yengarie 03-05-20 31 Leucania diatrecta Dark-barred Wainscot Tinnanbar 03-05-20 32 Litoria rubella Desert Tree Frog Tiaro 03-05-20 33 Macropus rufogriseus Red-necked Wallaby Yengarie 03-05-20 34 Mentha satureioides Tiaro 03-05-20 35 Morelia spilota Carpet Python Dundowran Beach 02-05-20 36 Neochmia temporalis Red-browed Finch Yengarie 03-05-20 37 Nyctemera baulus Asian Magpie Moth Tinnanbar 03-05-20 38 Ochna serrulata Ochna Yengarie 03-05-20 39 Ochrogaster lunifer Bag-shelter Moth Point Vernon 03-05-20 40 Orgyia australis Painted Pine Moth Maryborough 02-05-20 Orthetrum caledonicum Blue Skimmer Tiaro and Hervey 03-05-20 41 Bay 42 Orthetrum sabina Green Marsh Hawk Tinana 03-05-20 43 Papilio aegeus Orchard Swallowtail Yengarie 03-05-20 44 Pararguda crenulata Maryborough 02-05-20 Pardalotus striatus Striated Pardalote Burrum Heads and 03-05-20 45 Yengarie 46 Persoonia virgata Tuan Forest 02-05-20 47 Platycercus adscitus Pale-headed Rosella Yengarie 03-05-20 48 Polymeria calycina Talegalla Weir 01-05-20 49 Prasinocyma rhodocosma Northern Emerald Maryborough 02-05-20 50 Psychonotis caelius Small Green Banded Blue Talegalla Weir 01-05-20 Ranoidea caerulea Green Tree Frog Toogoom and 01-05-2020 51 Point Vernon 02-05-20 52 Schistophleps bipuncta Maryborough 02-05-20 53 Sericornis frontalis White-browed Scrubwren Yengarie 03-05-20 54 Sommeria marmorea Maryborough 02-05-20 Spoladea recurvalis Hawaiian Beet Webworm Maryborough and 02-05-20 55 Moth Point Vernon 04-05-20 56 Sterculia quadrifida Kuman Hervey Bay 03-05-20 57 Taeniopygia bichenovii Double-barred Finch Yengarie 03-05-20 58 Talanga tolumnialis Fig Leaf Moth Maryborough 02-05-20 59 Tectocoris diophthalmus Hibiscus Harlequin Bug Dundowran Beach 02-05-20 2 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: No. of Scientific Name Common Name Location Date Species 60 Threskiornis molucca Australian White Ibis Point Vernon 02-05-20 Trichonephila plumipes Tiger Spider Dundowran Beach 02-05-20 61 and Hervey Bay 03-05-20 62 Uresiphita ornithopteralis Tree Lucerne Moth Maryborough 02-05-20 63 Xanthorrhoea fulva Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 64 Xanthorrhoea latifolia Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 65 Zizina labradus Common Grass Blue Gootchie 03-05-20 Observations where species are yet to be identified to Research Grade level: No. of Scientific Name Common Name Location Date Species 66 Achaea Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 67 Agelenidae Funnel Weavers Toogoom 01-05-20 68 Amycterini Talegalla Weir 01-05-20 69 Anax papuensis Australian Emperor Tiaro 03-05-20 70 Anisoptera Dragonflies Hervey Bay 03-05-20 71 Anomis Maryborough 02-05-20 72 Arachnida Arachnids Dundowran Beach 03-05-20 73 Arachnidiidae Hervey Bay 03-05-20 74 Argiope Garden Orbweavers Hervey Bay 02-05-20 Argiope keyserlingi Saint Andrew's Cross Toogoom and 01-05-20 75 Spider Point Vernon 03-05-20 76 Belenois java Caper White Hervey Bay 03-05-20 77 Calyptratae Calyptrate Flies Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 * Catopsilia pomona Lemon Migrant Hervey Bay 02-05-20 78 Chariomyrma Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 79 Cherax dispar Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 Chrysomelidae Leaf Beetles Maryborough and 02-05-20 80 Yengarie 03-05-20 81 Coelophora Hervey Bay 03-05-20 82 Corvus orru Torresian Crow Toogoom 02-05-20 83 Cupha prosope Bordered Rustic Hervey Bay 02-05-20 84 Cymbidium canaliculatum Channelled boat-lip orchid Hervey Bay 03-05-20 85 Diplacodes Perchers Yengarie 03-05-20 Diplacodes haematodes Scarlet Percher Tiaro and Hervey 03-05-20 86 Bay 87 Diptera Flies Hervey Bay 02-05-20 3 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: No. of Scientific Name Common Name Location Date Species 88 Erebinae Maryborough 02-05-20 89 Euchrysops cnejus Gram Blue Gootchie 03-05-20 90 Eumeninae Potter and Mason Wasps Toogoom 02-05-20 91 Euploea core Common Crow Butterfly Hervey Bay 02-05-20 92 Eurema hecabe Common Grass Yellow Hervey Bay 02-05-20 93 Gonitis Maryborough 02-05-20 94 Grallina cyanoleuca Magpie-lark Toogoom 02-05-20 95 Haloragis heterophylla Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 96 Herpetogramma Maryborough 02-05-20 97 Hypolepis muelleri Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 * Hypolimnas bolina Great Eggfly Hervey Bay 02-05-20 Insecta Insects Talegalla Weir and 02-05-2020 98 Hervey Bay 03-05-20 99 Ischnura aurora Aurora Bluetail Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 * Junonia villida Meadow Argus Hervey Bay 02-05-20 * Lampromicra senator Green Jewel Bug Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 100 Larentiinae Carpet Moths Tinnanbar 02-05-20 Lepidoptera Butterflies and Moths Dundowran Beach, 02-05-20 Maryborough, 03-05-20 Hervey Bay and Kawungan 101 102 Life Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 103 Macraspis Tiaro 03-05-20 104 Melanitis Yengarie 03-05-20 105 Nephila Golden Orbweavers Hervey Bay 03-05-20 106 Nesticodes rufipes Red House Spider Toogoom 01-05-20 Nymphalinae Checkerspots, Anglewings, Tiaro 03-05-20 107 Peacocks, and Allies 108 Oplismenus hirtellus Basket Grass Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 * Orthetrum caledonicum Blue Skimmer Hervey Bay 02-05-20 Orthoptera Grasshoppers, Crickets, Hervey Bay 02-05-20 109 and Katydids 110 Oxyodes tricolor Tinnanbar 02-05-20 111 Oxyopidae Lynx Spiders Talegalla Weir 03-05-20 112 Palpita Maryborough 02-05-20 113 Papilio fuscus Fuscous Swallowtail Point Vernon 04-05-20 114 Papilioninae Swallowtails Dundowran Beach 02-05-20 115 Pristhesancus plagipennis Hervey Bay 02-05-20 4 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: No. of Scientific Name Common Name Location Date Species Rhododactyla Underwing, Tiger, Tussock, Hervey Bay 02-05-20 116 and Allied Moths 117 Scopula optivata Varied Wave Moth Tinnanbar 02-05-20 118 Spodoptera Armyworm Moths Toogoom 01-05-20 119 Spodoptera picta Lily Caterpillar Dundowran Beach 02-05-20 120 Tipulinae Maryborough 02-05-20 121 Tirumala Blue Tiger Butterflies Hervey Bay 02-05-20 * Trichonephila plumipes Tiger Spider Hervey Bay 02-05-20 122 Utetheisa pulchelloides Heliotrope Moth Tuan Forest 02-05-20 123 Valanga irregularis Giant Grasshopper Tiaro 03-05-20 * Species already counted Some photos of observations: Green Marsh Hawk (Orthetrum sabina) by Ruby Coryn Green Jewel Bug (Lampromicra senator) by Tony van Kampen Red-necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) by Andrea van Kampen 5 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: Spangled Drongo (Dicrurus bracteatus) by Andrea van Kampen Lolly Bush (Clerodendrum floribundum) by Tony van Kampen Wallum Boronia (Boronia falcifolia) by Pam Day Chalky Percher (Diplacodes trivialis) by Andrea van kampen Snout and Bark Beetle (Tribe Amycterini), photo by Scott Gavins 6 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: Carpet Python (Morelia spilota) by Peter and Sharon White Corymbia ptychocarpa by Peter and Sharon White Cyclophyllum coprosmoides by Tony van Kampen Hibiscus Harlequin Bug (Tectocoris diophthalmus) by Vanessa Elwell-Gavins 7 Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Fraser Coast Branch Backyard BioBlitz - Fraser Coast Region Summary of Observations made on iNaturalistAU: Joseph's Coat Moth (Agarista agricola) by Jenni Watts Leichardt's Ironbark (Bridelia leichhardtii) by Tony van Kampen Orange Palm Dart (Cephrenes augiades) by Jenni Watts 8 .
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