J PAGE FOURTEEN iianclr^alfir lEv^nfng H^ralb TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1962 -------------^ ^ ---------- ------------ X. hlanchestar Lodge of Masons Cochran, board of religloua educa­ will meet tonight at 7:30 at the tion. Bigelow St. Lot About Town Masonic Temple. The master ma­ ITwo Elected Also, Mr. imd Mrs.. George MUTARY WMST son degree t^l be conferred af­ Announce Engagements Stiles, delegates to Manchester Bought by Holmes Th« Rotary Society of St ter a brief business meeting. Council of Churches; Mr. and Mrs. aM S n B AC K There will be a social hour with Life Deacons Sherwood L. Bowers, delegates to Brldret’e Church wlU sponsor a Purchase of land at the reAr of (BRipOR) public card party at the K of C refreshments. Hartford East Association; and Home tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Mili­ John S. Wolcott, 180 Main St., Donald Cook, auditor. the Holmes Funeral Home nas been Sponsored by St. Bridget's tary whlat, setback and bridge Ben Ezra Chapter of B’nal and Louis J. TutUe, 21 Hudson St., Also, Mrs. Marion Stlmson, made with the possibility in mind Roeaiy Society VOL. LXXXI, NO. 96 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— IN TW O SE(7nONS) • / 'MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24, 1962 (Clamlfted Adverttsiag on Page 26) will be plsiyed. Refreshments will B'rith will meet tonight at 8:30 were elected honorary lifetime Warren Blackwell and Mrs. Helen that It could provide for aodltlonal PRICE nVE CENTS be served and prizes awarded. at Temple Beth Sholoni. A short Rylander, music committee;' Mrs. parking, according to Howaii] deacons of Second Congregational WMlncsdoy. Jan. 24 Tickets may be purchased at the one-act play will precede a game Margaret Dunfleld, Mrs. Madelyn Holmes. 8 t .M . door. night program. Cliurch at Its annual meeting last Morey and Mrs. Ruth Cavin, world . The land, bought from John Trot­ CorpiM^r C ites week In Fellowship Hall. The men wide mission committee; Mrs. ter, fronts on Bigelow St, and is K.ef C . H A LL St. Joseph Mothers Circle will were awarded the honor, because Thelma Cray arid Mrs. Eleanor approximately 00 by 239 feet. The meet tomorrow a t 8:30 p.m. at the Holems„ . Funeral- HtHome fronts■ ■ on Refreshments — Prises 5 Brand, social action committee. c Letter Rate Police Trace Car o ' their active and faithfill service home of Mrs. James Benton, 40 to the church during the past 50 A baked ham supper was pre­ Main St. DONATION $1JK) Neglect Coleman Rd. 4a> That Struck Pole years. pared and served by the Strickland Holmes said that actually no ’3out 100 members attended the Group before the meeting. definite plans for the new purchase Colombia Prods Ministers The Keeney S t School PTA will meeting and approved a proposed had been made..that the acquisi­ In Auto Death ' .*v . meet at the school tonight at 8. A slightly damaged pole pnd tion was somewhat a protective Voted by House budget of $33,000 for 1962. Sher­ .Mter a business meeting, a panel tire marks on a portion of the measure .. suid that Uie parking discussion, “Technique of Read­ wood L. Bowers was moderator. Bridgeport, Jan. 24 ((P)-—A The Manchester Council of Public Records possibilities were related' to re-, ing," will be presented by Mrs. lawn In front of 343 Parker St., strictlons on Main St. FABRIC Waterbury youth was Byron Boyd, Mrs., Bradly Dear- found last night at 11 o’clock, Churches chaplaincy program was approved. Washington, Jan. 24 (A . f than it asked for In ratsa covering charged with gross negligence Ington and C. Donald Stan<Ush, started a two-hour police rearch Warrantee Deed - BROADCAST PERMIT ASKED CLEARANCE magaainea adv^tlsing a particu­ ‘ITie following officers were elect­ Everett W. and Pauline Reavlel The House passed today aAiill today for an auto collision in teachers at the school. for a-damaged car. Washington, Jan. 23 iJP i — The lar firm OT trade. ed: Stanley Matteson, Kingsley 'to Jay M. 8- and Dolores Frank, Federal Communlcitlons Commis­ to add one cent to the cost of Third claiM mall tisera, whose Newtown last month which Patrolman Clarence Heritage, at t Kuhney, Michael Rubacha and For Full Break with The Robertson School PTA will m property at 65 Conway Rd. sion announced yesterday the re- SALE! ^ mailing a letter and raising vigorous opposition to even the killed Francis (Billy) Finn, about 1 a.m. today found a 1960 Herbert Crandall, deacons; Har- Marriage Licenses present its amnual play this year model car, with its right side c^pt of an application from the postage rates for magazines, 'original proposals was thwarted by 18, one of Connecticut’s out­ entlUed “Hasta Manana." tonlgnt lowe Willis, Ralph Fotherglll and John Robert Dougan, 44 Gardner Milford, Conn., Broadcasting Co., the speed with which the House smashed in, parked in front of 7 Theodore Chambers, trustees; Mrs. St., and Joan , Cromwell, 50 newspapers and advertising standing schoolboy basket­ at 7:30 and tomorrow at 8 p.m. Tracy Dr. The owner of the ve­ 1322 Boston Post Rd., for a con acted in the new session, are ex­ Parents and teachers of the PTA Frieda Huebner and Mrs. Patricia COolidge St. material. ball stars. hicle, James J. Ganas, 30, told po­ The engagement of Miss Marilyn'^ The engagement of Miss Mary structlon permit for a new stand pected to mount a heavy attack on are In the cast. Tickets are Blackwell, deaconesses; James Ir­ Stephen Allen Zane Jr., 36 Fair ard broadcast station at a fre­ The bill, one of the administra­ Coroner Isadora L. K o 1 1 e r State News lice that he had hit the pole but the bill when It moves to the Sen­ available at the school. There Joan Giberson of East Hartford to Ellen Valvo of Coventry to Roger vine, Mrs. Roberta Doughty, Mrs. view St., and Constance Eleanor quency of 1,500 kilocycles and PILGRIM tion’s high, priority measures, was ate. blamed drinking and speeding in Says Some said he saw no damage to the pole will be a special price for children George R. EIngllsh Jr. of ‘Manches­ Bolduk of Chaplin has been an­ Dorothy Copeland and Larry Rlsley, 104 W. Center St. power of 250 watts. passed by voice vote. It now goes The new House leadership an­ returning a finding against Rich­ so he left the scene. Ganas was ard Barry. 19, whose license al­ at tonight's performance. The ter has been announced by her par­ nounced by her parents, Mr. and MILLS to the Senate. gered some Republicans by ram­ public is invited. not injured and no arrest was Mrs. Sebastian Valvo, South St., The House added $79.2 mUlion to ming through a motion to end ready was under suspension for Roundup made by police. Damage to the car ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giber- Cheney HaU, Hartford Bd. a rate increase bill worked out by an auto fatality two years ago. Nations for son, 70 Bedford Ave., East Hart­ Coventry. debate In one hour after Hechler’a The Manchester Junior Square was not estimated. Her fiance is the son of Mrs. the Kennedy administration and amendment passed. Rep. H. R. Barry and three teen-age com­ Dance Club will meet Feb. 2 at ford. House Democratic leaders, produc- panions had been in a bar and Frederick Bolduk, Tower Hill Rd., Under no ctrcumsiancea Is this to be considered an offer of sale or a solicitation of an offer to Gross. R-Iowa, prevented final ac­ Verplanck School. Jack O’Leary TRC8TEES ELECT Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Chaplin, and the late Mr. Frederick OPEN TONITE^III 9 Ing a measure that would bring in tavern in Brewster, N. Y„ during School Hoard Mrs. George English, Thomas buy any of these securities. The offer is made only by Hie Offering Circular. tion last night by demanding a Intervening will be the caller. Buzz Chap­ Philadelphia, Jan. 23 — A. Bolduk.. $7t)0 mlllioii if accepted by the Sen­ printed copy of the bill before the morning of Dec. 13, They were Rhett du Pont, of Greenwich, Dr. SATURDAY 10 to 6 man of Springfield, Mass., w'as the Miss Valvo Is a 19S8 graduate of ate. There ig aome doubt on that voting, as the rules provide. returning home on Route 6 at Conn., a New York stockbroker, Miss Giberson la a 1959 graduate Backs Staff in caller at the meeting last week. Manchester High School, and is 120,000 Shares score, however. Ten major amendments were of­ noontime when Barry’s car col­ By WILLIAM L. RYAN 4 Guest dancers were present from was elected last night to the board of East Hartford High School, at­ employed by ’rravelera Insurance ir The bill moved to the verge of lided with a tractor-trailer jusi of trustees of the University of tended Morse College and is em­ passage last night but a Republi­ fered in the last hour. Among them Editorial Row Punta del Este, Uruguiiy, East Longmeadow and Hampton. Co., Hartford. was the only one mentioning first west of the Pocono Road Intersec­ Jan. 24 (IP)— A leader of the Mass. Tile 'club is sponsored by Pennsylvania. Also named was Dr. ployed by Universal C.I.T. Mr. Bolduk is a graduate of can member, angered by what he tion. Howard A. Rusk of Scarsdale. Mr. English is a 1955 graduate of Control Circuits, Incorporated A p p l y f o x * regarded as a power play by the class rates—a motion by Rep.
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