■.-.>-j^ rr "*'•. •' •✓t. -..K-TA-.vv/S* ; •; s‘--n z' As 4 V | 6 uLQB B4ILY CBODliAXlON fw Ike Itaith of May* l9St j <.' 5 ^ 5 8 MMaber of Andit Bonoii of dreulatioii. (^B LV B PA6t^;> n p r i c b ^i j :t:lA :■,CENTS yOL. NO. 210. (doMlflod Ailvortlkiig oa Pago 14). SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUira 4, 1932. AS HAUSNER STARTED FOR POLAND FEQ.no WORRY EX-CROWN PRINCE FORFUERNOW NEXT GERMAN HEAD OVFRATIMIC DATE FOR TRIAL Berlii Hears Tint Hindoi- MURDER SUSPEa Last Seen At 5 O’CloCk Last SET FOR JUNE 27 borg Will Refire In OCto­ FAINTS iN COURT htmg Over Halifax; Tail PUBUC INSPECTS Southern Shipbuilder Who ber and Urge tbe Election Wind Hdps Speed His Played Hoax In Undbergh oIFriederiCbWifliebn. SoCiety W(Hnan Qiarged NATCHAUG FOREST Plane On Way t o Poland. Case Pleads Not Ta Widi Killing Han Dpring Berlin, June 4— (AP) — prom­ By AssoCiated Press Official Explains That State Charge of Hinde^^ Jus­ inent German Nationalist sourCe Wild Party In London. Stanislaus Hausner sailed today prediCted today that President Paul the route of high adventure — the von Hindenburg would retire on his airway over the AtlantiC from New Now Owns Oyer 62,000 tiCe—Is Taken BaCk To eighty-fifth birthday OCtober 2 and York to Europe. urge the eleCtion of former Crown London, June 4^ (AP)- — Mrs. Acre&—Plans Outlined. Jail PrinCe FrederiCh Wilhelm von Elvira Dolores Barney, beautiful SinCe five o’CloCk last night, Hohenzollem as his suCCessor. young London soCiety woman, Col­ eastern standard time, there has The sourCe of the pi'ediCtion was been no word of his progress. He lapsed in Westminster PoliCe Court Phoenlxvllle, Conn., Jime 4.— (AP) Flemlpgton, N. J., June 4.— (AP) one of the most influential politi­ has no wireless and the only possi­ Cians in the German Nationalist today formally Charged with the —^The Spring, field meeting of the ^ohn Hughes Curtis entered a ble news of him rested in. the few Party, the editor of the most im­ slaying of MiChael SCott Stephen, ships ploughing the waters over ConneCtiCut Forest and Park Asso­ plea of not guilty today to an in­ portant of the newspapers pf Alfred 26-year-old soCially prominent Lon­ whiCh his huge BellanCa monoplane diCtment Charging, him with hinder­ Hugenberg, Nationalist head and re­ doner. Ciation was held today on the Charted its Course. Cently a Candidate for president The jroung woman, daughter of The flame-Colored monoplane of Stanislaus Hausner, Newark, N. J., motion piCture operator, was 75 NatChaug State Forest. There was ing Capture , of the kidnap-murder- But there was no worry. This against von Hindenburg. Sir John Mullens, wealthy London miles out at sea—blunt nose pointed toward Poland—when this piCture was taken from a Navy plane whiCh an inspeCtion of forestry work for e.-s of the Ldndbergl. baby. stoCkbroker, was arrested last followed Hausner after his take-off from Floyd Bennett Field, Barren Island, N. Y. With Warsaw as his goal afternoon, perhaps i^ he is imslgbt- The move, if it developed suCCess­ Trial was set for Jime 27 as soon night. Stephen was shot and killed Hausner hoped to make the 4350-mile air voyage in one hop. ed or unreported there may be oCCa­ early Comers with State Forester fully, would again put the house of sion for ConCern. The early part Hohenzollem at the head of the following a CoCktail party in her Austin F. Hawes, as guide. He told as the plea was entered. bizarre West End apartment early of today, however, presumably finds Curtis, who pleaded not guilty de­ German government. the Poland-bom AmeriCan droning those with him that 18 state forests last Tuesday morning. spite his own Confessibn to iwUee, OfflCdtdly Denied along, 100 miles an hour, over lone­ now have a total area of 62,731 OffiCial CirCles denied, however, She is the former wife o f' John entered Court dressed in a dark bine some seas. aCres. The average priCe p8dd fbi that any suCh plem wais in Presi- Sterling Barney, an AmeriCan sing- 1 0 TEACH PIIBIK suit. He seemed entirely unConCern­ •er, and onCe was a London aCtress. FEW STATE GOVERNORS Seen Over Halifax. NatChaug forest was $7.23 an aCre. den von Hindenburg’s mind. At 3 o’CloCk yesterday afternoon ed ,and there was a faint sn^e on She appeared sCarCely able to •Rie Centrist dally “ D er DeutsChe" his monoplane was reported seen The first purChase -was made in his faCe as he looked direCtly at the said, on the other hamd, that Gener­ walk when she was brought into the BONDPURCHASINe over Halifax. Two hours later it 1917. LunCheon was eaten at the udge. He waived reading of the in- prisoners’ doCk this morning, led by al Kiut von SChleiCher, minister of CONVENTION DELEGATES was observed over Sydney, N. S. NatChaug River Camp groimd. Chief her mother. Lady Mullens, and a defense in the new Cabinet, met in His destination wets Warraw, Po­ Game Warden Williamson outilneo his home reCently with Adolf Hitler, prison wardre^ After brief testi­ land. In the event his 525' gsdlons the fish and game situation in the National SoCialist Chieftain, and the mony by the poliCe offiCer who ar­ New York Banks To Start of gasoline proved insuftiCient for state. He desCribed the six year pro­ former Crown prinCe and the three rested'her last night, she Collapsed Cross WiD Be SeCond In that 4,375 mile hop, Hausner gram whiCh had been submitted to agreed that after the ReiChstag Completely, fell out of the doCk and NO EARLY REING planned to desCend either at Lon­ Governor Cross by Thomas H. BeCk, was Curled from the Courtroom by eleCtions' the Cabinet would be Campaign To InCrease In- don or Paris, FranCe. Should his Chairman of the board of fisheries the wardress and some poliCemen. Changed slightly to inClude several Forty Years — RorabaCk fuel appear adequate at these Cities, and game. This Calls for instruCtion SoCiety Interested members of Hitter’s party. IN WALKER CASE he planned to CirCle the fields— of sChool Childrim in the fundamen­ General von SChleiCher would The miuder Charge against Mrs. vestments At Present Croydon and Lebourget—and drop Barney aroused intense Interest in tals of Conservation, a Course in Continue the dominating forCe, how­ Has Been To the Last Six padkets of letters. game breeding at ConneCtiCut Agri­ ever, the newspaper said it was London’s high soCiety CirCles. This Weather Conditions aCross the At­ was attested by the throngs whiCh Cultural College. InCrease of the agreed. New York, June 4.— (AP) — En­ lantiC were favorable when he took warden serviCe by 200 speCial depu­ To Bole in Prussia Clamored for admission to the Court­ Parleys of Republicans. DeCision By Roosevelt Not tirely apart from the bank spon­ off at 8:56 a. m., E. S. T., Friday. ty wardens at one dollar a ybar, It said the Nazis were to be room this morning. Many of those A tail wind favored his plane. given the Controlling influenCe in who struggled to get in were fash- Expected Until After the sored plan to form the new Ameri Hausner figured to reaCh the Control of predatory animals, leas­ Prussia in return for support of von iionably gowned women. The tiny (By AssoCiated Press) Can SeCurities Investing Corp. for British isles in something less than ing of land and water for publiC SChleiCher’s regime in the ReiCh as Court Chamber Could aCCommodate the pmpose of busring prime 30 hours. Paris is two hours be­ himting and fishing purposes and When Governor Wilbur L. Cross bonds, a number of leading bond a whole. only a few of them, however. DemoCratic Convention. yond London and Warsaw is an­ enCouragement of farmers in propa- It w as alsO' leeurned from a re­ Lady Mullens, Mrs. Barney’s takes his seat as Chairman of the houses throughout the Country are other eight hours. He hoped to gatUn of game birds. liable sourCe that the Steelhelmet mother, presented .a pathetiC figure Cor neCtiCut delegation to the Demo- already at work to enliven publiC in­ make the entire journey in 44 Taxation Law terest in present investment oppor­ organization is ready to supply one at the hearing. Obviously she was Crati6 ConvOTtion at ChiCago the hours flying time. Christopher Gallup of Stonington in extreme distress and frequently ly, N . Y ., June 4.— (A|*) — tunities. Called attention to the ConneCtiCut of its leaders as minister of defense 27th, as he is expeCted to ^o, he His flight ia a gesture of friend­ in Case SChleiCher should beCome wiped her eyes with her handker­ Prompt aCCeptanCe by Samuel Sea- The plan has the support of high ship to the Coimtry of-his^ birth. Forest taxation law. He asserted the ChanCellor after the ReiChstag (eleC­ Chief. Mrs. Barney’s father sat will be the seCond governor Ifl forty bury of Governor Roosevelt’s Chal­ offiCials of the AmeriCan Invest­ His young wife of a year^ who in Supreme Court of Errors ujAtsld impassively in one of the seats yesn to go to a Nationfd^ lenge for an iimnediate presentation ment Bankers AssoCiation who say an .qCCompifinying plane, saw him this la^ and that the Court’s de­ tions. AiperiCa has suffiCiently reCovered The new Cabinet, in a publiC deC­ served for witnesses. of as an aC(a^; of evidenCe against M s^r Walker disappe^iyA'stei^y morning on his Cision would prove a stimulus in tiie .. aTaspftCtor*A StCity ^ |30eA^ta-i.qp.-4at» to - brUig abe«it-^» teazled ^ipeCulatlve- Craza.
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