Index Aberdeen, 3-4, 6, 8-9, 14, British Friend, The, 4-5, 7, 12, Darby, Joan, 64 60-3 16 Darby, John, 64-5 Aberdeenshire, 7-8 Brockbank, Richard, 6 Darton, Lawrence, 67 Abraham, Daniel, 28 Brough, Edward, 80 Darton, Margaret Emily, 72 Abraham, John, 28 Brougham, Lord, 27 Darton, Samuel, 74n Accounts, 47 Broughty Ferry, 18 Darton, Thomas Gates, 68, 74 Adelaide Meeting House, 72 Bryson, Agnes, 16 Darton and Harvey, Addison, Joseph, 42 Burrpugh, Edward, 50 Davidson, Thomas, 6 Aldam, Thomas, 48 Burritt, Elihu, 14 Dean, Forest of, 66 Aldermen, Friends as, 89 Burtt, Ruth G., Quaker Mar­ Deism, 93-5 Allan, Robert T. M., 18 riage Declaration, 53-9 Derbyshire, 6 Alien, William, 10, 26, 42 Dillwyn, George, 3 AUgood, Edward, 41 Cadbury, Henry J., 40, 48; Douglas, John M., 45 AUgood, Thomas, 41 E% libris M. Fox, 28-29; Doull, David, 15 Ancram, Charles Kerr, 2nd Keith to More, 59-63 Drummond, May, 10 earl of, 91 Calvert, Charles, 3rd baron Dublin, 89 Annan, 18 Baltimore, 80 Duguid, John, 17 Appleby, 78, 80, 90 Calvert, Elizabeth, 64 Duncan, Henry, 5 Ardrossan, 18 Capper, Mary, 72 Dundee, 6, 17 Armour, Harry, 15 Carlisle, 6, 9, 68 Dunkirk, 44 Ashley Cooper River, 84 Carruthers, S. \V., 52, 64 Dunlop, Alexander, 6, 18 Askrigg, 34 Carter, Elizabeth, 86 Australia, South, 72 Cash, John Theodore, 12 Easton, Dr., 36 Cash, Sophia (Bright), 17 Eccles, Solomon, 85 Baillie, Robert, 54 Cashel, 89 Economist, The, 8 Baker, James, 12 Ceeling, Judge, 82 Edinburgh, 3-4, 9-10, 12-15, Bank, Ross and Archenfield, Chambers, William, 14 i7;M.M., 56 19 Charles II, 87 Edmundson, William, letter, Baptism of Maria Hack, 67-77 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 40-1 89-90 Barbados, 85,89 Chester, 41 Education, 29, 37-8 Barclay, A. R., MSS. XCIII- Chesterfield, 81 Edwards, Irene L., 45 CV, 78-91 Clapton, 73-4 Eeg-Olofsson, Leif, Robert Barclay, Lydia Ann, 7 Clark, Benjamin, 84 Barclay, review, 91-2 Barclay, Robert, 10, 60, 69, Clarkson, Thomas, 68 Egerton, Jesse, 6 91-2 Coanwood, 15 Enfield, 83 Barlow, John, 12 Cobden, Richard, 26 Evie, 6 Barton, Bernard, 68, 71 Cole, Alan, John Hodgson, Barton, Elizabeth, 76 48-52 Fawkes, Walter, 65 Barton, Elizabeth (Home), 68 Coleford, 66 Fenwick, James, 17 Barton, John, 68 Conway, Anne, Viscountess, Fen wick, James Edwin, 17 Barton, Mary (Done), 68 59, 61 Fenwick, Sarah, 17 Bates, Elisha, 67 Cork, 18, 89 Ferdinand Albrecht, Duke of Bayly, William, 80 Cotterell, John G., 23 Brunswick, 30-1 Beacon controversy, 67-77 Creasey, Maurice, 91-2 Fisher, James, 95 Beaufort, N. C, 35 Crewdson, Elizabeth (Jowitt), Fisher, Lydia (Leadbeater), Begg, William James, 12, 16 76n 95 Benbow, John, 36 Crewdson, Isaac, 67, 73-5, 77 Fitch, Stanley H. G., Sudbury Benezet, "James", 35 Crook, John, 80 Quakers, review, 38-9 Bewley, Mary, 45 Crossbill, 18 Fletcher, Richard, 79 Biddle, Esther, letter, 79-80 Crouch, William, 80 Forde, R., 85 Bird, Robert, 12-13 Cruickshank, Alexander, 9 Fothergill, John, 80 Bishop, George, 50 Cruickshank, Amos, 8, 17 Fothergill, Dr. John, 41 Bolam, David, 38 Cruickshank, Anthony, 8, 17 Fox, George, i, 7, 50, 55-6, 83: Books, 82 Cruickshank, John, 17 letter, 84; letters to, 78-9, Bowley, Samuel, 26 Cruickshank, John William, 9 85-91 Braithwaite, Anna (Lloyd), 73 Cruickshank family, 8, 17 Fox, George, the younger, 50 Braithwaite, Isaac, 73n Cuthbert, George, 18 Fox, Margaret, 55-6, 79, 82; Braithwaite, James A., 18 Cuthbertson, Catherine, 16,18 letter, 91; ex libris, 28-9 Brantingham, George, 17 Fretwell, Ralph, 84, 89; letter, Brighouse Friends, 43 Dalglish, Doris N., i, 45 85-7 Bright, Thomas, 66 Daniell, Thomas, 57 Fritchley, 6 Bristol, 56, 87-8 Darby, Deborah, 5, 21 Frith, John, 81 96 INDEX 97 Fry, Elizabeth, 5, ip, 33-4 Keith, George, 59-63 Nayler, James, i, 45 Fuller, James Canning, 26 Kelso, 17 Neave, Helen M., 13, 18 Kilmarnock, 18 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 90 German views on Quakers, 30-2 Kinmuck, 3-4, 8, 17, 43 New England, 81, 87 Gibbs, Helenas, 15 Kirkintilloch, 18 Newgate Prison (London), Gibson, John, 80 Kirkwall, 6 33-4 Gibson, Thomas, 80 New Lanark, 10 Gibson, William, letter, 82-3 Lamont, Alexander, 18 Newman, Sir George, 12 Gig(g)er, John, 40 Lancashire, 9; Q.M., 67 Newport, R. I., 36-7 Gigger, Martha, 40 Lancaster, Joseph, 26 New Providence, 84 Gifiett, Henry, 12 Lascelles, Henry, 65 Nugent, Lord Chief Justice Glasgow, 3-5, 10-12, 15-16 Leith, 5,16 (Lord Riverston), 89 Glenny, James, 8 Lenvick, 5 Nuttall, Geoffrey 1 ., i, 45 Gloucester M.M., 71-2; Q.M., Limerick, 89 56-7 Lister, Joseph, 12 Oaths, 84 Gosnell, George, 80 Logan, George, 92 Opie, Amelia Alderson, 34 Gracechurch Street Meeting, Logan, James, 52 Orkney Islands, 5-6 London, 79, 86; meetings at, Osborne, Mary, 55 Gray, James, 17 81; Y.M., see Yearly Owen, Robert, 10 Gray, Robert, 17 Meeting Gray, William, 16-17 Lound, 81 Gray family, 3, 9-11, 1 6 Painswick, 55 Gray Dunn & Co., 9 Parker, Alexander, 49 Grellet, Stephen, 5 McLaren, Duncan, 14 Partick, 5 Griffin, Gerald, 95 McLaren, Prisciila (Bright), 14 Peace testimony, 22-5, 48-52 Grubb, Isabel, 45 Macnair, Robert, 7 Pease, Edward, 10 Grubb, John, 5 Maidstone, 82-3 Peel Meeting, 25 Marriage Declaration, Quaker, Penington, Grubb, Sarah, 5 53-9 Isaac, 40, 50, 80 Gurney, Joseph John, 5, 67 Penington, Mary, 40 Marshall, Isabella, 35 Penn, John, 35 Marshall, Stephen, 54 Hack, James, 68 Penn, William, 40, 41, 43, 60; Martin, —., 90 and the printer, 64-5 Hack, John Barton, 72 Marwick, William H., Friends Hack, Maria (Barton), 67-77 Penn-Mead trial, 32 in Scotland, 3-18 Pennsylvania, 43-44 Hack, Prisciila (Hayller), 68 Maryland, 80 Hack, Pensen, Jane, 40 Stephen, 68, 72, 75 Mason, Robert, 9-10 Perth, 17 Hampton, Mary, letter, 87-8 Maybole, 18 Harvey, John W., Peterhead, 6 93-5 Mead, William, 90 Philadelphia, 35-6 Hawick, 5-6, 8, 17 Meeting for Sufferings, 57 Heathcoat, George, 81 Pickard, Daniel, 6 Meldnun, Old, 17 Pilkington, Captain, €4 Hellaby, 86 Membership statistics, Scot­ Henderson, James, n Politics, Friends in, 11-2,15-16, tish, 4 89 Henderson, John, n Merrick, James, 20 Hersent, Anne, 40 Porter, Jane, 34 Messer, Hannah, 73, 76 Price, Joseph Tregelles, 22 Hicks, Elias, 67 Meyrick, Sir Samuel, 26 Hodge family, 16 Priestman, Thomas, 66 Midlton, John, 82 Prisons, 44 Hodgson, John, 48-52 Miller, Jane, 13 Holdsworth, Christopher, 92 Miller, Joseph, 13 Hookes, Ellis, 57; letter to, Miller, William, 3, 6, 12, 13 Reynolds, Margaret, 80 82-3 Miller, William F., 13 Richardson, Richard, 86 Hooton, Elizabeth, 81; letter Miller, William Henry, 13 Robertson, John, 4, 16 to, 83 Milligan, Edward H., 39 Robson-Scott, W. D., 30-2 Hooton, Samuel, letter to, 81 Ministers, Meeting of (Barba­ Ross-on-Wye, 19-27 Home, Mary, 68 dos), 85 Rous, John, 82, 85 Home, Thomas, 68, 76 Miranda, Francisco de, 35-7 Rous, Margaret, 85 Howard, Luke, 23, 73, 75 Modyford, Sir Thomas, 80 Rowntree, John Wilhelm, 46 Howard, Rachel, 73 More, Henry, 59-63 Rudyard, Thomas, 57 Howgill, Francis, 28, 80; Morgan, Ann (Taylor), 21 Rush, Isaac, letter to, 84 letters, 78-9, 90-1 Morgan, Caleb, 21 Howitt, Mary (Botham), 66 Morgan, Elizabeth, 25 Scottish Friends, 3-18 Hubberthorne, Richard, 50 Morgan, James, 20 Scougal, Henry, 61 Hume, Joseph, 20 Morgan, Joseph, 25, 26 Senter, Dr., 36 Humphris, Walter, 55 Morgan, Nathaniel, 19-27 ShawtonhiU, 5 Morgan, Sarah (Baker), 20 Shetland Islands, 5 Industry, Friends in, 7-10 Morgan, Sarah (Taylor), 21 Shield, John, 80 Irish Friends, 45-6, 89-90 Morgan, Thomas, 20 Shipley, Elizabeth (Lewis), Irvine, 18 Morris, Rebecca, 35 28-9 Morris, Susan, 35 Shipley, William, 29 Jackson, Henry, 86 Morning Meeting, Second Sienkiewicz, Charles, 33-4, Jackson, Martha, 40 Day's, 57, 61 41-2 Jamaica, 80 Mott, Lucretia, 26 Six Week's Meeting, 57 Jones, T. Canby, i Murdoch, Patrick, 17 Slavery, Anti-, u, 65-6 Jowitt, John, /6n . Murray, Sir J. A. H., 17 Smeal, Robert, 16 Jowitt, Robert, 76 Murray, Lindley, 66 Smeal, William, 10-11, 16 Jowitt, Susanna, 76n Musgrave, Sir Philip, 79 Smeal family, 15 Mylius, Christlob, 31-2 Smiley, Sarah, 6 Keith, Dr., 62 Myres, W., 82 Smith, George, 6 INDEX Smith, John, letter to, 79-80 Taylor, Thomas, Wigham, Amos, 17 Sneade, Richard, 87 Thompson, Edwin, 12 Wigham, Anthony, 16 Southall, John, 26 Thompson, John, 9, n Wigharn, Eliza, 11-12, 15 Southall, Samuel, 26 Thompson family, 16 \Vigham, Henry, 12 Southampton, 72 Throupe, William, 81 Wigham, Jane, 15 Springett, Gulielma Maria, 40 Toll^s Frederick B., George Wigham, John, sen., 3, 6, 14 Squire, Sarah, 5-6 Logon, review, 92 Wigham, John, jun., 10,14, Squire, Winifred G., 45 Tooms, Margaret, 80 \Vigham, John, tertius, 15 Stainforth, Great, 51 Tottenham, 73 Wigham, Sarah, u Steel, James C., 18 Travers, Ann, 83 Wigham family, 7, 9, 14-5, Steel, Laurence, 87; letter, 88 Tuke, Henry, 3 17-18 Stephens, John Sturge, Nath­ Tuke, Samuel, 68-9 Wig ton School, 17 aniel Morgan, 19-27 Tuke, William, 66 Wilberforce, William, 65-6 Stewart, W. A. C., Quakers Wilkinson, Esther, 76 and Education, review, Uxbridge, 86 Wilkinson, John, 70, 76 37-8 Wilkinson-Story controversy, Stinchcombe, 57 Vaux, Roberts, 29 85 Stoddart, Amor, 49, 83 Virginia, 87 Wilson, George, 8 Stonehaven, 6 Wilson, Tames, 8 Storrs, Samuel, 81 Waldie, Jane, 17 Wilson, Walter, 8, n Storrs, William, letter, 81 Warwickshire Friends, 39 Wilson, William, 8 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 14 Watson, Samuel, 51 Wiltshire Quakers, 43 Stromberg, Roland N., Relig­ Watson, William, 8 Wood, Alexander, Thomas ious liberalism, review, Waysblum, Marek, Elizabeth Young, review, 95 93-5 Fry, 33-4 Stromness, 6 Webster, Alexander, 17 Stubbs, John, letter, 83 Wellstood, Stephen, 9, 11 Yearly Meeting (London), 4; Sudbury, 38 Westminster Assembly, 53-5 (1798), 21: (1813), 22; Sufferings in Scotland, 4 White, John Charles, 9, 16 (1814), 22; (1817), 23; Swarthmoor, 84 White, Mary, 16 (1835), 67; (1836), 70; Sweane, Anne, 40 White, William, 9 (1837), 72-3 White, Winifred M., 27 York Castle, 49 Taylor, C.
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