Garnock Campus – Roads and Infrastructure Improvements Thank you for taking an interest in the new Garnock Campus and the proposals for roads and infrastructure improvements set out on the adjacent plan. The campus project is currently on site and is planned to open in January 2017, with construction works estimated to be completed by December 2016. It is intended that all of the proposed improvements to roads and infrastructure will be in place by this date. The plan represents a range of activities which will be carried out as a direct consequence of the new Garnock Campus and a number of activities which, while not a planning requirement for the new campus, will support it in some way. The plan includes some narrative on each proposal to provide you with an overview of the action being taken. Other Activities in Support of the New Campus Project officers and colleagues from several Council services are involved in a number of Roads Paths and Transport Activities linked to the Garnock Campus, namely: Walking Routes Education, Road Safety and Project Officers assessing appropriate walking and cycling routes to the campus; School Travel Plan Every school has a Travel Plan in place and this includes in-school pupil surveys and key information to assist our learners on their journey to school. The Warnock campus Travel Plan will be developed ahead of the campus opening; Smarter Choices Smarter Places Funding has been secured from the Smarter Choices Smarter Places fund for a range of behaviour change activities in relation to the Garnock Campus. This is part of the Council’s Travel Smart project and will promote active and sustainable travel to and from the Campus. A key activity is the recent appointment of an I Bike Officer for the Garnock Campus through Sustrans’ I Bike Programme. This Officer will work within the Schools across the School Cluster to promote active and sustainable transport. Other activities include: active and sustainable travel promotion; delivery of training; production of maps; marketing; organised events; and community engagement; Sustrans Community Links Fund Part of the Sustrans National Cycle Network route 7 (NCN7) runs through Kilbirnie, Glengarnock and Longbar. External funding has been secured from the Sustrans Community Links Fund for Kilbirnie, which will support some of the improvements in and around the new campus. This funding will deliver a range of infrastructure improvements including: new paths; path upgrades; bridge improvements; improved signage; improved or new lighting; and cycle counters. This much welcomed funding will be supported through the Council’s Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Services Access Path Network Programme, the Garnock campus project fund and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) funding support from their Capital Programme; Lighting Improvements The Council is also committed to a programme of street lighting improvements to achieve LED quality street lighting across the whole of North Ayrshire. It is intended that the main routes to the new campus will be completed prior to its opening in January 2017; Strathclyde Partnership for Transport Officers from the Council are also working closely with SPT to promote improvements and expansion of the current public transport services in and around the new campus. For any enquiries please contact: [email protected] Physical Environment North Ayrshire Council 17 September 2015 This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client. Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by AECOM, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of AECOM. PROJECT Garnock Campus , y . t i s l i n CLIENT b o i 0 i s 6 s n 7 n North Ayrshire Council o A e p m s i e d r d o e t n a s t t s p e e h c t c a Garnock m o M r f O d Academy C e E n A i . a t w b a l o Stonneeyyhhoolmlm R Rooaadd/D/Dipiplpel eR oRaodad: Legend y e b b Assessment of the junction and improvements t d s to the adjacent NCN7 path link to NCN7 route. e u r i Improvements m u q s t e r n e s a Garnock Campus m r e r o u s 0 M 6 a O Garnock Landmarks 7 e A C m E Tesco l l A A y . National Cycle b t n d e e Route 7 e m r u g c a o s NCN7 Caleeddoonniaiann R Rooaadd: d a s t Create a shared walking and cycling path with i p h NCN 7 t e c crossing points at accesses and side road, e l x a e with upgraded street lighting. c , s s PPaaddddoocckkhhoolmlm R Roaoda d/ H/ Holomlmhehaeda Rd oRaodad: t e i o t Create pedestrian refuge island to support safe r n a o Auld p road crossing of Paddockholm Road and D d . r t Holmhead Road junction. i n h Parish t e s y n b Kirk o n c o n Disuusseedd R Raailiwlwaayy L Liniene: p e u t t i Create new path, with lighting, along disused rail d r e i w l line for shared walking and cycling use, with e s r s ramped accesses to reach the railway line.All r e o r with crossing point (dropped kerbs) provided on p e d x Beith e n e c Kirkland Road with low level stud lighting i s u L ’ embedded in path surface and landscaping d l M i Primary o r a O improvements also planned. p C R e r E School , A Caledonian Road Traffic Measures: d Caledonian Road Traffic Measures t e u i f o Promote reduction in speed limit from i h d t i 60mph to 40mph along with speed o w m reduction measures. Part-time speed Old Willlloowwyyaardrd R Rooada:d: , g d n i restriction at school zone. Create a shared walking and cycling e s w u a path, linking from Morrisshill Drive with r e C d b a crossing onto the B777 road. a s 7 t l 3 i o Glengarnock e 7 h t n d A o n y o n a Primary School i s a m e t n i I l . R e t r o n r a e o i Loaaddiinnggbbaannkk A Areraea: d l s c e s ’ Improvements to pathways and w s s u M e 7 accessibility to the B777. u 7 t O N p 7 a C B h t E m y A t a f Glengarnock r a C o p e s Railway Station y u n a e 0 h o t 8 t , B777 Pathh IImmpprroovveemmeenntst:s: r 7 r o e B f Widening (to north) of B777 shared walking and cycling v d e e o path, with guardrail between path and road. r s a Crossssiningg P Pooinint:t: t p Crossing points (dropped kerbs) at side roads and a e h Create crossing point at Caledonian Road r w access points. p y n junction with B777, with dropped kerbs and t Relocation of bus shelter at Willowyard Industrial Estate. i e l i tactile paving. e b New and upgraded street lighting. b a i s l Speed limit reduction from 60mph to 40mph. a y h n Beith Road School Frontage: g Beith Road School Frontage a n s Kirkland Road: i Kirkland Road North Side Access to Daisybank: Creation of bus stops in both east and e North Side Access to Daisybank w Pathh IImmpprroovveemmeenntst:s: i a n Introduce pedestrian control to the traffic lights westbound directions, located adjacent to r Install additional pedestrian guardrail on e Create shared use walking and cycling path d d at Kirkland Bridge and improve links along signal controlled pedestrian to cross B777 s i north/west side of B777 at Glengarnock connecting from B777 to school campus via d h Beith Road. n Grahamston Avenue onto the B777 Road. Station – extending as far as Daisybank. Longbar. T a Part-time speed restrictions at school zone. Service Layer Credits: Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2014 Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2014.
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