'Til Debt Us DoPart3 PriWhett BATES 6 PHOTO: SUSAN ,H O N O L U L U IslandRadio PHO TO: JEFF HELBERG I tI Wine Now for the Future 5 ' Letters Serenity, Power play icallyand inaccuratelyimply that the We would like to commend you for practice was allowed for years, that defined: the excellent article on the efforts of administrators knew or should have Leeward Oahu residents ("Power known about it and yet did nothing. Watch the sunset as you Struggle," HW 7 /7) to prevent the The only "evidence" you used was a walk along red sand overhead installationof 138 kV lines. passage fromthe inmates' complaint. We especiallyapprec iate the factthat If you had bothered to check, you Hawaii's Largest Collectibles beaches... Bathe in secluded you detailedthe strong and compelling would have found that about 10 years pools once known only to health and safety reasons why these ago several women inmates com­ plained that they wereabused by male & Antiques Sale! 3rd Big Year! ancient Hawaiian kings ... lines should not be locatedoverhead. We do wish to note that the article guards. The corrections administra­ Mainland & Local Dealers, Special Displays Hike through lush tropical erroneouslystated that the Legislature tion, then under the Department of jungles and fields of did not pass a resolution regarding SocialServices and Housing, and the July 30, 31, & Aug 1 Blaisdell Exhibition Hall attorneygeneral conducted fullinves­ bamboo ... This is serenity. this issue. S.R. 49, S.D. 1 was passed Fri 4-9pm, Sat 10-9pm, Sun 10-4pm by the Senate. We direct your atten­ tigations.The accused employees were Adm. $3.00, Children 7-11 $1.50 $1 OFF This is Hana. tionparticularly to the second ''Be it fired and prosecuted. Free Sunday for seniors 65 & over Admission with this Ad resolved" clause which urges the Unfortunately, the prosecutions, for One per person the most part, were unsuccessful Situated on fivebeauti fully Public UtilitiesCommission "to con­ duct a thorough review of the issue becauseof difficultiesrelating to proof. landscaped acres in remote of the health effectsof electromag­ The administrationthen sought leg­ part of Maui, the Hana netic fieldsprior to reaching a deci­ islation defining any sex between a sion on whether the 138 kV system correctionalemployee and an inmate Plantation Houses offer should beconstructed overhead or be as rape. The new law was enacted in FASHION DESIGN-PATTERN MAKING sanctuaryfrom "Honolulu" locatedunderground in the interestof 1987. So you see the law that Dr. tensions. Let your hosts public safety and security."The Senate Meda Chesney-Lind describesas "an alsopassed S.R. 89, S.D. 1, ''Directing extraordinaryadvance" is not simply Tom and Blair cater to your a Study of the Effectsof Non-ioniz­ "a tremendousgift." It is the product needs and create a vacation ing Electromagnetic Radiation on of hard work by professionalswho abhor any abuse of inmates. It is the CLASSES experience that will leave Humans." The public must beinformed on the truereflection of thepolicy of Hawaii's you feeling rejuvenated potential dangers of EMFs. Author correctionsadmin istrators. �cS6�&�� and thoroughly relaxed. Diana Lomont's articleis a strongfirst Ted Sakai step in this long processof education. Sens. Brian Kanno and Honolulu Weeklywelcomes your let­ Randylwase ters. Writeto: Editor, Honolul.u*ekly, E 1200 College Walk, Suite 212, ���!3�lill Honolulu, Hl%817. You mustinclude FASHIONDESIGNER -HAUTE COUTURE Looking a gift TEL.808*537*4041 horse in the mouth your name, addressand telephone HONOLULU, HAWAII 96814 number (only your namewill be print­ ACROSS WARD CENTER Yourarticle ''Doing Hard Tnne" (HW ed). Lettersmay be editedfor length. 7/14) unfairly and falselyportrays Pleaselimit your letters to 200words P.O.Box48 9 • HANA, MAUI,HAWAII 96713 state administrators as being com­ maximum ifyou do not want to see 537-4041 808 • 248 • 7248 plicitous with correctional officers them cut. • 800 • 657 • who abusedwomen inmates. You cyn- HONOLULU an InterislandCoupons RUii Away Vol. 3, No. 30 from $43 July 28, 1993 Deliveryavailable PublisherLaurie an V.d ManagingCarlson To(WITHOUT Sea! QUITTING YOUR JOB.) Editor PH: (808) 942-2855 • FAX (808) 957-0056 Julia Steele e d 2600SOUTH KING STREET #204 S nior E itor Derek Ferrar Com• Associate Editor HONOLULU, HAWAII 96826 Editor:Calen dDavidar: K. Choo Film Critics: Bob Green, Mary Brennan Theater Critic: Leroy Thomson Join The Club. e ContributingCecil Adams, Don Writ Dougherty,rs 0 Put a little fun in your life. _. Join the club with a big, beau­ Steve Perry, Pat Tummons tifulfloating clubhouse: A bi stable 48-footTrimaran that CopyCatharine Editor Gregory g, is yours to cruise on eachand every week! Bud Linschoten A You will gain new skills as you meet newand interesting Productionrt DirectorIsabella Forster Hawaii residents and friends... Divorce ContributingPhotog,aph er JeffHelberg Experienced counsel and ConbibutingLinda Fong Illustrator representation in all matters Matt Groening, Now••• Learn JohnCartoonists Pritchett, Slug Signorino pertaining to family law. JoelFallago, Marguerite InternsGeagan, Marty Ketchum • Divorce to Sail Free! 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COME SHARE THE SPIRIT. in Divorce matters, former ry Honolulu Weekly assumes no responsibili­ 523-7021. tyfor unsolicited material. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney at Subscription raJes: Sixmonths $35. Oneyear $50. • Honolulu Weeklyis availablefree of ! A service of the law firm of charge,limited to one copyper reader. 41� · Q Additionalcopies maybe purchased aJour office. No person may,without pennission a/Honolulu Weekly,rake morethan one I� Dinman Naluimura Elisha & Lahne copyof each Honolulu Weeklyissue. ft'#1tlt Attor neys at la w A la w Co rpo ratio n 1200College Walk, Suite 212 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 737-8115 Telephone: 808 528-1475 707 Richards Street, Penthouse One, Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel (808) 523-7021 2 • July 28, 1993 • Honolulu Weekly Money Margaritas 'TilDebtUs With Mick. Do Part hen I got divorced the face of eroding household three years ago, my incomes, millions of people credit cards absorbed a Looking charged themselves into the hole lot of the shock. They just to maintain their standard of bought my new down a living. furniture, fixed my road paved The credit card scam almost just-paid-for American singlehandedly got a lot of banks car to the tune of $2,000 (God with through the worst of the recession bless you, Lee lacocca) and paid (which is still ending, by the way; forthe computer I'm using right plastic ... it's ... practically... over). The now. I, in return, have been paying financial industry justifies the ever since. As I sat down to make awful position in which it's left my ritual sacrificeto the consumer pushed through measures relaxing millions of families by pointing out credit gods a couple of weeks back, criminalusury laws. The cap came that they didn't have to begin I couldn't help noticing that one offthe interest rates banks could taking on debt. Tohear them tell it, account on which I've been paying charge; higher rates made banks the entiresociety just lost its mind for two years - a slightly larger feel freerto issue more cards to and its morals at the mall, and now than minimum payment here, a late riskier customers. "It's much must pay. Even ignoring the charge there - has gone down in cheaper," says Henwood, "to give changes in the real economy in the balance by a total of about $200. everybody a credit card and worry 1980s, this line of thinkingreflects Pau Hana at Salsa Rita's about who can pay later." Banks a grisly social logic; if we really Hawaii's Best Mexican Food, oftenget burnedthis way, but they believe in it, maybe we ought to STEVE PERRY happily eat the 3 to 5 percent they start busing crack dealers to Drinks & Rock'n'Roll end up writing offas bad debt. But at least I'm doing my part to suburban shopping centers, the Just Off-center at Restaurant Row! make the American banking system Teresa Sullivan, co-author of the better to affirmour complete appear robust. Aftera wave of landmark bankruptcy study, As We commitment to free-marketism. doomy reports following the S&L Forgive Our Debtors, says she's (There's a lot of money to be made scandal, major banks have posted seen trade informationindicating there, and, well, no one has to start heftyprofits in the past year or two. that such losses are customarily smoking crack. .. ) The structuralproblems with their written offas a marketing expense: Or think of it another way. If portfoliosremain, largely the C' est la vie. you're treading water with credit product of 10 years' worth of stupid Required minimum payments, card payments, just consider it your real estate speculation,but for now meanwhile, remained as low or contribution to a very large trust the problems are papered over. Two lower than they'd been at lower fund that the public has set up for things are boosting the banks' interest rates. "If you're just the banking system - a perennial bottom line, according to Doug makingminimum payments," source of income to make their Henwood of LeftBusiness notes Sullivan, "you may actually lives a little easier.
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