CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Sl'I'irs - 11 KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SHIl\10GA DISTRICT PART XJI- A VILL\CE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SOHIJA NAMBISAN Birl'dol' or Ct.'nslis Opt:I'ations, Karnataka CONTENTS Page No. FOREWORD V-Vl PREFACE Vll-Vlll IMPORTANT STATISTICS ANAL YTlCAL NOTE 1-26 Section-I - Village Directory Explanatory Nole 29-37 AJphat)(':lical List of Villages - BJladravati CD.Block 41-44 Village Oiredory Slakmcnt - BhaJravati c.O.llI'K:k 46-69 Alphabetical List of Villages - Channagiri C.D.B1ock 73-78 Village Directory SlalCml.'nt - Channagiri C.D.Block 80-117 Alphahctical List of Villages - } lonnali C.O.Block 121-125 Village DircclOry Statcmcnt - Honnali CD.B1ock 126-147 Alphabetical List of Villagl.:s - Hosanagara C.D.Bluck 151-155 Village Din.:dory Slall.:m<.:nt - Hnsanagara C.D.Bloc..:k 156-183 Alphabetical List of Villages - Sagar C.D.Block 187-192 Village Directory SlalClm:nl - Sagar CD.Block }1J-l-227 Alphahetical List of Villages - Shikarpur c.O.l3I'H:k 231-235 Villag,1.: Dirl.:clory SlalC11H.:nl - Shikarpur C.DJ31nd; 236-261 Alphabdical List of Villages - Shimllga C.O.Block 265-270 Vilbge Directory Statement - Shimoga CO.Block 272-301 Alphabetical List of Villages - Sorab CO.Block 305-312 Village Dirl.:ctory Slall:ment - S( ;-ah CO.Bluck 314-357 Alphabetical List of Villages - Tirthahalli C.O.f3lI.Kk 3(,}-3(,6 Village Dircclmy Stat,:mcnt - Tirthahalli CD.Block 3()S-4()1 (j ii) Page No. Appendix - I-IV I Community Development Blockwise Abstract of Educational, l\lcdical and Other Amenities 404-407 II Land Utilisation data In respect of Non-Municipal Census Towns 406-407 III List of Villages where no amenities except Drinking Water arc available 408 IV-A List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to Total Population by Ranges 409-420 IV-B List of Villages according to the proponil.m of Scheduled Tribes to Total Population by Ranges 421-427 Section-II - Town Directory Explanatory Note 431-441 Statement-l - Status and Growth History 444-445 Statement-II - Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1t)Xt) Statement-III - Municipal Finance, 1989 Statement-IV - Civic and Other Amenities, 1<)09 450-451 Slatement-IV-A - Civic and Other Amenitics in Notilil.:d Slums, 1<)09 452-453 Statement-V - Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1989 454-457 Statement-VI - Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 458-459 Appendix to Town Directory - Population of Towns and their associated Outgrowths 460 List of Scheduled Castes and Schedukd Tribes 461-462 Publication Plan 4<l3-465 ILLUSTRA TIONS Map of Karnataka showing the Adminisl rative Divisions (ix) Map of Shimoga Districl (x) Map of Bhadravati Taluk 40 Map of Channagiri Taluk 72 Map of HonnaH Taluk 120 Map of Hosanagara Taluk 150 Map of Sagar Taluk 186 Map of Shikarpur Taluk 230 Map of Shimoga Taluk 264 Map of Sorab Taluk 304 Map of Tirthahalli Taluk 360 ( iv) FOI{E\VORD Publication of the District (\;n:-.us ILlndhuuh:-. (Dells) was initi:lted after the 1')51 Cen:-'LJS and is continuing since then with some innovations! Illndilicatinlls art ..'r each decenni:d Census. This is the most valuable district Ind publicatilln brought out hy the Cen:-.u~ Org:lIlisatilln on behalf of each State (jm'l.lUnion Tcrritory administratillll. It ill/er-alia prU\"ides data,'infnrl11:ltillll on sOllle of the basic demographic and socio-ecol1oll1ic charactcri:-.lics allll on the a\aibbility of ccrt:lin il1lpurl:lIll ci\ic ~ll1H:l1ities/facilities in each village and to\\ln of the n:spective di:-.tricts. This puhliGltion has thus proved to be of immense utility tll the planners, administrators, academicians and n:searehcrs. The scope of the DCII was initially confined tl) cert:lin important census tables on population, economic and socio-cultural aspccts as alst) the Prim:lry (\:nsus Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the disl rict. The Dell s published aftL'r 1he IIJ( d CL' nSlls containnl a descri pti\'e accounl of the district, administrative statistics, census Llhlcs :lIlll Village :1 III I Town Directories including PCA. After the 11)71 (\: n:-. us, tWl) p:lrt:-. of Ihe Dislrid l\:no.us Ilandb\)\)Ks (jY,lrl-r\ 1.'\1I11prising Village and Town Directories and Part-I3 l'llInprising Vilbge and To\\"n pCA) \\ere reka~ed in all the States and Union Tnritori(.;s, The third p~lrt, Part C of the District Censu\ Ilandboub comprising. administrative :-.latistics and district census tahles, which was also 10 be bmught out, ('lluld nut be puhlished in many States/UTs due to considerable deby in compilation of rch:\":lI1t m:tteri:tl. In !I)SI, \01111: new featurcs along_with the restnKturing of the formats of Village and Town Direc10ry were intmduccd in the DClls. The:-.e wefl~ published in tWll parts for each district ancr the I ')S I Census, While Part-A comprised Village and Town Din:ctories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Schcdulcd Tribe PCA upto tehsil/town level werc prm"jdcd in Part-I3. To illustrate, :dl the amenities except eleclril'ity, were brought togclhcr in the Village Dircctory and if an :II1Jenity was not avail:lhle in the referent vilbge, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place ha\"ing such amenity \\,:IS gi\"en. Infurmation on sotJ]e new items such as adult literacy centres, prim;tr), health suh-centres and cOlllmunity health workers in the \"ilbgc were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Reviscd l\1inimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information 011 approach to the \'illage was also pn)\'ided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to gi\'c an idea ahout the numher of inaccessihle villages in each district. In case of Ttlwn Directories also, kceping in view the requirements of thc l\linimum Needs Programtlle, a Statement IV-A on slullls was pfll\'ided so as to enahle the pl:lIlners tn ckdh out the pmgrammes for pro\"iding hdter civic and other amcnilies in Ihe SIIlI11S. In l11io. SLltemcnt det;lils \)n civic and other amcnilics wcre reported for the ~lullls of Cl:tss I and Class II tll\\n:-.. Ap:lrt frum this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Sdledulcd Tribes popublion and :tlwther on adult liler~lcy da:-.ses,'centrcs were added in Statements IV and V respectively. The manner of presenlatinn of the DClls for the 1'),)1 CcnSll~ is by and brge the same as followed III ]I)Sl. However, the format of PCA has becn restructured !>Iightly in the I<)I)I Censlls for lht: bendil of data users. Nine-fold industri~d cLtssificalilln of main \\mhcrs h:ls hcen g.i\"ell as against four-fold industrial dassificatioll presented in the II)S 1 Census. In additilHl to this, the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in peA fur the li!"st time with a view to enahling data users to compute mme realistic literacy rates as all childr ..'ll bduw 7 YC:lrs \)1' age ha\'e been tn:aled as illiterate at the time of the 11)'JI Cen:-.us. It is expected that the ahll\"e tllcntioned mudilications will hclp the pLtnners in chalking Ollt more effective deveillpmetltal programmes. (v) One or the most important innovations 111 the 1\)l} I Cemll.~ i~ the COllllllunity DeyelopmL'nt muck-len:l rr(.;~entation of data in the Vill~lgL' Din.. ,(.·tmy ;lIld l'eA in~l\.:dd of till' tLlditi,lnal T;dbiI.'T~duk:PS k\d presentation. II is expected th:ll the presL'nLtliulI of \'ill:I~': J)irn'lur) dnd peA d:lla al CO.BI'ld: !c,,:1 will hdp the planners in i'tll"lllulatiun llr mil'rn-kwl de\'dllIHllL'llt:t1 pbns, :IS tlll.: C.D.Bluck is till: lu\\csl adll1iJ1i~trati\'e unit for de\·l..'lopmcntal pLlI1Jling. In ordl..'r 10 facilitate the task l)[ admini.\tralllrs, pbnners ,11)(.1 r~'s\.'arl'her~ intl.'nding III lISl' Vilbge Din.:clory/PCA data, either from the m:lgnl'lic t:lpes/flllppiL's ur from the publish~'d n:curds, hoth the computer and manLlal cod.:s fur cach \'ilb!;l' h,l\l,; been prll\'idl'd for thl' IINI Cl'l1SUS alung with lhe corn:spllnding code~ of 1()S I. This publication is a joint "eutun: (If the St:tte (,mL'lIT adminislLttil)n ;lIld the Censll~ Organis:llion. Thl.' data havl.' hL'l.'n culll'ctl.'d :md (.'l\l1lpikd unlkr thl' dirl'l'tillil Ill' t\b. Suhha l\:~lInhi~an, Dirl..'l·tllf Ill' Cl:Jhll~ Operations, Karnat;t!,;! 011 bdl~t!f of th.: Stdl\..' (1m'!. admini:,lr;lIil)J1 \\hidl has burnL' the l'\)c,t llf prinling. The lask of planning:, designing allLl t'llurdill:tliun (If Ihl.." plIhlil';lliull \\:IS initidkd hy Dr.K.P.ltlaman, former Deputy Regi~trar (il'neral (Social Sludies) and Shri [\1.~1.Du;l ..Illinl Director. fur the !'>ahl' of unifllrll1ily in presentation llr infurll1:ttilln:d:lt:1 and for pn.:par:ttil)lI llf :tll:tiytical note depicling lhe salient fL'aturl's emerging from Ll micrn-ievd all:tly~is nf Cl'nsus/nun-Censlis d:lI:t, a mlllki Di:,trici ('emus Il:tndbook from each Stall.' and Uniun Territory was tlwl'oughly scrutinised in thl.." Suci;tl Studies Di\·i~iol1 under the guid:tnec of Sllri !\l.K..l:lin, thl' pn,:sl.'lIt Deputy Regi~trar (jencr:ti (S.S.), Thi.., task \\;1.'" clrril.'d (lut bv Shri A.K.Singh, Dqlllly Dirl..'ctor who was assi~lcd by S:Shri V.K .
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