------:;--- - -,...... ~-------r--------- ~--~~~--------~ r,.ssoC• Court o·ismisses Complaint· Brought By Boston Butche·rs BOSTON, MASS. - The Mass­ chase meat from kosher retail achusetts Supreme Court dismiss­ meat stores supervised by the ed a bill of complaint brought by Vaad Harabonlm" and solicited THE ONLY ENGLISH -JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. the United Kosher Butchers Asso­ various member stores to end ciation against the Associated their r elationships with United and VOL. L, NO, 6 FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1966 15c PER COPY 16 PAGES Synagogues of Massachusetts accept the rabbinical supervision alleging "restraint of trade, eli­ of the Vaad. mination of a free market and the In a seven-page decision. Plan Services denying of free competition," • the Supreme Court declared thereby upholding a lower court that "In essence the plaintiff Is decree In favor of the defendant asking that the Associated Synago­ For Sabbath, and ending a five-year legal dis­ gues and Its allied groups be com­ pute. pelled to acceptUnlted's guarantee Passover At stake In the civil sul t was that products prepared under Its Services for Sabbath and Pass­ the objective of the Associated auspices are authentically kosher. over are listed for temples and Synagogues, some 60 Orthodox, This we decline to do. synagogues In Rhode Island today Conservative, and Reform Congre­ gations In this area, to centralize "Aside from the constitutional through Tuesday, when the Mem­ freedoms Involved, this court Is orial Service and reading of the the supervision of dietary laws In this state. not qualified to decide and there­ Song of Songs will mark tlK! end fore must refuse to consider an of the eight-day festival of Pesach. The bill filed by the Butchers Association, Including most of the Issue which Is exclusively one of CONGREGATION B'NAJ ISRAEL kosher retail meat stores In Great­ religious practice and conscience The morning mlnyan at Con­ er Boston, averred that since 1930 . Such a course by the courts gregation B'nal Israel, Woonsock­ It has been engaged In the certi­ would In the end deprive the de­ et, will meet ar 7 o'clock on the fication and supervision of Its nominations themselves of Inter­ Intermediate days of Passover, member stores with respect to pretations of their own body of today through April JO, and there kosher meats and poultry and that church policy and would establish will be a sunset service tonight for the past seven years "its acti­ the courts as the final arbiter at 6 o'clock. The late service, vities have been conducted under In every religious controversy. at 8 P.M. today, will be conduct­ the direction of Rabbi Mordecai The evils attendant upon such a ed by Rabbi Pesach Krauss and Savitsky through whose efforts and practice have been thought far to Mrs. Stuart Ellen and Mrs. Murry Wlnlcleman Cantor Phlllp Macktaz. Rabbi In accordance with whose Inter­ outweigh the Incidental advantage Krauss will preach on "Haggadah pretations United has enforced that might flow from Its adoption. IN MEMORY OF SHARON Highlights." Services will be held strict compliance with the tenets "Nor will the charge of re­ at 6 P .M. on Sunday, and on Mon­ of the Orthodox Jewish faith." straint of trade renderthls dispute day at 9 A.M . and at JO A.M. for The complaint charged that a proper subJectfor Judicial deter­ Two Women· Start Annual Affair the Junior congregation. The early "since August 15, 1960, the Asso­ mination. Foods labeled kosher service on Tuesday, April 12, will ciated Synagogues has refused to have a deeply religious signi­ To Aid Cancer Society's Work begin at 7 A.M., the morning accept the rabbinical certification ficance to the orthodox Jewish service at 9 A.M., the Junior con­ of Rabbi Savitsky and has re­ community. By CELIA ZUCKERBERG not only brings agony to those close gregation service at JO A.M. and quired that kosher caterers pur- "And, since the requirements "I conceived the Idea because to him, but sends a shiver of hor­ the Ylzkor (memorial) service at ror (and fear, too) through the of kashruth _are prescribed by of a Ilttle girl named Sharon 0. 10:30 A,M, G er man Ads Plague Jewish law, the preparation of Ellen, who was my best friend's heart of anvone heartns,; of It. The death of a 30 month old CONGREGATION Israeli Radio Stations kosher foods has traditionally been 2-1/2 year old daughter. Sharon, under the' excluslve control of the I ). a twin sister of Susan, had can­ . child, who has spent half her life LENAS HAZEDEK suffering from neuroblastoma Gabbai Charles Gordon will be JERUSALEM - The dlstasre rabbis. Thus, such foods are by cer for one-half of her ·young life, In an Israeli's voice when she read their very nature subjected to some since (she was) 18 months old. (cancer of the stomach) Is par­ In charge of services at Congre­ gation Lenas Hazedek. Services a radio announcement for Volks­ restraints. Indeed, as was stated Standing by and watching this ticularly horrible to contemplate. will be held on Sunday at 6 P .M., wagen was so strong that the VW by a New York court: "In the very dreadful disease Is a most dis­ Mrs. Murry Wlnlcleman of Sprague Avenue In Warwick felt on Monday at 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. , agent telephoned to complain. It nature of things, kashruth must be turbing and emotional experience. and on Tuesday at 9 A.M. with was the first advertisement for a monopoly In the hands of those I felt I had to do something .•• particularly bacDy when she saw the daughter of her friend, and Ylzkor services at 10:30 A.M. any German product to be used on best qualified to administer It. "Neighbors and friends, and neighbor, Mrs. Stuart Ellen, dying the program. By definition and tradition those strangers I might add, were won­ of this disease. She wanted to do CONGREGATION Later, Miss Yael Ben-Yehuda persons are the rabbis and their derful," something. MISHKON TFJLOH requested exemption from having decree is final .'" Any person's death from cancer (Continued on Page 15) Shacharls services at Congre­ to read any advertisements for gation Mlshkon Tflloh for the In­ German products. The other an­ Speaking as chairman of the termediate days of Passover, to­ nouncers are unanimous in de­ Kashruth Commission of the Asso­ day through April JO, will be held claring that no announcer should ciated Synagogues, following the Coed Sandy Tilles Cruises at 6:30 A.M. Ylzkor services will be compelled to read advertise­ Supreme Court ruling, David Gopen be held on Tuesday, the eighth ments which offend against his disclosed that It will continue to day of the holiday. Rabbi Emanuel or her conscience. be the policy of the Commission to Caribbean On Winter Job Lazar will conduct services. When the Israel! flower ex­ recognize a qualified hechsher By LOIS A1WOOO Bent Brigham Hospital In Boston porters' organization complained (rabbinic endorsement) on any pro­ She finished the ship's laundry as a messenger - escort. The CONGREGATION that Achdut Avoda kibbutzim were duct even though not emanating late on Saturday. On Sundaymorn­ weather was cold and miserable, SHAARE ZEOEK refusing to supply them with flow­ from its own precincts. But It lng she headed home to Pawtucket, so when she heard of a Job open­ Mlncha-Maarlv services at ers for sale to West Germany, will Insist on the right to make and left there on Tuesday, March Ing as a hostess on a chartered Congregation Shaare Zedek will be they reminded the kibbutz that It its own Inspection and establish 29, to return to Antioch College. boat, Sandy did some rapid check­ held at 6:30 P .M. on Sunday and used German farm equipment and If the firm meets the standards The Ohio Institution has an un­ Ing and headed for the warm seas. Monday, and Shacharls services that many members drive Volks­ of Kashruth as required by the usual work-and-study arrange­ Cerlgo, a 12-metre yacht built at 9 A,M, on Monday and Tues­ wagen cars; the reply was: "Yes, Vaad Harabonlm, the supervising ment, which made possible Sandra In 1927, was her home for a week, day, Musaf services on Monday are but flowers are different." Is­ Kashruth authority of the Asso­ Tilles' three-month midwinter but they · needed a girl who spoke scheduled for J0:30 A,M, On Tues­ rael expects to export about L97,- ciated Synagogues. cruise on a luxury yacht In the French so Sandy swapped wl th a day there will be a sermon at 000 worth of flowers to Germany Caribbean. French girl. There was a lot of 10:15 A.M., andYlzkor (memorial) this year. The Kashruth Commission of A second-year student at An­ changing of personnel at this time, services at 10:45 A.M. Last month West Germany's the Associated Synagogues, he em­ tioch, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. she said, with all the boa ts In biggest radio and TV network, phasized, offers this service com­ port. She learned to do house- ARO, which serves twelve sta­ pletely free of charge to the butch­ Norman 0. Tllles of Capwell Ave­ CONGREGATION nue had been working at the Peter (Continued on Page 8) tions, opened a regional bureau er, caterer, or consumer strictly SONS OF ABRAHAM as a public service and solely l11 Congregation Sons of Abraham In Tel Aviv to cover Iran, Tur­ THE GALDWYENA, on which Sandra T!lles cruised the Caribbean this key, Greece and Cyprus, as well the Interest of maintaining the will hold Mlncha-Maarlv services high standards of Kashruth.
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