Shomrei Torah Shabbat Vaetchanan 16Av, 5776 / August 19-20, 2016 Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi Parsha/Haftorah: Artscroll: 958/1196 The Living Torah: 884/1225 Hertz: 755/776 Andrew Markowitz, Associate Rabbi Pirkei Avot - Perek 3 Shabbat Schedule MAZAL TOV Erev Shabbat - August 19th Dena and Maury Heller and family on the marriage of their daughter Taylor to David Tover of Hashmonaim, on Tu B'Av. Welcome to the Tover Family who are visiting with us. Early Mincha 6:13pm Talia and Matt Furleiter on the birth of a son. Mazal Tov also to big brothers Yehuda and Ezra, and to grand- Early Candle Lighting 6:28pm parents Art and Peggy Cottrell and Ron and Karen Harris, who are visiting with us this Shabbat. The Shalom Candle Lighting 7:30pm Zachor will take place at 9pm in the shul, together with the “Traveling Chasidim” Community Tisch noted below. Mincha 7:35pm Rabbi Sonny & Phyllis Gershon on the engagement of their granddaughter Tova Komet to Nosson Gruen- Shabbat - August 20th baum. Morning Yocheved and Abe Rappaport of Maaleh Adumim on the birth of a grandson to their children Rachel and Elli. Sof Z’man Kriyat Sh’ma 9:36am Daf Yomi - Bava Kama 81 8:00am HAKARAT HaTOV Shacharit Ba’alei Kriah Upstairs - Avi Geller Beit Medrash 8:00am Ba’al Kriah Downstairs - Ari Mayefsky - Shiur by Rabbi Ari Silberman: Last week's security volunteers: Shachar Avraham, Yehuda Brum, Boruch Hersh. “Memorializing in Israel: Chukat Hagoyim or Beis Medrash Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the friends of the Rappaport family honoring their visit to Kchol Hagoyim?” Fair Lawn as well as welcoming their newest addition , Itamar Yitzchak. Main Shul 8:45am ברוכים הבאים Downstairs 9:00am Miriam and Tzvi Juskowicz and their daughter Sima, who are visiting the community this Shabbat. Shabbat Afternoon Traveling Chasidim” Families: Bineth, Deutsch, Feferkorn, Kohn and Royde. Perek in the Park- Juniors 5:00pm Perek in the Park- Adults 5:30pm SHABBAT NACHAMU SHABBATON THIS SHABBAT - WITH “TRAVELING CHASIDIM” Pre-Mincha Shiur 6:30pm A Shabbaton You’ll Never Forget! with Rabbi Royde “Insights into Chassidus” Friday Evening: Q&A on anything Chassidus related, moderated by Inspirational Kabbalat Shabbat following Mincha at 6:13pm Rabbi Yudin. Furleiter Shalom Zachor and CommunityTisch at 9pm (at Shomrei Torah)- be prepared to join the sing- Mincha 7:18pm ing led by the Traveling Chasidim. Mazal Tov to the Furleiters! Dvar Torah at Seudah Shelishit Shabbat Morning; The Traveling Chassidim will lead tefillah: Shacharit in the Main Shul; Musaf in the Downstairs Minyan with Ralph Cheifetz Shabbat Afternoon: Shabbat Ends 8:42pm Luncheon – for those who have already registered. Seudah Shlishit: For men in the shul following z’man Mincha at 7:18pm. Weekly Schedule August 21st - 26th For women at the Yudins (19-09 Morlot Ave.) at 7:15pm. Sun. Havdalah: Rockin Inspirational Musical Havdalah in the shul at 8:55pm Shacharit 6:30,7:00,8:00am Mincha 2:00,7:25pm 5777 HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS AVAILABLE NOW Ma’ariv 7:47, 9:00pm Once again this year, seats for all three minyanim will be sold online and through the mail. If you choose to Shacharit reserve the seats you occupied last year, please complete your High Holiday reservation by Wednesday, Mon. , Thurs. 5:45,6:30,7:45am August 31st. All seats not reserved and paid for by this date will become available on a first come, first served basis. If you did not reserve seats last year, or have a different need than last year, please indicate Tue., Wed., Fri. 5:55,6:30,7:45am that when completing your reservation form. The seating committee will contact you if we have any questions Mincha or are unable to honor your request. We also are requesting that you supply us with your e-mail address, as Mon. - Thurs. 7:25pm we will try to use email as the primary means of confirming your requests and resolving issues. Reserve seats at www.shomrei-torah.org/hhseats. Information can also be found in the form in the lobby bin. Maariv Mon. - Thurs. 7:47pm, 9:00pm Erev Shabbat, August 26th REFUAH SHELAIMAH Batsheva bat Sara, Faiga bat Yita Rivka, Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah, Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Parshat Eikev Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Chana Early Mincha 6:04pm Tova bat Shoshana, Avichai ben Rivka, Henia bat Chaya Toba, Shlomo Eliyahu ben Fayala, Lea Rachel bat Leah, Miriam Perel bat Rochel, Aryeh Peretz ben Elke Gittel, Moshe Menachem ben Dvora, Amatzia Chaim ben Chedva Early Candle Lighting 619pm Malka, Yittel bat Shaina, Dovid Shimon ben Shayna Yenta, Yehuda Leib ben Rachel, Nachum ben Esther Fayga, Candle Lighting 7:19pm Gittel bat Baila, Zahava Aranka Golda bat Pessya, Orly bat Shaina, Shmuel Lippa ben Charna Leah, Yekutiel Mincha 7:24pm Aharon Hakohen ben Sara Gittel, Binyamin Moshe ben Netanella Rachel, Ezra Chuna ben Fayella, Malka bat Sara, Yisrael Yakov ben Devorah, Tzipora bat Chana, Talia Rachel bat Tamar Sarah and Chaim Yaakov Shabbat, August 27th Shmuel ben Tova Esther. Shacharit 8:00,8:45,9:00am Sof Z’man Kriyat Sh’ma 9:38am PACHIM KETANIM FROM RABBI YUDIN: Mincha 7:07pm IN HONOR OF PARSHAT VAETCHANAN, SHABBAT NACHAMU AND TU B’AV I feel on this Shabbat that the parsha itself which is always read after Tisha B’av, consoles us. On Tisha B’av we were not allowed to learn Torah. Look at how much Torah is packed into Vaetchanan: 12 mitzvot, the Ten Commandments, and the first paragraph of the shema. I’d like to ask regarding V’ahavta eis Hashem, what Bulletin sponsored by: might be the shiur? The minimum that one has to do to demonstrate love of God or the litmus test? Matzah Carol Weissmann has its kezayit, a mechitza is minimally 10 tefachim, what about Ahavat Hashem? The Talmud Yuma (86a) Re/Max Properties Select. says learn Torah, and live a lifestyle that is most honest and pleasant to people. In short, people will come to love Hashem through you. Your being an ambassador for Hashem is the fulfillment and charge of V’ahavta. A Direct phone 201-390-6600 tall order! But remember the Torah does not ask of us what we cannot do. [email protected] MS WALK - IT'S NOT TOO LATE! The MS Walk was Sunday, April 19, 2015! There is still time to support Sam Heller in the MS WALK! The NMSS helps people with multiple sclero- sis on a day to day basis. Please send your tax deductible checks to Sam Heller. SHIURIM SCHEDULE TORAH TUESDAY Fogelman Memorial Beit Medrash Learning - Mon - Thurs.: 8:00-10:00pm Torah Tuesday this Sunday, August 21, will feature Rabbi Ely Shestack - Chavrusas, plus: Wednesday with Shimon Kronenberg at 8:15pm, discuss- speaking about “Celebrating One’s Birthday in Judaism.” A special Break- fast will be served following the 8:00am Minyan. No charge for the event if ing Hilchos Shabbos. reservation is received by August 17th. Torah Tuesday - Dr. Howard Nuer - Mon. at 9:00am; Rabbi Markowitz - Tue. Torah Tuesday on Thursday, August 25, is sponsored by Caren and and Thurs. at 9:00am Rabbi Yudin - Mon., and Tue. at 9:35am. Alan Frankel in honor of their 15th Wedding Anniversary. Monday 8:10pm - Shiur with Rabbi Yudin: Concepts from the Weekly Parsha. Tuesday 8:45pm– Summer Chaburah with Shimon Kronenberg, on Mishna- THANK YOU FOR OUR SHABBATON PROGRAM yot Sukkah. No learning experience required! Free illustrated Mishnayot for all Thank you to all those involved in helping plan and set up and host those who join! the Traveling Chassidm Shabbaton: Simi Maline, Moshe Zharnest, Rab- Topic on Tuesdays with Rabbi Markowitz– Will resume in September . bi and Sara Markwotiz, Rabbi and Shevi, Laizer Albert, Januz, Jeff and Carol Cohen, Etti and Brian Sher, Michal and Ely Lenik and Ari Wednesday Women’s Shiur with Rabbi Yudin will return after Labor Day. and Yael Mayefsky. Wednesday - shiur with Rabbi Markowitz is on recess. Thank you to our Sponsors: Ashkanazy Family, Brodsky Family Please Note: From now through the end of the summer, the and Gitlin Family BMP Thursday night schmooze is replaced by the new BBQ and beer program. Even on weeks where the BBQ program is not on Thursday, there SAVE THE DATE: FRIENDSHIP WALK AND CELEBRATION will not be a Thursday schmooze. Daf Yomi: Sun. after the 7am minyan; Mon. at 7:30pm; Tue. at 9:00pm. Sunday, September 18, Votee Park, Teaneck 10:00 am Registration - 11:00 Walk - 11:30 Walk Celebration Additional Shiurim in our Community: For information, see: www.NJFriendshipWalk.com Discover a tangible, comprehensive and inspirational approach to Avodas Hashem. Study the Tanya by the Alter Rebbe: Six Tuesday nights, end- ing August 23rd, 8:30 - 9:10pm with Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein at Anshei SCRIP NOTICE Lubavitch, 10-10 Plaza Road, Fair Lawn. Buy your copy of the Tanya for $20 Scrip is an excellent way to support the Shul at no additional cost to when you arrive. you. Scrip can now be purchased online: shomrei-torah.org/scrip, and de -livered to your home. For more information contact Milty Frank: 201-916 FOGELMAN MEMORIAL BEIT MEDRASH SUMMER PROGRAMMING -9721 or [email protected], or David Heiser: 201-794-6760 or As part of the Fogelman Memorial Beit Medrash Pro- dbh454@ gmail.com. gram, Shiur, Beer and BBQ is back for our FINAL SUMMER MEET- ING!...Taking place on Thursday, September 1, from 7:30-9pm at the home of ROSH HASHANAH AND YOM KIPPUR BABYSITTING Jon and Ahuva Lamm, 3-07 Berdan Ave.
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