NINE FOXTROT NEWS 1 MARCH 3 rd 2011 NUMBER 03 / 01 NINE FOXTROT NEWS: NUMBER: 03 / 01 ROWLEY MEDLIN Mobile: (27) 82 415 7117 Addresses : Residential : House No 45 Riverside Manor Retirement Village. Sunninghill. Postal: PO Box 10028 Centurion 0046 MARCH 3 rd 2011 Mailto: [email protected] WEBSITE: http:// www.ninefoxtrot.org or alternatively:www.MilPol.co.ca PLEASE NOTE: That the opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessary the opinion of the originator of the Nine Foxtrot Newsletter. Names of the persons submitting the article(s) are shown. COPYRIGHT & FAIR USE NOTICE: This website may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been preauthorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available for the enjoyment and information of military veterans worldwide. If you want to use any copyrighted material that may exist on this site for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner through the originator of Nine Foxtrot News. The primary objective of the newsletter is to maintain the true comradeship of men and women who have served within an armed force and other individuals that have an interest in the veteran soldier. This newsletter, although originating from the Republic of South Africa is not in any way an official mouthpiece of the South African National Defence Force. It is the voice of the military veteran soldiers and his or her friends. The secondary objective is to promote interaction between soldiers and friends of soldiers from different countries, arms of service and regiments/units. PLEASE NOTE: NEW NINE FOXTROT NEWSLETTER’S BANK DETAILS: NAME: ROWLEY MEDILN BANK: ABSA BRANCH: WEIRDA PARK. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 916 87299 65. A VERY BIG THANK YOU, TO THOSE THAT HAVE, AND STILL ARE, SPONSORING NINE FOXTROT NEWS. I truly value, especially in the current times, your contributions. All contributions are used to improve the product and or distribution of Nine Foxtrot News. Your contributions really help. FROM ROWLEYS KEYBORD: Today is going to be a very special day for me, in fact, the whole week will be exceptionally special. You know I have waited my whole life for this day, this week to arrive. I am going to make the best of the day week. During my search and requests for info on Ops Firewood, someone got the cat by the tail and sent out a request for info on “Fire Force.” No problem but through this mis-intention NINE FOXTROT NEWS 2 MARCH 3 rd 2011 NUMBER 03 / 01 Bart Henderson sent me a very realistic account of one of his Fire Force patrols. Those of you that know Bart, will realise that I had to substitute a few letters and in some cases a few phrases. Never the less, After one of our American readers mentioned that he so enjoyed listening to our South African Vets talking in Afghanistan, I decided, with Bart’s permission to publish his account of this mission. Please chaps consider sending me more accounts of your experiences and photos. Last week I said that Patch Oosthuizen received Gold medal number two and that I did not know if there were any silver medals. I have just received the correct info. (See below.) “A SOLDIER DIED TODAY, Just a common soldier, but a true Gentleman soldier Officer.” I have just return from the “Send Off’ of Our “Uncle in the Furniture Business,” Colonel Thijs Eagar. I say “Send Off” because that was what Thijs had, a very fitting service indeed. With the choir (all primary school children,) that Barbara (and Thijs,) coach singing and placing a hand in as many elderly couples as they could. What a gesture? Daar het baie tannies gehuil and a number of miggies flew into the eyes of the men. I would guess a good 350/400 people paid complements to that very fine gentleman. Barbara, (“The Rose amongst the Thorns,”) was assisted by her three sons and their families. It will take some doing to get any person to be able to stand in Thijs’ shoes. The veteran community is in morning today for a soldier died today. Go well Old Soldier. Listening to SABC 7PM News on Friday evening, I saw and listened to the lambasting the Ministress of Defence, Ministry of Defence and SANDF Command Structure from the Interim Defence Committee concerning for the situation/conditions in the SANDF and concerning OUR soldiers. I don’t want to be the one to say “SIE DA” but did I, Rowley Medlin, not warn anyone interested as to what I, as a sergeant major, observed some six/eight months ago. How silent are those Reserve Force Officers who amongst others questioned “Who the hell is this Medlin?” “Who gives him the right to inspect military establishment?” “ Does this Medlin not realised that he is no longer part of the Force and as such mus shut-up?” Well Gentlemen, Officers try blaming the Interim Defence Commission for criticising “your” SANDF. In the same line, I had to visit a Reserve Force Regiment this week (PS: I did not hold any “inspection,”) I was pleasantly surprised to see how well kept the gardens were. No names, no Pack drill otherwise I will be blamed for “inspecting” the unit without permission. But well done to that Unit Commander. RRRowley 9F9F9F NINE FOXTROT NEWS 3 MARCH 3 rd 2011 NUMBER 03 / 01 OPERATION SAVANNAH: The Committee of the Savannah Veterans Association is urgently trying to make contact with all members of the SADF who were involved with Operation Savannah Oct 1975 to March 1976 so as to update the records and to verify that addresses and contact numbers are still in use. Please, all soldiers, make contact with Neels Halgryn at [email protected] or myself at the above contact address. I will pass your mails on. This is an URGENT appeal. MAIL FROM ROWLEY’S INBOX : FROM MANUEL FERREIRA: Vlieënier word eerste swart bevelvoerder van 2 Eskader Gerhard Pretorius ’n Swart vlieënier het gister vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag die leisels as bevelvoerder van 2 Eskader oorgeneem. Dié eskader vlieg Gripen-veg- en Hawk- vegopleidingsvliegtuie. Lt.kol. Musa (Midnite) Mbhokota (36) is in 2007 by die Makhado-lugmagbasis buite Louis Trichardt in Limpopo by 2 Eskader as ’n vlieginstrukteur in Hawks geplaas. Ná die aanskaffing van die eerste Gripens was Mbhokota een van die eerste ses vlieëniers wat gekies is om in Swede opleiding in dié vliegtuie te ondergaan. Sedertdien is hy aangewys as onder meer ’n vlieginstrukteur in die Gripens. Mbhokota het reeds 2 300 vlieguur in agt verskillende militêre vliegtuie agter die rug, waarvan 1 800 in vegvliegtuie was. Hy was een van vier offisiere aan wie die bevel van ’n lugmageenheid of eskader gister op die Makhado-basis oorhandig is. Kol. Silumko Vaaiboom, lt.kol Kevin Ogden en lt.kol Iris Joan Owen het ook gister die bevel oorgeneem van onderskeidelik 5 Lugdienseenheid, 85 Gevegvliegskool en 515 Eskader, wat almal by die Makhado-basis gestasioneer is. 85 Gevegvliegskool lei hoofsaaklik bemanning vir Gripens en Hawks op. 3 Lugversieningseenheid en 515 Eskader is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir tegniese bystand en beskermingsdienste. Oor hoe hy daaroor voel dat sy nuwe pos beteken dat hy minder gaan vlieg, het Mbhokota met ’n laggie gesê dat dié “net die begin” vir hom is en dat hy nog baie jare se vlieg voor hom het. Dié pos is vir hom ’n baie groot eer, maar dit gaan vir hom oor sy eskader en die samewerking om ’n doelwit te bereik. “Ons het seker die beste lug- en grondbemanning in die land en dit gaan oor die mans en vroue wat saam met my werk. “Ek sien myself nie as die leier nie, maar eerder as iemand wat die fakkel dra en ek sal die fakkel wil dra sodat ek die eskader in ’n beter toestand afgee as wat ek dit ontvang het. Dit gaan alles oor verbetering. “My mandaat is om voort te gaan met die operasionele toetsing en evaluasie van die Gripen, maar ek sal hom graag veggereed wil sien. “Ons benodig soms meer NINE FOXTROT NEWS 4 MARCH 3 rd 2011 NUMBER 03 / 01 finansiering, maar ons maak die beste met wat ons het,” het Mbhokota gesê. http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuu...i-nou-20110225 FROM DEAN HUTSON: (USA) Rowley - as always a great job and excellent read. Wanted to let you know my experience with reaching some Kiwi friends as I see you also had problems with bouncing e-mails. E-mail contacts are still fairly sporadic as the power grid there is pretty dicey still - what connections there are, are often in/out throughout the day and night. I e-mailed the Consulate and provided names of friends that I had not been able to contact and through their 'warden system' they - after a couple of days- had made contact with them and then let me know all was OK. Although many are safe their houses are uninhabitable (doors seized up, pipes broken etc...) and so they are living elsewhere right now - often out in the surrounding towns away from Christchurch. Keep up the fine work Rowley, fascinating history you men of the SA Forces have! Some of my best memories are sitting around the fire at a camp out in the middle of Afghanistan with some of your veterans talking about life, the Army, women and all of the other important things.....;) Take care, my friend. Dean Hutson LTC Commanding, 5150th Special Marksmanship Unit. In Afrikaans we say “Skiet hom in die hol kol.” “Shoot him in the butt colonel” FROM DICK OLSEN: Hi Rowley, I would like to start by complimenting the Johannesburg Regiment on the parade.
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