A #E A O B DAILY OIBOUXATIOM ter Mm Month et Mnreh. 1M4 5 , 4 4 4 Member of the Audit Barena of droalntloafe. VOL. U IL, NO. 161. (CleeoMled Adrerttetaif on Pnge U.). MANC»B8llX^ CONN.,MONDAY, APRILS, 1984. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THRENCSNTS STOCK MARKET WINS Photograi^ng Pregad^t’s Son TtlrH0 Out A hashing Success TEST TALESMEN STRIKE SITUATION FOR PREJUDICES VICTORY IN SENATE INCANNON CASE IN STATE REMAINS Federal Reserve Board Not POLICAL RIOTS Bishop and Hiss Barronghs UNCHAN(JED TODAY to Have Authority Over DISTURB BELGIUM Plead Not Gidlty as They Exchange; New Commis­ HEATED DISPUTES But Labor Leaders Sap Face Trial for Cormpt Morement W3I Spread sion to Be Created. One Killed and Scores In­ AT COAL HEARING Practice Act Breach. from Hartford Cosstp to Weahlngton, April 7.—(AP)—The jured Over Week-End — New York Stock Exchange scored a Washington, April 9.—(AP)— Head of Miners’ Union and Rest of State Untfl Wages smashing victory in the Senate Blue Shirts Fight Socialists Bishop James Cannon, Jr., and Miss / banking committee today by a 10 to Ada L. Burroughs today pleaded Operators’ Representa- Are Increuld. 8 vote to create a new commission “not guilty” in criminal court to a to regulate the exchanges instead of Brussels, April 9.—(AP) — One cbaxg:e that they conslpired to vio­ Hto m giving Jurisdiction to the Federal person was slain and more than two late the Corrupt Practices Act by Verbal Tilt. By Reserve Board and the Federal score injured in a week-end of failure to report all the antl-Smltb Demands for lasrsased wages violent political clashes which Trade Commission. presidential campaign contributions backed by strikes or threats of The committee adopted an amend­ threatened to break out in and near they received in 1928. Washington, April 9—(AP) — A Brussels today. Miss Burroughs answered first in heated dispute between John L. walkouts found Coniiechout indus­ ment to the Stock Market bill of­ try today on tbs threshold of a fered by Senator Glass (D., Va.), up­ Fears that fighting would be re­ a quiet voice. Cannon, spealdng Lewis, president of the United Mine loud enough to be beard throughout state-wide movement for the rssto* setting plans of the bill’s authors newed led police offidals to order Workers of America, and Forney and Presldeat Roosevelt to have the extraordinary precautions through­ the court room, then said “not ration of wages to level of 1939. Exchanges regulated by the two out the capital today. Officials’ guilty.” Johnston,, representative of Ala­ With several strlkies alreadv w existing governmental agencies. apprehensions were heightened by a The two who stole the spotlight at a Philadelphia wrestling match the oth^r night were not the grai>- Indications that Issues that played bama commercial coal operators, der way and otheVs threatened, As it now dtands, a commission of Communist statement which wamo.1 plers in the ring, but the principals pictured here: Franklin D. Roosevelt, son of the President, and a large part In the Hoover-Smith caused a brief recess today in the John J. Egan, secretaj^ of the Con- three members appointed by the the Nationalists that plans were Don Corvelll, Philadelphia newspaper photographer. Young Roosevelt, algered when Corvelll snapped campaign more than five years ago NRA hearing on increased wages nectiout A. F. of L., dllii^ed the President and confirmed by the Sen­ being made to avenge the death of the ringside photo of him shown at left, leaped for the photogm9|bu' and s^ u h ed his camera. But Cor- would enter into the trial proceed­ and shorter hours for miners. rough outlines of a drfvei to fores their comrade. vein got the last laugh, as you see. He had slipped the plate in hlslw ket e being felled by a Roosevelt ings came when the court and coun­ 'Johnston, after calling the NRA higher wages. ate, would be set up to exercise all flying tackle. the powers the bill originally pro­ Nationalist headquarters wore sel framed a question to test the order for the wage and hour “No company,” be asserted, posed to turn over to u e Reserve raided and sacked at Eckeren during Jurors on their religious, prohibition changes a violation of the Recovery “should declare any dividends un­ 'Board and the trade commission. a clash between Blue Shirts and omd political views. Act, said union representatives, dur­ til the 1929 wage level Is restored." President’s Support Socialists in which one Socialist was Twelve persons were called to the ing conferences with the operators Egan pointed to Hartford countY Friends of the original legislation wounded seriously. Jury box Immediately after the leading to a wage contract, bad as­ as a target for the "opening finir' lanned to carry their fight to the Rioting which broke out in con­ (^EAT BRITAIN WATCHES ntESDENTUUIS arrangement. sured the operators they bad no in­ in a campaign having as ita genate floor, and with President nection with the inauguration ot Text of Queetions. tention of InltUitlng another wage ha said, wage inorsasss of fron 10 Roosevelt's expressed support, were Brussels headquarters of the Na­ The text of the question involving increase. to 26 per cent and “at least 16 per hopeful of final victory. tionalist Blue Shirts led to the kill­ RED CROSS WORK religious views which were asked Lewis, who bad been sitting at cent on the average.” Opponents of the bill as originally ing of one 0>mmiunist HITLER’S ARMING 4I0VES collectively of the ten men and- two one side during Johnston’s speech. “We are hitting’ be said, “where drafted also scored an important Clashes spread throughout scat­ women In the Jury box follows: Interrupted with the question of they least expect victory by the same margin in tered portions of the ^ p lta l be­ “Does the fact that Cannon le whether Johnston meant to Imply New ContNovsrstas adopt^ a motion by Senator tween the uniformed Nationalists charged with opposing Alfred E. the imlon ban a secret understand­ Meanwhile, threats qf new wage I Adams (D., Colo.), to eliminate the and bands of Communists. Giving Serious Consideration Smltb, the Democratic presidential ing, apart from the contract, with controversies cams firem various M tal introductory section of the bill In Brussels, ten Communists and TWO LOSE LIVES nominee In 1928, on the ground that the curators. parts of tbs stats. But tbsrs wars outlining its puroose for constitu fifteen Nationalists were wounded in HU Yacht to Ddesates At- be was s membtr of tbs Roman Johnston denied making such an bright spots in the Industrial ple4 tlonal reasons. hand-to-hand fighting. The rioting to Gennany’s Plans for In­ Catholic church and because said Implication. ture, employes in several Isjga Senator Glass, who voted to strike then was carried into other locali­ AS BOAT UPSETS Smith was opposed to the 18th Lewis persisted. plants began the week with Improv­ out this section. Immediately entered ties. toiding Convention. Amendment to the Ckmstitution of “I made no such statement,” ed wage scales. a motion to reconsider the action The disorders caused the govern­ creased Expenditures on the United States prejudice you Johnston repeated. however, on the groimd that some ment to set for eariy discussion by against said Cannon? *TTou Implied it,” countered Among tbs plants anao Lewis. wage increases o t approadmai substitute wording should be Parliament of a bill prohibiting the Her Army and Navy. Washington, April 9—(AP)—In “Do you bold any religious preju­ ten per cent during the past adopted. weajilng of uniforms of • political Weti Hartford and Hartford dice preventing you from giving to "I did not.” No vote was taken by the commit­ a message to the Red Cross annual were the International SUvsr groups. the defendants. Bishop James Can­ “Then withdraw it,” Lewis said. pony, the Bridgeport Brass Com­ tee today on the troublesome mar­ Already Introduced, the measure Mob Drowaed While Fish­ convention. President Roosevelt said non, Jr., chairman of the Board of “I Implied nothing and withdraw ginal section, but Chalrmai Fletcher London, April 9.—(AP) — Sir Temperance and Social Service of nothing,” replied Johnston. pany, and three Watsrbury brass also would tighten restrictions on today the organization had “worked plants—tbs American Brass Oom^ predicted the committee would ellm the manufacture and sale of fire­ John Simon, British foreign secre­ to develop among our people a feel­ the Methodist Episcopal Church, Witnesses Warned mate the fixed minimum margm re< South, and Ada L. Burroughs, an At this point Blackwell Smith, pony, the SeovUl Manufacturing arms. tary told the House of Commons ing in the Sonad. ing of responsibility in the mis- OompaM ami |ha, Chase eompantsn, qulrements and turn the entire Blue Shirts in the past three employes of the Antl-4Balooo Lo^fus of ths.NRA legal dlvtsloa, interupt* power over to the administrative today that the British gover^inent for1^i||M of others” and tee acUviUea «d the debate, and askdd the wit­ .jpemahdtoirs 80 per cent tnerease, months established local baadqtjar- is g lv l^ “very sssMms’^ roastjlsaiu and. a ma;p|;i«|r of that church, a fair agency. •'Saky have » Tnofert»-reaAlaf ef­ and ^^^aftial trial' on the Issues in- ness not to make any "nasty, foul ^orktffi-ofuw Norwalk-^nre-and One of the warmest battles over tiirs in 78 centers. Unconfirmed r ^ ' tlon to ^ rm an y 's contemplated in- ^ MailftBh,' April 9.—(AP)— Rubber ^Company voted to stftke fect than Is generally apparefif VQlYe Impllcatleas.’’* The recess then was the Stock Market bill when it hrst ports said they were engaging in creased expenditures on her Army, waters of Long Island Sound off ordered.
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