Macrouridae Bonaparte, 1831 - Grenadiers, Rattails

Macrouridae Bonaparte, 1831 - Grenadiers, Rattails

FAMILY Macrouridae Bonaparte, 1831 - grenadiers, rattails SUBFAMILY Macrouroidinae Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912 - whiptails [=Macrouroididae] Notes: Macrouroididae Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912:138 [ref. 3578] (family) Macrouroides [family name sometimes seen as Macroroididae] GENUS Macrouroides Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912 - whiptails [=Macrouroides Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.], in Radcliffe, 1912:139] Notes: [ref. 3578]. Masc. Macrouroides inflaticeps Smith & Radcliffe, 1912. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Macruroides in Zoological Record for 1912. •Valid as Macruroides Smith & Radcliffe, 1912 -- (Fahay & Markle 1984:274 [ref. 13653], Iwamoto in Cohen et al. 1990:312 [ref. 18936], Iwamoto 1999:1987 [ref. 24761], Iwamoto 2003:992 [ref. 27010], Bray et al. 2006:599 [ref. 29065]). Current status: Valid as Macrouroides Smith & Radcliffe, 1912. Macrouridae: Macrouroidinae. Species Macrouroides inflatriceps Smith & Radcliffe, in Radcliffe, 1912 - inflated whiptail [=Macrouroides inflaticeps Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.], in Radcliffe, 1912:139, Pl. 31 (fig. 2)] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 43 (no. 1924); ref. 3578] Near Batan Island, Lagonoy Gulf, Luzon Island, 13°23'15"N, 124°00'30"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5450, depth 408 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Macrouroides inflaticeps Smith & Radcliffe, 1912. Macrouridae: Macrouroidinae. Distribution: Circumglobal. Habitat: marine. GENUS Squalogadus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916 - whiptails [=Squalogadus Gilbert [C. H.] & Hubbs [C. L.], 1916:156] Notes: [ref. 1636]. Masc. Squalogadus modificatus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Squalogadus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916 -- (Marshall & Iwamoto 1973:517 [ref. 6963], Fahay & Markle 1984:274 [ref. 13653], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:93 [ref. 6441], Iwamoto in Cohen et al. 1990:312 [ref. 18936], Iwamoto & Merrett 1997:482 [ref. 23710], Iwamoto & Williams 1999:234 [ref. 23875], Iwamoto 1999:1987 [ref. 24761], Merrett & Iwamoto 2000:778 [ref. 25037], Iwamoto 2003:992 [ref. 27010], Bray et al. 2006:604 [ref. 29065]). Current status: Valid as Squalogadus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916. Macrouridae: Macrouroidinae. Species Squalogadus modificatus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916 - tadpole whiptail [=Squalogadus modificatus Gilbert [C. H.] & Hubbs [C. L.], 1916:156, Pl. 8 (fig. 2), Squalogadus intermedius Grey [M.], 1959:330, Fig. 53] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 51 (no. 2149); ref. 1636] Bungo Channel, 32°32'N, 132°25'E, off Kyushu, Japan, Albatross station 4956, depth 720 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Squalogadus modificatus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916. Macrouridae: Macrouroidinae. Distribution: Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific. Habitat: marine. (intermedius) [Fieldiana Zoology v. 39 (no. 29); ref. 11997] Gulf of Mexico, 29°07'N, 87°54'W, Oregon station 1426, depth 600 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Squalogadus modificatus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916. Macrouridae: Macrouroidinae. Habitat: marine ****************************************************************************************************************************** SUBFAMILY Macrourinae Bonaparte, 1831 - grenadiers, rattails [=Macrourini, Coccolini, Lepidorhynchini, Ateleobrachinae, Coryphaenoidinae, Malacocephalini, Malacocephalini] Notes: Macrourini Bonaparte, 1831:161, 183 [ref. 4978] (subfamily) Macrourus [stem changed to Macrur- by Günther 1862a:390 [ref. 1969] based on Macrurus] Coccolini Bonaparte, 1846:6, 47 [ref. 519] (subfamily) Coccolus Lepidorhynchini Bleeker, 1874c:369 [ref. 435] (phalanx = tribe) Lepidorhynchus [genus inferred from the stem, Article] Ateleobrachinae Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916:142, 147 [ref. 1636] (subfamily) Ateleobrachium [corrected to Ateleobrachiinae by Fowler 1951b:3 [ref.31928]] Coryphaenoidinae Gilbert & Hubbs, 1916:143 [ref. 1636] (subfamily) Coryphaenoides Malacocephalini Iwamoto, 1972 (tribe) Malacocephalus [in unpublished dissertation: Macrourid fishes of the tribe Malacocephalini (Macrouridae: Gadiformes), not available] Malacocephalini Iwamoto, 1979:157 [ref. 2311] (tribe) Malacocephalus GENUS Albatrossia Jordan & Gilbert, in Jordan & Evermann, 1898 - grenadiers [=Albatrossia Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.], in Jordan & Evermann, 1898:2563, 2573, Ateleobrachium Gilbert [C. H.] & Burke [C. V.], 1912:94] Notes: [ref. 2445]. Fem. Macrourus pectoralis Gilbert, 1891. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Authorship should be Jordan & Gilbert in Jordan & Evermann as evidenced by synonymy on p. 2574 and subsequent publication by Jordan & Gilbert 1898 [ref. 1793]. •Synonym of Coryphaenoides Gunnerus, 1761 -- (Marshall 1973:294 [ref. 7194]). •Valid as Albatrossia Jordan & Gilbert, 1898 – (Iwamoto & Sazonov 1988:39 [6228], Iwamoto in Cohen et al. 1990:110 [ref. 18936], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:271 [ref. 25968]). Current status: Valid as Albatrossia Jordan & Gilbert, 1898. Macrouridae: Macrourinae. (Ateleobrachium) [ref. 1634]. Neut. Ateleobrachium pterotum Gilbert & Burke, 1912. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Coryphaenoides Gunnerus, 1765 -- (Marshall 1973:295 [ref. 7194], Marshall & Iwamoto 1973:565 [ref. 6966], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:205 [ref. 28944]). •Synonym of Albatrossia Jordan & Gilbert, 1898 -- (Parin et al. 2014:164 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Synonym of Albatrossia Jordan & Gilbert, 1898. Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Species Albatrossia pectoralis (Gilbert, 1892) - giant grenadier [=Macrurus (Malacocephalus) pectoralis Gilbert [C. H.], 1892:563, Macrurus (Nematonurus) magnus Gill [T. N.] & Townsend [C. H.], 1897:234, Ateleobrachium pterotum Gilbert [C. H.] & Burke [C. V.], 1912:94, Fig. 37] Notes: [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 14 (no. 880); ref. 1626] Off Washington, U.S.A., depth 685-877 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Albatrossia pectoralis (Gilbert, 1892). Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Distribution: North Pacific. Habitat: marine. (magnus) [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 11; ref. 1749] Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Islands. Current status: Synonym of Albatrossia pectoralis (Gilbert, 1892). Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Habitat: marine. (pterotum) [Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries v. 30 (Doc. 754) (for 1910); ref. 1634] Off Avatcha Bay, 52°37.5'N, 158°50.0'E, east coast of Kamchatka, Albatross station 4797, depth 300 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Albatrossia pectoralis (Gilbert, 1892). Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Habitat: marine. GENUS Asthenomacrurus Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982 - rattails, grenadiers, whiptails [=Asthenomacrurus Sazonov [Yu. I.] & Shcherbachev [Yu. N.], 1982:708] Notes: [ref. 3908]. Masc. Asthenomacrurus victoris Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982. Type by original designation. •Valid as Asthenomacrurus Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:324 [ref. 12442], Bray et al. 2006:583 [ref. 29065], Iwamoto & Orlov 2008:126 [ref. 29640]). Current status: Valid as Asthenomacrurus Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982. Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Species Asthenomacrurus fragilis (Garman, 1899) - fragile grenadier [=Macrurus fragilis Garman [S.], 1899:203, Pl. 46 (fig. 1)] Notes: [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Mariato point; southwestern Malpelo Island, eastern Pacific, 2°-6°N, 82°-83°W, depth 1672-1823 fathoms. Current status: Valid as Asthenomacrurus fragilis (Garman, 1899). Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. Species Asthenomacrurus victoris Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982 - victory whiptail [=Asthenomacrurus victoris Sazonov [Yu. I.] & Shcherbachev [Yu. N.], 1982:709, Fig. 1] Notes: [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 22 (no. 5); ref. 3908] Southwestern Indian Ocean, 2°46'S, 65°41'E, depth 3530 meters. Current status: Valid as Asthenomacrurus victoris Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982. Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Distribution: Indian Ocean, Japan and southeastern Australia, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Habitat: marine. GENUS Cetonurichthys Sazanov & Shcherbachev, 1982 - whiptails [=Cetonurichthys Sazonov [Yu. I.] & Shcherbachev [Yu. N.], 1982:714] Notes: [ref. 3908]. Masc. Cetonurichthys subinflatus Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cetonurichthys Sazanov & Shcherbachev, 1982 -- (Iwamoto & Williams 1999:167 [ref. 23875], Merrett & Iwamoto 2000:750 [ref. 25037], Bray et al. 2006:591 [ref. 29065]). Current status: Valid as Cetonurichthys Sazanov & Shcherbachev, 1982. Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Species Cetonurichthys subinflatus Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982 - smallpore whiptail [=Cetonurichthys subinflatus Sazonov [Yu. I.] & Shcherbachev [Yu. N.], 1982:715, Fig. 3] Notes: [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 22 (no. 5); ref. 3908] Southeastern Indian Ocean, 16°55'S, 114°53'E, depth 1600-1700 meters. Current status: Valid as Cetonurichthys subinflatus Sazonov & Shcherbachev, 1982. Macrouridae: Macrourinae. Distribution: Southeastern Indian Ocean and western South Pacific. Habitat: marine. GENUS Cetonurus Gunther, 1887 - rattails, grenadiers [=Cetonurus (subgenus of Macrurus) Günther [A.], 1887:124, 143] Notes: [ref. 2013]. Masc. Coryphaenoides crassiceps Günther, 1878. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Cetonurus Günther, 1887 -- (Marshall 1973:290 [ref. 7194], Marshall 1973:613 [ref. 6965], Fahay & Markle 1984:274 [ref. 13653], Okamura in Masuda et al. 1984:95 [ref. 6441], Geistdoerfer in Whitehead et al. 1986:650 [ref. 13676], Paxton et al. 1989:324 [ref. 12442], Gomon et al. 1994:344 [ref. 22532], Iwamoto & Williams

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