JkPiR L 2, MU:flLpncEMUflLpflcECON ROCM I LL. IhLfliii.iWiuix.iIbiiIIh'Lfliii.iWu..iIiI F1ii ii. 0 URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 280-2600 URBAN LEAGUE OPOF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS APRIL 22, 1992 *** 7:30 a.m. *** AGENDA APPROVAL OFOF MINUTES:MINUTES: March REPORT FROM THE CHAIRCHAIR REPORT FROM THETHE PRESIDENT: COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE CO41'4ITTEECOMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COI4NITTEECOMMITTEE NOMINATING COMMITTEECOMMITTEE FUND RAISING COMMUNITY RELATIONS RELATIONS COI4NITTEECOMMITTEE PERSONNEL COMMITTEECOMMITTEE PROGRAM ANDAND PLANNINGPLANNING COMMITTEECOMMITTEE GUILD ADJOURNMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 25, 1992 The March Board Board of of DirectorsDirectors meetingmeeting commencedcommenced at at 7:34 a.m.a.m. onon March 25,25, 1992. The meetingmeeting of of thethe Urban League League Board Board of of Directors, Directors, held held inin the Multi-Purpose ConferenceConference Room, Room,Urban Plaza,Plaza, 10North Russell Street, waswas called toto orderorder atat 7:34 7:34 a.m.a.m. byby ChairChair BillBill Wyatt.Wyatt. The followingfollowing DirectorsDirectors were inin attendance:attendance: ClaraClara Padilla-Andrews,Padilla-Andrews, James Boehlke,Boehlke, Louis Boston,Boston, FayeFaye Burch,Burch, EdEd DeWald,DeWald, Marva Fabien,Fabien, Tom Gallagher, Gallagher, SharonSharon Gary-Smith,Gary-Smith, Ed Ed Hardy, Hardy, Elizabeth Elizabeth Kutza,Kutza, Rita Lucas, Judi Pitre,Pitre, Terry Terry Rogers, Rogers, Gina Gina Wood,Wood, BillBill Wyatt.Wyatt. The followingfollowing Directors werewere absentabsent withwith excuse:excuse: JoanJoan Brown-Kline, Brown-Kline, Rian Brown,Brown, James James Francesconi, Francesconi, Kevin Kevin Fuller, Fuller, Donnie Donnie Griffin, Griffin, StuartStuart Hall, MattMatt Hennessee.Hennessee. The followingfollowing DirectorsDirectors werewere absent withoutwithout excuse:excuse: WallyWally Sca1esScales, The minutesminutes forfor thethe FebruaryFebruary meetingmeeting werewere approved.approved. Moved and seconded toto approve thethe FebruaryFebruary minutes (Boehlke/DeWald).(Boehlke/DeWaldL! motion passed. ( REPORT FROM THE CHAIR: BillBill WyattWyatt Mr. Wyatt announcedannounced that that AvelAvel Gordly Gordly cannot cannot attend attend today'stoday's meeting,meeting, however, she she willwill attendattend anan upcomingupcoming boardboard meeting meeting to to discussdiscuss the Chief's forumforum committee that that sheshe isis currentlycurrently a amember member of.of. Reviewed the the information information submitted submitted by by the the facilities facilities coiumittee committee regarding the buildingbuilding andand askedasked TomTom Gallagher Gallagher to to reportreport the findings. Mr. GallagherGallagher reported reported on on the the structural structural designdesign on the building and statedstated thatthat therethere are are three three long-range long-range problems problems withwith the building,building, theythey are;are; 1)1) The The buildingbuilding isis not not earthquake earthquake proof,proof, 2)2) Ceiling jointsjoints (sub-floors)(sub-floors) havehave firefire damage, damage, 3) TheThe roofroof isis notnot properly reinforced. Informed members that that he andand Dr.Dr. TukufuTukufu metmet withwith WarneWarne NunnNunn ofof the Meyer Memorial Memorial Trust, Trust, and and that that Mr.Mr. NunnNunn has has stated stated thatthat thethe League League canresubmit a proposalforfundingandthattheyneed correspondence fromfrom usus stating how how theirtheir money money andand computerscomputers werewere utilized.Mr. NunnNunn has has also also shown shown interest interest inin applying forfor anan individual membershipmembership toto the League.League.Mr. Wyatt alsoalso suggested the Community Relations Relations CoiumitteeCommittee and thethe Fundraising Fundraising CoTiumittee Committee workwork together onon thisthis year'syear's membership membership drive.drive. Board of Directors Minutes (March) Page 2 PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Darryl Tukufu Will meet with our attorney next week to review the facility and the construction issues.Stated that he will submit information to Elizabeth Kutza regarding fees for service for a non-profit agency. Received a request for membership from the American Leaders Forum and informed the board that the tuition will not be funded by the League. Lou Boston stated that the board should agree to fund part of Dr. Tukufu's tuition to this organization since itis a management development forum. Mr. Wyatt mentioned that there were full scholarships available for minority candidates. It was moved and seconded (Wood/Boston) to accept Dr. Tukufu's recommendation to the American Leaders Forum,seekingseekinci involvementinvolvement withwith nono fundsfunas cominqcoming from the Urban Leaque.League. The motion passed. Terry Roberts addressed an article that was in the Oregonian titled "MeasurettMeasure 55 - The Silence is Leaden", she feels that article deals strongly with advocacy and would like to meet with Dr. Tukufu and Mr. Wyatt to discuss her participation with our current advocacy program. FINANCE REPORT: Jim Boehlke MrMr. Boehlke stated that the financial statements to the board will consist of consolidated balance sheet, consolidated revenue and expense reports and a budget comparison analysis report. The format of the first two reports by our aiduted reports provided to the board each year byby ourour auditorsauditors KPMGKPMG PeatPeat Marwick.Marwick. BoardBoard members interested in more detail information are invited to attend the finance committee where a more comprehensive review is done. Thefinance committee will be reviewing each month's budget comparison analysisanalysis reportsreports byby revenuerevenue andand expenseexpensefor eacheach program. It will report to the Program and Planning Committee, the Board and any other committee effected by those issues that have an extraordinary impact on a specific program. Further, the finance committee will be reviewing each month the accounts receivable and payable, fund balances, bank accounts and any other financial information it deems appropriate to keep the board informed of its fiduciary responsibility. Mr. BoehlkeBoehike stated the Finance Committee meetings have been scheduled for 10 days prior to the board meetings, this means that the committee can review the finance reports before they're entered into the board packets. Board of Directors Minutes (March) Page 3 Mr. Boston stated that maybe a recap sheet should also be inclucilinclucid to show where we are each month and where we're going to be at the end of our budget cycle. It was moved and seconded (Wood/Hardy) acceptaccett the Finance ReportReoort withwith thethe revisedrevised reportinqreortincr includedincluded ±in board packets. The motion passed. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Bill Wyatt Mr. Wyatt informed the board that Joan Brown-Kline was not able to attend the March board meeting due to a family emergency. MrMr. Wyatt reviewed the nominating process with the board members and stated that the current by-lawsby-laws statestate thatthat eacheach boardboard offof ficericer9e termterra isis forfor oneone yearyear notnot toto exceedexceed twotwo terms,terms, hehe thenthen stated tha. the nominating committee would to extend the current slate of offof ficers icers for another year.year. ItIt waswas movedmoved andand secondedseconded (Boston/Luca(Boston/Lucast to keep the current slate of officer's for the 1992-93 term. TbMThi motion passed. Mr. Wyatt informed members that the nominating committee will develop a slate of candidates at their next meeting for the board positions that are currently available. The committee will nominate those candidates at the Annual Meeting, April 16. FIJNDRAISINGFUNDRAISING COMMITTEE:COMMITTEE: Lou Boston Mr. Boston stated that the League will be running two campaigns, a Corporate and a Membership campaign. Mr. Boston stated that fo:: the Corporate campaigncampaign wewe areare lookinglooking toto raiseraise $lOOK, $100K, he he stated statA that the majormajor planplan isis toto gogo toto BankBank ofof AiiericaAmerica andand let them 'set up' the campaign and/or sponsor. Mr. Boston stated that he wou11would like to have Ancer Haggerty chair the Membership campaign and asked Dr. Tukufu and Mr. Wyatt if they could call Mr. Haggerty - they arear also looking at Marsha Congdon as a possible chair. Stated that they are currently waiting to hear from Jeff Farber,Bank ofoJ' America, to see if the Bank will sign-off as a sponsor. Dr. Tukufu reminded Mr.Boston that we must keep in mind diversity when seeking co-chairs.Mr. Boston states that he is still waiting for possible co-chair names,names, GinaGina WoodWood respondedresponded byby givinggiving thethe namesnames o:of two individuals, Alcena Boozer and Dr. Ethel Simon-McWilliams,Simon-McWilliams0 TheTh membership drive willwill bebe AprilApril 1616 throughthrough MayMay 31.31 Board of Directors Minutes (March) Page 4 COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Judi Pitre In Kevin FullertsFuller's absence Gina Wood reported on the Urban League Young Professionals activity. Ms. Wood stated that the group is currently developing their by-laws and thanked Dr. Tukufu for his input and assistance in developing the by-laws. Stated that Raymond Pierott has been nominated as chairperson for the group until membership drive is completed, after that point there will be an electionelection ofofficers. Dr. Tukufu stated that the Young Professionals should elect a representative under 30 to sit on the Urban League Board. Judi Pitre thanked Kevin Fuller
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