Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 3-17-1954 The aB tes Student - volume 80 number 18 - March 17, 1954 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 80 number 18 - March 17, 1954" (1954). The Bates Student. 1169. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1169 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \Z\ Men's Sports Pops Features Banquet Choral, Band Tonight indent Saturday Vol. LXXX, No. 18 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, MARCH 17. 1954 By Subscription Ern And Watson Lead Governments; Men Re-elect All Stu-C Candidates Hefferman, MacAvoy, Dworkin, Smith Win Other Major Posts By Ruth Haskins John Houhoulis gained the Stu- Monday's election of Ernest C vice-presidency, with Arnold Terry Presents Ern to the Student Council presi- Fickett chosen secretary-treasurer. dency led the return of the en- Leverett Campbell, and Robe"t Gilbert-Sullivan tire membership of the past year's McAfee were also re-elected, while Council to office, an event which Ralph Froio, Eugene Taylor, Or- In Chase Series has not been paralleled in the tin Blaisd'dl, and George Gardi- Gilbert and Sullivan interpreter last ten years. Lauralvn Watson, ner are among the newcomers n Warren Lee Terry will present a president of Wilson House, wa. the Council lecture-recital "Gilbert and SuJIi- chosen from the women's ballot Stu-G Prexy Enthusiastic van in SOUR and Story" at 7:.10 to lead the incoming Student Gov- In commenting on her election p. in. March 24 in the Chapel. ernment board. to tin Stu-G post. President-elect Terry's program will be under Other campus presidential bat- Watson -aid. "I'm looking for- the sponsorship of the George tles saw Robert Hefferman chose.) ward to working with the return- Lauralyn Watson (center) wins Stu-G presidency, with Colby Chase lecture series which to lead the Christian Association- ing members of this year's board Edith-Ellen Greene (left) secretary-treasurer, and Diane presented a recital by bass-bari- Paul MacAvoy, Outing Club; as well as the newly-chosen pr< c- Felt, vice-president. Photo by Bryant tone Lee Cass and a talk by the Alan Dworkin, Publishing As-nr-'- tors. They're a wonderful bunch, Rev. Julian Hartt of Yale Divinity ation; and Joan Smith, Women's anil I can't wait to begin!'' School earlier this year. Athletic Association. i Continued on pave thru-) Terry will draw upon 14 years' Approximately 600 Bate.- stu- experience as leading comedian dents went to the Alumni gym Gym Transformed with the Chautauqua Opera Asso- polls to cast their ballots, in an all- ciation, three seasons with the To "Halls Of Ivy" :ollege election turnout which Opera Comiquc in New York, two did not quite equal last year'- rec- Jimmy Hanson's orchestra will [seasons with the Metropolitan ord breaker. provide music for dancing against Comic Opera Company in New a cap and scroll backdrop, as the Ern Sees Confidence Vote York and appearances with the Alumni gym is transformed into Shiibcrt Gilbert and Sullivan Com- In viewing the election returns, "Halls oi Ivy" for the annual Pop pany in New York. In addition, he the Stu-C president-elect stated that Concert Saturday night. has a repertoire of 58 roles in light "it Certainly was a great vote of Special music will be featured by and grand opera and has had a va- confidence from the men in the r til. Choral society and the Rand riety of acting and singing parts in return of the entire Council." Re- under the direction of Prof. D. America and Europe. garding his own leadership of thai Robert Smith, The varied program To Dramatize Selections. Council. Ern added, "I hope the includes •September Song,"' His program will consist of co-operative spirit will continue "Sleigh Hide", songs from "The dramatizations of outstanding sel- through my term of office." Student Prince" "All-American ections from scores of such oper- Ern. a geology major from '".irl". "Once i'l Love with Amy" ettas as -'HMS Pinafore". "The I Fnion, New Jersey, has had two and "The Halls of Ivy" arranged Chosen to lead the new Stu-C were (1. to r.) John Houhoulis, Pirates of Pcnzance". "The Mika- years of experience on Stu-C, hav- l>y Harold Hunter. Soloists are vice-president; Ernest Ern, president; and Arnold Fickett, do" and "lolanthc"; sketches of ing served as secretary-treasure) John Karl and Janet Collier; secretary-treasurer. Photo by Rryant the life stories of the collaborators; this past year. In addition to play- David Olney and Robert McAfee ielation! of amusing incidents of ing football, he is a member of ;;re student directors for two of the performances; and outlines of the Jordan-Ramsdell, h a s worked band numbers. operetta plots. with the Campus Relations group, Hanson to Play Prexy Cites Tension Harold Hunter '55 will accom- and is proctor of Smith South this Hanson's orchestra provided the pany Terry. year. He was elected vice-president music for last year's Ivy Hop bin The program is free and open to of his class Monday. (Continued on page three) In Foreign Countries the public. By Pete Knapp partition problem involving the Tension in India over the pro- former Indian state of Kashmir, Robert Gidez Lauded posed agreement for U. S. military located north of India and con- aid to Pakistan, a severe Commun- tingent on Afghanistan, Tibet, ForConferenceWork ist problem in Italy, and strong Russia and Pakistan. Both India Prof. Brooks Quimby has re- pro-American feeling in Turkey and Pakistan want Kashmir. ceived a congratulatory telegram and Pakistan were cited by Presi- India is determined to remain from Prof. Joseph O'Brien, who dent Charles F. Phillips as fac- neutral and thinks U. S. arms was in charge of the Pennsylvania tors in today's international rela- shipment! to Pakistan, requested State Model Legislature, on the tions. of Secretary of State John Foster Contribution made by Bates repre- Back from a tour of India, Pak- Dulles during a recent visit to that sentative Robert Gidez, '56. istan and other Middle Kast, Near country, would weaken this posi- Gidiz, a member of the commit Kast and southern European tion. Talk of possible U. S. air tec on election of the president, countries on a more than four- bases in Pakistan has stirred up drafted a bill which was fully ac- 1 month sabbatical leave from the more tension since in event of war cepte' as a minority report of the college under the state depart- Indian neutrality would be gravely committee and was considered one ment's educational exchange pro- weakened if the West should fight of the best drawn bills presented. gram. President Phillips stated from bases in near-by Pakistan. There were two committees at the that the Indian government is*us- India also does not like to sec conference, one on presidential ing the possible U. S. - Pakistan her neighbor strengthened, the election, the other on free trade. .pact as a "whipping hoy" to in- Bates president continued. Giitez also took part in active de- cite enthusiasm for their neutrality bate and was judged one of the policy. Pakistan More Like West ten best speakers among 20 stu- "People in Pakistan Blink more Relations Strained dent representatives. like the West because of the Mos- Tied for First Other campus presidents are (1. to r.) Alan Dworkin, PA; Indian-Pakistani relations are lem religion," he added. "On the Each college also was requested Joan Smith, WAA; and Robert Hefferman, CA. Absent Strained, already because of the (Continued on page two) (Continued on page two) when the picture was taken was Paul MacAvoy, BOC. \°>2 TWO THE BATES .STUDENT. MARCH 17, 1954 Election Results PrexyReportsTension All-College Ballots Junior Representatives Club Ballots Robert McAfee In International Scene CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Eugene Taylor LAWRANCE CHEMICAL President Sophomore Representatives President — tie vote (Continued from page one) is like living in another world full Robert Hefferman Orrin BlaisdrH Jack Read other hand, it is difficult to assess of. camel trains and elephants. In Vice-President George Gardiner Glen Lilidberg the feelings of India, since that parts of India there are toll bridg- Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Bharpe country is a hodge-podge of relig- es which have a long list of toll Ann I.ittlefield Secretary Women's Ballots ious and political beliefs." prices for each kind of animal. JORDAN-RAMSDELL Only at the very bottom of a long gather Hani STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Hindu religion is not con- President list are there prices for trucks and Treasurer President sonant with Western beliefs. "You passenger cars. Adrian Anger Lauralyn Watson Ralph Proio only have to walk down any street Vice-President OUTING CLUB Vice-President in India to see the difference. In President and Mrs. Phillips, Fred Keck President Diane Fell India, cows are still sacred and who accompanied him on the trip, Secretary Paul Mac \vm Secretary-Treasurer cannot be killed, while in Pakis- lived one week with missionary Molly Plumb Vice-President Edith-Ellen Greene tan, people eat beef steaks like wc families in Assam, an Indian state LAMBDA ALPHA Roger Thies Senior Advisors do." at the extreme end of the country Secretary Knt 11 Haskins President Hard to Tell Red Strength on the Bttrman border.
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