An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Iron Hill Brewery gives Men's basketball says patrons a taste, farewell to seniors, Bl Cl Non-Profit Org. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 U.S. Postage Paid Thesday & Friday Newark, DE Permit No. 26 FREE Volun1c 127. Issue 3-1 www.re1•iew.ude/.edu Tucsda~. Fchruar~ 27. 200 I Task force will study Del. water supply BY MICHAEL WHITE contamination issues in New Castle the state. The Speaker of the House Terry Staff Reporter County last November. "My personal interest came about as a Spence, R-18th District, will select four The Delaware House of Edward Hallock, program result of [private well] testing in my members of the general public, one from Representatives passed a resolution administrator at the Division of P.ublic district," she said. "I found that there were each county and one from Wilmington. approving the creation of a Drinking Health's Office of Drinking Water, said cases of private wells that had been Stephanie Mantegna, staff assistant to Water Task Force to study the quality of problems may be attributed to suburban contaminated. the task force, said Rep. Richard C . Delaware's water and make sprawl and the fact that more of the new '"Nothing life-threatening, but it could Cathcart, R-9th District, will chair the recommendations for improvements, housing developments are using central still affect someone's health." task force. officials said. water or running their own water. Ulbrich said many residences run water She said the extent of Newark's The task force must provide a report to "The more holes you punch in the from private wells that are not required to involvement will be limited to two the General Assembly by June 15 and a ground, the more possibility you have for be tested. possible members. final report by Jan. 25, 2002. more contaminant getting into the ground Kevin Donnelly, director of "One member will be picked from the The state's drinking water comes from water," he said. Delaware's Division of Water Resources, general public of New Castle County, and both groundwater, which is pumped from Hallock said · some housing said the task force will seek solutions to someone from the municipalities, which wells that are drilled into aquifers, and developments might be tapping private various problems. will include Newark," Mantegna said. surface water, which flows from streams wells. "If there are improvements that need to Newark Mayor Harold F. Godwin said and reservoirs. Rep. Stephanie Ulbrich, R-25th be made, then [the task force] is the best he had not heard of the resolution. · Of the 567 public water supply systems District, is one of the resol!Jtion's four way to go apout making those Hallock said the first organizational in Delaware, 564 rely on ground water. sponsors. ·improvements," Donnelly said. meeting on Feb. 28 will most likely Stewart Lovell, program manager of She said the task force will investigate The task force will include state consist of member announcements and THE REVIEW /Cory Penn the Department of Natural Resources and the inconsistencies with private and lawmakers, water company officials, the introductions, as well as a charge made by The White Clay Creek serves as a p~imary Environmental Control, said the call for public well water and work toward representative for the Wilmington mayor the chairman on how to tackle the task in source of water for the City of Newark. the task force was partly because of water achieving a consistent quality throughout and many others. such a short time. McCurry speaks Time to 'Dance' about diplomacy BY MIKE LEWIS AND practices in diplomacy, with a focus on JEFF GLUCK the foreign policy problems that the Mannging Sports Editors new president will face," Begleiter Former White House press said. "International affairs are secretary Mike McCurry discussed generally not focussed on unless there lacking media coverage of foreign is a war. This lecture series is a good policy to students and community oppo_r!Unity to look at those problems." members last J'hursday evening in McCurry was White ~ Clayton Hall. Souse secretary when the Monica Lewmsky McCurry's appearance was part of scandal broke in January 1998. During Global Agenda, a communications that time period, his daily briefmgs course taught by Ralph Begleiter, were routinely broadcast on the major distinguished journalist in residence at networks and CNN. the university. McCurry said he called CNN to McCurry, who served as former inquire as to why they continued to President Bill Clinton's White House broadcast the story without day to day press secretary from 1995 to 1998, said changes. he has seen a change in the coverage of "I asked them, 'Why are you issues around Washington since 1989, broadcasting these conferences live the year communism fell in the fonner when I'm not adding anything new to Soviet Union. the story? Nothing has changed,':' he "It's been bitter," he said. said. 'They just told me, 'Because our "Communism brought the country ratings are up when you're on.' " together. Now there is nothing to bring McCurry said the White House us together at the end of the day." press corps covered the Lewinsky McCurry said the news media has story disproportionately. made a point of cutting back on "If you know you can keep viewers, foreign policy coverage, citing the lack why stop feeding them the same of attention to President George W. story?" he said. Bush's plan for a national-missile . BY JONATHAN RIFKIN Before becoming White House defense system during the 2000 Senior News Editor press sec~tary. McCurry, a graduate presidential campaign. From the practice fields behind Delaware Stadium of Princeton University, served as the McCurry called this action "the to the corridors of Hullihen Hall, race has been a press spokesman for the State single most important thing a post­ discreet issue at the university since the campus was Department from 1993 to 1995. Cold War candidate has proposed. desegregated in the early 1950s. After his speech, McCurry fielded "We have to adjust the way foreign And although black/white relations have improved questions from approximately 100 issues are covered," he said. "Other steadily throughout the years, many students and people in attendance. The queries countries have global economy on the administrators continue to search for ways to promote covered all areas of the political front page. Here, it's in the back of the a meaningful dialogue as the next step in achieving spectrum, ranging from the troubles in business section." racial harmony. the Middle East to the future of Sen. Begleiter said the seven-part lecture James Newton, a professor of Black American Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y. series, which runs on selected Studies, said rhetoric about solutions to the race "She has a very engaging Thursdays throughout the semester, problem is easy to come by - action is not. personality," McCurry said. "Once her will include discussions on foreign Much of the student population believes the colleagues in the Senate get to know policy issues involving the North pursuit to establish this common ground will only her, I think she'll be very successful. THE REVIEW/Christian Jackson Atlantic Treaty Organization, the come from the individual's willingness to expose "I don't think she'll try for the A member 'of the university Dance Team is joined by YoUDee and Baby Blue Middle East, Africa, China, Russia and themselves to different people and views. presidency [in 2004], but I wouldn' t be during a recent men's basketball game at the Bob Carpenter Center. The team political disputes and trade policy in Cynthia Cummings, director of Residence Life surprised if she ended up as Senate will play in the America East Tournament at home Saturday at 6 p.m. The Europe. said she felt student leaders play an important role in Majority Leader in the future." ''The idea is to expose students to conference champion receives an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. fostering interaction on campus. She also acknowledged the impact the resident assistants she hires can have on the students they interact with. She said more than 200 RAs are dispersed throughout campus in a way that is meant to meet the demands of the student body. More black RAs are DaimlerChrysler revamps placed on Laird, Rodney and Dickinson because there are more minorities on those parts of campus. To maximize the effectiveness of RAs, Cummings New plan hopes to earn company $2 billion by 2003 said, they are required to complete diversity training. "I believe if you can get the RAs thinking and BY YVONNE THOMAS By the end of 2001, The Jan. 29 report stated that the questioning and challenging others, then that's at Mannging News Editor DairnlerChrysler hopes to have company would reduce its workers least 200 people per year who are thinking in a new DaimlerChrysler released a reduced its workforce by almost 20 by 20 percent. way," she said. "And when some of those 200 begin report Wednesday announcing a percent and reduced material costs Hale said Wednesday's report to question their peers and residents and challenge Turnaround Plan and Performance by five percent included no information that them, it raises issues with them. That's the most Outlook effective through 2003. It hopes to break even by the directly affects the Newark plant. direct impact you can have." Trevor Hale, spokesman for end of 2002 and also release the He said DaimlerChrysler will Cummings said the most successful program RAs DaimlerChrysler• s North new Dodge Viper, according to the still reduce the same number of attend is called the "Cultural Plunge." American plants, said the German­ report.
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