r ,- °""*l- ** i. .J•* * it DI ~ .J' * ) H, • ..,E _H, 1 Al1,01~ t C Rhode Island Jewish Tu B'Shvat & Shabbat Shira --HERALD See Pages 10 to 15 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVIV, NUMBER 10 SHEVAT 6, 5753 / THURSOA Y, JANUARY 28, 1993 35< PER COPY Lifting of the PLO Ban Doesn't Change U.S. Policy by Deborah Ka lb rninistr,1t1on. St.ites News Service That will likely come as WASHINGTON ()TA) good news to Israeli Prime Thl' United States has wel­ Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who rnmed the Israeli Knesset"s wa-:. known to be concerned vote last week to repeal a ban that the Knesset action would on cont.icl!> with the Palestine prompt the United States to Liber,1tion Organi zation, but resume its dialogue with the ..,,1ys th e move will not have PLO or support calls for the ,rny immediate e ffect on U.S . organi,a1tion to pl,1y a more policy. J1recl role in the Middle East There has been no change peace talks 111 our policy .-is regards the The U.S. government began rto:· St ate Department low-level diplomatic contacts -,pokesm,,n Richard Boucher with the PLO 1n December -,.:iid Jan. 21 during his first 1988, after it recognized bnefing for the Clinton ad- (Continued on Page 24) Like Father, Like Son by Omar Bradley t·vcnt~, or concerts or parties Her.ild Contributi ng Reporter planned. In fact, the only game TELLING IT LIKE IT IS - Russ Raskin listens to his son, Yisrael Meyer, al the father ;md son b'cry S.:iturday night for the offen·d wa-; simply ' Motzoai .<,fudy session at the New England Rabbinical College on Saturday ni~hl. 11m1/dphf'foh11C>m1>rBr1111/rij two month., . lewi-.h boys Shabbm, I i,·e ., the <,\udy of t•agerly dragged their fathers Judaism. do\\"n to the New England In a unique program offered Pro-Israel Community Welcomes Appointments Rabbinic.:il College at 6:30 p.m by the. rabbinical college, Yt•\ there were no sporting (Continued on Page 24) by Deborah Kalb -,talc for Nl·ar Ea,;;t and South played a key role in facilitating States News Service A<,ian affair-.. the Arab-1,;;raeli peace talks. WASHINGTON ()TA) - A Sources :-aid the Clinton Other indications that the :,erie_., of high-level State te,m1 \,as also close to naming (Continued on Page 22) Dep.Htment appointments an­ 1\.lartin lndyk, head of the pro­ nounced ],1st week have left brael Washington Institute for American Jewish groups feel­ Nl·ar East Policy, to a National 456 Club Visits ing reassured that Bill Clinton's Securit y Council post responsi­ ,1dministration will put a high ble for at least part of the array Science Museum priority on the Middle East of Middle East issues. by Omar Bradley peace talks and on maintaining That appointment would be Herald Contributing Reporter c1 strong U.S. -lsrael relation­ welcomed by many Jewish If Sarah Goldberg, I I, could ship. groups, but no official an­ have her wish ·· M. T. Rex," Among the nominations an­ nounce ment has been made. a.k.a. Tyrannosaurus Rex, nounced Jan. 19 were Samuel In addition, Dennis Ross, would make a neat pet as long Lew is, a former U.S . ambassa­ who held the policy planning as he didn't trash her house or ,for to Israel, as director of pol­ post when James Baker was sec­ decide to eat her. Fortunately icy planning and Edward retary of state, has been asked for her and the rest of the 456 Djerejian, who will retain his to stay on as a special State Club stationed at the foot of post as assistant secretary of Department adviser. Ross has the 46-foot dinosaur, no such animal exists today. For the huge creature possessed 1_2- Secretary of State Confirmed inch teeth capable of dis­ patching any mere human into ,1 tiny tidbit, according to Dr. After Clinton Takes Oath David Norman. Yet this was by Deborah Kalb secretary woul d travel to the only one of the many wild and St• tesNewsServi ce region next month. And the fascinating experiences the 456 WASHINGTON ()TA) administration repo rtedly has Club enjoyed during an outing Ju!>\ a few ho urs after William expressed interest in Israeli at the Boston Museum of Sci ­ Je fferson Clinton was sworn in Prime Mi nister Yit2hak Rabin's ence on Sunday. last week as _t he 42nd presi­ request for an early meeting The group comprised of 10 dent of the United States, the with the new president. boys and three girl s, departed Senate voted to confirm Wa r­ The administration has sig­ from the Jew ish Community rt·n Christopher as hi s sec­ naled its desire for continuity Center of Rhode Island at 9 retary of state in the peace talks by asking .-i .m. and arrived at the The Senate abo confirmed Edw.ud Djerejian to stay on as museum around JO : 15 after get­ former Sen. Ll oyd Bentsen assistant secretary of state for ting through traffic, .Brian (D-Texa!>) as treasury secretary Near Ea st and South Asian Owens stated. The children and former Rep . Les Aspin <1ffa1n,. wa5ted no time in seeking out (D Colo. ) as secretary of It has also decided to retain new discoveries in one of the Jl'f1.·nst• De nnis Ross, a top aide to for­ mo5l popular museums in the Christopher 1s expected to mer Secretary of Slate James East. make reinvigorating the Mid ­ Baker who ha s pl,1yed a key ln the hall of electricity, Avi dle East peace process one of role in facilitating the peace Rosenstein drew electricity from .:i gla ss sphere to his out­ H. -E-S-P-E-C-T -"Mr. T" commands the respect of 456 Club his top and ea rliest priorities. t.-ilks, as a special adviser. members stationed al the foot of his pedestal at the Museum of fhcre were unconfirmed re Named to replace Ross as stretched fingers, while Noa h Science in Boston on Sunday. llm dd pho1obyOm11rBr11dlry ports last week that the new (Continued on Page 7) (Continued 011 Page 18) 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1993 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Diversity Is Theme of PC's Samaritans Seek Volunteers The Samaritans, Rhode ls­ Another training session will ~~ S.t was Multicultural Celebration land's suicide prevention cen­ begin March 31, also at the dge­ -ntry Providence College will celebrate these differences and ter, is looking for volunteers Samaritans Center. ~NEWS~ present its fourth annual similarities. who are caring, nonjudgmental The training sessions prepare es a college-wide multicultural cele­ One of the fea,tured celebra­ listeners to answer the 24-hour volunteers to receive calls on c:::> BRIEFS h'l llry; bration, scheduled for Feb. l, 2 tions will be Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. crisis line at the center, located the crisis hot line by covering ~ ~ns­ and 3 on the campus. with the program, "Diversity at 2 Magee St. in Providence. such issues as befriending, de­ Belcourt Castle Museum This year's theme is " Valu­ of Faith: Finding a Common A new training session for pression, grie f and loss, confi­ ney reopens daily for the 1993 ,rge ing Diversity: A Garden of Thread." Providence College crisis line volunteers is sched­ dentiality, and others relative season on Jan. 29 from 10 and Many Flowers" and the three­ and the National Conference uled to begin Feb. 11 from 6:30 to suicide prevention. a.m. to 4 p.m. The castle is of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) to 9:30 p.m. Those interested in volun­ day celebration will feature a located on Bel\vue Avenue, eld variety of new programs as will present an interfaith panel Classes are held at The teering at the Samaritans are two miles south of Memorial no­ well as an old favorite. representing Catholicism, Samaritans Center. There are asked to call the center at 272- Boulevard. For more infor­ ,,_St., PC's multicultural celebra­ Protestantism, Judaism and seven classes per session for a 4516 for further information or mation, call 846-0669. )11 - tion brings together all levels Native American spirituality. total of 21 hours of training. to schedule an interview. vid of the college community {fac­ The public is invited to the A Special Olymp ics Sports ulty, staff and students) and is events scheduled on Feb. 2 and 'Handicap of Hate' Is Topic at Brown Celebrity Carnival is set at designed to sensitize and edu­ 3. Admission is free to these The Afro-American Studies The community forum will the Providence Civic Center, cate the college community on events. Department and Rites & Rea­ E''<plore hatred as a debilitating LaSalle Square, Providence, the differences and similarities For more information on son Theatre will present handicap that wastes many on Jan. 29 from 5 to 10 p.m. he among various cultures, and to other events, contact Jacqueline imhotep Gary Byrd, popular American minds, limiting the For more information, call K. MacKay, dean of student AM talk show host in New spirit and perspective of those 331 -0700. development, at 865-2343, or York City, who will speak on who could contribute greatly ,. Wilesse Comissiong, dean of " The Handicap of Hate." to humankind. The central regional office of ,d multicultural affairs, at 865- Byrd, a versatile master com­ the American Red Cross will 0 - Mobile Optical 2738, municator, as well as a highly be holding a community successful international radio/ CPR course on Jan.
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