fyff J ALUMNI DANCE TONITE AT 1000 10 T0NTE AT tarlfa CentennialJtoteto OIJEIILIN COLLEGE OBERLIN OHIO TUESDAY JUNE 20 1933 NUMBER 5 a ii M Millikan Speaks to Graduates fliam Mosher j President Wilkins Confers Elected President Seven Honorary Degrees i o of Oberlin Alumni I Musical Union Sings Processional Pastor Bradley Talks Miller Of First Church Delivers Gift Is Announces Invocation King Honored j By Allen Bailey Syt K Moslu- r of I of Oliciliii were fundamentalists What is a 1r A The founders 1 t 1 president of 1 lundaiiieiitalist a mail win sees beyond 1 lie trivial the trans n t thfl wlitt really sees understands and arts niion what in funda nuci lit hold len 1 De Koleit A Mi hkan siieakuiff tins morning in tin Rrcut tent menial declared composed of alnnini stutlents parents ot grad jr- sUIiit win win efore an audience Th uates and notable educators who had next tlm is a former tor the distinguished ov i come to hear Oberlins of the iTiian nepaium- Hutvr son deliwr the Commencement ad- rving from 1M w 0Mi dress h i Honorary Degrees At rnsit ror i the and Citizen He added Jii pointing out that School of Public Affairs Iuhcrsity I small independent farmers were real ship in Syracuse to Notables If these were Given molders of character that officers elected i Other founders were here today I suppose piesMint Mrs Irene viw- that Wall Streets bankers and indus W f Syracuse I Slim- on w Recipients Have Won trialists would be calling them In and I od vicipr- siInt asking how to get knowledge ana Lakevowl secretary Mabel 1 j National Fame 0 what it would cost to get It f Lakewoiid treasurer j Bahf 12 President Ernest Hatch Wilkins W Williamson VJ ot New i piny degrees were award conferred honorary degrees on the I Seven honorary Tork ana women persons rep- ed ncHnmiished men following distinguished Fur Omm- illHis at Urge the Alumni ex Centennial Commencement resenting education drama music named Donald ai uto in the 4flciation morning law Jerome Davis Edith I ercises this science and elie 11 chairman of Committee on Pro- Jerome Davis PhD Associate Wynne Matthison John Carew Rolfe Awards of Mnh- gaii Heights N V i at of Practical Philanthropy Ernest Hutcheson Herbert Spencer 1 I fessor Oa I Mrs Kelsey of MW 5 Eva Sweet mjlf r I Commencements University was awarded the Jennings James Brown Scott and Oi eA rHe Bis Yale York X Hurley L Lutz of 1 X 1 of Divin I ft tfWrtA I Honorary Degree of Doctor Mary Emma Woolley A description Princeton X J Lawn- nce H Mac J 2SE 25S3Sft i widely known educator cm degrees and a short biogra- 4 A ily A o their Daniels 12 of llhaea N V ami njiknins a sociologist Dr Davis has written phical sketch of their lives appears Mrs A1 na Miller Rich 11 of Chic- I The Rus- number of books including elsewhere ago Nominating these people were 1 Contemporary sian Immigrant and Edward X Hcald Trafton M Dye an editor Musical Union Sings Social Movements He is and Hui had Cose Cochran and of the Journal of Social Forces Leading the Academic Procession Dr Bradley Speaks 1 to the is an editorial contributor was the Honorary Marshall Louis Ed- 1m ludwl mi the program was a 1 Dr Davis Christian Science Monitor ward Hart Esq 93 of Chicago As a speech Between Classes delivered com- has been a member of several processional the Oberlin Musical Un- by Dan Bradley He said that Ship sent to the missions including one ion Centennial Chorus rendered God herd ami Stewart were pious prac j and one coal fields of West Virginia of our Fathers by Warren and tical and trusted in the Lord but I I T ill whose presidency marks labor conditions in Le m tonight College which investigated Jerusalem the Golden by Jeune they did not leave it all for him to nade at 1000 p by A Mil j presented Upper right Dr Robert presi hundredth year of Oberlin Russia Dr Davis was The invocation was given by the do Asa Mahan first the 1 In the j Center pnortnn TVD DTh Pro D likan 91 whose address one or i x- i Reverend James Austin Richards I and During thi course of Dr i of the college College jiiniei Bradleys Century featured the dent Old Testament Language Church in Coming in Oberln his a view of the college in fessor of the n Pastor of the First fceih he dwelt mi various members of class the early figures Below Commencement exercises pop- i and Literature Oberlin Following this Dr Millikan of the Oberlin to be nonoreo auima Tappan Hall a faculty of yesterday at 1000 am tory 1868 showing of the art of the Address of 1933 in the tent celebration In recognition delivered the Commencement aniline them Malum who stood for Centennial motif in the Illumination College bestowed the Upper left the facade of the Hatch ular theater Oberlin In the Coming Century a perfected manhood against a wot I center Ernest Saturday Letters where the sen- Left Night parade last Honorary Degree of Doctor of Then Shall Your Light Break of i Allen Art Building of Oberlin ecclesiastical moss barks i do present head head of will hold its pro me Wilkins upon Edith Wynne Matthison Forth from Mendelssohn s ine clar- d that man was incapable ot ior class Bennett the Drama Department in the Elijah was sung by the Musical Un worthy conduct i versatile Wishes Eddy Talk School of Liberal Arts and a ion At the end of this selection bec In conclusion Dr Bradley declared Sends Good Foster artist Miss Matthison nas piaytru retary George M Jones made the an With a superb faculty an cnthusi Concert Shakespear- Reunion Wilkins Receives Tele- Greek plays mysteries nouncements of degrees granted since asie ahmmi a body of students President Meet plays old French Ambassador In Religious ian and other Elizabethan the Commencement exercises or June Picked i gram From from th best in our nations modern plays Set for Tonight English comedies and 1932 Hh schools ami a loyal and hard- j motion pic- following telegram from the She has starred in several working Hoard 1 The of Oberlin Laude Awards of Trustees Presl- received by Review Past among them Henry VIII and Cum d- Ambassador was tures nt Wilkins may look French Matthi- forward to Singers to Aid Hatch Wilkins ths Theological Life The Governors Lady Miss further announced the many wars of iiinutrinnu Alumni President Ernest Mr Janes uiiu- i i remembered in Oberlin as cvcoa morning son will be award of honors for graduation with Wilkins Announces Gift Glee Clubs in Salutation It i rentennial anniver By Barnett B Lester having played here distinction The award of Cum Laude President Ernest Hatch Wilkins In j jn ocas H A Oberlin was the pleasure of Charles was granted to Warren Vincent Cam- peaking on hundred years of Oberlin Today was nnP wnwr LittD Professor of Science Me projects were PhD eron with honors in Political to announce with prntiflrnlinn i achievement in religious for the Reunion Glee CluD wnw or h ros English to present the candidate Oberlin with honors of press myiy floodBq wishes jL Fmteri irofes Florence Grace Pit 7Am bv It T Miller Jr be a fitting close for the Frank u u which wu ww at tne To John Carew Koire rn in Mathematics Philip Morell Sever- thicago Hi money I During the peritypenxy and contnuea of church history to be added to emeritus 1 T Latin Language rvntonnlalf rtnnlil Celebration D Professor of the ance with honors in Mathematics HOOOon Ktta been organization Graduate School ana v of jnc Eraser Miller LoanIan tvyf day8 llleii programnrncram has De Laboulaye Oberlin at the University Voorhees with last Andr secretary of the Ameri- and Literature and Elizabeth Maria developed more Interesting num Mrewer Eddy was given the Honor with for the Pennsylvania honors in Geology iiure American college planneo ac can Board of Commissioners of Divinity Dr ra wa8 originally centennial ary Degree of Doctor The award of Magna Cum Laude Wt Wilkins Plays Missions at the stated the belief t0 Mr jack E Wirkler ine Red Nichols foreign Rolfe is the author of numerous Thomas Bonnell 1 rirdine to Allen lUdl Iflii nrv e religion held yester- was granted ew years would see a grown in numbers far be in convocation of As a translator he David id- chorus has Prom classics textbooks with in Economics r div isietl For Senior Chapel honors lietwiwn thi yond first estimates I nis day in Finney put into English Suetonius Sal- honors in Politi- more ainl the Building Tonite evangelical charac- has Magarey Earl with j roiicgo years the largest Art Pointing to the and Nepos In connec- It ii cert will bring together de- lust Gellius cal Science Faith Lee Fitch with as also early Oberlin Dr Eddy Dr President Wilkins men in the history Pen- ter of with his classics activities Richard Ely May hoiNor chorus of Oberlin an h famous co- tion honors in Physics to read kot t of lied Nichols many of the colleges Ameri College and a chorus Sen clared that Rolfe has been a trustee of the in Economics ana suiuiatory of Oberlin up the music for the of sla nard with honors egrams and bal nies strike nriiive to abolition Rome and is a mem letters de o m Hiv and can Academy in with honors in Ier- d women viii- Art mulcting ana tneme Robert Lyman Smith to n Allen mm j tto assi mblcd for been hr rom very upiucmeiu u f American Phitosopnicai the aree A galaxy of solo stars has wer th Economics The award of Summa entenary evening at ten oclock equality of all groups PhnOSOphy appear vocal and instru- be dec- racial Amerlcan was granted to John Law- Among invited to in building court will by Cum Laude them was on from Shang be sup- Tl lirt missionary in spirit vP was presented in Eco- They will i honors the 1 with Ulna mental numbers garden for Till hfHU rence Doerschuk
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