Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 54 30 10/03/1961 Memo List of Officers, Republican State Central Committees. 16 pages. 54 30 n.d. Memo Republican State Central, Committee of California, County Chairmen 1961-1962. 6 pages. 54 30 n.d. Memo California Federation of Republican Women, Northern Division. 9 pages with attachments. 54 30 n.d. Brochure List of Officers, Executive Committee Members of the Republican National Committee. 2 pages. 54 30 09/25/1961 Memo Republican State Chairmen. 3 pages. 54 30 01/1962 Book California, Report of Registration, January, 1962. Only cover scanned. Thursday, July 26, 2007 Page 1 of 1 PLEASE DESTROY PREVIOUS COPIES LIST OF OFFICERS REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEES October 3t 1961 ALABAMA.. REPUBLICAN STATE EXECUTIVE. COMMITTEE OF ALABAMA Alpine 201 Clark Bldg., 4th Ave. & 20th St., North 1-7674 Birmingham Chairman Claude O. Vardaman, 2100 First Avenue, North Fairfax Birmingham 3-5341 V. ChInn. J. Foy Guin, 240 W. Landesda1e, Russellville 102 V. ChInn. Mo H. Lanier, 709 Terry Hutcheson Building, Jefferson Huntsville 2-3561 V. ChInn. Mrs. Hartwe 11 Davis, 2216 Allendale. Pl., Montgooery Secy. & Treas. Oscar P. Drake, Sr., Halleyvi11e 601 ALASKA REPUBLICAN PARTY OF ALASKA 4222 P. O. Box 1367, Fairbanks Chairman Robert B. Groseclose, c/o Headquarters V. Cbmn. Mrs. Doris Barnes, P. O. Box 18, wrangell Secy. Sylvia Ringstad, P. O. Box 604, Fairbanks Treas. M. S. Metrovich, P. O. Box 238, Sitka ARIZONA REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE A1pin~ 919 North 1st Street, Phoenix 3-9761 Chairman Stephen C. Shadegg, P. O. Box 230, Phoenix Alpine 8-8169 1st V. ChInn. Mrs. William Schwab, 377 N. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix 3 2nd V. Chinn. John H. Haugh, Rt. 4, P. O. Box 161, Tucson 3rd V. ChInn. Mrs. Ben Joy, P. O. Box 68, Kingman Secy. Mrs. Isabel Fathauer, Route 6, P. O. Box 666, Tucson Asst. Secy. Mrs. C. J. Tintary, c/o Headquarters Treas. T. W. Liese, Crown King Rt., Prescott Asst. Treas. Mrs. Zola Claridge, Thatcher Sgt. at Arms. J. Lester Kinney, Red Rock Gen. Counse1 Denison Kitchel, Title and Trust Bldg., Phoenix Chaplain Rev. William S. Porter, 15 East 2nd Ave., Mesa ARKANSAS ARKANSAS REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE FR 5-0672 888 Tower Building, Little Rock Chairman Ben C. Henley, Harrison 1st V. ChInn. Roy Mitchell, 246 Garland Avenue, Hot Springs - 1 ­ MrS.1 Frank MoGilliouddy, 12 Lombardy Lane, Little Rock Secy. Mrs. -Martha. Townsend, 0/0 Headquarters Asst. Secy. Miss Ann ME\Y, % Headquarters Treas. Harry Pollock, 900 Garrison Avenue, Fort smith [email protected] REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF CALIFORNIA Madison 914 South Olive Street, Los Angeles 15 8-6151 Chairman V. John Krehbiel, % Headquarters V. ChInn. Caspar Weinberger, 14 Montgomery Street, Garfield San Franoisco . 1-7323 V. ChInn. Mrs. Campbell (Ruth) Watson, 607 San Luis Road, Landscape Berkeley 4-4431 V. ChInn. Mrs. Gladys 0' Donnell, 3814 Gundry Avenue, Long Beaoh '. V. ChInn. Mrs. Carl Eriokson, Star Rt., P. O. Box 63, Hiokman Treas. Robert Rowan, 485 Sd. Spring Street, Los Angeles 13 Asst. "['reas. Don Mulford, 6460 MYstio Street, Oakland TE 6-3050· Secy. Joseph C. Shell, 611 Muirfield Rd., Los Angeles Dunkirk 9-0057· Asst. Secy. Miss Emily Pike, 1800 Broadw~, San Francisco 9 COLORADO REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF COLORADO Acoma 214 Shirley-Savoy Hotel, Denver 2, .2-7764 Chairman Mr. Jean K. Tool, % Headquarters V. ChInn. Mrs. Don W. Higby, 2909 Chelton Road, Colorado Melrose Springs 3-1009 Secy. Mrs. William L. Chronic, 900 Crescent, Boulder Hillcrest 2-7366···· CONNECTICUT REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE . Jackson 410 Asylum Street, Hartford 3 2-9241 Chairman Hon , Edwin H. May, Jr0' 0/0 Headquarters V. ChInn. Mrs. Anna-Mae Switaski , c/o Headquarters Secy. Mrs. Viola B. Amelung, 156 Columbia Blvd., 4-2278 Waterbury Treas. John B. B,yrne, Hartford-Connecticut Trust Company, Hartford 3 Pub. Dir. John W. Ti.erney, % Headquarters - 2 ­ REPUBLICAN STATE COMMI'rTEE Olympia 810 King Stl'eet, Wilmington 1 5-1546 Chairman William v. Roth, Jr. , c/o Headquarters OL 2-1152 1st V. Chmn. Mrs. G. Herbert 'Calhoun, P. O. Box 66, Dagsboro Rodney 3641 2nd V. ChInn. Mrs. Laura Raulston, North B~ Road, R. D. 3, Dover Secy. Calvin Boggs, c/o Headquarters Asst. Secy. Mrs. F. Audrey Piper, c/o Headquarters Treas. Eleuthere I. duPont, Continental American Bldg., Olympia Wilmington 5-6201 FLORIDA REPUBLICAN STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FLORIDA Edison 1530 Carson street, Fort MYers 2-4141 Chairman G. Harold Alexander, P. O. Box 968, Fort Myers v. ChInn. Mrs. Janet Fitzgerald Showalter, Citrus Road, Jordan Route 1, P. O. Box 114, Vero Beaoh 2-2139 Secy. Miss'MaYme T,yner, Laurel Hill 2-459 Asst. Secy. Arthur A. Atkinson, 3360 S. W. 3rd Ave., Miami Treas. Ern~s~l~utt, P. O. Box 1941, Jaoksonville Elgin 3-1111 Asst. Treas. Hugh Edwards, P. O. Box 253, Gainesville FR 2-1813 Gen. Counsel Clyde Lockhart, Hernando State Bank Bldg., 3-l~2 , Brooksville Asst. Gen. Counsel Tom Brown, 21 Western Union Bldg., Tampa 2-2616 GEORGIA REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF GEORGIA Jackson 612 Loews Grand Theater Bldg., Atlanta 3 5-5410 Chairman James W. Dorsey, 2434 Banr. of Georgia Bldg., JA 2-2200 Atlanta V. ChInn. Mrs. Joseph W. Jones, 40 Peachtree Valley Rd., NE Atlanta 9 V. ChInn. James L. Sundy, P. o. Box 1108, Savannah V. ChInn. Russell E. Kaliher, P. O. Box 1519, Albany V. ChInn. James M. Brophy, Rhine V. Chmn. Paul Cobb, Temple V. ChInn. Charles A. Moye, Jr., 1311 Council Bluff, NE, Macon V. ChInn. C. Eugene Hughes, 2 Woodlawn Circle, Bremen V. ChInn. James M. Kent, St. Simons Island, Brunswick - 3 ­ V. Chmn. Ceoil G. Hartness, Blue Ridge . '.:. V. Chmn. Eugene T. Gilbert, 310 Masonio Building, Augusta Seoy. W. J. Shaw, ~50 Auburn Ave., NE, Atlanta Treas. Robert R. Snodgrass, 262 Spring st., NW, Atlanta 3 Gen. Counsel Edwin Barham, 304 B~tree Road, Valdosta Exec. Offioer W. J. Sohloth, P. O. Box 548~ Columbus HAWAII. REPUBLICAN PARTY OF HAWAII 5-1325 1210 South Queen Street, Honolulu 14 Chairm,~ Arthur D. Woolaw~, P. O. Bc;>x 120, Puunene, Maui 7511 ....... V. Chrwm. Mrs. Richard Sutton, ;5;9 Kahawalu Dr., Honolulu 17 V. Chmn. Tad. T. Kanda, % Headquarters Secy. Ernest Y. Yamane, % Headquarters Treas. Sing Fu, 1173 - 20th Avenue, Honolulu, Oahu IDAHO .IDAHO REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE 3-9241 P. '0. Box 2267, Boise . "Chairman John 6. McMurra;y, 315 So. Capitol siea., Boise 2-5501 V. Chmn. Mrs ~ Doris Kinney, Sandpoint . v. Chinn. Mrs. E. A. Lundquist, 740 South Shilling, Blaokfoot Seoy. Mrs. Hel~~ Lafferty, Coeur d 'Alene Treas. William L. Hendrix, 1002 E. State se., Boise 3-1045 ILLINOIS ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE Lakeside Leland Offo. Bldg., 523 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield2-6~7l . Centr~l Chicago Office: Suite 807, 105 W. Madison st., 6-5734 Chairman Victor L. Smith, 207 South Reed st., Robinson 35 '. <­ Chairwoman Mrs. Audrey, R. Peak, Winchester 55 1st V. Chmn. Clarence N. Bergstrom, 6331 S. Ashland, Chicago BE 7-4700 V. ChInn. Dudley S. Martin, 4208 So. Vinoennes, Chicago 53 V. Cbmn. Russell'Root, 69}0., Scuth Shore Dr., Chioago .. V. ChInn. Robert M. WC;>0dward, 1000 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11 V. Chmn. James ..AJlderson, .Anderson 1s Saw Mill, Woodland V. ChInn. Charles Jean. 106 E. Chestnut, Anna - 4··' seoy. Lambert I. Engdahl, 406 west Broadway, Monmouth Treas. James W. MoRoberts, 104 N. Main, E. st. Louis Up~on 4-2211.~.-: INDLANA INDIANA REPUBLICAN STATE CEN,TRAL COMMITTEE Melrose Cl~ool Hotel, Indianapolis 9 5-756i< Chairman Thomas A. Gallmeyer, c/o H~adquarters V. ChInn. Mrs. Esther Guthridge, c/o Headquarters Secy. James T. Neal, c/o Headquarters' Asst. State Secy. Joseph R. Root, % Headquarters Treas. Stanley H. Byram, c/o Headquarters REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF IOWA Atlantic 232 Insurance Exohange Building, Des Moines 2-8105 Chairman George Nagle, P. O. Box 230, Iowa Ci~ V. ChInn. Mrs. Irene P. Laver~, Indianola Exec. Secy. Robe~t J. Tyson, c/o Headquarters KANSAS KANSAS REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE CE 3-9615 Room 500, Jayhawk Hotel, Topeka Chairman Donald P. Sohnacke, P. O. Box 58, Topeka V. ChInn. Mrs. Glaqys Cox, 613 North Court, Wichita 4 TE 8-6558 2nd V. Ohmn, James' Woodson, 5l~ Kansas Street, Topeka CE 3-1163 Exec. Secy. Hart Workman, 0/0 Headq:la.rters Secy. Mrs. Paul Randall, Ash:!.and Treas. J. Rex Duwe, Lucas Finance Chmn , Sam Mellinger, c/o Headquarters Chmn.-Minorities Edwin T. Sexton, Jr., 2226 Massman, Wichita KENTUCKY KEN~uCKY RE~UBLIC~~ STATE CO~~TTEE JU 5-2617 304 Madrid Bldg., 3rd and Gut::-":L'ie sts., Louisville Chairman Thomas S. Dawson, 606 Kentuoky Home Life Bldg~, JU 7-1333 Louisville V. ChInn. Mrs. William C. Cruse, Jr., 3619 st. Germaine Court, Louisville Secy. Mrs. Dorothy M. Young, c/o Headquarters Treas. John S. Petot, Sr., 122 S. Fourth st., Louisville - 5 ­ Legal Counsel Don E. Cooper, Somerset LOUISIANA REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF LOUISIANA Jaokson 932 Poydras Street, New Orleans 5-9210 Cha:trman Leroy Smallenberger, 7004 So. Lakeshore Dr., ME 1-4445 Shreveport v. ChInn. Mrs. Pratt Williams Elsas, 1004 Falcon Road, Metairie Secy. Horace B. Rickey, Jr., 301 River Drive, Laf~ette Legal Counse1 Nealon Stracener, 4029 Plank Road, Baton Rouge Asst. Secy. Mrs. Doris Boudreaux, 1214 Numa st., New Orleans 14 Treas. A. S. E. Barnett, 926 Iris St., Lake Charles MAINE MAINE REPUBLICAN STATE' COMMITTEE M~fair 187 state Street, Augusta 2-1221 Chairman David A. Nichols, P. o. Box 76, Linoolnville (Camden) Cedar 6-3200 v. ChInn.
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