THE VOICE For the JRPG junkies “Sands of Distinction” for DS HHelpelp fforor HaitiHaiti Features 2 JJoinoin thethe reliefrelief eeffortsfforts Multicultural court A Global recruiting pays off for ΄Bows K LEEOO Sports 8 OOpinionspinions 4 Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922 MONDAY to TUESDAY, JAN. 25 to 26, 2010 www.kaleo.org Volume 104 Issue 63 SShidlerhidler CollegeCollege GGeneticsenetics displaydisplay highlightshighlights ooff BBusinessusiness iinstallsnstalls newnew wwoman’soman’s aaccomplishmentsccomplishments ssolarolar panelspanels TORI RENSCHEN LYNN NAKAGAWA News Co-Editor Staff Reporter When Paul Wermager The University of Hawai‘i at learned that a woman discov- Mānoa Shidler College of Busi- ered that chromosomes deter- ness building is undergoing ma- mine sex, he felt that her work jor “green” changes. and accomplishments should be Over the winter break, highlighted. workers began installation of a Wermager, who is a librarian 4.5-kilowatt solar photovoltaic at Hamilton Library and stud- panel system that has the po- ies genetics, had never heard tential to reduce nearly 9,323 of Nettie Maria Stevens and pounds of greenhouse-gas emis- learned of her work through his sions per year atop one of the own research. college’s towers. “I was reading a book that V. Vance Roley, dean of Shi- happened to mention Stevens in dler College, said that this instal- passing, and that triggered my lation marks a significant change curiosity because I never heard in advancing UH’s sustainability. of her,” he said. “I read other “We are committed to alter- publications that said she had native energy solutions to meet (made the genetics discovery) the University of Hawai‘i’s over- and had been forgotten over all goal of generating 25 percent time. I found a dissertation that of its electricity from renewable said her paper had been the first. ALEXANDER DANIELS / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I resources by 2020,” Roley said. I thought that people should be During the day, the system aware of it because in textbooks Paul Wermager, head of science and technology references at Hamilton Library, created an exhibit featuring the work of early is expected to produce nearly 24 they don’t mention her.” 20th-century geneticist Nettie Marie Stevens, who discovered the chromosomal basis of sex. The display will run through kilowatts of energy, which can Stevens was born in Ver- February and can be found on the fi rst fl oor of the Hamilton Library Addition. mont in 1861. In 1896, at the light up the courtyard for a night. age of 35, she enrolled at Stan- sperm, a large X chromosome and lished almost 40 articles before Students, faculty and the ford University. After obtaining a small Y chromosome. She con- her death. She was a pioneer for general public will have the abil- her master’s degree there, Ste- cluded eggs fertilized by sperm perseverance, intellect and suc- TO VISIT THE EXHIBIT ity to access and monitor the vens continued her education carrying the X chromosome cess and should be given more system’s solar power, reduced at Bryn Mawr College in Penn- produced females, and those by credit than she’s given.” Hamilton Library emissions, and environmental sylvania, where she earned her sperm carrying the Y chromo- The display runs until the is open Monday statistics from the Web. doctorate in 1903. some produced males. In 1905, end of February and is view- Leidean Guillot, a student at Stevens worked as a re- she published a research paper able in Hamilton Library in through Thursday UH Mānoa, likes what the solar search fellow in biology at Bryn with her findings. the SciTech Commons during from 7 a.m. to 10 panels mean for the university. Mawr and later served as a read- Wermager created and de- building hours. “With the start of a new year, er in experimental morphology. signed the exhibit himself. The display also features p.m., Friday from 7 it is great to think that we are be- It was her work with mealworms “Here is a woman in a male- a detailed map of the 23 chro- a.m. to 6 p.m., and coming more green and resource- that led to the discovery of X dominated era. To have her mosomes of human genetics, Sunday from noon ful here at UH,” Guillot said. and Y chromosomes in gender Ph.D from a reputable institu- more on the controversy of who The system cost around determination. tion, I think she was a pioneer,” should be credited with the dis- to 10 p.m. Stevens discovered male Wermager said. “Sadly, I think covery, and information on in- mealworms produce two kinds of she was forgotten. She pub- tersex humans. See Solar panels, page 3 K A L Monday, Jan. 25, 2010 EDITOR CHRIS MIKESELL EO 2 [email protected] ASSOCIATE MICHAEL BREWER FEATURES ‘‘Sands’Sands’ a balancebalance ofof greatgreat andand terribleterrible CHRIS MIKESELL to the one in Xenogears allows both char- entirely unlikeable,e, butbut whoeverwhoever mademade Features Editor acters and enemies to not only perform the decision to giveive Taupy,Taupy, thethe cute multiple actions in the same turn but also teddy bear character,cter, thethe manliest,manliest, “Sands of Destruction,” Sega’s new- earn additional actions based on your crit- grittiest voice actoror (Erik Braa) and est venture into the Japanese role-playing ical hits or on the number of hits in your the most compellingng backstory in the game genre for the Nintendo DS, is a bit combo, forcing you to give thought to the game deserves a promotionpromotion or, at the of a paradox. It’s almost as if Imageep- tempo of your turn-based battles. very least, a gift basket.asket. och, whose staff has developed other JR- But while learning how to chain 36 or There will be times, however,however, whenwhen PGs like Xenogears and Grandia, decided 48 hits together into a single turn can be you want the charactersacters to stop talkingtalking to balance out every amazing thing in very satisfying, it leads to some insane so you can listen to tthehe music. TheThe “Sands” with something awful. jumps and falls in difficulty. Once you’ve soundtrack was remasteredemastered forfor the The plot is simple enough: destroy the learned how to chain combos together, U.S. version, composedposed by Yasunori world because evil beastlords run it and most normal enemies and even most Mitsuda (who hass done work on have oppressed humans into servitude bosses become laugh- Chrono Trigger, ChronoChrono Cross, (think institutionalized racism, ably easy. When Xenogears and XenosaXenosaga)ga) except with fur- bosses do survive with fi ne attentionn to detail. IfIf ries). The usual long enough to at- a soundtrack CD everever comescomes premise of sav- tack you, however, out, it will be worthh getting youryour ing the world is they end up being hands on. turned upside- just as cheap as you You’ll probablyy becomebecome well-well- down because are, getting some- acquainted with thethe music in- the goal of the times dozens of attacks game, however, sincence “Sands”’ protagonists is to in a row. idea of a challengingng puzzlepuzzle is destroy the world, Of course, it’s to make you fetch things andand though why the world only easy make you do as muchmuch criss- deserves to be de- if you actu- crossing of the mapap as pos-pos- stroyed is not made clear ally learn sible. In one puzzlezle youyou until late in the game. how to have to visit 12 roomsooms Morte, “Sands”’ iron- chain things in a hallway filledd ic answer to the “magical together. with more than girl” cliché, is a violent psy- “Sands” suf- twice that many chopath in a pink dress fers because it doors in a cer- bent on destroying the has little in the tain order; in world. Unfortunately, way of tutori- another you have IMAGES she needs the help of als or in-game to jump across a COURTESY Kyrie, a protagonist help, and since grid of islands; andand OF SEGA USA who suffers from the not all the in another you justt hhaveave Imageepoch’s “orphan child from a game’s mechan- to collect sets of itemsems oneone country village with a ics are explained, set at a time, and it can get “Sands of Destruc- destructive but unlocking the true boring, though att least withwith tion” for the DS barely under- effi ciencies of the battle the puzzles “Sands”s” eventually justjust (MSRP: $34.99) also stood power” system is more or less a pro- tells you the answerer if you get a puz-puz- features Taupy (left), trope syndrome. cess of trial-and-error. zle wrong enough times. a hard-boiled Fans of the A new concept in “Sands” is However, this mmeanseans there’sthere’s veryvery lit-lit- fi s t fi g h t i ng JRPG genre will ap- the game’s Quip system, where special tle in the way of aimlessmless grindinggrinding invoinvolvedlved bounty hunter preciate the level of customization in lines of dialogue can be memorized and – if JRPG fans are ggoingoing to run arounaroundd in bear, and Lady the game, which borders on microman- equipped on characters to activate ran- circles fi ghting randomdom encounters for no Rhi’a (right), a agement. Weapons can be imbued with domly in battle under certain conditions reason, they might as wewellll bebe doingdoing it to ad-ad- 300-year-old items to increase their stats, and along to give your team bonuses. Every time a vance the plot, right?t? half-dragon with experience points, you also get cus- Quip activates, you hear the line, in addi- lolita girl who tomization points that allow you to buy tion to any signature lines the characters defends the new abilities, or upgrade existing ones to say anyway at the beginning of battle or at FINAL VERDICT: FANS OF THE JRPG lost secrets either be more powerful, more accurate the beginning of their turns.
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