Sea-See The S p ectato r VOL. XIII M c p h e r s o n c o l l e g e , M cP h e r s o n , K a n s a s . T u e s d a y , j a n., 1 4 , 1 930 n o . 16 THESPIAN CLUB PRESENTATION OF “THE QUEEN’S McPherson college is PROFESSOR TEACH COMPILES INTERESTING RECEIVING PUBLICITY HUSBAND” IN THE COM M UNITY HALL LAST NIGHT STATISTICS CONCERNING M . C. GRADUATES F ri., Jan 10— Not only is the city of McPherson enjoying a period of Play O f Fifteen Characters Keeps Audience In High Spirits And "The Sun Never Sets On The Graduate Of McPherson Col­ Mrs. Gates is Highly Commended On The Play state if not national publicity as a lege", Stated Teach In Chapel Talk Monday Under Her Directorship result of the rich oil fields near the M o rn in g city, but McPherson college is in the ONLY FAIR AUDIENCE midst of a publicity st unt sponsored 42 STATES REPRESENTED by t he McPherson Republican. DINING HALL SYSTEM Reporter Says That Each Character NININGER TO LECTURE HAS BEEN CHANGED Appearing in the Weekly Repub- Five Foreign Countries And Territo ry Plays Part Exceptionally Well lican are two are two articles concern­ BEFORE CITY FORUM Are Inhabited By McPhersonn ing the development and worth of Graduates F ri., Jan. 10— During the Christ- S at., J an . 1 1 — Prof. H. H Ninin- b y MILDRED SWENSON McPherson college to the McPherson Mon., Jan. 1 3 —After weeks of m as vacation the tables in the dining ger will lecture before the Forum, Mon., Jan 14--The number and hall were rebuilt in such a manner community. It is the ninth of a serious business organization of the city, kind of degrees given the number of preparaition and practice under t he of industrial a rticles articles published every directors h ip of Mrs. Lawrence Gates, that each table will now accommo- Wednesday in the assembly room of graduates in each state and a number date eight students. week in The Repulican for fifteen instructor in the college dram atics the McPherson Public Library, on of foreign nations, and what each The system of heads for each table weeks. These articles have been com­ department, the Thespian Club this Mexico. Prof. Nininger has gathered graduate of McPherson college is do­ piled and written from the standpoint evening presented Robe rt Emment has been changed somewhat from the some very interesting information ing now was the subject of Prof. of showing the poten tial possibilities Sherwood's three act comedy, "T he former plan. Each table will now from his exploring and research work Roy B. Teach, field secretary of the have a host and hostess and they will of McPherson and McPherson county Queen's Husband", in the Community in the sister republic to the south college, in his chapel talk this morn- draw to see who will sit at t heir in order to promote so me optimism Hall before only a fair audience. and he will at this time give some of ing in the for m of s tatistics. table for a period of two weeks. and the right psychology. charact eristics of the usual reac- the outstanding high-lights on his ob- "The sun never sets on the grad- tion following a well presented pro­ The articles are written by R. Ken- servations and discoveries. Students uates of McPherson college'', stated duction, comments s uch as "The cast r e g i o n a l c o n f e r e n c e neth Evans and the campaign has and the public are cordially invited Professor Teach this morning. Grad- couldn't h ave been better chosen” , FEBRUARY 2 TO 7 been made possible by the support to a ttend. mates of the college are located to and "Didn't everyone suit his part." accorded by thirty live progressive forty-two of of the forty-eight states though" ? i ndicated that each acte d Wed., Jan. 8— The Regional Con- business men. TO INCREASE LIBRARY and in the Philippine Islands. Hawai­ ian Islands, Canada, China, and In­ with exceptional understanding of his ference of the Church o f t he Breth­ The publicity articles deal mainly TO 10,00 0 VOLUMES or her part. ren of the McPherson College area with the history and development of dia. Fifteen characters comprised the will be held in the college church the McPherson College, showing how the Fri., Jan l0--It has been an- Professor Teach has compiled a cast for "Th e Queen's Husband'' and, wee k of February 2 to 7, it was an- added improvements and faculty have nounced that the library committee body of statistics classifying each in addition to the excellent acting, nounced this morning in chapel by added to the church, business, social, would sponsor a campaign through graduate into some line of occupa- stage effects and costumes gave the Dr. V. F . Schwalm. professional and political life of t he which they hope to secure enough tion and giving the number occupied in each occupation. The number of play its proper atmosphere showing The region the McPherson district city and county. They state that the books before the end of the school careful planning on the pa rt of Mrs. covers is Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, colleges of the city are largely in- year to raise the number of volumes graduates in each state and outside Gates and those who helpe d her. Oklahoma, Colorado, U tah, Idaho strumental in raising the moral stan­ to ten thousand. Territories are also presented. Of the occupation, the housewife Merlin Hoover, the queen's hus­ Western Montana, Louisiana, Texas, dards, have brought many permanent A survey of the accession record in leads With 444, with the teacher fol­ band, otherwise known as King Eric and Arkansas, and representatives citizens of exceptional civic worth, the college library shows a total of lowing with 367. Kansas leads in the VIII, immediately won the sympathy from each state will be present. and that from an economical stand- slightly over nine thous a nd, five hun­ number of students with 726, and and aroused the amusement of the The outstandling speaker of the point the institutional mean much to dred books. audience by his complete submission McPherson. Some of the necessary number of California is second with 107. The conference will be Dr. C. C. Ellis, one total number graduates of McPherson in Queen Martha (Ruth Blicken- books can be purchased but some of the most sought-aft er institution college Is 1800. staff), who was e ver executing her must be donated if the goal is to he lecturers in the country and is a per­ JOHN HARNLY PLEDGES The following are the statistics duty to her country Princess Anna suasive, devotional preacher of deep PHI DELTA KAPPA reached. Anyone interested in the college who wishes to donate worth- c ompiled by Professor Teach: ( Beth Hess), the beautiful da ugh- spirituality and rare eloquence. Number of dregrees given: A. B. ter of the royal house called for ad- while books or magazines may notify Another speaker will be C. D. Bon- Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly have re- 613, Commerce 421, Academy gra du- miration for her strength of will and cently received word from their son Miss Margaret Heckelthorn, librarian, sack, secretary of the General Mission ates 265, Normal 134, B . S . 130, sympathy for being the victim of cir- Board, who has had a broad experi- John, who is in the g ra d u ate school who in cooperation with the library committee will will determ ine what can Music 35, Stenographic 77, Expres - cumstances which could not permit ence, as a business man, a college ex­ of Kansas University, that he had sion 5 4, A. M. 34 B. D. 10, D. D. 6, ecutive .a pastor and a s mission sec- best be used in the library. Filed her to be a “person” . pledged Phi Delta Kappa, a national D. Sc. 2. Anne's lover, Granto n (Leland retary. He has visited Europe, China, magazines, especially those indexed educational fraternity of high stand- Number of states represented: India and Africa in the last capacity in the Reader's Guide , a re very ac- Lindell), as the king’s secretary was ing. Kansas 726. California 157. Illinois and brings most interesting glimpses ceptable, also text books of college torn between his love for the princess 79. Nebraska 68. Oklahoma 68. Colo- and his duty to her father a nd from the field. He is a winsome courses which may be used as refer- CHURCH CHOIR GIVES e n c e s . rado, 59. Missouri 58. Texas 32. Iowa around this romance the play re­ speaker, with rare humor and keen 26, Idaho 25. Pennsylvania 18. Ohio human insight. CANTATA A SECOND TIME It is to be hoped that students, volved. 17. Oregon 16. Michigan 14. Florida Prof. J. Hugh Heckman, professor faculty and friends of the college will General Northrup ( Hoyt Strickler) Sun., Jan 12--The choir of the 14. Montana 9. Virfinia 9, Washing- the king's prime minister, insuf- of Bible and philosophy in McPhe r- support the committee in this effort Church of the Brethren, under the to increase the size and utility of the to n 8 , Wisconsin 7. South Dakota 6. ferably domineering and cru el, learn- son college will be in charge of the pe rsonal direction of Lawre nce E.
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