The Westfield Record wishes its readers a safe and happy Thanksgiving Vol. 11, No. 48 The^festfield Record Thursday, November 28,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents i Briefs Tree-lighting Big First Night bash is on tap ceremony Sunday The annual tree-lighting cer- emony will be Sunday at the 'Event will bring a lot of life back to downtown/ organizer says train station. Recorded music and live the six elementary schools will be creating Among the many events scheduled for masks and puppets to carry along the route. music by the WextfleM Com- THEMCORD TTie Gap will sponsor Westfield First Night are ballroom dancing instruction; munity Band, weather permit* After this, participants will be able to dis- an internationally known bluegrast; band ting, win Indude traditional hol- With 1906 quickly winding down, the or- Symphony Orchestra's perse to any of the more than 30 events that known as Skyline; the Westfield Symphony iday selections and carols 5-6 ganizers of First Night Westfield are busy will be going on simultaneously at 12 loca- Orchestra; an interactive singer and enter- pom. wrapping up details for the event performances at First Night tions around town. The sites will be grouped tainer named Pierce Joyce; and Aqunducks, Mayor Garland "Bud" Booth* Ftret Night is a New Year's Eve celebra- See Page A-9. into three clusters so that people will not a synchronized swim show by nationally will ceremonially light the tree tion with something for everyone, said its have to drive from location to location. ranked junior Olympic medalists. director, Julia Black. Scheduled for the night "If they do pick events far from each There will also be several events for teens, at 5:15 p.m. Santa will arrive community," she said. 5:90 pom. on a Are truck and are several musical and dance performers, other, they will be able to drive around the including a bouncy boxing show, a gladiator wfll distribute candy canes to entertainers, athletes and artists. The event will begin 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. periphery of the sites," Ms. Black said. joust, a human gyroscope. Rocky Mountain "It's a very sale community event that will 31 with a townwide procession starting at The streets of the downtown will be closed wall climbing and a volleyball tournament -youngsters. bring a lot of life back to the downtown ' The event is sponsored by North and Central avenues. ChUdren from throughout the celebration. (Please turn to page A-2) : the Westfield Area Chamber of : Commerce and UNICO, Record Holiday Brandeis Trio 4o play at church First Congregational Church, 12S Elmer St, will begin its 13th season of Mid-Day Musi- cafes at noon Wednesday, Dec. 4 with a concert by the Bran- deUTrto. The concerts are free and are followed by a soup and sand- Record wich luncheon available in the **• ******* - church social hall for $4.50. The conceit Dec. 4 will feature the Mendelssohn Piano Trio in D helps out minor. The Brandeis Trio - Anca Nkolau on violin, Myron LuU- the needy 1B* on cello, and Rena Fruchler on piano — are all soloists in their own right Ms. Fruchter Donations sought and Mr. Lutzke began perform- ing together when they were for holiday fund students at Brandeis Univer- sity, and later were joined by Ma. Nicolau, after her marriage THE RECORD toMr. Lutzke. As the days turn colder and the For more information, call •>;. aisles of every store become lined with red and green decorations, the entire work) begins to anticipate Holiday concert Christmas. For most, Christmas ia a time of set for Dec. 11 cheer, a time of giving and, of course, a time of receiving. Cvunmlsslon will host its Unfortunately, aonw tamtttes enth annual holiday conceit I find it more difficult than others to pjn. Wednesday, Dae. 11 at B*- celebrate their love for each other son School. during the holiday season. The free concert will feature FrWay. Each year, several Westfield fam- the muate of the WaatlWd natty outalda MM fNtlto on last Broad ilies find the rigors of the year Community Concert Band, con- have not left them with the extra ducted by Bias Zareva, and the money that the holiday season re- •UU-,-* It nil n nl ** • - * «1 . quires. gHUMffi SJCTIOOI nniauWfiy avts* •ft, directed by Christine Smith Residents rally for the Rialto Lillian Coral, director of the Oar- ing Neighbor Fund, aims to help Refreshments will be served all of these families have a merrier after the performance. Call Ttt- Artists, disclosed plans to lease the store to the "This la the only place 1 come. I don't drive Christmas by providing them with owners of the chain (tores, Banana Republic, so if this doses, 1 won't come to the movies," extra cash, presents and food. THI RECORD Nine West and Baby Gap. Since then, several shesakL "These people don't qualify for School board Despite Friday's chilly weather, more than residents have spearheaded a movement to Another senior citiaen who wished to re- welfare but juxt need a little help," SO people came out to show their love of West- save the theater. main anonymous said, "I cant drive on the Ma, Corsi said. highway. If this closes, III have to wait for to meet Dec. 3 field's remaining cinema - the Rialto. Friday's rally was the fruit of this effort. Most or the recipients' financial The Board of Education will Citizens carried signs that read "Don't let the someone to take me to the movies." problems are the result of layoffs Ranging in age from newborn to senior citi- Rialto be Westfield's last picture show," and ir Mr, Carlinsky move* forward on the deal hold a public meeting 8 p m. zen, locals huddled together on East Broad throughout the year. Tuesday at 302 Dm St An "Mr. Carlinsky, please listen to us," and they with United Artists, the theater could close as HieEe people just need a little Street in front of the Rialto with the hope repeatedly chanted "Save the Ftinlto." soon u the end of the month. He has not help to get bock on their feet, M*. agenda will be available at the their efforts could keep the theater from being board secretary's office by Mon- Nan Kelly, who has lived in Westfleld for returned phone calls from the MfaH/leld Corsk aakl. turned into a haven for retail sales. more than 50 years, remembers coming to the fltnmi or from citizens in several week*. ITie fund, in fact, helps peoplv In October, Hy Carlinsky, who is negotiating Hittltu when she was loo short to HM» over the "He doesn't have to live in Westflekl," the throughout the year. It ia funded The meeting la open to the senior citizen said. public. to purchase the historic theater from United counter. mainly through private donation!. While the town ft minces Mi. Cnrm'N salary, thnt IH the only help Library to hold it pn widen. holiday night Westfield "ITim* l» iilwuyn nn em[>ha*is The Westflekt Memorial li- with giving (luring ihv lutllclay but brary will hold its annual Holi- thing* hnp|K>n Umtughout tho day Family Night featuring yriir," Ms. OirHi HHICI. crafts, itories and refreshments arts group IfaHiiuw rimriy |xt)i>)(' look to bo 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18. mom rhariUihlc* (luring lli<* holiday Children in kindergarten- IH'USOM, the Wt'HtJU'hl lUtiml upon- fourth grade will celebrate the is forming •on thr IN void floliriny Fund to season by creating holiday dec- benefit the Wi-stlVelil Cm ing Neigh- oration* and listening to Jhrist* •y KMVNMTZ bor Fund. 'Hifw (MM iliNjiictibli' <lnniitlorm mas tales Children must be ac- Tltr. KCCORIJ companied by a parent/adult. tn UM» fuinl mil l"*l|< t-vi-ry Wwtt- In person registration begins The art* are alive in Westfield. field IVmilly have n l»nj»jiy holltlny Wednesday, Dec. 4 and every- It is on this premise that several arid « tM«tt*'r ni-w y«**tr. Any »to» one attending tnuit to Wwrt- area art lover* arc forming the will li'-lp ficld library nwrmlwrs. Weitftold ArU Council to develop willing to mipjinK thlfl and enhance the fine and perform- y | k ing arts in the Westricld area. tci lltHiinl I lohdiiy hitid, l>(>. Vktn Westfield Record "We thought It would im really 02fl, CJmnfur.l, N.i 071)10 Ointrlbu. office to close nkt» to bring nil the group* to- tloim nlm> i fin I*1 ili<ip|><'il off nt 10'J The IWWR ami advertising of- gether with one mission KtAte- Walnut Av^ , (Vimf'titd. fice of the WniJleM Hmmt will irwnt," said Sandy Fleming, who OotmtoiM who runliiljulc to thff be cloned Thanksgiving Day has brcn working toward the fund will hiivf thi-lr nnmf* pub- and Friday. The office will re- group's formation, ll«h«l In tli«- Hy l open 0 am. Morultiy. Th«> council would provide pro- tlw»y ii'qiHv nttl anil nonprofit organ tea it U\i> yt-nr, lh»« denting with the fine and per- K hind Send us your news forming arts n ptaet* to cornft to- huy f(>«Ml, |in- vtn the Internet gether to vent problem* and work Htid (Imhlrii; All Id*- rttoiipy tt)l- !••( UN| hy lh«- M'M(/Wf( Hrtimi gf*« Pleaae. *en«i your prwis n»- toward « KtroriRfr orbs coiiiirmnily IMck of the draw In Wpfttftold. Pat Rod of Turner World Travel picks th» winner of Us "Trip of Your Choice" conteat, which <f<r«•<-f 1 v l<i D"' futi'l U>(umn and letter* to the wIItor I ji«>t yciii, Wi-«in«'ld ri>Mi(li'liU do- to the W«n\JU>M Rectmi via the "W> could have power in num- benefited the acholarshlp fund of the Woman's Club of Woslfleld, With Ms.
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