Dean Tate Selected to Head New Public Relations Office By TOMMY JEAN DILLARD Dean Willis Tate, in his third sometime, is now a reality, and it fice will include all of the activities year as dean of students, has been will be the duty of the new public of the 150 campus organizations appointed to the newly created of­ relations officer to interpret the father than just those pertaining fice of vice-president in charge of aims of the university throughout to the social events. the expansion and endowment pro­ the eight states supporting, "it and Miss Fitzwater will act as the gram in the field of public.relations, help provide for future stability; faculty advisor to student govern­ it was announced by President Um- The duties of the position vacated ment and will help administer the phrey Lee*. by Dean Tate will be filled by Dean policies of the faculty committee on Dean Tate will head the new long Elmer Rieck, assistant dean of stu­ student activities and organiza­ term public relations development dents in charge. tions, which makes the rules for which has been organized by a "I' sincerely hope; that I can con­ all organizations and for student committee of the board of trustees tinue t° make the dean of stu­ government. All extra-curricular Photo by Laughead to help insure the growth and ex­ dents office a friendly and service­ activities including meetings, pro-* • LIL; JUANNY GALLOPS pansion of Southern Methodist: uni­ able office in helping our students," grams and parties will come under Johnny Champion tries to outmaneuver Bob Bates after picking versity. said Dean Rieck. ~ her jurisdiction. up 17 yards down the sideline. See story page 6. A $15 million plan, tentative for "Our goal is not only to help Harvey Haseltine, instructor in , groups, but to treat individuals as mathematics, has been appointed to individuals. The ultimate purpose director of fraternities. Haseltine, of education is happiness in serv­ who served as the fraternity ad­ ice. Education is experience; there­ visor last year and was the presi­ fore, we hope to provide a wealth dent of his own fraternity while in of experience on our campus, lead­ college, is well qualified for the ing to effective living in a demo­ new position, announced Dean cratic society. V " ' (Continued on Page 8) "This year we are very fortunate -Published Semi-Weekly by SMU Students' Publishing Company in having splendid student leader­ ship on our campus as was demon­ Classes Dismissed 6th \ear Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, November 15, 1950 No. 16 strated by the well organized Homecoming events this week-end. The floats and fraterntiy decora­ For Convocation tions are the best that I have ever All 10 a.m. classes will be dis­ seen on the SMU campus," he add­ missed today to enable student Council-Faculty Conferences ed. •• to attend Thanksgiving Convo­ In speaking of Dean Tate, Dean cation in McFarlin auditorium. Rieck said, "I have never worked Bishop John E. Hines, an with anyone whom I admired, re­ Episcopalian, will be the princi­ May Clear Publishing Books spected and loved as much. In my pal speaker at the annual. serv­ Student and faculty officials may This means that the council is 1950 audit has not been finished estimation the fitting title for Dean ice, sponsored by the Student nally clear up the snarled books unable under restrictions to the yet. Tate is 'Mr. SMU'." Council of Religious Activities. f the Students' Publishing com- constitution to provide money for a "Not haying the audit for those Included in the new expansion is All students are invited to at­ any this week. November issue of Limbo, among three years is what's holding us the broadening of the office of Miss tend the Thanksgiving service, Conferences between B. C. Good- other things. ....... up," Goodwin said. "If we had them Bonnie Fitzwater, previously di­ one of the all-university services 'in, president of % students' as- According to. the provisions of on file, we could go ahead and give rector of social activities,to director for special occasions sponsored Dciation; Dean . Laurence Fleck, the constitution, a yearly audit money to Limbo." of student activities. The new of­ by SCRA. uditor of the publishing board must be made of the publishing Dean Fleck has been working on unds, and Dr. David Starr, chair- board expenditures. Also, at the the audits for three years. He tan of the student-faculty finance end of every three-year period, an­ turned in an audit for 1949 which immittee, are expected to make other audit ~must be made of that gave a figure apparently for the ome sense out of the financial tan- period, when money left in the pub­ other three years, Goodwin de­ le. : s lishing funds is turned over to the clared. ^ y- C V Until a complete audit of the Student Council. "It's impossible to fix any kind jioney spent by the publications for In 1944 the regular three-year of blame for this situation," Good­ 346, 1947 and 1948 is in the hands audit was made, and a yearly audit win said. "Quite possibly, no one the Student Council, no appro­ was turned in in 1945, according to has ever told Dean Fleck just ex­ bation may be made for student Goodwin. But no audit has been actly what's expected of him. We ublications. filed for 1946, 1947 or 1948. The only want to get a complete state­ ment for 1946, 1947 and 1948 on file." ' . Since; the 1949 audit indicated that work had been done on the other three, Goodwin expressed hope that the bookkeeping snarl for Homecoming Parade could be straightened out quickly. Despite an icy wind, huge crowds Following the cadet corps, the 'ned downtown Pallas streets Mustang band with its usual color aturday morning to witness and spirit-preceded SMU's portion MU's annual Homecoming parade, of the parade. Behind it, came „ a Rally to Feature hich added more fuel to the series of cars ranging from model ready burning fire of football T's to sleek new convertibles A&M, TU Films brvor. "• " , entered by the social fraternities The famed 173-piece Texas A&M on campus. The second pep rally of the week Photo by Laugnead and started off the event by lead- The more ancient cars, depicting will be held Thursday night at 7 in . THE FLOAT OF THE YEAR ig 4,400 marching cadets from SMU's first years of existence, McFarlin auditorium; according to Kappa Alpha Theta float was selected the best in the Home­ le. triple underpass up . Main coughed and sputtered their way Marc Moore, head cheerleader;- , coming parade. Chi Omega took second place and Zeta Tau ;reet. • •• . past the crowds. Behind them The Mustang band will be pres­ Alpha finished third. See story page 3. purred shiny late models represent­ ing SMU's recent years. ent and also a cowboy band. Dean iampus Sponsors Fourteen smiling Homecoming Tate will be one; of the main speak­ nominees waved and nodded to the ers. At 7:30 the films of the SMU- crowd as they passed by seated Texas game and the SMU - A&M iilliil ihare-a-Ride Plan between two boys in convertibles. game will be shown. ' \ .wmzsmls lit 11IP» sss % The Campus will sponsor a Following the queens, came the ' Moore, commenting on last week­ ,y:C'.. srvice for students who desire, elaborately ; decorated floats en­ end's "upset," said, "That's just the des home for the Thanksgiving tered by the sororities. Most of. way the ball bounces. We had some % id Christmas holidays. the floats were pulled by auto- bad breaks, but the students showed I According to the; plan, persons r-> jt.iles filled with members of the that they still had the spirit. We i»iil riving cars with space for riders sorority. These colorful floats were should forget the past two games lust turn in their names, ad- designed to depict this year's and concentrate; on winning the resses, phone numbers, destina- Homecoming theme, "Pride in next three." ! on and time of departure to The Progress." Preceding the sorority "Let's show the team we haven't jimpus office by 2 p. m. Thursday, floats, the Mustang Men in their let down, because we know they ov. 16. bright red shirts rode a gaily haven't, Pickle the Pigs, that's our Information pertaining1 to rides decorated truck as they sang slogan for this week,'1 said Moore >r the Christmas holidays will be traditional pony songs. jocularly. :cepted any time before Thurs- The COGS presented their float At last night's pep rally the iy, Dec. 14. • . .• . which carried the queen nominees spirit flared high. At 6:45 the Mus­ 'YvV,;- • KNames of persons desiring 'rides in the Cotton Bpwl at halftime. tang band led the students in a Photo by Laughead fir "ot be published. Because of The Mustang,' publication of the march to'the athletic dorm where IN THE FPOTBALL MOOD >ace limitations, only the names Alumni association, entered : a the team 'was undoubtedly assured Delta Cht was the judges' pick in fraternity house decorations for |persons having, transportation fioat featuring a huge replica of that the students were still behind 1950. Finishing second was Beta Theta Pi and Kappa Alpha took 11 Jl be accepted. - . the magazine. • "• them. ^ third place. See story page 3. :V• TBCfltttpUIf Wednesday, November 15, 1950 ^ Fancy' Trimmings Make >:V :>>** e' :/• imwxmm* m it "'' % r-,Xis.i, 'iil $!S • • By CECIL REDDICIv Miss Hoffman played her role with Bill Cory.
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