Management profiles Management profiles Committee of the Legislative Assembly The Members of the Committee of The Members of the Committee of Profiles of each of the Members of the Legislative Assembly of the 53rd the Legislative Assembly of the 54th the Committee of the Legislative Parliament were: Parliament are: Assembly of the 54th Parliament are below: • Hon Judy Spence MP, Chair, • Hon Fiona Simpson MP, Chair, Member for Sunnybank, Leader Speaker of the Legislative Hon Fiona Simpson MP of the House Assembly, Member for BA, MA, GAICD Maroochydore • Mrs Rosemary Menkens MP, Speaker of the Legislative Deputy Chair, Member for • Mr Ray Stevens MP, Member Assembly, Chair Burdekin, Leader of Opposition for Mermaid Beach, Manager of Fiona Simpson has been the Mem- Business Government Business ber for the Sunshine Coast seat of • Mr Robert Schwarten MP, • Hon Tim Nicholls MP, Member Maroochydore since 1992, and in Member for Rockhampton for Clayfield, Treasurer (Premier's May 2012, she became the first (Premier's nominee). nominee) female Speaker of Queensland Parliament. Formerly the Deputy • Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP, • Hon Jeff Seeney MP, Member for Leader of the Nationals, and Deputy Member for Stafford (Deputy Callide, Deputy Premier Opposition Leader, she has held Premier's nominee) • Mr Curtis Pitt MP, Member for shadow portfolios in Health, Trans- • Mr Mike Horan MP, Member for Mulgrave, Manager of Opposition port, Main Roads, Tourism, Small Toowoomba South (Leader of the Business Business, Communities, Housing Opposition's nominee) and Women, among others. Ms • Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Simpson also served more than 10 • Mr Tim Nicholls MP, Member for Member for Inala, Leader of the years on the Parliament’s Legal, Clayfield, Deputy Leader of the Opposition Constitutional and Administrative Opposition • Mr Tim Mulherin MP, Member Review Committee. for Mackay, Deputy Leader of the The Committee of the Legislative Opposition. Assembly of the 53rd Parliament Mr Ray Stevens MP ceased on 23 March 2012 and the BA Committee of the Legislative Assem- Manager of Government Business bly of the 54th Parliament com- Ray Stevens has been the Mem- menced on 17 May 2012. ber for the seat of Mermaid Beach since 2006 and in May 2012 became Hon. John Mickel MP was the the Manager of Government Busi- Speaker until the eve of the swear- ness. Mr Stevens formerly held the ing in of the 54th Parliament on 15 shadow portfolios of Tourism, Rac- May 2012. ing, Fair Trading, Housing Accessi- bility and Public Works and has also served on the Parliament’s Finance and Administration Committee. 12 | Queensland Parliamentary Service Management profiles Hon Tim Nicholls MP sation, Fair Trading and Police and and Attorney-General, Industrial LLB Corrective Services. Relations, Education, Training and Premier's nominee Employment, Tourism, Major Events Mr Seeney has also served on the and Commonwealth Games. Ms Tim Nicholls has been the Mem- Parliament’s Industry, Education, Palaszczuk is also a Member of the ber for the seat of Clayfield since Training and Industrial Relations Parliament’s Education and Inno- 2006 and in April 2012 became the Committee, the Environment and vation Committee. Ms Palaszczuk Treasurer and Minister for Trade. Resources Committee, the Mem- formerly served as the Minister for Mr Nicholls formerly served as the bers' Ethics and Parliamentary Transport, Multicultural Affairs and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Privileges Committee, the Standing Disability Services and as a member and has held the shadow portfolios Orders Committee and the Scrutiny of the Parliament’s Members’ Ethics of Treasurer, Finance, Trade, Rac- of Legislation Committee. and Parliamentary Privileges Com- ing, Employment and Economic mittee and Public Works Committee. Development and Future Growth. Mr Nicholls has also served on the Mr Curtis Pitt MP Parliament’s Finance and Adminis- Manager of Opposition Business Mr Tim Mulherin MP tration Committee and was Deputy Curtis Pitt has been the Member for Deputy Leader of the Opposition Chair of Parliament’s Integrity, Eth- the seat of Mulgrave in Far North Tim Mulherin has been the Mem- ics and Parliamentary Privileges Queensland since 2009 and in May ber for the seat of Mackay since Committee. 2012 became the Manager of Oppo- 1995 and in May 2012 became the sition Business and the Shadow Min- Deputy Leader of the Opposition Hon Jeff Seeney MP ister for Treasury and Trade, Energy and the Shadow Minister for State and Water Supply, Main Roads, Deputy Premier Development, Infrastructure, Plan- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ning and Racing, Agriculture, Fisher- Jeff Seeney has been the Member Partnerships, Sport and Recreation. ies and Forestry, Local Government, for the seat of Callide since 1998 and Mr Pitt is also a Member of the Par- Science, IT and Innovation. Mr in April 2012 became the Deputy liament’s Finance and Administra- Mulherin is also a Member of the Premier, Minister for State Develop- tion Committee. Mr Pitt formerly Parliament’s Finance and Adminis- ment, Infrastructure and Planning. served as the Minister for Disability tration Committee, State Develop- Mr Seeney formerly served as the Services, Mental Health and Aborigi- ment, Infrastructure and Industry Leader of the Opposition, Leader of nal and Torres Strait Islander Part- Committee and the Education and the Queensland Coalition, Leader nerships and as a member of the Innovation Committee. Mr Mulherin of The Nationals, Leader of Oppo- Parliament’s Members’ Ethics and formerly served as the Minister sition Business, Deputy Leader of Parliamentary Privileges Committee. for Agriculture, Food and Regional the Opposition and Deputy Leader Economies, Primary Industries and of the National Party. Mr Seeney Fisheries, Minister for Rural and Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk MP has held the shadow portfolios of Regional Queensland and as a mem- State Development, Infrastructure, BA MA(Hons) LLB GDLP ber of the Parliament’s Scrutiny of Planning, Reconstruction, Natural Leader of the Opposition Legislation Committee and Public Resources, Mines and Energy, Trade, Annastacia Palaszczuk has been the Accounts Committee. Water, Small Business, Information Member for the seat of Inala since Technology and Innovation, Indus- 2006 and in May 2012 became trial Relations, Treasurer, Decentrali- the Leader of the Opposition and the Shadow Minister for Justice Annual Report 2011-12 | 13 Management profiles Executive Management Group Mr Neil Laurie Mr Michael Ries Mr Michael Hickey LLB LLM(Hons) MBA BAdmin LLB GradDipBus BBus Clerk of the Parliament Deputy Clerk Director of Corporate and House Neil has been the Principal Officer of Michael was appointed to the role of Services the Legislative Assembly, the Chief Deputy Clerk of Queensland’s Parlia- Michael leads the Corporate and Executive Officer of, and the Account- ment in June 2008. Michael is respon- House Services Division of the Parlia- able Officer for, the Parliamentary sible for the Legislative and Informa- mentary Service. He is also responsi- Service since February 2003. Neil tion Services Division and is also the ble for developing and monitoring cor- has 20 years experience with the Research Director of the Ethics Com- porate governance strategies. Michael Parliamentary Service, including mittee. Previously he held senior was appointed Director in June 2003 six years as Deputy Clerk and Clerk roles in the Department of Premier and has over 23 years experience with of Committees and over nine years and Cabinet including Clerk of the the Parliamentary Service. as Clerk. Executive Council. Service Area Managers Mr Craig Atkinson Ms Katherine Brennan Ms Leanne Clare BBus BAppSc BA GradDipLibMan BCom CPA GradCertLegStud Manager, Financial and GradDipMan First Clerk Assistant (Procedure) Parliamentary Librarian Administrative Services Leanne is First Clerk Assistant (Pro- Craig is the Manager of Financial and Katherine was appointed as Parlia- cedure) and leads the team that Administrative Services. His duties mentary Librarian in February 2012 provides administrative and pro- include establishing systems of finan- and manages the Parliamentary cedural support to the Legislative cial management, asset and logistics Library, which provides research and Assembly Chamber. Leanne has management, preparing annual finan- information services for Members of over 25 years public sector experi- cial statements and ensuring compli- Parliament and their staff, as well as ence in investigative research and ance with relevant financial manage- managing the heritage O’Donovan management roles. ment legislation and standards as well Library. Katherine has extensive as promoting best practice in financial library and management experience management across the Parliamentary delivering information and advisory Service. Craig has over 20 years experi- services to business, industry, gov- ence in financial management. ernment and community. 14 | Queensland Parliamentary Service Management profiles Mr Mike Coburn Mr Kevin Jones Mr Peter Morris Manager, Information Technology Sergeant-at-Arms BBus Cert III(Adult Literacy) Services Manager, Security and Attendant Manager, Human Resource Mike manages Information Technol- Services Services ogy Services, which provides and Kevin is the Sergeant-at-Arms and Peter is responsible for ensuring the maintains computer networks and is also responsible for the delivery delivery of human resources and services throughout the parliamen- of Security and Attendant Services industrial
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