';aii;i"k .r - - r. - . 'qCjALA, EVENING OTAiiATUBDAY, MAT 7. 1M1 OCALA DISTRICT CONFERENCE UNCLASSIFIED !' QCALA OCCURRENCES There will be held here the 3 at ADVERTISEIENTS Methodist church. May 10, 11 and 12 We Solicit I! If you have any society items for the Ocala district conference. This V ANTED, LOST. 'OUND. FOR SALE. FOR RENT AND SIM- the Star, please call fire-on-e. conference represents the Methodist - - Your . ILAR LOCAL church's work in the territory extend NEEDS Miss Nellie Stevens will leave next ing from Ocala to St. Petersburg, in Rstes: Six lines, maximum, one time, week for Bartow, where she goes in cluding twenty-tw-o pastoral charges . Cleaning 25c; three times. 50c; six times, 75c; the interest of child welfare work. or 64 churches. Rev. W. P. Buhnnan, one month. $3. Payable in advance. who makes his home here, is the pre end TheRoad Keep the hands and face soft with siding elder. BOARDERS WANTED At 704 N. Magnolia street; $8 per week. Mrs. ILASOL. 50 cents the bottle at Rev. C W. White, pastor of ths Pressing 2-- to quickProfits Gerig's Drug Store. ? Methodist church, is the host. He and J. E. Stilley. &t his committee on entertainment are WANTED An experienced business We have opened a cleaning Purina System is Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broderick and preparing to take care of the 125 peo- woman wishes position summer THE and pressing department in for to make chicks grow TJ.-- y- family have moved . from Sanchez ple expected preachers, delegates and longer; 1 Men's or typewriting, cashier or twice a3 fact, during the first street to the Meadows cottage at 713 visitors. connection with our Furnishings store' in the bookkeeping. Address, Miss B, care six weeks, grain ration. 3-- as a East Fourth street. One thing that makes this confer Star. Ct block. Besides . This rapid all 'round develop- ence of more than usual importance is Ocala House work, we specially ment continues to maturity. $1.00 Voiles reduced to 75 cents at that the lay delegates will on Thurs- - men's are FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished, 2t-t-f- I prepared for cleaning ladies This ij because the Purina FISHEL'S. -s day choose their eieht representatives attractive bungalow, seven larg T crepes System supplies a perfectly j to the ensuing annual conference, out dresses, silks, satins, rooms, two bath rooms, sleeping and fancy woolens. All the balanced diet for blood, Several cars left this morning with of which body will finally go the dele-- porch, screened porch, large front latest methods are used in- nerves, feathers, frame and the high school baseball team for J gates o great geenral conference porch, garage for two cars, wood f the cluding French Dry tissues. Gain is not Gainesville, where an interesting! of church. the room, store room and servant's room the Cleaning process. properly balanced. game is being played this afternoon. I The opening sermon of the district above. See 216 Sanchez street or i Development conference will be preached by Rev. phone 187. 5-- 6t Rapid FTesh PEACHES just arrived All orders receive prompt at F. H. Champion of Crystal River on FOR SALE One pair of mules; one Important . Fort King Confectionery. j Tuesday evening. ittention, and goods &re call- It Buy light two-hor- se wagon; $275 cash. ed fcr and .delivered in any a Your profits from fall Rev. Buhrman has been fortunate in A. B. Cooley, 116 East Jefferson PURiNA TOPUR!A& Mr. S. T. Sistrunk, return ding home j ,;art cf the city. All work, and winter eggs and your securing as a visitor to the conference 3-- 6t guaranteed satisfactory. SL, Ocala. income from broilers de- EHOiOWDuHiEKEN from Jacksonville, brings the good Dr. H. N. Snyder, the associate direc- - - pend on rapid develop- news that Mrs. Sistrunk continues to tor general of the Christian Educa-- FOR SALE Settings pure bred under ment now. The Purina lmprove, tho' it will be some time vetltion Movement. Dr. Snyder will ad-- This department is Willard I White Leghorn eggs, Ferris strain, I the personal supervision of Chow habit leads to the before she can return home. dress the conference Wednesdav.w - $1.50 delivered. Mrs. A. H. Church, . profit column. Mr. F. W. Broderick. Perhaps you're too busy for Route A. 613U& TT V M . you mm - tt gr. t battery details. All want ui,.uu m Mr. Arthur Cobb, who returned 1 A. Sold in Checkerboard t w, - 1 1 I know is the battery FOUND Last Saturday a bunch of newl nve Kooa rw; Out of town orders solicit- to that Bags Only frQm R ybit to Tallahassee this you buy will give service. keys on road between Oranga ?800; terms. Spencer-Pednc- k Motor ed. We pay return parcel emoon, says that so far as the capital a&d 4-- tf answer? Buy x Springs Palatka. Same can be Company. question cap-- post on all work. What's the a is concerned, the vote on Willard Threaded Rubber obtained by calling at this office and itol improvement has not changed the 5-- lor( paying for this ad. 3t farmers Esciaigc Mr. N. U.' Kindt, who for some time Jajtuation has conducted a music store in Ucala, Walkley&Barnett The plates in it are insulated i FOR SALE One seven-roo- m, two six- - OCALA, FLORIDA now connected B. Goldman, is with Friends in this city of Mr. and Mrs. not merely separated. room nve-roo- m and iwo " oungaiows; having taken charge of the grapho-- J. N. Bryan Jr., of Tampa, will learn Phme 74 Threaded Rubber Insulation ALL BARGAINS. Own your own phone and music department. with much of the gift to them home and improvements and save 3 interest doesn't warp, crack, check, by the former's parents of a very at puncture or carbonize. It out- raised rents and having to move. J H. SPENCER IV, R. PEDRICK iyio cuick roaasier, nve gooa ures tractive home in Suburb Beautiful. lasts the battery plates. One cottage six rooms to rent May and top. Mechanically O. K. A buy. one of most desirable residential 16th. See L. M. Murray, Room 5, 5-6- sav- Spencer-Pednc- -tf Get a line on the 'actual k Motor Co. block, &--t All Buick Cars Equipped With 8ections of that citv. Mr. and Mrs RUIl-DOW- Holder Ocala. WEAK; H ing Willard Threaded Rubber In- Cord Tires and Alemite Brvan have already moved into their sulation makes possible. Drive Oiling System Miss Katie Mae .bagieton nas re-- new nome FOR SALJ3 Sweet milk, 15 cents per turned from Frostproof, where she has around. quart; buttermilk 10c. per quart. At Specialty Parts Carolina Lady Got So She Ccvli AGENCY We Make a 5-- - been teaching lor tne past year, bne Prescriptions correctly filled and High School Lunch Stand. 3t for the Buick and the Prices ?- Just Dra. "Cirdui Emit He will spend the summer in ucala witn promptly delivered. Call 435. G. C. Consistent with the Cost of Same Up " Sht Declare!. OCALA STORAGE BATTERY MR. ADVERTISER When you want her sister and uncle, Miss Anne Pope Greene. 2-- tf to bay, sell or exchange in Tampa Eajrleton and Mr. E. L. Parr, Kemersvllle. N. C In an intoest-ii- K d MACK USE TIMES WANT ADS. GOODYEAR and U.S. TIRES The Fishel brothers, Charles and statement regarding Cartful, tfce TAYLOR territory, Wesley ol Largest Tampa circulation and the and TUBES Prints, were 15c., now 8c. at Max, .oman s Tonic, Mrs. ilaie, OCALA, have put a very pretty tribute recently Mid: I have Phone 348 fl A. line- 2t-t-f-s- here, largest daily average want ad. jto rear FISHEL'S. Mother's Day in one of their show J.nown Cs.rdui for years, tut never age of nny Florida paper guaran- windows. It includes a beautiful sen knw worth rntil a yej.r er ro ago. Exclusive Agents coa-ii;f.io- :u for run-dow- n teed to all advertisers. Member. A: Danish pastry is something new in timent from Washington Irving, and 1 vi In a weakened, BATTERY I became draggy didn't eat ci B. C. and Associated Press. Adve- "VESTA" Ocala and is made exclusively by the hs in an appropriate setting. Charlie any to do any good; couldn't do on request. We wel-co- me 18 4-- 6t t rtising rates MONTHS GUARANTEE Federal Bakery. Try it. and Max, as all their friends know. f.r.-- a great eXort. I trl?i i without inquiries. 6- -t Up-to-Da- te L51CL An prove their faith in Mother's Day by rvierti t remedis and mMiclnea, yet Wi Battery Service Station After an absence of almost four I continue to drag. their works c''.c'1ed to give Cerdui a trir.1 A GREAT BARGAIN Typewriter m "I j years, Mr. lieo. woods is again f.-.i- was Ju?.t what 1 Ts-- for sale. Can be seen at J. Chas. end it . te iroiie-f- 6-- We maintain an up-to-da- the Ocala postoffice. Mr. Woods left if you smoke cigars why not get it maas m wucn Smith's jewelry store. tf be-p-fi Batteries ;n I to use IL I garage with expert workmen, at his position in July, 1917. to rejoin his the best? Ask for Garcia de Ore 10c ?o niter Koii nervous, to eat xaore, and the WANTED Young lady wishes to lo- all times, assuring prompt and comrades in Company A, with whom at all dealers.
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