AHA Anniversary Meetings H S S 1884 Chicago 1924 1984 December 27-28-29-30 1984 r. I J -- The United Statei Hotel, Saratop Spring. Founding ike of the American Histoncal Anociation AMERICA JjSTORY AND LIFE HjcItl An invaluable resource for I1.RJC 11’, Sfl ‘. “J ) U the professional 1< lUCEBt5,y and I for the I student • It helps /thej beginning researcher.., by puttmq basic information at his or her fingertips, and it helps the mature scholar to he sttre he or she hasn ‘t missed anything.” Wilbur R. Jacobs Department of History University of California, Santa Barbara students tote /itj The indexing is so thorough they can tell what an article is about before they even took up the abstract Kristi Greenfield ReferencelHistory Librarian University of Washington, Seattle an incomparable way of viewing the results of publication by the experts.” Aubrey C. Land Department of History University of Georgia, Athens AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE is a basic resource that belongs on your library shelves. Write for a complimentary sample copy and price quotation. ‘ ABC-Clio Information Services ABC Riviera Park, Box 4397 /,\ Santa Barbara, CA 93103 CLIO SAN:301-5467 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Ninety-Ninth Annual Meeting A I { A HISTORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY Sixtieth Annual Meeting December 27—30, 1984 CHICAGO Pho1tg aph qf t/u’ Umted States Hotel are can the caller turn of (a urge S. B airier, phato a1bher Saratoga Sprzng, V) 1 ARTHUR S. LINK GEORGE H. DAVIS PROFESSOR Of AMERICAN HISTORY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 4t)f) A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 1984 OFfICERS President: ARTHUR S. Lixx, Princeton University President-elect: WILLIAM H. McNEILL, University of Chicago Executive Director: SAiuEL R. GAMtox Editor: OTTo PFLANzE, Indiana University Controller: JAMES H. LEATHERw00D COUNCIL AwrI-iuR S. L;xi’ PHILIP D. CutTrN WILLIAM H. McNEILL SAMuEL R. GAMMoN, cx Uf/lCit) GERIIARD L. WEINBERG, vice-president JOHN A. GARRATY, vice-president Research Division (1984) Teaching Division (1985) University of North Carolina. Columbia University Chapel Hill RICHARD S. KIRKENDALL, vice-president Professional Division (1986) Iowa State University ELIz.BEn-I L. EISEN5TEIN (1984) JCYCE 0. APPLEBY (1985) University of Michigan University of California. ROBERT I. ROTBERG (1984) Los Angeles Massachusetts Instjtute of KArHERIXE FIscHER DREW (1985) Technology Rice University RonEin- M, WARNER (1984) JOHN V. L0MBARDI (1985) Archivist of the United States Indiana University PACIFIC COAST BRANCH OFFICERS President: ALExiNDER DEC0NDE, University of Califbrnia, Santa Barbara Vice-President: EDWIN R. BINGHAM, University of Oregon Secreton-Treasurer: JoHN A. Scuuiz. University of Southern California Managing Editor: NORRIS HUNDLEY, JR., University of California, Los Angeles PRESIDENTS OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 1884-85 ANDREw DIcKsoN Wrnii 1937 GUY Sr,NTON FORD 1885-86 GEoRGE BANCR0n- 1938 LAURENCE M. LARsON 1886-87 JUSTIN WINSoR FREDERIc L. PAxox 1887-88 ThLLIAM FREDERICK PooLE 1939 WILLIAM SCOTT FERGUSON 1889 CHARLEs KEx1ALL ADAIs 1940 MAx FARRAND 1890 JoHN JaY 1941 jAMES WESLFALL IHOMPSON 1891 WILLIAM WIn- HENRY 1942 ARTHUR M. ScHLESINc;ER 1892-93 jAMES 3URIULL ANGELL 1943 NELLIE NEILSON 1893-94 HENRY ADAMS 1944 WILLIAM L. WESmRMANN 1895 GE0RC;E FIUSBIE HOAR 1945 C.SRLIoN J. H. HAYES 1896 RIcHARD SALTER SToRES 1946 SIDNEY B. Fav 1897 JAMES SCH0ULER 1947 THOMA5J. WERFENBAKER 1898 GEORGE PARK FISHER 194$ KENNErH SCOrE LATOURL lE 1899 JAMEs FORD RHODES 1949 C0NYERS READ 1900 EDwARD EGGLESTON 19Sf) SANIUEL E. MORISON 1901 CHARLEs FRANCIS ADAMs 1951 ROBERt L. SCHcLER 1902 ALFRED IHAYER MAHAN 1952 JAMEs ;, RANDALL 1903 HENRY CHARLES LEA 1953 LOUIS G0TFSCHAu( 1904 GoLDwIN 5oITH 1954 MERLE CURTI 1905 JOHN BacH MCMASTER 1955 LYNN TH0RNDIKE 1906 SIME0N I. BALDwIN 1956 DEXTER PERKINS 1907 J. FRANICLIN JAMEs0N 1957 WILLIAM LANC;ER 1908 GEORGE BURTON ADANIS 19S8 WALTER PRESCOtT WEBB 1909 ALBERT BU5HNF:LL HART 1959 ALLAN NEVINS 1910 FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER 1960 BERNsDoim F. SCHNIHT 191 1 WILI,1AM MILLIGAN SLoANE 1961 SAMUEL FI.aGc, BENIIS 1912 THEODoRE ROOSEvELT 1962 CARL BRIDENBAUGH 1913 WILLIAM ARCHIBALD DUNNING 1963 CRANE BIONroN 1914 ANDREw C. MCLAUGHLIN 1964 JULIAN P. BoYD 1915 H. MORSE STEPHENS 1965 FREDERIc C. LANE 1916 GEoRGE LINCOLN BURR 1966 RoY F. NICHoI,s 1917 WORTHINGTON C. FoRD 1967 HAJ0 HOLBOIN 1918-19 WILLIAM RoscoY THAYER 1968 joHN K. FAIRBANK 1920 EDwARD CHANNING 1969 C. VANN \OODWARD 1921 JEAN JULES JU5SERaND 1970 R. R. PALMER 1922 CHaRLES H. HASKINS 1971 DaY1D Ni. POTtER 1923 EDwARD P. CHEYNE\ JOSEPH R. STRAYER 1924 WOODRow WILSON 1972 THONIAS C. COCHRAN 1924-25 CHARLES M. ANDREwS 1973 LYNN VHITE, JR. 1926 DANA C. MUNR0 1974 LEwIS HANKE 1927 HENRY OSB0RN TAS’LOR 19/5 GoRDoN WRIGHT 192$ JAMES H. BREASTED 1976 RICHARD B. MORRIS 1929 JAMES HARvEY RoBINSoN 1977 CHARLEs GIBsoN 1930 EvART5 BOUTELL GREENE 197$ WILLIAM]. B0UwSMA 1931 CARL LotUs BECKER 1979 jOHN HOPE FRANKLIN 1932 HERBERT EUGENE B0LT0N 1980 DAvID H. PINKNEY 1933 CfIARLE5 A. BEARD 1981 BERNAISD BAILYN 1934 WILLIaM E. DODD 1982 G0ISD0N A CRAIG 1935 MICHAEL I. ROSTOvTzEFf 1983 PHILIP D. CUImN 1936 CHARLEs McILwAIN 1984 ARTIUx S. LINK PLANNING AND ARRANGEMENTS, 1954 ANNUAL MEETING Progin in Corn mi/tee Chair: C. WARREN HOLLISTER CARoLYN C. Lot GEE Unit ersity of California, Stanford University Santa Barbara JACQUELINE FL0RANcE MEADows Cochair: JAMES KIRBY MARTIN North Carolina School Unit ersity of Houston, of Science & Mathematics University Park JOHN MoRRow, JR. JOHN C0AT5w0RTH University of I’ennessee, University of Chicago Knoxt ille RoBERT M. HARTwELL BErn M. UNTERBfRC.IR University of Pennsylvania Texas A&M University SUELLEX Roy RIcH.tRD S. W ORTNIAN North Carolina Dit ision Princeton Unit ersity of Archives & Histor Loctl 4 , ngemPnt Corn in i/tee Chair: PAUL B -tRTON JOHNSON MARY LAURA\NE Ltrxt Roosetelt Unit ersitu Mttndelein College NANCY AISHT0N ALBERT LoGAN Roosevelt Universits Roosevelt Universitt SHARoN ALTER .1. fRED M-tCDO\ALD William Rainey Harper College Northeastern Illinois I niversit ELIZABETI-t BtLANofF ThE Ret. M. J. M.tDAJ Roosevelt University St. Mary of the Lake Setnmary CHARLEs BAIUIER EDwARD MEAt HFN Northeastern Illinois University The Newberry Library KENNETH BARNES IGNACIO MENDEr Concordia College Northeastern Illinois University EDwARD COOK SUSAN MIKE LA University of Chicago Illinois Benedictine College SR. JOAN FRANCES CRowLEY THOMAs MOODIE Mundelein College Lake Forest College ALExANDER DEGRAND PRUDENCE M0YI,AN Roosevelt University Munclelein College ALBERT ERLEBAcHE1 11-10K MYKYTIUK DePaul University College of St. Francis VALrER FALK RoGER NASH Loop College C h icago RICHARD FRIED JAMES NEts SIAN University of Illinois, Indiana Unit ersits, Gars Chicago IRVIN E. OESrERREICH WALTER Gittv College of St. Francis Loyola Unit ersity SR. MARY DENtS OGRADY SR ANNE H..tRRINGT0N St. Xavier College Mundelein College PAULA PFEFFER PETER HAYES Mundelem College Northwestern University SUSAN RASIIREz T. WILLIAM HEYCK DePaul University Northwestern Unitersity JAMES SACK SR. MARY JOSELMA HROMCHO Unit ersity of Illinois, College of St. Francis Chicago TIEI0THY JACOBSON GREGoRY SINGLETON Chicago Historical Society Northeastern Illinois University EwARD KANTowIcz RUTH SOL0FF Chicago Park Forest THEODORE KARAM.Nsx] ROBERT S-rEUroN Lovola University Morgan Park Academy SR. DOROTHY KINSELLA DIANNE ROBERTA TuRN&LL College of St. Francis Skokie TH0EIA5 KNAPP GLoRIA JYSL Loyola University Illinois Benedictine College BARRY KRITZBERG MARSHA WEINSTEIN Morgan Park Academy Arai Middle School JAMES KR0KAR JAMES WRIGHT DePaul University Triton College ARTHUR ZILvERsIIr Lake forest College AHA Editorial Staff Eileen Gavlarcl Michael Fitzsimmons Andrew Wise Ann Ince TABLE OF (X)\TEN IS AMERICAN HiSTORICAL ASSOCIATION General Information 8 Meetings of Affiliated Societies and Groups it) Floor Plan of FL iitt Regency 19 AHA Sessions 20 Luncheons 59, 80 lopical index $7 List of Participants 8$ Scholars from Abroad 9 I Exhibitors Annual Reports of the Executive Directo 99 Editor, AflR 107 Controller lit) HIS’I ORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY Program 125 List of Participants 145 MAP Of CHICAGo 11$ ADVERTISERS 151 GENERAL INFORMATION HEADQUARTERS: All sessions will be held in the Hyatt Regency, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601, as will registration and sale of meal tickets. The Local Arrangements Committee offices will be rooms 264 and 261, Press in room 273, anti AHA staff offices in rooms 265 anti 269, all on the mezzanine (Skyway) level behind the Concierge and East Tower elevators. The job register will be in Regency C and D on the Ballroom level. West Tower; book exhibits will be in basement East Exhibit Hail. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION: Members who have not vet reserveti hotel accommoda tion should send their reservation forms (contained in the September Peis/ectives) directly to the Hyatt Regency, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601. Given the very low rates ($32 single, $39 double, triple, quad) the association is not using any overflow hotels. SPECIAL AIRfARES TO CHICAGO: Conference Air Services (CAS), the American Historical Association’s official air travel coordinator, is offering special discount airfares to those attending the Chicago meeting. The airfares offered by CAS are lower than coach fares and most supersaver fares. For more information and to reserve a flight, call CAS toll free at 800/336-0227. Monday through Friday. 9:1)0 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST. Virginia and greater Washington DC residents should call 703/528-0114. GROUND TRANSPORTATION: Either for long-distance road maps, or for official indications of best routes to the Hyatt Regenc within the city from major throughwavs. write to the Local Arrangements Chairman, Paul B. johnson, Roosevelt University. 430 S. Michigan Avenue. Chicago, IL 60605. From Midway and O’Hare airports. major limousines stop at the Hyatt Regency; from O’Hare, a Chicago Transit Atithority train stops five short blocks (cheap taxi) from the hotel, for indoor pedestrian access from the Illinois Central commuter trains to the hotel, take underground platftrm north to South Water Street station exit, anti follow instructions.
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