(Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) The Flash 2x07 "Take Down Grodd" Written by Alex Brow "Official 2x07 Script" (Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) EXT. DOWNTOWN - NIGHT Later this episode. Grodd stands there in middle of the street. GRODD Time to repay your death, Flash. BARRY Not today. GRODD Huh? BARRY You heard me! Barry speeds down-- Jumping into the air punching Grodd with full force lightning goes over him flinging Grodd further away, onto the ground. Barry runs towards Grodd again but He stops. Is thrown miles down the street. TITLE CARD. INT. STAR LABS - DAY Barry walks into the Cortex. Everyone is back to normal. CAITLYN I'm so sorry, Barry. FLASHBACK: Caitlyn punches Barry in the face, then tripping him to the ground. FASHFORWARD: BARRY It's fine. You weren't you. It was completely Grodd. Alarms go off. CISCO Speaking of Grodd. BARRY On it. Barry speeds off. (Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 2. EXT. DOWNTOWN - DAY Barry speeds in-front of Grodd. GRODD Barry Allen.. The Flash. BARRY Grodd. I will stop you! You are a beast, nothing but a monster. GRODD No. I'm a hero. Your nothing. Barry Lightning Punches Grodd. Grodd then leaves. BARRY NOOOO. Whoosh; INT. STAR LABS - DAY Barry returns. BARRY Again, I failed. CISCO Oi. You will get him. BARRY How are we going with Thawne? CAITLYN Let's just focus on Grodd. BARRY Okay. What are we going to do? CAITLYN Okay, as we know he has powers. We have to re-create the Meta-Cure. BARRY No. That got wiped out along with the other timeline where Bart came from. A voice. BART Maybe It didn't. (Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 3. BARRY Huh? It's revealed to be BART ALLEN! Back! BART I just didn't know what hit me. I started fading out then in so I ran, ran so fast and entered the speed- force. Then out of nowhere, the thing stopped. I was stuck in the Speedforce. But I left in this time. So what's changed? BARRY We need to stop a new meta what is actually a animal. BART Great. Grodd. BARRY We tried making a Meta-Cure but seems like all the required things are gone. BART That's because you haven't come across them yet. A guy named: Cicada. Everyone is shaken, freaky. BART (cont'd) Scary I know. I almost died because of him. But, that's not here. Hopefully never happens. Barry's phone goes off. BARRY I need to go to CCPD. Barry speeds off. INT. CCPD - DAY Barry enters and walks into Joe's office. JOE How is everything going with. You know... Team Flash? (Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 4. Barry shuts the door. BARRY Yeah, you know. Trouble but I got some help right now to take down the evil gorilla. JOE Yeah. I need you to hurry up with that, people are getting real scared. BARRY Yeah, I will. Barry's phone rings. He picks it up. CISCO (PHONE) We need you. BARRY It can wait. Barry hangs up. JOE Ugh, so yeah. After Grodd we must deal with the guy in the Yellow suit. Eobard Thawne. Barry stands up. BARRY Yeah we will. Thank you. I got to go. Barry walks out. INT. STAR LABS - NIGHT - LATER Barry spent quite a few hours with Iris but now it's Dark. CAITLYN GRODD DOWNTOWN NOW! Barry speeds off. EXT. DOWNTOWN - NIGHT Grodd stands there in middle of the street. GRODD Time to repay your death, Flash. (Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 5. BARRY Not today. GRODD Huh? BARRY You heard me! Barry speeds down-- Jumping into the air punching Grodd with full force lightning goes over him flinging Grodd further away, onto the ground. Barry runs towards Grodd again but He stops. Is thrown miles down the street. Barry is hurt. THEN Grodd looks down upon Barry. Out of nowhere, A lightning bolt hits Grodd, sending him flying down the street. BART Hey you. His not the only Speedster. You can call me "Kid Flash". GRODD Bart. Bart lightning punches Grodd to the ground but, then Barry knocks him out. Slam to Black; INT. STAR LABS - NIGHT Everyone is in the Cortex. BARRY Couldn't of done this without you Bart. BART Yeah. No worries. I better go. I got some exploring to do. BARRY Good luck man! BART You too! Wally speeds in. (Printed with the demonstration version of Fade In) 6. WALLY Who's this? BARRY Meet Kid Flash from a duplicate Timeline. WALLY Nice to meet you. I'm Wally. Both shake hands, Bart leaves speeding off. Out of nowhere, A red lightning zooms around sending Wally through a glass wall area into a shelf. Barry turns around quickly. Thawne stops. THAWNE Flash. Time to die! SLAM TO BLACK. THE END..
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