_____________________________ _____ ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER Or ATTORNEY(S) DAVID R. ONGARO (STATE BAR NO.: 154698) SCHNADER HARRISON SEGAL & LEWIS Floor 601 California St., 12th San Francisco, CA 9461D8—2817 415—364—6700 BARNO.: 148551 ATtORNEY(S)FOR: BERETTA U.S.A. CORP. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, by and CASE NUMBER through San Francisco City Attorney, et al 303753 PLAINTIFF(S) VS. STATUS AND SET11NG CONFERENCE STATEMENT ARCADIA MACHINE & TOOL, INC., et al. DATE: TIME: October 29, 1999 9:00 a.m. DEFENDANT(S) . trial time 30 days 1. Plan 3 jury requested by De f . BERETTA U. S A. CORP Estimated (Plaintiff/Defendant) 2. AU parties have appeared Yes x No If not, why not? Unknown Business and 3. Indicate the type of action (see list in Local Rule 3.IB): Public Nuisance and Professions Code Sections 17200 and 17500 4. (a) If case involves personal injury: (1) Nature and extent of injuries: (2) Expenses: Doctor Hospital X-Rays, M.R.I., etc. Therapy Future medical (3) Income loss: (Age) (Occupation) (Dates Off (Amount) (4) Other special damages: (b) If case is not personal injury, indicate nature of damages and type of relief sought. 5. Is this case entitled to legal preference? Under what code and section number? 6. State any reason why this case is not subject to mandatory judicial arbitration. (SeeCCP1I4I.11) Equitable relief is being sought. See Code Civ. Proc., section 1141.3 7. Is equitable relief sought? x Yes No If yes, describe: ADR-S&SC Rev. 7/1198 SF-TDR2 )c7-2 jq _________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Counsel has provided ADR information material to her or his client and reviewed ADR options. x Yes No If not, why? 9. My client agrees to participate in: Mediation Stipulated judicial arbitration (e CCP 1141.12) Early Settlement Program Non-judicial arbitration Other ADR (describe): 10. AU parties have agreed to the following ADR option(s): Mediation Stipulated judicial arbitration (S CCP 1141.12) Early Settlement Program Non-judicial arbitration Other ADR (describe): (If all parties do not agree, please indicate individual preferences.) At this time, BERETTA does not believe any form of ADR is suitable. 11. If all parties agree to mediation, indicate the approximate date case will be ready to begin mediation. N/A 12. Please send me additional information about the Superior Court’s Voluntary Civil Mediation Program. Yes x No Dated: Oct.e..-.J9. 1999-fl Signed: / DAVID R.ANGAO A Attorney fo’: BERETTA tI. S\. A. CORP. Attorney for: Names, addresses, telephone and FAX numbers of all attorneys in action and parties appearing without counsel: Name: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST Attorney for: Address: Tel and Fax No.: Name: Attorney for: Address: Tel and Fax No.: Name: Attorney for: Address: Tel and Fax No.: FOR ADDITIONAL PARTIES USE, SEPARATE SHEET PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 2 I, Ulrike I. Woelfel, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the following is true and correct: I am employed in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, in the office of a member of the bar of this court, at whose direction the service was made. I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen (18) years, and not a party to or interested in the within- entitled cause. I am an employee of SCHNADER, HARRIsoN, SEGPI & LEwIs LLP, and my business address is 601 California Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco, California 94108-2817. 6 I caused to be served the following: STATUS AD SETTING CONFERENCE STATEMENT 8 I caused the above document(s) to be served with the following entities by the following means: 10 I enclosed true and correct copy(ies) of said document(s) in an envelope and placed it for collection and mailing with the United States Post Office on October 20, 1999, following the ordinary business practice. 12 SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST 13 I am readily familiar with my finn’s practice for collection and processing of correspondence for delivery in the manner indicated above, to wit, that correspondence will be 14 deposited for collection in the above-described manner this same day in the ordinary course of business. 15 Executed on October 20, 1999, at San Francisco, California. 18 Ulrikel.W lfel 20 21 24 25 26 - 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE 5HSL:504676 SERVICE LIST (Beretta: Countv of San Francisco) COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFFS: Louise H. Renne, San Francisco City Attorney Samuel L. Jackson, Sacramento City Attorney Patrick i. Mahoney, Chief Trial Attorney Gloria Zarco, Deputy City Attorney Owen J. Clements, Chief of Special Litigation 980— 9th Street, 10th Floor D. Cameron Baker, Deputy City Attorney Sacramento, CA 95814 Ingrid M. Evans, Deputy City Attorney Telephone: (916-264-5346 Fox Plaza Facsimile: (916) 264-7455 1390 Market Street, 6th Floor Prosecuting on behalf of the City of San Francisco, CA 94102-5408 Sacramento and Joe Serna, Jr. Telephone: (415) 554-3800 Facsimile: (415) 554-3837 William S. Lerach, Esq. Manuela Albuquerque, Berkeley City Attorney Michael J. Dowd, Esq. Matthew J. Orebic, Deputy City Attorney Frank J. Janecek, Jr., Esq. 1947 Center Street, Floor Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach, LLP Berkeley, CA 94704 600 West Broadway, Suite 1800 Telephone: (510) 644-6380 SanDiego,CA 92101 Facsimile: (510) 644-8641 Telephone: (619) 231-1058 Facsimile: (619) 231-7423 Richard M. Heimann, Esq. Thomas F. Casey III, San Mateo Co. Counsel Robert J. Nelson, Esq. Brenda B. Carison, Deputy County Counsel Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein, LLP 400 County Center Embarcadero Center West Redwood City, CA 94063 275 Battery Street, 28th Floor Telephone: (650) 363-4760 San Francisco, CA 94111-3339 Facsimile: (650) 363-4034 Telephone: (415) 956-1000 Facsimile: (415) 956-1008 Alan M. Caplan, Esq. Richard E. Winnie, Alameda County Counsel Philip Neumark, Esq. Kristen J. Thorsness, Deputy County Counsel Bushnell, Caplan & Fielding, LLP Office of Alameda County Counsel 221 Pine Street, Suite 600 1221 Oak Street Room 463 San Francisco, CA 94104-2715 Oakland, CA 946 12-4296 Telephone: (415) 217-3000 Telephone: (510) 272-6700 Facsimile: (415) 217-3820 Facsimile: (510) 272-5020 Jonathan D. McCue, Esq. Dennis A. Henigan, Esq. Charles MeCue, Esq. Jonathan E. Lowy, Esq. McCue & McCue Brian J. Siebel, Esq. 600 Broadway, Suite 930 Center to Prevent Handgun Violence SanDiego,CA 92101 1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 1100 Telephone: (619) 338-8136 Washington, D.C. 20005 Facsimile: (619) 338-0322 Telephone: (202) 289-7319 Facsimile: (202) 898-0059 Steven J. Toll, Esq. Richard S. Lewis, Esq. Cohen Milstein Hausfeld & Toll, P.L.L.C. Joseph M. Sellers, Esq. 999 Third Street, Suite 3600 An Karen, Esq. Seattle, WA 98104 Cohen Milstein Hausfeld & Toll, P.L.L.C. Telephone: (206) 521-0080 1100 New York Avenue, N.W. Facsimile: (206) 521-0166 West Tower, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005-3964 Telephone: (202) 408-4600 Facsimile: (202) 408-4699 Michael S. Lawson, Esq. Jayne W. Williams, Esq. East Palo Alto City Attorney Randolph W. Hall, Esq. Thompson, Lawson LLP Joyce M. Hicks, Esq. 1600 Broadway, Suite 250 Deputy City Attorneys 16th Oakland, CA 94612 One Frank Ogawa Plaza, Floor Telephone: (510) 835-1600 Oakland, CA 94612 Facsimile: (510) 835-2077 Telephone: (510) 238-3601 Facsimile: (510) 238-6500 David Kairys, Esq. Patrick J. Coughlin, Esq. Law Offices of David Kairys Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach, LLP 1719 North Broad Street 100 Pine Street, Suite 2600 Philadelphia, PA 19107 San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: (215) 204-8959 Telephone: (415) 288-4545 Facsimile: (415) 288-4534 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANTS: Timothy A. Bumann, Esq. James P. Dorr, Esq. Dana S. Mancuso, Esq. Anne 0. Kimball, Esq. Budd Laarner Gross Rosenbaum Greenberg & Sade Dale Wills, Esq. 127 Peachtree Street, N.E. James Vogts, Esq. Atlanta, GA 30303 Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon Telephone: (404) 688-3000 225 West Wacker Drive, 30th Floor Facsimile: (404) 688-0888 Chicago, IL 60606 Phoenix Arms, Taurus Int’l., B.L. Jennings Telephone: (312) 201-2000 Facsimile: (312) 201-2555 Smith & Wesson, Stiirm Ruger & Co. John Renzulli, Esq. Robert L. Joyce, Esq. Renzulli & Rutherford Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker 300 E. 42nd Street 150 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 New York, NY 19917 Telephone: (212) 599-5533 Telephone: (212) 490-3000 Facsimile: (212) 599-5162 Facsimile: (212) 490-3038 H&R 1871, Hi-Point Firearms, Glock, Inc. Sigarms, Inc. Rex Heeseman, Esq. Lawrence S. Greenwald, Esq. Lawrence J. Kouns, Esq. Catherine A. Bledsoe, Esq. Christopher J. Healey, Esq. Cynthia A. Shay, Esq. Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hofiberger & 600 West Broadway, Suite 2600 Hollander San Diego, CA 92101 The Garrett Building Telephone: (619) 236-1414 223 East Redwood Street Facsimile: (619) 232-8311 Baltimore, MD 21202-3332 Smith & Wesson, Sturm Ruger & Co. Telephone: (410) 576-4000 Facsimile: (410) 576-4246 P. Beretta Sp.A. and Beretta USA Corp. James C. Sabalos, Esq. Thomas E. Fennell, Esq. Law Offices of James C. Sabalos
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