Issued Tuesday Thursday SATURDAY T he Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Class Mall Matte, THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 94................. Number 46. Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, April 18, 1939 The Courier-Gazette Committees Named [EDITORIAL] ROOSEVELTS PROPOSITION THREE-TIME8A-WEEK BIG DAY FOR THREE LINKERS “The Black Cat” Editor Men Who Will Serve Rock­ President’s Cup At Bates Over the radio, and through the daily press, the civilized WM. O FtffJ.ER College Goes To Three world learned Saturday of the peace plea made to Hitler and Associate Editor land Chamber Of Com­ Mussolini by the President of the United States. Probably PRANK A. WINSLOW merce This Year Camden To Do Itself Proud When All Branches Students From This City a waste of paper and ink so far as direct beneficial results may Subscriptions S3 GO ner year payable in adyance: Mingle copies thiee cents. Leforest A. Thurston president of Meet There Tomorrow Night For the first time since the cup be concerned, but an honest and earnest endeavor to con­ Advertising rates based upon circuit has been offered, Rockland High, of tlon and very reasonable. the Rockland Chamber of Com­ serve the peace which is so sorely threatened. “I have ad­ NEWSPAPER HISTORY Rockland. Me., was named the win- dressed you in behalf of the settlement of political, economic merce announces appointment of Tlie Rockland Gazette was estab- All the Camden den Opera House where the an- ner Of ^ e president’s Cup. offered and social problems by peaceful methods and without resort llshid In 1U46 In 1874 the Courier was established and consolidated with the the following committees: branches of the I. O. nlversary exercise will be held. The by Bates Coilege to the school rep- to arms," wrote President Roosevelt, The momentous docu­ Oa/ette ln 1882 The Free Press was Publicity Committee — Prank A. O P , together with visiting grand officers will be intro- resented by three or more students e»! a Wished In 1855 and In 1891 ch a n g ed 'W ment is an admirable appeal and one which might bear fruitful Its i.aoie to the Tr'bune. These paper* Winslow, chairman A. W. Gregory, scores of visiting Odd duced and there will be two [n Freshman class with the corn- results were it addressed to men who are not obsessed by the consolidated March IT. 1697 Fellows and Rebekahs, will join speeches. Past Grand Representa- , bined highest scholastic average L E. Jones. Parker Ef Worrey. lust of conquest and power, which, unfortunately, France and Wednesday night to observe the tive Elton H. Pales of Lewiston will | during the first semester An- Great Britain have unintentionally aided. From the message Good Roads Committee—Charles 120th annlversary of American odd speak on the history of Odd Fellow- ! nouncement of the award was made we quote: All .true patriots will meet In H. Berry, chairman. Walter C Ladd, Fellowship. •» heaven Charlotte Corday ship, and Grand Warden John W I in the Bates Chapel exercises this In making this statement, we as Americans speak not Maurice P. Lovejoy, Cleveland | Since Canton Molineaux. P.M., is Thornton of Lewiston, will discuss morning. through selfishness or fear or weakness. If we speak now it Sleeper, Jr. Parker E. Worrey, Ben- , observing its 27th birthday as well the Order’s future. | Honorable mention went to New- it with the voice of strength and with friendship for mankind. When my good friend Boze had Jamin Philbrook. Cleo W. Hopkln:.' this week, the Camden chevaliers Canton J. H. Dearborn Is coming ton High School Newtonville. Mass It is still clear to me that international problems can be completed the 20 volumes written Entertainment Committee — Al-1 are holding a special cantonment from Saco to present an exhibition j other schools which ranked high solved at the council table. by Thoreau he had convincingly Poppy Day May 20 I am convinced that the cause of world peace would be fred C. Hocking, chairman, Fred M ' that day at 4 p. m. when the drill. |during the first semester Included: greatly advanced if the nations of the world were to obtain a shown his admiration for that au­ Winslow-Holbrook Auxili­ Llnekin, Sumner C. Perry, George degree staff of Canton Bangor will Tlie evening will conclude with i Malden High School. Malden, Mass ; frank statement relating to the present and future policy of thor but having just completed a D Sleeper. Theodore 6 Bird Staf­ exemplify the Patriarchs Militant dancing, music by Oat’’ Dean and Classical High School, Springfield, governments. second reading of those 20 volume.s ary W ill Have Charge Of ford M Congdon, Lucius E. Jones, degree on a class of candidates. his Rythm Boys. The grand march Mass.; and Naugatuck High School, Because the United States, as one of the nations of the amounts to—what shall I call it, an Western Hemisphere, is not involved ln the immediate con­ Local Distribution Horatio 6. Cowan. But this is the only event confined will be led by the commanding of­ Naugatuck, Conn. troversies which have arisen in Europe, I trust that you may obsession? ”1 enjoy Thoreau,” says Committee on Finance—Homer E. Boze. “because he is a man worth I. to one branch of the order as in ficer of Canton Molineaux, Captain Students representing Rockland be willing to make such a statement of policy to me as the Poppy Day will be observed in ' Robinson, chairman. E. J. Hellier, the rest of the program all branches Norman E. Fuller and Mrs. Fuller. High at Bates this year include: head of a nation far removed from Europe In order tliat I. wasting his time upon.” Rockland Saturday. May 20. with Earle McIntosh A rthur 6 Baker will participate. Members of the I.O.O.F. may se­ Marion Ludwick, Dorothy Frost acting only with the responsibility and pbligation of a —o— the wearing of memorial poppies in 1 industrial Committee — E. R. friendly Intermediary, may communicate such declaration to Riding to North Waldoboro Sat­ A public supper will be served at cure Invitations to this program for and Doris Borgerson. The repre­ other nations now apprehensive as to the course which the honor of the World War dead. C ath­ Gowell, chairman. M. B. Perry, 5:15 in the Megunticook Grange their friends. sentatives of Newton High Schoo) policy of your government may take. urday afternoon 1 was considerably arine Libby, president of Winslow- Thomas Chisholm. John M. Rich­ hall and immediately after supper The Camden Odd Fellows expect are: Lloyd Chalsson. Dexter Hill. Are you willing to give assurance that your armed forces puzzled to know why the car ahead Holbrook Unit of the American Le­ ardson. Elmer B. Crockett, John M the members will form for a parade the unusual privilege of entertain­ Robert Muldoon, James Scharfen- will not attack or invade the territory or possessions of the of us made frequent stops while one gion Auxiliary, announced today. Pomeroy Lawrence Miller. H. P. through the principal streets ac­ ing the three ranking officers of berg, Robert Stiles, Anne Bruem- following independent nations: Finland. Estonia. Latvia. of the passengers would dart Into The observance will be led by the Lithuania, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. The Netherlands. Bel­ Blodgett. A. C Mclxton. E L. Brown. companied by the Community Band Grand Lodge and the ranking four tner, and Claire Wilson. gium. Great Britain and Ireland. France. Portugal. Spain. the ditch. And soon I found that a Auxiliary women and members of P. C. Gatcomb. under the direction of Clarence A. of the Grand Encampment on one Miss Ludwick daughter of Mr Switzerland, Liechtenstein. Luxemburg. Poland. Hungary. Ru­ new industry had been established the Post who will distribute poppies Legal Affairs Committee — Frank Fish Captain J. Crosby Hobbs “R” occasion: Grand Master, Ansel D. and Mrs C. Earle Ludwick. 62 mania, Yugoslavia. Russia, Bulgaria. Oreece, Turkey, Iraq, —picking up liquor bottles discard­ on the streets during the day. A. Tlrrell, chairman Edward C. and Captain Oeorge E. Nichols Smith, Hulls Cove; Deputy Grand i Limerock street, was a member of the Arabias, Syria. Palestine. Egypt and Iran. ed by motorists. This particular car More than 11.000.000 of the little Payson, Alan L. Bird. Ensign Otis Such an assurance clearly must apply not only to the seemed to have found good picking, “R.” both charter members of the Master. Wallace W. Roderick, tlie National Honor Society, had an present day but also to a future sufficiently long to give every red memorial flowers have been Budget Committee—L. A. Thurs­ local canton, will serve as marshals Waterville: Grand Wa’den H jcm - honor part ln the 1938 commence- opportunity to work by peaceful methods for a more perma­ and it was quite evident that many made by disabled World War vet­ ton, Elmer B. Crockett. Parker E. and a squad of the Camden Fire ton; Grand Patriarch. C Ralph ment, and was the winner of the nent peace. I therefore suggest that you construe the word thirsty motorists had traveled that erans working in government hos­ Worrey. Department will act as escort to the Fitch. Waterville; Grand High sophomore prize speaking contest “future'’ to apply to a minimum period of assured non-agres­ way. Of course the drivers had not sion—ten years at the least_a quarter of a century, If we dare pitals and in poppy workrooms Merchants' Committee — Kennedy parade. The visiting Cantons will Priest. Vernon C. Flint, Old Town; while at Rockland. imbibed. Crane, chairman Willis I.
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