US007267857B1 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,267,857 B1 Singer (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 11, 2007 (54) MOUNTING AND LAMINATING SYSTEM 4,259,143 A 3/ 1981 Giulie et al. _ _ _ 4,771,557 A 9/1988 Bowman (75) Inventor: Karl smger’ Bamngton H1115’ IL (Us) 4,892,335 A * 1/1990 Taft .......................... .. 283/75 (73) Assignee: D & K International, Inc., Elk Grove 5’0l0’666 A 4/1991 Robles Village, IL (Us) 5,090,732 A * 2/1992 Kuhns et al. ............... .. 281/29 5,824,415 A * 10/1998 Kanki et 61. ........... .. 428/411.1 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC 154(b) by 139 days. (Continued) (21) App1.No.: 10/394,436 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) Filed: Mar. 21, 2003 JP 10249982 A 9/1998 (51) Int. C1. 3323 27/00 (2006.01) A47G 1/12 (2006.01) _ B65D 69/00 (2006.01) (Con?rmed) B65D 73/00 (200601) OTHER PUBLICATIONS B65D 25/54 (2006.01) G09F 1/12 (2006-01) Edward Petrie, Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, Copyright B42D 15/10 (2006.01) 2000, McGraW-Hill, pp. 402-404.* (52) us. Cl. .................. .. 428/35.2; 428/13; 428/542.2; 428/542.6; 428/913.3; 428/914; 206/232; (Continued) 206/461; 206/466; 206/769; 206/770; 206/771; Primary ExamineriAlicia Chevalier 40/124.06; 40/760; 283/81; 281/2; 281/5 Assistant Examiner4Chris Bruenjes (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ............. .. 428/34.2, (74) Attorney Agent] Or FirmiSChWanZ Cooper Chartered 428/35.2, 35.5, 35.7, 36.92, 13, 542.2, 542.6, 428/913.3, 914; 206/769, 770, 771, 215, (57) ABSTRACT 206/232, 449, 461, 466; 40/124.06, 594, 40/606.01, 702, 745, 760; 235/488; 283/81; 281/2, 5 A laminating and mounting system include a pouch (10) See application ?le for Complete Search history made of thermal laminating ?lm (15,16) and a thermal 56 R f C-t d adhesive (21,22) on a surface (17,18) both inside the pouch ( ) e erences l e and outside the pouch. A ?rst substrate (19), like a print, is US. PATENT DOCUMENTS placed Within a chamber (25) of the pouch (10). The pouch (10) is attached or aligned With a backer board, a rigid $333231 2 4 130332 Z3312“ e111. ............ .. 283782 81113888 (20> “18 assembly Comprising. the Pouch <10); 3’95l’724 A 4 / 197 6 Johnson et a1‘ prmt (19)'and'backer substrate (20) are lammated In one pass 430643645 A 12/1977 Wood by a lammatmg machme (30) that appl1es both heat and 4,101,701 A * 7/1978 Gordon .................... .. 428/189 Pressure' 4,158,587 A 6/1979 Keller et al. .............. .. 156/216 4,197,151 A * 4/1980 MuZik ...................... .. 156/249 5 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets Laminator US 7,267,857 B1 Page 2 US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2003/0148044 A1 * 8/2003 Auld et a1. ................. .. 428/13 2004/0053040 A1 * 3/2004 Goodson et al. 428/326 6,108,957 8/2000 Zapawa ................. .. 40/654.01 2004/0081788 A1 * 4/2004 Sudofsky ................. .. 428/40.1 6,124,032 9/2000 Bloch et a1. 6,131,636 10/2000 Anderson et a1. ......... .. 156/555 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,159,327 12/2000 Forkert ........ .. 156/264 JP 2001212910 A * 8/2001 6,322,862 11/2001 Sakai .. 428/13 6,379,765 4/2002 Woods OTHER PUBLICATIONS 6,460,280 10/2002 Haines-Woon 6,524,413 2/2003 DoWZall et al. Machine Translation of JP 2001 -212910 A.* 6,683,520 1/2004 Sakai ....................... .. 335/285 6,692,806 2/2004 Woods .................... .. 428/40.1 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 1 0f 8 US 7,267,857 B1 r10 15 11 13 r10 15 16 If 11 13 FIG. 3 15 21 Laminator /.‘rllll'?ulll 1619 lb?)20 22 Feed FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 5 0f 8 US 7,267,857 B1 33553:OEPEQEQO “Eva-29.1w9539imzzmcmw 2?:5.5553 .UEw A Q862EE <2BEES8.53 E#2.E5 U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 6 0f 8 US 7,267,857 B1 coz?smzcoo.BEEES umiomnmaze-.52Etn-EmomumumouczB EN EN .2 law @288E5 U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 7 0f 8 US 7,267,857 B1 coz?zmccooBEEEB mczmoqmzmmEE-BEEmom953955.3 05.2mm22vmzmméi .0E2 E32312 *0Q2.Emom U.S. Patent Sep. 11, 2007 Sheet 8 0f 8 US 7,267,857 B1 m:==:o_>_uBmEESEtn-3 3300.0...“Emom ancor?smzcouBEES-31/ UQMEEmJEta uBmoOéEEmom US 7,267,857 B1 1 2 MOUNTING AND LAMINATING SYSTEM In continuous form, the ?lm is supplied to the laminator from a supply roll and in Web form. Usually, the Web of ?lm TECHNICAL FIELD is fed to the laminating machine from a supply roll and the articles to be laminated are supplied to the machine indi The present invention generally relates to laminated sys vidually. If the lamination is to be one-sided, the ?lm is tems and more particularly to a thermal laminated product supplied from a single roll; if the lamination is to be and the method to make the laminated product. The process tWo-sided, the ?lm is supplied from tWo, separate rolls, one uses one step to laminate a ?rst substrate, like a brochure or above the article to be laminated and one beloW the article picture, to a second rigid or semi-rigid second substrate, to be laminated. such as foam board, GATORBOARD®, PVC board, SYN The coatings or adhesives used on these ?lms incorporate TRA®, matt board, illustration board and cardboard (e.g., 24 vinyl acetate into the backbone of the polyethylene polymer. pt. board). The product incorporates a pouch having a heat The resulting resin is an EVA (Polyethylene Vinyl Acetate activated adhesive on both sides of the back surface. copolymer) or form thereof. These adhesives are not tacky at room temperature, but become tacky When heat is applied BACKGROUND ART to them, e.g., over 1750 F. As noted previously, for certain applications, such as Lamination With protective ?lms is commonly used to presentations, advertisements, exhibits, educational training, protect print substrates. The laminated product not only etc., it is desirable to mount the substrate to be laminated looks nice, but also protects from the aging process and onto a supportive backing, such as a rigid substrate or environment. Such products typically include a media or 20 semi-rigid substrate (e.g., foam board, GATORBOARD®, substrate such as paper (documents, posters and photo PVC board, SYNTRA®, matt board, illustration board and graphs), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic cards (credit cardboard (e.g., 24 pt. board)). cards, driver’s license, or other identi?cation cards), card As noted previously, for certain applications, such as board (packaging or posters), foam-board (presentation, presentations, advertisements, exhibits, educational training, exhibition or display pieces), etc., laminated on one or both 25 etc., it is desirable to mount the substrate to be laminated sides With a transparent plastic ?lm. The ?lm can be glossy onto a supportive backing, such as a rigid or semi-rigid or matte or With a particular texture depending upon the substrate (e.g., cardboard, foam board, GATORBOARD®, application. Examples of such products include menus, book etc.). To simplify and clarify discussion, the item to be covers, presentation folders, boxes, video cassette cases, laminated Will be called at times the “print substrate,” even record and CD jackets and displays for stores and exhibition. 30 though it does not necessarily need to be printed. In addition, Items to be laminated can be laminated using one-sided or the surface facing outWardly toWards the vieWer Will be tWo-sided laminations. Also, the laminating and mounting called the “front surface,” and the surface facing the backer process can be accomplished using heat and pressure (ther board Will be called the “back surface.” mal lamination process) or pressure alone (pressure sensitive FIGS. 5-11 generally shoW various processes used today. process). Usually the adhesive employed dictates the pro 35 The laminator is generally shoWn by the reference number cess to be used. 30. It includes a pair of pressure rollers 101,102, a pair of For certain applications, it is desired to mount a ?rst ?lm supply rollers 105,106 (for thermal laminated ?lm substrate onto a supportive rigid second substrate, such as (requiring heat) or PSA ?lm (not requiring heat)), a pair of foam board, GATORBOARD®, PVC board, SYNTRA®, pull rollers 103,104 and at least one release liner reWind 107. matt board, illustration board or cardboard (e.g., 24 pt. 40 Typically, a print substrate 200 is ?rst laminated on its front board). Typically, the ?rst substrate is ?rst laminated (using surface (one-sided lamination) via a lamination process and one- or tWo-sided lamination), then adhered onto the second then adhered, via its back surface, onto a rigid backer or substrate. This laminating and/or mounting process can be substrate via a second lamination process. As such, it usually accomplished using heat or pressure or a combination requires several passes through a laminating machine to thereof by using Wet adhesives, thermal lamination and/or 45 laminate the print substrate to a backer board. pressure sensitive adhesives. According to a ?rst process, the print substrate 200 is ?rst In the thermal lamination process, the ?lm, generally laminated on the front surface (top) With a thermal laminat polypropylene, polyester, vinyl or nylon, has a layer of heat ing ?lm 201 and on the back surface (bottom) With a activated adhesive on one side.
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