The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 4-28-1955 Maine Campus April 28 1955 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus April 28 1955" (1955). Maine Campus Archives. 2441. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mainecampus/2441 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. n. v5 THE MAINE CAMPUS Published Weekly by the Students of the University of Maine Vol. LVI Z 265 Orono, Maine, April 28, 1955 Number 25 Margenau IF C Discusses Plan Speak For "Police Force" At Assembly By JOE RIGO Discussion of a suggested form for a fraternity "police Dr. Henry Margenau, nation- force" dominated the last Interfraternity Council meeting, Wednesday, ally known atomic physicist and April 20. philosopher, will be the featured Concerning the "police force," Arnold suggested violations dis- speaker at the annual Scholar- Bruce Arnold of Phi Eta Kappa re- covered by the group would be re- ship Award ported that, Assembly Wednes- after discussing the mat- ported to the IFC, the fraternity con- ter, his day, May 4, in Memorial Gym. house recommended a group cerned would be called in to present of non-fraternity Dr. Margenau will speak on students and faculty its case, and the IFC would then vote members which "The New Faith of Science" at would check fraterni- in secret ballot on whether the house ty functions for I sm- the 9:30 a.m. program. violations of Universi- should be punished. If the house is ty rules. ile of To Present Trophies to be punished, the IFC, under the dents President Arthur A. Hauck will proposed system, would set the punish- ssman name the winners of several top Uni- ment. versity scholarships and representa- Christie Heads Clayton Sinclair, Bruce Arnold, tives of the Panhellenic and Inter- IFC Blake Bartlett, and Milton Christie The IFC fraternity Councils will present tro- Council elected new were named to a committee to look officers last week. They Cast in phies to the fraternity and sorority are over the system. They were instructed the leading role of the Maine Masque's production of Milton A. with the highest scholastic average for Christie, Lambda Chi to recommend if one should be estab- 'Peer Cynt' js Jack Hardy ho has held many leads w:th the Masque the past year. Alpha, president; Brad. W. Clax- lished and, if so, how it should be and at Camden Hills Summer Theatre. The p!ay will ton, Phi be presented Representatives of ten honorary Gamma Delta, vice pres- set U. at the Little Theatre from May 4-7. (Photo by Reed) scholastic societies will name new ident; and Paul H. Abbott, Delta '1-he matter was first brought up at members to their organizations at the Tau Delta. secretary-treasurer. a previous meeting. assembly. No action °Blur than establishing Born In Germany the committee was taken. Music Night To Feature Dr. Margenau was born in 1901 in In other business, the IFC voted to Germany and received his early edu- Bogert Ele !-ed change one of the rules concerning cation in the public schools and a participation in the Interfraternity teachers college in that country, lie g. Three Campus Groups later received his A.B. degree from WSGA Hicad; Previously if a house missed partici- Midland College in Nebraska and his pating for one year in the sing it be- BY JOHN LITTLEFIELD Symphony No. 5 in C minor M.S. degree from the University of Eagles came ineligible to retire the present Three University music groups win Finale: Allegro Nebraska. He received his doctor's Tapped ten-year McCusker Trophy. The new ruling allows a house three participate in the 11th annual Music. Ludwig van liccativen degree from Yale. Suzanne (Sue) Bogert ivas in-A0ed years of non-participation before Night. Friday, in the Memorial Gm. By the Orchestra Dr. Margenau became a citizen of as new president it of W.S.G.A. at a becomes ineligible. Over 200 student members of tl-v: Nlilitary Symphony in F the United States in 1930. compulsory women's assembly The move was made because it band, glee club and orchestra win Francois Joseph Gossec He taught at the Institute of Physics Wednesday afternoon was in the GN. m. felt that in ten years take part. Allegro Maestoso at the University of Nebraska in 1926 too many factors Other officers installed were Majo- might contribute to a house The program will begin at 8:15 1.arghetto and 1927 and afterwards moved to missing rie Mealy, social chairman; Mary Jane one year and then, p.m. Allegro Yale. because of loss of Kilpatrick, vice president; Frances Miring pom.er it would By the Band Many Accomplishments lose irterest This is the final concert in the Uni- Roderick, assembly chairman; Marilyn in the sing. versity Series. Tickets sk ill be on Elegischer Gesang Op. 118 His many accomplishments include Tarr, secretary: and Jane Caton, treas- A committee of Brad Claxton. Ed- sale at the door. Ludwig van Beethoven a Stearling Research Fellow in Mu- urer. MacGibbon and Herbert Featured as vocalists will be two By the Glee Club nich and Berlin, a member of the in- Peter- New W.A.A. officers presented at ..on. was set up to meet with mem- seniors, Patricia Gill, soprano, and La Boheme: stitute for advanced study at Princeton Si. Mi chiamano Mimi the assembly were Jane Wiseman, bers of the Faculty Advisors Council Charles Fassett, tenor. Miss Gill will (Soprano University, a staff member of the president; Jane Barker, vice president; to study financial matters of the fra- sing an aria from "La Boheme" Radiation Laboratory in Cambridge, and 0 soave fancuilla (Soprano and Dorothy Bradstreet, secretary: and ternities. One thing to be considered Fassett will join Massachusetts. and a consultant for her to sing a duet Tenor) Giacomo Puccini Margaret Flynt, treasurer. is method of forcing payment from from same By Patricia the Argonne National Laboratory. the opera. Gill and Charles Fassett Hilda Sterling received the annual fraternity members leaving school He has served as a member Francis Shaw will direct the band. Ses:ond Concerto in D minor Op.22 or A.A.U.W. award for outstanding ser- I while owing money to their house. officer of a number of professional Earle Melendy the orchestra and the Allegro con fuoco vice, scholarship, leadership and Wir.?.hip (Chip) Moody, r •tiring ‘ocieties and has been a visiting pro- ch:troct 'r. chorus will be under the direction of Henri Wieniawski president. reported ol the National Prof. Lewis Niven. fessor at severL1 colleges and universi- Tapped last night at the annual (Continued on Page Eight) Undergraduate Interfraternity Con- A special feature of the program ties in this country and abroad. (Continued on Page Five) ference. will be the presentation of the Mu Alpha Epsilon Senior Award to a senior who has contributed most to music on the Maine campus during the past four years. There will also be an announcement of the winners or the Mu Alpha Epsilon applied musk scholarship for the next year. The complete program follows: Prologue William Schumar Anderson Is Named GraduationSpeaker Robert B. Anderson. Deputy SL:cre- tary of Defense of the United States. will be the speaker at the University commencement exerckes. Pres. Arthur A. Hauck announced yesterday. Class day exercises will be held on Friday, June 10. alumni day events on Saturday. June II. and baccalaureate and commencement exercises on Sun- day, June 12. Anderson became Deputy Secretary of Defense on May 3. 1954. Previous- ly he had served in the Department of Defense as Secretary of the Navy. Anderson comes from the State of Texas. He was born in Burleson and graduated from Weatherford College Voting h the three tipper classes will be held 10 oil ti‘t• in 1927. After teaching and coaching Fi% C Se • r have been selected as candidates for the mcn football at Burleson High School for Senior candidates for the annual Washington %Itllllll i 55 :itch Porilaml Alumnae Watch tuard, presented annually to the Se • three years. he entered the University Award. This a.. aril is presented to that se • mart who ha. ii• t.irl abo ha. done the st for the I ni.ersit!. Noting on the of Texas Law School and graduated flees a ill the -1 for the 1 niversity. Candidates are: he held May 10, a ith the three upper classes casting 1932 l'ror-a ',wart in with highest honors. Seated at, : Nan,' Collins an,1 (:. teihia Nelson. Sianding, He has been active in Texas politic, and Paid Butler; standing, Llewellyn Clark and Nlerion Robinson. left tor ight: Cotesiance Leak, Sondra (lorsky. and Mary Atkinson. and business ever since. Th 1,"1111.11 Nal absent from the picture. (Photo by Strossman) (Photo by Strownan) Page Two THE MAINE CAMPUS Orono, Maine, April 28, 1955 Orm Delta Zeta Sorority Letter To The Editor Lec Masque Starts Last Week Sets Up English Prize The alumnae of Delta Zeta Sorori- Ou Of Rehearsals For "Peer Gynt" ty have established a prize of ten No Mayoralty Candidates Ger dollars for proficient.), in English. lature The Maine Masque has started the brings about the adventures which The prize is open to all girls who queste final week of rehearsals of Henric make up the story.
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