HoloStation: Augmented Visualization and Presentation Minju Kim1 Jungjin Lee1 Wolfgang Stuerzlinger2 Kwangyun Wohn1 1GSCT, KAIST 2SIAT, SFU Figure 1: Application scenarios of augmented presentation. According to the degree of engagement and interaction, the presenters role may vary: from storyteller(left), to controller(mid), to augmenter, who can be considered as a part of digital information(right). The double-images for the virtual content are due to the use of stereo display technology. Abstract 1 Introduction As much as stories need to be told, images need to be presented. Visualization alone can deliver messages by itself, but sometimes a Although visualizations are meant to be self-explanatory, often en- certain degree of additional interactivity makes visualization even hancing their expressive power by incorporating a certain degree more powerful. In many cases, interactive intervention of a human of interactivity, visualized images today often fail to encourage the presenter is one of the main factors that make information visual- active engagement of the user/audience. In many cases, interactive ization more effective and persuasive. By having the human pre- interventions by a human presenter have the potential to drastically senter being involved as a part of the displayed information, he/she improve the engagement with visualization. Rather than just show- increases the realism of the presented information, and thereby en- ing the content, the presenter then enhances information delivery, hances the audience’ immersion and understanding of the content. e.g., by providing the context of the visualization. In this paper, we The presenter’s verbal explanation, gestures, and facial expressions propose a novel concept called augmented presentation in which support the process of information delivery and make it possible to the human presenter occupies the same physical space as the visu- have direct interaction with the audience. In addition, the presenter alized information, thereby presenting and interacting with the vi- may provide the contextual information to the audience to augment sualized images seamlessly. Depending on the level of engagement the communicative process between the visualized information and the presenter’s role may vary: from a simple storyteller to an aug- the audience. mented presenter who may be regarded as a part of the visualized entity. To further the development of the new idea of augmented Beyond the conventional method of presentation that just simply presentation, we have designed, implemented, and user-tested a vi- displays and explains information, there recently have been some sualization system named HoloStation. The presenter is placed be- attempts to break down the boundaries between digital information tween two projection screens: the front one is half-mirrored and the and the presenter in order to provide more immersive and engag- rear one is a conventional wall screen. The 3D stereoscopic images ing presentation to the audience. These attempts mainly focused on are rendered to appear in-between, thereby creating a coherent 3D two issues: visual integration and direct interaction methods. For visualization space filled with digital information and the human the former, half-mirror films are typically used to optically com- presenter. We have conducted a controlled experiment to investi- bine the presenter with the visualized information. According to gate the subjective level of immersion and engagement of the au- the information visualization theory, this kind of setup enables the dience with HoloStation compared to the traditional presentation. viewer to perceive the integrated information in the same field of Our results suggest that our new form of augmented presentation view. Recently, this kind of presentation form has become popu- has a potential not only to enhance the quality of information pre- lar for performances, live presentations, advertisements and many sentation but also to enrich the user experience on visualizations. others where it is important to show the digital information tightly coupled with the physical objects [Geng 2013; Yang et al. 2015]. In regard to the interaction issue, there have been attempts to com- Keywords: 3D visualization, augmented presentation, human pre- plement visual communication by raising connectivity between the senter, information delivery presenter and the displayed information through the direct input Concepts: •Human-centered computing ! Visualization the- and gesture manipulations [Tapp 1996; Noma et al. 2000; Four- ory, concepts and paradigms; ney et al. 2010]. However, previous research has not studied the integration of the visualized information and the presenter into one Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for single integrated visualization framework, and limited to represent personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not them merged spatially and seamlessly. Therefore, it is hard for the made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear presenter to play the roles beyond the traditional ones, and to ex- this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components pand application scenarios sufficiently. of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to SA ’16 Symposium on Visualization, December 05-08, 2016, Macao redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request ISBN: 978-1-4503-4547-7/16/12 permissions from [email protected]. c 2016 ACM. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3002151.3002161 In this paper, we propose a novel concept, called augmented pre- presenter takes part in the visualization in various forms for richer sentation, in which the human presenter occupies the same physical visualization. space as the visualized information does, thereby presenting and in- teracting with the digital information seamlessly. Depending on the 2.2 Integration of presenter and visualization level of engagement, the presenter’s role may vary from a simplistic storyteller and a controller to an augmenter who may be regarded From the information visualization aspect, it is effective to visu- as a part of visualized entity. Accordingly, the presenter can further ally incorporate relevant information, because it is possible for the enhance the information delivery process in diverse forms by inter- viewer to quickly compare and contrast different forms of informa- acting with the three-dimensional information which is surrounding tion, to focus on the information, and to productively interact with him or her. Therefore, rather than just showing the visual content, the information [Liston et al. 2000]. Similarly, there has been a the presenter can provide the context of the visualization whilst al- number of studies in presentation contexts that aimed to increase lowing the audience to experience the immersive visualization and the level of visual integration between visualization and the presen- inducing a deeper engagement. ter (Figure2). With recent advances in display technology, it has To explore the newly proposed concept of augmented presentation, become possible to present naturally blended views of digital in- we have designed and implemented HoloStation. The presenter is formation and the human presenter [Geng 2013; Yang et al. 2015]. located between two screens: a half-mirror film on the front and a Optically combining visualization and the presenter helps the au- wall projection screen on the rear. The 3D stereoscopic images are dience perceive an integrated view and breaks the boundaries in casted on both screens, which create a continuous 3D visualization between. Especially, through intervening directly as a part of vi- space that is filled with the digital information and the human pre- sualization, the presenter can make the information more realistic, senter at the same time. We present a spatial visualization technique control digital information directly, and help the audience under- which allows us to render seamlessly a virtual 3D space between stand the contents better. For instance, Rosling used half-mirror the two screens, and a novel interaction technique which allows the film and floating visualizations in the presentation stage [Rosling presenter to be aware and control the visual objects. We conducted 2010]. Then, he, himself, explained it by standing right behind a feasibility study to investigate the subjective level of immersion the screen. Stein and Rakkolainen also proposed systems that are and engagement of the audience with HoloStation, as compared to able to float visualization in front of the presenter and to manipu- the conventional presentation. Our preliminary study suggests that late it through gesture interaction [Rakkolainen et al. 2009; Stein the newly proposed form of augmented presentation has a poten- 2012]. However, previous research has not studied the integration tial not only to enhance information presentation but also to better of both the presenter and the visualized information into one single support the delivery of visualizations. integrated visualization framework. Most researchers have focused on developing visualization and interaction methods to present and The rest of the paper is structured as follows. We start with the manipulate information in an effective and efficient way. Yet, the related research and study in section 2. Then, in section
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