aiyiM iwaftwfiFBywiwftBiaww1' 1,,iw Mf MJff Wednesday, May i, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER Diadem Gold Mining Co. : OFFICERS Mines Situated on Green- This Mine is Working j President J. H. ROBBINS J Every Day j Mayor of Sumpttr a. N.C.RICHARDS horn Mountain Attorney (Uw J This Mine is a Shiping Sec'y and Treas...OTTO HERLOCKER Baker County Mine i4 At. Cathltr First Bank ol Sumpttr f Directors J. H. Robblns, N. C. J The Baker Cl!y SamplInK Works Richards, E. M. Anderson, M. D. gives the following returns (or two Supt. of Mines... DAVID O'NEIL small shipments: Lot 68-1- . 253 sacks X Of Iter P, O.. Baker County, Oregon 1,000,000 SHARES of ore, dry weight, 13,06) pounds. In addition to the officer of the company Z Gold, 7 ounces; silver, 940 ounces. J among the atockholderi are: Hon. Lee Mantle, T : PAR VALUE $1 00 EACH Gold per oz, $20; treatment cost 98. late IT. S. Senator, Hutte, Montana: Tho. R. Net price per Freight, Hindi, County Treasurer, Butte, Montana; I ton, 130.50. late of Hon. John F. Forbes, Attorney-at-La- Butte; Zi a 97 per ton. Net value lost, 9800,24. Chas. S. Warren, Speculator, Butte; los. F. Par-- T Lot No. 102. 378 sack ore; dry dee, Miner, Phllllpsburg, Montana; H. M. Grant, weight, 18,810. Gold, 6.20 ounces; Insurance Adfuster, Portland; Geo. W, McDow- - ell, Broker Portland; CB. Richardson, Contrac- - Home Office silver, q ounces; gold $20 per ounce. tor, Walla. Walla, Wash.; Hector McRea. Miner, ? Cost of treatment, 58; net price per Kossland, B. Dr. H Wayne, C; C Sills, fort ton ft 15.80; freight at f7 per ton; net Ind., and many others who have Investigated this J promising property. Sumpter, Oregon value of lot, 51019.1)4. SHAFT in now down 70 feet. Tunnel now in over 7(10 loot. Kioli Imriy tit' 010 in flint) (finking Moptioil uu iiccount ol' wntor) bo reached in tlie tunnel in 300 feet, or liy July lTi. Tho directory in 11 uurnutoo of pMitl tiiitli. It is true tlmt nil prunped do THE nmko mines, but it in nlro truo tlmt nil mines were onee piwKH!tn. Iierti is wlitif (lie experts say of the Diailem: F. K.tirimes, u prominent mining man of Republic, Wush,, says: "1 consider the Diadem the lic-- l property 1 Imve ever examined. It is surely a re- markable sliowing and, in my judgement, the. making of 11 groat mine." Hon. Chas. Homier, connected with Granite. Mountain mine,, in Mon- tana, says: "In all my experience as u mining superintendent, extending over a period of 20 years, I consider the Diadem is by otitis the best mine I have ever been connected with." Hon. J. K. Pardee, n mining oxort well known all over Utah, Idaho and Montana, says: "In all the years I have mined I never saw unrosiicct that imulu the showing of tliu Diadem mine." A. L McKweu, M. 10., one of the best known Knulish experts throughout tho entire northwest, says: "For an undeveloped pnwect, I consider it among the very best I have ever examined. I believe it will prove to be a great dividend payer when devcloed." Mr. James O. nndigun, M. E., of Republic camp, Wash., anil Huundnry district British Columbia, says: "Alter making a large numlcr of assays from this proicty, I urn convinced that it is the best thing in Knstern Oregon for the amount of development work done." The above is 11 plain business statement of this property. The management now oiler for sale r0,000 shares of the treasury slock at If) cents Mr share. Applications for stock must bo accompanied by the money ami should bo addressed to Otto llerloekcr, Measurer of the company, Kiunp-te- r, Oregon, lor information address, Care First Bank of Sumpter Otto Herlocker, Sumpter, Ore. GOING BELOW WEBFOOT BEDROCK company. A temporary order has been granted restraining the sale or use of this Humbolt Company Sinking; 75 Feet in the stock pending a final hearing. The suit Bed of Canyon Creak. was instituted by Irving E. Leugle, of Sullivan Machinery Co. A News representative visited the Reading, Pa., an owner of 550,000 worth 138 ADAMS ST., CHICAGO scene of operations of the Humbolt Mining of the stock of the company. The suit Is a repetition of the one Instituted in the company this week and saw considerable Manufacturen of activity. New Jersey state courts by W. M. Don The company has a crew of men at aid and others, which resulted in a de- work sinking a shaft In the bed cision prohibiting the issuing of the stock Diamond Drills of Canyon creek, about a half a mile be- and carrying out of a deal for the absorp-th- o aVWaV low town, In order to get below the strata of the Guggenheim plant by the Rock Drills of hardpan and determine whether a rich Smelting company. The effect of this de- strata of gravel exists beneath. The cision was afterwards nullified by the ef- Compressors. Hoists shaft has already been sunk to a depth of fecting of a settlement with Donald. in bill of goes nearly 40 feet. Lengle, his complaint, over IMPS and General If the expert's results are obtained, It Is the same ground covered by the bill filed the intention of the company to Install a by Donald In the New Jersey courts, and Mining Machinery big.dredger of sufficient capacity to re- charges that the deal Involved the Issuing move the hardpan strata and work the of 945,200,000 worth of stock of the Am- underlying gravels. erican Smelting & Refining company to NOftTHWf IT Office Guggenhelms, and this was 923,000,-00- 0 The Humbolt placers have been worked the S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash. by the drifting process since 1862, with In access of the value of their plant big annual cleanups. The nature of the and the money they were to receive In property is that of an old river channel payment. running with gold, Good Ore fouad to the Strode Group. A ditch has been built on It eight and a Mr. F. M Stanley, of La Grande, one FREE FINE half miles long, with a capacity of 1000 of of P. Strock group of th owners the G. Treatment to All Inches of water. The present owners, mining claims, on Salmon creek, eight MUSIC Courteous ..CLUB.. all men of long experience, have who are miles west of this city, came In from the HALL s7f$s ROOMS put In two giants and 2600 feet of hy- mine yesterday and reported that they draulic pipe, also g reservoirs. had struck what is undoubtedly a rich ore Adjacent to this property there lies over body. Describing the find, Mr. Stanley THE two miles of rich creek bottom, the larger said: "We have been prospecting our which belongs to company. portion of this bunch of claims for some time, and the Canyon City News. other day opened ten feet down from the Another Suit Again the Smelter Trutt. surface what appears to be a well defined Sullivan House An Associated press dispatch from ledge of ore from 20 to 30 feet wide. Wilmington, Deleware, dated April 2s, From assays made the rock runs high in F. L. SULLIVAN, Manager says: Judge Gray, of the United States copper and carries gold and silver. As- Circuit court, In this city, filed an order says went from 920 to loo per ton and Mr. In Trenton today for the American Smelt- Strock says he believes It will develop Best Liquors & Cigars ing and Refining company and M. Gug- into a great mine." I think so much of it genheim's Sons to show cause May 13, at that today I traded 62 lots and a house In PRIVATE NEW Trenton, why they should not be perma- La Grande for another claim and a half SUMPTER, OREGON ROOMS ROWLING making use of the re- in the group. We intend to develop the nently enjoined from Coratr Craokar i cently Issued 145,200,000 Increase in the property sufficiently to bond it at a good RESTAURANT Graaltt SU. ALLEY capital stock of the Smelting and Refinnlg price. Democrat..
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