A I Be A Vol. 86, No. 44 ’ OVEMBER Fort Worth, Texas | Worlds of Americans, Russians meet ) 4 8 [Leaders 5 prepare Russian student fll for first meeting values freedom GENEVA (AP)- Soviet leader known as “Star Wars” despite his dis- First of a three-part series Yurchenko-who recently defected back to the Soviet Union-and Miros- J Mikhail Gorbachev joined President like for the term, saying, “Just waitll lav Medvid-who jumped ship twice « Reagan in this chilly seat of neutrality By Kevin Marks near New Orleans only to tell U.S. i} Monday, and on the eve of their sum- Staff Writer SE officials he wanted to return to his mit the superpower chiefs squared off on “Star Wars,” the anti-missile prog- Soviet defectors, who abandon homeland-as examples. “I estimate that 10 to 20 Russians ram that lies at the heart of lagging search program, telling reporters their country for freedom, share com- efforts to forge a new arms agreement. Soviet Union has driven us to this” by mon emotional ties through loneli- defect a month,” Orlov said. “People find ways to leave. Some spend a good American and Soviet officials were building up its own offensive nuclear ness, guilt and isolation. part of their lives thinking of ways to ; sharpening their proposals for today’s arsenal and conducting a defensive re- Some defectors claim this anguish ¥ leave, but the hard thing is taking the Re first session between the 74-year-old search program of its own. lasts for many years, holding them i whole family with you.” I + Reagan and Gorbachev-a man 20 The Soviet Union, he said, “could prisoners in their own minds. not reasonably expect any country to “When you defect from the Soviet A U.S. State Department spokes- years his junior and still relatively un- woman said in fiscal year 1984 the tested in international affairs. stand by idly and watch” while Mos- Union you give up everything, in- cow pursued a program of their own. cluding your country, political be- United States granted 45 Soviet de- Both leaders pledged fidelity to fectors asylum and denied 43 asylum. efforts to end the superpower arms In a new t Monday, a liefs, relatives and friends, and your » She added 29 cases were pending. race, but discussed sharply divergent Soviet official a possible Krem- entire position ir life,” said 21-year- JAY old Alex Orlov. of July 1985, she said the United views on how to achieve the goal. States had received 64 Soviet defec- ic 4 Gorbachev said he came to discuss spokesman He later resumed his briefing in Orlov, a senior chemistry major at # tion cases, granting 26 and denying p. 7 “primarily the question of what can be superpower ing there after being interrupted by a another room with only a fraction of TCU, knows what it is like to leave 30. c in the done to stop the un; ted arms lectuals to consider “Star Wars” issues recent Soviet emigre who sought to the rs present, but it was a behind friends and his homeland be- :30 p.m. challenge the Kremlin's human rights setback for the unprecedented Soviet cause he, too, defected with his family “So many people want to leave and race which has unfolded in the world together. if given the chance would,” he said. n. Tickets are The official, who spoke on condi- policies. publicity campaign whose sophistica- from the Soviet Union to the United (and) to prevent it from spreading into “It is very difficult to take even a vaca- for more tion of anonymity, said he did not Irina Grivnina, who raised a similar tion has s longtime observers States three and one-half years ago new spheres.” tion outside the Soviet Union be- know whether Gorbachev might protest on Sunday, stood up as the of Kremlin operations. under late Soviet general secretary of It was an unmistakable reference to cause, first of all, you have to be a Reagan's program to develop a defen- actually raise such a proposal to crowded news conference was about the Communist Party Leonid | Country Line to start and accused the Soviet Union Reagan and Gorbachev, whose for- Brezhnev. party member just to go outside. Also sive space shield that could bring . But the source said that in getting a job abroad, like my father, hant Saloon of massive human rights violations. mal title is general secretary of the “When my family defected, there . down nuclear missiles before they Gorbachev's pre-summit prepara- did require working your way up and 87 for more * reach their : tions on the SDI, “the role of scien- Kremlin spokesman Vladimir. Soviet Communist Party, begin their was such a sense of isolation in me,” Ad Lomeiko asked the woman several four two-hour formal discussions with Orlov said. “It was so intense even having connections.” Reagan, questioned about the Adjusting to freedom in the United Soviet leader's statement, told repor- times to be but when she con- a 15-minute tete-a-tete with only though I wasn’t consciously aware of it t Billy Bob's tinued to for several minutes to their interpreters present Tuesday at the time. States has been easier for him and his ters, “We both must have the same sister than it has been for his parents. 6491 for intentions. If he feels as strongly that journalists surroundiug ber, Lomeiko in a small room at the Villa “My parents sacrificed so'much for picked up his papers and left the Fleur d’Eau, the lakeside mansion me and my sister that I'm sure they One barrier that was hard for the way as | do, then we'll end the arms Orlovs to overcome was the lack of race. room, saying the journalists seemed selected by the Americans for the first didn’t do it for themselves; it was tre more interested in talking to Grivnina jay af walks at which Reagan will play strictly an unselfish act. They had relationships. But he remained determined to years . Orlov said people in the United search for a space-based defense, best The Soviet Foreign Ministry than to hearing him. built up their careers and were in far better shape, but yet they did it for States place less emphasis on personal le” by us,” Orlov said. interaction than do people in the erformed in Eastern bloc. eatre and Smokeout not so embarrassing In the spring of 1982, Orlov’s “"Wible witnesses father, who worked outside the Soviet “In Moscow and elsewhere in the p.m. Call 921 Eastern European countries, having a formation Union in Austria, asked his wife and children to join him on a vacation friend is so very important,” Orlov there. This vacation would be perma-- —said. “In the U.S., people don’t let lade In Amer- nent. you get close; it's more superficial. hunger, poverty They say, ‘Hello,” and ask you if you re at the Cara- “I think (my parents) had it all plan- t 5 p.m. Tick- ned because they didn’t tell me about are doing okay, but without much in- teraction. This is unfortunate,” he 77-3333 for it beforehand,” Orlov said. “I didn't . Tour of Mozambique shocking get to say goodbye to my friends or relatives. By Kristin Temte “I experienced mixed feelings of Staff Writer happiness and sadness. 1 was excited because I knew that I would now have Emeritus Vice Chancellor Howard lots of in life,” he said. Wible has seen hunger firsthand in “I was excited also because for the “My parents really like it here in the African country of Mozam . first time I could go about and travel the U.S., but find life very boring. “We saw famine. We saw hi ; here and there without being afraid of Thiure i wothiag for them 16 do. We saw a nation in need,” said a anybody. I could go anywhere, at any- v who retired in June from his position time I wanted to, and to me that wasa as vice chancellor for student and great fecling to have, OfioV su). administrative services. Along with missing his friends back Wible, his wife, Maryellen, and 14 in the Soviet Union, Orlov felt some other volunteers Spent {wo weeks in uXiety about what the future would Africa with Hope for Africa, an inter- national relief agency, as guests of the “How was I going to make it here?” Mozambique government. The agen- Orlov asked. “You are always afraid of cy sent $750,000 in relief to Mozambi- something new and unknown. J que over the past year.! “Now I can sit back and look at the One reason for the visit was to see Kan., where he began the English language. how the money was t. It was pretty rough,” he said. “We went down to the marketplace Orlov’s family remained in Vienna, would have had a harder time in Mozambique, and the food we saw Austria, for a month and a half before didn’t go to school. | there was from the seed we had sent going to Rome, Italy, where they “People sit in their houses, them a year ago,” Wible said. “(The spend another month. In the around in their cars, go to work, come length of the visit) was a short period home, eat dinner, and then watch TV PS GOOD ENOUGH all night,” Orlov said. “There is no- I KNEW WE'D of time, but it was enough to satisfy us > OF THAT GUY that (the relief) was not squandered.” about that.” Ww.
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