Index to Volume 23 of Oryx, 1989 Aardwolf. 223 Bison, 168 Chimpanzee, 224 Acanthaster planci, 114 Blackfinch, St Lucia, 231, 232 Chironius uincenti, 226 Acinonyx jubatus, 123 Boltonia decurrens. 225 Chlamydotis undulata, 5, 109 Acrocephalus sechellensis, 3 Bonn Convention, 161 Chloebia gouldiae. 111 Addax, 123 Bos: javanicus, 167; sauveli, 43 Chrysochromulina polylepis, 37 Addax nasomaculatus, 123 Bostrychia bocagei, 108 Circus: cyaneus, 221-222; pygargus, Aegypius monachus, 39 Boycott: of Icelandic fish, 161; against 221 Agriocharis ocellata, 54 whaling, 2; against yellowfin tuna, Cirsium:pitcheri, 111; tuberosum, 39 Alces alces, 106 161 CITES, 14, 41, 42, 44. 106, 121, 127, Algal bloom, 162 British Red Data Books: 2 Insects (book 130-131, 179, 181, 182, 183, Alligator, American. 47 review), 52 186-187,220,223,224 Alligator mississippiensis, 47 Bubalus: bubalis, 166, 167; Civet, Malabar, 2 Aloe, protection for, 40 mindorensis, 125- Clam, China giant, 43 Amazilia luciae, 169 Buckwheat, golden, 111 Cobitistaenia. 162 Ammotragus leruia, 123 Buffalo, 166, 167 Coelocanth, 42 Amazona vittata, 226 Bustard: great, 4-5, houbara, 5, 109 Colobus, red, 209, 210, 211, 212 Amphianthus pusillus, 46 Butterfly: collecting, 42; large blue, 38, Colostethus yustizi, 227 Anarhynchus/ronta/is, 170 163 Condor: Andean, 111; Californian, Anser albifrons. 163 Butterflies of Costa Rica and their 111. 168 169 Antarctic Treaty, 114 Natural History (book review). 52 Conservation in Nigeria, 222 Arborophila davidi, 231 Conservation and Biology of Desert Arctocephalus gazella, 61 Cactus, Knowlton pincushion. 226 Antelopes (book review), 50-51 Ardea herodias, 225 Caiman, American, 41 Conservation Reserve Programme, Arenaria cumber/andensis. 112 Caiman crocodilus, 41 US, 45 Argan tree, 87-93 Calidris tenuirostris, 176 Convention on International Trade in Argania spinosa. 88 Callimico goeldii, 54 Endangered Species of Wild Fauna Argus, crested, 232 Caprimulgus otiosus, 231 and Flora—see CITES Armadillo, nine-banded, 226 Canis: lupus signatus, 39; rufus, 225; Convention on Regulation of Antarctic Ass. Asiatic wild. 109 simensis. 108 Mineral Resources, 220 Aster, decurrent false, 225 Caprolagus hispidus, 56 Convention on Wetlands of Aveling, C. and R. Gorilla conservation Captive breeding: black footed ferrets, International Importance especially in Zaire. 64-70 46,225; cheer pheasant, 223; China as Waterfowl Habitat—see Ramsar Azores, flora and forests in. 155-160 giant clam, 43; Essex emerald, 221; Convention giant river turtle, 226; greater stick- Coral reefs. 114, 121 122, 166. 223. Baboon. Guinea. 209. 210. 211, 212 nest rat, 170; Guam rail, 49; 231 Badger, 38 Micronesian kingfisher, 49; Negev Corbiculatafluminea. 111 Balaenoptera musculus, 37 lappet-faced vulture, 223; Puerto Coypu, 38 Bandicoot, eastern-barred, 227 Rican parrot, 226; red wolf, 225; Crab, European shore, 170 Banister, K. The Fishes of Arkansas Socorro dove. 47; South China tiger, Crane. Siberian. 110. 166: whooping, (book review), 173; The Trout and 166; tamaraw, 126; western swamp 168 Salmon Handbook—a Guide to the turtle. 114; white tailed sea eagle. Crateromys paulus, 126 Wild Fish (book review), 172-173 164 Culling, of fur seals, 171 Banteng, 167 Carcinus maenas, 170 Cupressus dupreziana, 123 Baricao, 46 Carduelis cucullata. 232 Curlew, eastern, 176 Barito Ulu, Kalimantan. 175 Caretta caretta, 164, 221, 226 Cyanopsitta spixii, 113 Barkham, J. Conservation andBiology Castor fiber, 164 of Desert Antelopes (book review), Catreus wallichii, 223 50-51 Carvalho Valle, C. M. de, 228 Daly, K. Eradication of feral goats from Barzdo, J. Elephant crisis, 181-183 Cephalorhynchus hectori, 49 small islands, 71-75 Bat: Livingstone's giant fruit. 231; Ceratotherium: simum, 165; simum Dalyan Delta, 39 sucker footed, 231 cottoni. 108. 109 Dam. wildlife rescue at Chiew Lam. Bats: control in Israel, 117; and Cercopithecus: aethiops sabaeus, 209; Thailand, 146-154 Lindane. 53 campbelli, 209 Dams: protest in Brazil, 113; in Brazil, Bear, grizzly, 111,225 Cetaceans. agreement to protect small, 169; in Greece, 164 Beaver, 164 106 Daphnopsis hellerana, 112 Benin, conservation in, 22-26 Chasmistes breuirostris. 111 Dasypus novemcinctus, 226 Bern Convention, 162 Checklist of Fish and Invertebrates Davison, G. W. H. A coastal nature Bird Conservation in Turkey. 187 listed in the CITES Appendices (book reserve in Malaysia, 138 141 Birds: in Nepal, 135-137, 176; review), 230 Deer: muntjac, 109; pampas, 62-63 in Yemen. 55 Cheetah, 123 Delphinus delphis, 48 Birds of Africa, The, Volume III (book Chelonia mydas, 41, 164, 225 Delphinapterus leucas, 44 review), 51 Cheionians in Burma, 56-57 Deltistes luxatus, 111 235 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 15:26:28, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605300023139 Delvingt, W. Conservation in Benin Ferret, black-footed, 46, 225 Greenshank, spotted, 176 with the help of the European FFPS, 202,203; Bat Project, 1, 27-32; Grus: americana, 168; leucogeranus, Community, 22—26 Flora Project, 127, 233; Mountain 110, 166 Dendroica kirtlandii, 111, 168 Gorilla Project, 1, 13, 57 58, 177; Gudgeon, 162 Dermochelys coriacea, 43, 107, 169, Indigenous Propagation Project, Gymnogyps californianus, 111, 168 224 233; Oryx 100% Fund, 53-57, 71, Dibbler, 227 94, 116-119. 175-177, 231-233; Haggar, J. P. Threatened flora and Diceros bicornis, 222 FFPS/ICBP Conservation forests in the Azores, 155-160 Dinerstein, E. The clouded leopard in Expedition Competition, 175 Halcyon c. cinnamomina. 49 Nepal, 199-201 Finch, Gouldian, 227 Haliaeetus albicilla, 164 Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides. 111 Fires: in Amazon, 48, 113, 169; in Halichoerus grypus, 107, 163 Disease: in bison, 168; in elk, 106; in Atlantic forests, Brazil, 170; in Emas Harcourt, A. H. Gorilla quest in Nigeria, salmon, 37; in seals, 5—6, 107, 163; National Park, Brazil, 48; in 7-13 in waterfowl, USA, 168 Yellowstone National Park, USA, 46 Hare: hispid. 56; rufous tailed. 56 Dolphin: bottlenosed, 169, 220; Fish: endangered in South Africa, 165; Harrier: hen, 221; Montagu's, 221 common, 48; deaths from in Sweden, 162 Hays, C. The Peruvian diving petrel in contaminated fish, 169; dusky, 48; Fishes of Arkansas, The (book Peru. 102-105 Hector's, 49; Irrawaddy, 42; river, 37 review), 173 Hellenic Animal Welfare Centre, 39 Dove, turtle, 41 Fishing: ban on drift nets, 228; and Hemiphlebia mirabilis, 170 Drill, 13 dolphin kills, 47, 161; in the Heron, great blue, 225 Duck: blue, 171; white-headed, Falklands, 114; and small cetaceans, Heymans, J. -C. Conservation in Benin 161-162,223 Peru, 48; threat to porpoises, 44,45; with the help of the European Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica, 114 threat to whales, dolphins and Community, 22—26 Durrell, G. 49 turtles, 39 Hippopus porcellanus, 43 Fitter, R. Fifty years of wildlife Holdgate, M. 115 Eagle, Madagascar serpent, 119; white- conservation in Britain—a personal Howes, J. A coastal nature reserve in tailed sea, 164 view, 202-207; Whales of the World Malaysia, 138-141 Earthwatch Europe, 37; USA, 106 (book review), 229 Hummingbird, Honduran emerald, EEC, 162, 220 Floods, in Kaziranga National Park, 169 Egret, Chinese, 176 124-125 Hunting: American alligator, 47; in Egretta eulophotes, 176 Forest: conservation in Africa, 108; Egypt, 107; in Niger, 108; in Nigeria, Ele-Fund, 59-60 protection in Argentina, 114; in 116: in Thailand. 167 Elephant, African, 45, 59-60, Azores, 155-160; in CAR, 165; Hurricane Gilbert, 112 181-183, 188-198,220 diversity, 220; in Nepal. 135-137; in Hutson, T. British Red Data Book 2: Elk, 106 Somalia, 94-101 Insects (book review), 52; The Elliot, S. Logging banned in Thailand, Frog, collared, 227 Butterflies of Costa Rica and their 122-123 Fundacion Ecuatoriana para el Estudio Natural History (book review), 52; Elm, Himalayan, 42 de Mamiferos Marinos, 113 The FFPS Bat Project, 27-32: The Emerald, Essex, 220-221 Fungi, deline in Poland , 39 Enhydra lutris nereis, 112 Natural History of Vampire Bats Epiophlebia laidlawi, 53 (book review), 51—52 Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus, 171 Equus hemionus, 109 Gambia, monkeys in The, 208 214 Hyrax, rock, 123 Eretmochelys imbricata, 223 Gazelle, dama, 123 Eriogonum chrysops, 111 Geronticus: calvus, 222; eremita, 221 Erythrocebus patas, 209 Giraffa camelopardalis, 222 Ibis: bald, 222; dwarf, 108; hermit. 221 Eucalyptus, 221 Giraffe, 222 Icterius laudabilis, 231 European Environmental Bureau, 179 Gobio gobio, 162 ICBP, 187 Eutriorchis astur, 119 Goldenrod, Houghton's, 111 Impenetrable Forest Conservation Extinctions: birds in Guam. 49; Ilin Gopherus agassizii, 111 Project, 177 Island cloud rat, 126; Socorro dove, Gorilla: Struggle for Survival in the Important Bird Areas in Europe (book 47: Spix's macaw, 113 Virungas (book review), 172 review), 187 Gorilla: gorilla, 13; gorilla beringei, 64; Inahoro, I. M. Gorilla quest in Nigeria, Faizi, S. Fauna of Saudi Arabia (book gorilla graueri, 64 7-13 review), 230 Gorilla: conservation in Zaire, 64-70; Insecticides, 223, 227 Falco: chicquera, 223; jugger, 223; mountain, 177; in Nigeria, 7-13 Inskipp, C.andT. Phulchowki hill of tinnunculus, 223; cherrug, 223 Goriup, P. D. Acidic air pollution and flowers, 135—137 Falcon: laggar, 223; red-headed, 223, birds in Europe, 82—86; European Institute of Conservation and Ecology saker, 223 Bustard Symposium in Vienna, 4-5 Kent, 163 Faraj, E. Conservation at Al-Areen Goose, Greenland white-fronted, International
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