NON-GRADUATES Fa Anna Prudence Richards (Irving), I899-I902

NON-GRADUATES Fa Anna Prudence Richards (Irving), I899-I902

2o6o NON-GRADUATES f.a. Anna Prudence Richards (Irving), I899-I902, Syracuse, N. Y. Mar­ ried II June I903, Harry Irving. Residence, Albany, N.Y. f.a. Effie Emeline Richards, I889-i)O, E. Schuyler, N.Y. l.a. George Stanford Richards, Jr., I895-7, o/ r, Brooklyn, N.Y. Member Co. C, 3d N.Y. Volunteers, I898. f.a. Helen Richards, I894-5, K K f', Oswego, N.Y. f.a. IDA MAY RICHARDs, I9Q9-, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Irene Vivian Richards, I9Q6-9, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. a.s. J. WILSON RICHARDS, I908-, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. OLIVE CAROLINE RICHARDS, I908-, Pulaski, N.Y. a.s. *Thomas E. C. Richards, Jr., I908-<), Port Antonio, Jamaica. Died-? f.a. and l.a. Carrie May Richardson, (f.a.) I898-<), (l.a.) I899-I900, Sodus, N.Y. f.a. Dillis Demoiselle Richardson, I882-3, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Elizabeth G. Richardson, I877-8, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. ETHEL ANNA RICHARDSON, I908-, Tarrytown and Poughkeepsie, N.Y. f.a. and t. Ethel Ella Richardson, (f.a.) I905-7, (t.), 1907--9, Fairport, N.Y. m. George L. Richardson, I889--92, Syracuse, N.Y. a.s. HAROLD E. RICHARDSON, I9Q9-, Buffalo, N.Y. a.s. HARRY HENRY RICHARDSON, I908-, E. Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Iva Belle Richardson (Coughtry), I907-<), Cazenovia, N. Y. Married Oct. 1910, Wm. R. Coughtry (No. 2937). Residence I07 Palmer Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. m. Judson Gilbert Richardson, I902-4, Little Falls, N.Y. a.s. LEE LocK RICHARDSON, I908-, E. Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Zola Louise Richardson, I899-I900, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Gertrude M. Richberg, IC)OO-I, Liverpool, N.Y. f.a. Marjorie Anna Richer, I907-<), New Berlin, N.Y. l.a. Bert Wesley Richmond, I90I-3, Mansfield, Pa. m. N. G. Richmond, I877-<), Mt. Upton, N.Y. l.a. Horace Durston Rickard, I90I-3 and I904-5, Jordan, N.Y. l.e. EsTHER HARNS RICKARDS, I909-, Great Valley, N.Y. l.a. and l.e. Grace Catherine Ricker, (l.a.) I9o6-7, (l.e.) I907-8, Oneida Castle, N. Y. a.s. and l. Alfred 0. Ridgway, I908-<), Dayton, 0. m. MARGARETTA RULISON RIEGEL, I908-, Cattaraugus, N.Y. l.a. Philip Harrison Riegel, I896-8, Branchport, N.Y. a.s. ALBERT HENRY RIEHL, I909-, Buffalo, N,. Y. l.a. HELEN RIGGs, I907-, .i f', Camden, N.J. l.a. James Forsyth Riggs, Jr., A.B., I907-8, East Orange, N.J. l.a. jAMES HARMER RILE, Jr., 1909-, Wilmington, Del. l.a. Edwin E. Riley, I893-6, .i K E, Mansfield, Pa. m. John William Riley, I897-8, Mexico, N.Y. l.a. Ona K. Ringwood, I905-7, Ilion, N.Y. Continued studies for one year at M t. Holyoke College. f.a. LIZETTA RIPEL, I907-, Syracuse, N.Y. NON-GRADUATES 2001 f.a. Fanny Belle Ripson, I884-5 and I889-9r, Pulaski, N. Y. f.a. OTTO RISCH, 190')-, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Lula Susan Rising, I902-3, Newport, N.Y. l.a. Floyd Tremont Risley, 1905-7, Utica, N.Y. f.a. Bessie A. Richie, 1902-3 and 1904-6, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Carrie Adelia Ritter, 1891-2, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. Lawyer E. Rivenburgh, 19o6-8, Middleburgh, N.Y. t. Mary Carter Rives, 1907-8, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. Edmund Malcolm Roach, 1904-5, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. Clayton Kline Robarts, r.899-1900, Arkport, N.Y. m. Albert Scott Robbins, 1906-7, Canastota, N. Y. a.s. DAVID EARL ROBBINS, 1907-, Union, N.Y. m. Edward Lewis Robbins, 1908-9, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Ella May Robbins, 1885-6, Weedsport, N.Y. l.a. FRANK LERov·RoBBINS, 1908-, Syracuse; N . .Y. f.a. Grace Lucinda Robbins, 1894-5 and 1899-1900, Syracuse, N.Y. j.a. Mary Alida Robbins, 1900-I, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. *WarrenSimpson Robbins, r88r-3, ~ Y', Crown Point, N. Y. Died 8 Dec. 1883. f.a. Mary Louise Robens, 1901-2, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. Clara Eames Roberts, I906-7, Constableville, N.Y. l.a. and l. EuGENE CHESTER RoBERTS, JR., (l.a.) 19o6-7, (l.) 1906-, Buffalo, N.Y. f.a. FRANCES THERESA RoBERTS, I909-, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. GARNETT FREDERICK RoBERTS, I909-, Alden, N.Y. f.a. Genevieve Baum Rober.ts, r88o-3, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. Harry Baker Roberts, I90G-I, 1902-3, Ithaca, N.Y. t. JANE B. RoBERTs, 1909-, Rupert, Vt. I.a. andj.a. Jeanne Estella Roberts, (I.a.) 1903-4, (j.a.) 1903-6, Syracuse, N.Y. l.e. Jessie Eliza Roberts, I9o6-8, Rome, N. Y, t. Louise WI. Roberts, 1906-7, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. MAMIE ELLA RoBERTS, I909-, Rupert, Vt. j.a. Mary Georgia Roberts, I899-1901, Putney, N.Y. f.a. Roland R. Roberts, I874-7, Skaneateles, N.Y. I.a . Thomas Burroughs Roberts, 1900-3, Ithaca, N.Y. j.a, Lizzie Maude Robertson, r88o-2, Syracuse, N.Y. j.a. LUCILLE RoBERTSON, I9Q9-, Wolcott, N.Y. f.a. Mabel A. Robertson, 1900-1; Syracuse, N.Y. l. MILES EDGAR RoBERTSON, 1909-, Canastota, N.Y. a.s. ALMON LERoY RoBINSON, 1908-, Oxford, N.Y. f.a. ARTHUR W. ROBINSON, 1908-, Binghamton, N.Y. j.a. Carrie Sophia Robinson, 1892-4, K A e, New Haven, N.Y. Residence, Beloit, Wis. f.a. Charlotte Mabel Robinson, 1885-6, Auburn, N.Y. l.a. Dora May Robinson, 1892-5 and 1897-9, Brandon, Vt. f.a. Edra L. Robinson, 1901-3, Syracuse, N. Y. 2o62 NON-GRADUATES f.a. Emma Matilda Robinson, 1886-8, A <I>, Hamilton, Can. m. Francis A. Robinson, 1891-2, Lee Centre, N.Y. l.a. Frank LeRoy Robinson, 1907-8, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Georgie Etta Robinson, 1879-81, Huron, N.Y. l.a. GRANT ELLIOTT RoBINSON, 1908-, Griffin Comers, N.Y. f.a. Jennie L. Robinson, 1903-5, Cortland, N.Y. m. Lina Emily Robinson, 1901-3, B 8 II, McLean, N.Y. f.a. Louis BuRDIC ROBINSON, I909-, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. MARY DELARIE RoBINSON, I906-, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Mary L. Robinson, I887-8, Clyde, N.Y. m. Robert W. Robinson, I88I-2. l.a. Roy Springer Robinson, 1905-7, Clarence, N.Y. l.a. Samuel Tilden Robinson, 190I-3, B 8 II, New York, N.Y. a.s. Sheldon A. Robinson, I905-8, N. Abington, Mass. f.a. Edith Adele Roblin, 1905-7, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Anna Rocco, I905--6, Syracuse, N.Y. l. Andrew Joseph Roche, I897-8, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. William Henry Rockefellow, I896-I905, E. Creek and Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. THOMAs S. RocKRISE, I908-, Yamagata, Japan and Sea Isle City, N.J. f.a. Clara Louise Rockwell, I9o6-9, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. James C. Rockwell, 1902-3, Syracuse, N.Y. l.a. ARTHUR CoNRAD RoEDER, I909-, St. Louis, Mo. I.a. Edward Michael Roeder, A.B. (Central Wesleyan), 1903-5, St. Louis, Mo. l.a. CLARA INA RoEPER, I909-, Wyoming, N.Y. f.a. EMILIE PETIE RoFF, I907-, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Mrs. George Roff, I898-9, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. Horace George Roff, I908-9, Mansfield, Pa. f.a. Rubie Nell Roff, I905--6, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. *Clara Abbie Rogers, I895-7, K K f', Watertown, N. Y. Died 3 Oct. I898. f.a. Dennison William Rogers, I9o6-7, Leonardsville, N.Y. I.a. Earl Andrus Rogers, I889-90, Be II, Colton, Cal. l.a. Florence Mae Rogers, I898-I9QO, A <I>, Rupert, Vt. Residence 8 S. Catherine St., Plattsburg, N.Y. f.a. Gertrude M. Rogers, 1898-9, Watertown, N.Y. l.a. James W. Rogers, I903-4, Slanesville, W.Va. l. JoHN RoGERS, I901)-, Syracuse, N.Y. t. Laura Rogers, I907-8, Salamanca, N.Y. l.a. andf.a. MALCOLM jENNINGs RoGERS, {I.a.) I908-9, {f.a.) 1909-, Syra- cuse, N.Y. f.a. Martha Ella Rogers, 19oo--I, Adams, N.Y. f.a. Mary Bartlett Rogers, I896-7, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. Mattie E. Rogers, I90I-2, Adams, N.Y. I.a. WILBUR ELDREDGE RoGERS, 1908-, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. William Pitt Rogers, Jr., I896-8, Syracuse, N.Y. NON-GRADU.UES f.a. Ella Elizabeth Rogerson, I89<)-I902, II B <1>, Bradford, Pa.. f.a. Marcus Alexander Rolfe, I886-8, Oneida, N.Y. f.a. Nellie Eiizabeth Rolland, I893-4, Tully, N.Y. f.a. GLADYS MARIE RoMANG, I9Q9-, Watertown, N.Y. f.a. Ada Roney, I899-I900, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a., t. and I.a. BESSIE MINA RooD, (SORNBERGER), (J.a.) I904-5, and I9o6- (t.) I908-9, (I.a.) I9Q9-, Cortland and Syracuse, N. Y. Married Frank F. Sornberger (No. 4I I3). f.a. Bessie Violet Rood, I905-9, Cherry Creek, N.Y. f.a. Ethel May Rood, I90I-4 and I905-<i, A <1>, Syracuse, N.Y. a.s. FLOYD H. RooD, I908-, Minoa, N.Y. l.a. EDWARD JosEPH A. RooK, 1909-, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. I.a. FLORENCE TRYON Roos, I9Q9-, Syracuse, N. Y. I.a. Perthenia Weeks Root (Marvin), I889-9I, A <1>, Cooperstown, N. Y. Married 25 Aug. I89I, Arthur Marvin (see Non-graduates). Resi­ dence, Schenectady, N.Y. I.a. HELEN LAURA RosA, I907-, A E .1., Wellsville, N.Y. f.a. Nellie Isabelle Rosa, I96o-l, Broadalbin, N.Y. f.a. Louise Roscoe, I964-<i, Syracuse, N.Y. f.a. AGNES MARIE RosE, I905-, Syracuse, N.Y. I.a. Albert Anson Rose, I907-8, Syracuse, N.Y. Con. studies at Columbia University. f.a. Bessie Florence Rose, I896-I90I, Canastota, N.Y.

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