son Hot pd Humid Mostly qtyijk, hot and humid THEBMLY FINAL today and wain tomorrow. Ked Bank, Freehold Clear and vjaftR tonight I Long Branch 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Ilome Newspaper VOL. 94 NO. 3 RED BANK, IWn WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30,1971 TEN CENTS Cosmonauts Die Mysteriously MOSCOW (AP) - The three Soviet cosmonauts orbiting At the end of the operation of the braking engine, commu- manned by rotating crews which would return to earth period- The crew reported to their base on the ground that the un- the earth in the Salute space laboratory have died in flight, nication with the crew ceased. According to the program, af- ically while their reliefs took over. linking went off without a hitch and the systems aboard the Tass reported early today. ter aerodynamic braking in the atmosphere, the parachute The three cosmonauts set a new record for space endur- Soyuz were functioning normally. The Soviet news agency said the. trio-L't. Col. Georgy system was put into action, and before landing the soft-landing ance on June 24, exceeding the 17 days, 16 hours and 59 min- It was the second Soviet space flight to end disastrously, Dobrovolsky, flight engineer Wladislav Volkov and test engi- engines were fired. The flight of the descending apparatus en- utes which the two-man crew of Soyuz 9 spent in space a year according to official admission. In April 1967 the parachute neer Viktor Patsayev-died at the end of their marathon flight ded in a smooth landing in the pre-set area. ago; At that time unofficial sources said the Soyuz 11 men straps of Soyuz 1 fouled as it was preparing to land after more program as they were preparing to return to earth. ^'Landing simultaneously with the ship, a helicopter-borne might stay up three to four weeks. than 24 hours in orbit; and the spaceship came down at such The cosmonauts were sent into space on June 6 aboard recovery-group, upon opening the hatch, found the crew of the Until the announcement of the cosmonauts' death, there ejeat speed that cosmonaut Valdimir Komarov was killed. the spaceship Soyuz 11 and the next day joined on to the larger Soyuz 11 spaceship^the pilot—cosmonauts Lt. Col. Georgy had been no indication that the flight was ending. But'Tass There were rumors earlier in the Soviet space program of Salute, which had been in orbit unmanned since April 19. Timofeyevicli Dobrovolsky, flight engineer Wladislav Niko- said that the spacemen completed their flight.program .''in flights that failed, causing the death of cosmonauts, but none Three Died Today layevich Volkov and test engineer Viktor Ivanovich Pat- full" yesterday aboard the Salute station-and were told to of these have ever been substantiated. Tass said the three men died during the return to earth sayev-in their seats, without any signs of life. The causes of land. No American spacemen have been killed in flight but early today of Soyuz 11. It gave this account: the crew's death are being investigated." Tass said they transferred their scientific data and flight three astronauts-L.t. Col. Virgil I. Grissom, Lt. CokEdward "In. order to carry out the descent to earth on June 30, at Until today, the Soyuz 11 flight had been a triumph for the logs to Soyuz 11, took their seats in the spaceship, "checked H. White II and Lt.Cmdr. Roger B. Chaffee-were'kifre<l Jan. 1:35 a.m., after orienting the Soyuz-11 spaceship, its breaking Soviet space program and a blg_advance in the program to put the onboard systems and prepared the ship for unlinking from 27, 1967,' in a flash fire aboard Apollo 1 during a test on the engine was fired and functioned throughout the estimate time. a permanent space station into space, orbiting the earth and the Salute station." launching pad. Rumson School Vote Fails By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU istered voters in the commu- member of the Board's facil-i designed for 800 at the For- site expansion which, Mr. nity, 1,737 votes were cast. Of ities committee, adding, "the restdale and Dean Porter Zydney described as "second RUMSON - The Rumson these, 998 voted against and tragedy is that the kids of this Schools, the facilities com- class" because this would cost Board of Education referen- 739 voted in.favor of the pro- community are the losers. mittee under Herbert M. Zyd- $30,000 over the proposed .ref- dum, asking for $2,540,000 for posal-. • Our options are just about all ney, considered different al- erendum figure, for in- elementary school expansion "We've gone to the well so gone. ternatives before making the adequate expansion of exist- 1 in the community, was de- many times, and got away Alternatives Studied proposal. ing buildings at the Forrest- feated last night by 259 votes. thirsty, it's not funny, any With 1,100 students at The board already is ren- dale and Dean Porter site. Of approximately 4,000 reg- more," said Don Howard, present crowded into facilities ting 13 temporary classrooms Another on-site expansion . to ease congestion which, proposal considered, was the without maintenance costs, purchase of. property and are costing community tax- homes on Bingham Ave. at an payers $41,000 yearly. Core fa- estimated cost of $2,910,000. Announcement Seen cilities are reportedly also in- "We shall have to reconsi- adequate to handle the num- . der the alternatives, before ber of students already there. we make a decision as to what "The alternative," said Mr. to present to the people, once Zydney, "js double sessions as again," said Mr. Zydney, ex- Drug Center's Ruin a presumably better educa- pressing his disappointment tion program for our kids. The over the referendum results. ByALHORAV He told about 100 persons Regarding the widespread state will not allow us any Disappointment Told that he was "personally en- use of drugs by today's young- more temporary classrooms. "Naturally I am dis- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The thusiastic" about the pro- er element, Mr. Martin It is obvious we will have to appointed in the referendum," Register Staff Photo planned Star of the Sea drug contend With a high cost of posed Long Branch facility. blames much of the problem said Will Frank, president of treatment center program education far a low quality DRUG TALK — Ray H. Mattingly, president of the Ocean Township He said that he attended on society. the Board of Education. "I Chamberof Commerce, second from left, discusses last night's ann|uql was the victim last February the public hearing on the hot- Youth today, he said, wants program.; of an "ill-conceived an- was elected to the board by chamber dlnnerprogram In Christie's Restaurant, there, with Robert I. ly contested issue and that he, many things: fun, acceptance Logic Unclear the people to do the right Ansell, chairman of the Monmouth County Narcotics Council, left; Rich- nouncement which became a feels the hearing did not fol- •and new_ experiences. "We "The arithmetic of the ref- ; drastic failure" in Long thing for the- taxpayers as ard C. Wenner, executive director of the council,stand!ng/ and J. Mat- low -a full democratic pro- want the same things," he erendum is clear," Mr. Zyd- well as for-ttie'children of the Branch. cess." ney added, "but the logic be- thew Martin, pro|ect director at Discovery House, Marlboro Psychiatric said, "but through different community. I would like to as- Hospital. Mr. Martin, guest speaker at the event, talked on the treatment" "The whole picture was methods." hind it is not. We heave So said' J. Matthew Martin, sure everyone that 1, as well and education of drug additcts. clouded," he said. "The ker- He added that many young "presented the cheapest and •project director of Discovery as the board had no other nel of progress was lost." drug users also feel that they best educational alternative House, a drug treatment facil- purpose than to consider all The plan, Mr. Martin said, are- not forgiven for veering • we could find. 1 just cannot ity at Marlboro Psychiatric see the logic of the people." sides of the question. Hospital, at last night's Ocean was to educate and rehabili- occasionally from a straight "I feel we have spared no tate about 50 young drug uh- Township Chamber of Com- path.-He added that they have For the named figure, the efforts. I was .originally Howard Acts to Kill sers. "not the hard-core type I no long or short-term goals board proposed acquisition of merce Sinner. against off-site expansion. For deal with," he said. and they try to avoid hard 17 acres of land from the the past three years' I have Lovett Tract off Ridge Road, Mr. Martin added that the Despite the city's apparent work and unpleasant ex- closely studied the need for for construction of a school to project "was not properly rejection of the plan spon- periences. such expansion. Anyone who house approximately 400 sev- sold to the people" of the city. sored by Gov. William T. Cah- This, the project director, could have had the same op- Hook Inlet Proposal The project director was ill, the director pointed out, blames on our "ethical cul- enth and eighth grade stu- portunity, would have reached "there is a strong feeling in dents. guest speaker at the annual ture." He said adults treat the same conclusions that we WASHINGTON - James J. his opposition to construction cc/istruct tne miet. chamber dinner in Christie's, Long Branch that such a pro- alcohol as being good and The board had considered Howard, D-N.J., announced of the inlet in a letter to Rep.
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